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63.47% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 73: Chp. 73 "A Gorilla, A Wolf and a Crocodile walk into a bar..."

Chapter 73: Chp. 73 "A Gorilla, A Wolf and a Crocodile walk into a bar..."

[One Week Later, The Outside]



Once again Paul's real body is in the vast space between different realities. 


He had not done much in the two worlds his clones are in, but he mostly finished the two dreadnought Heavy Cruisers as well as a few Corvettes that will be added to his space fleet.


In the Drowned world was mostly preparing for the people that had become his subordinates to be prepared in the new world they will be brought to.

They already believed in Paul's words that he is from a different dimension and that he will give them a new life.


After two months in that world Paul was able to create the mother of Bota and Rita again since during his plundering of the Genetic Codex of the Queen he discovered the unique ability of it assimilating the memories of the people it absorbed within her.


And somehow as stubborn as she is, Narisa's soul was still there as she kept influencing the Queen of protecting her children.

A really stubborn woman, her love for her child made her ignore the calls of the underworld and used the body of the Queen that absorbed her into an anchor to stay within the world.


Luckily Paul was there to be able to get her out since she was going to be pulled already when the Queen used Clark Miller's organic composition, making her hold on the mortal plane gone.


Thus with great concentration he was able to pull the soul intact and used his knowledge as well as powers to ensure she would be revived.

Teon Ma was very thankful for that when he learned that Paul was able to revive his wife.


Bota and Kana were even anxious as they almost never left the side of the development chamber where Narisa is being remade.

Though Paul cannot make it as exactly as she was because he made sure she is improved by the virus making her a superhuman when she came out.


Kana was a bit silent because of this since she has feelings for Teon but she got over it seeing the reactions of Bota and Kana. Who she raised as her own making her a person Narisa thanked a lot for.


Mao the fisherman was hopeful seeing Kana still single and tried his chance but always came back defeated.

Jako and the others in his team were also happy when Paul said he developed a serum that would enable the people inflicted of the Fish Disease to be able to get used to the virus.


This made the people able to gain innate abilities like breathing longer underwater, getting webbed fingers and feet while some even developed scales.


Paul did a lot of media manipulating saying that this is the human race adapting to the current environment and even had the loony Dr. Foid come out saying it is true.


Thus the world gained its first generation of Meta-Humans as Paul coined them to be. He even added the rumors that Rita and Bota were one as well and it became a natural thing for the people to accept.


He also released the formula for the Serum to public making it accessible to everyone. But it was the event that happened half a year since the Queen extermination mission that the first ever tomes Paul scattered all over the world were discovered.


This caused a sensation since it enabled the human body to use the virus to improve their physical traits. The week after that the new Island of Hope which was where the Union Busan is molded to the solidified land from the eruption, announced that they too found a similar tome and are having their harpoonist be able to practice it as well as the people inside.


Though not all were as talented as the ones trained by Paul rigorously and as disciplined since they were now all in Foundation establishment stage.


Some were even in Core formation which made them real elites, Kana, Teon Ma, Bota, Jako, Brune, Gongtae and Sonia were also near at the peak of Core formation with Bota being closest to getting at Golden Core.


Peak of Foundation establishment is at least two tons in physical strength while Core formation is at four tons, if they ever reach Golden core then they can at least be at 10 tons in strength but that was still a bit far since they recently started in their physical cultivation journey.


They were barred by Paul into developing too fast since it might make them turn into something that will be taken over by the virus.


They broadcasted this part as well saying that people will turn into sea monsters if they over do their actions in developing. Thus an organization was made with select leaders in monitoring this situation.


Of course Paul picked the good natured and dutiful people and left a keep sake for their position that must be worn by them as well as their successors.

A simple badge but Paul made a simple spell that would influence the wearer into being dutiful and serious in the work they do.


Rita by far was the strongest as she is comparable to a golden core demon beast in strength and durability with at least a 20 ton physical strength in power.


Kentrassi and Gordic were genetically mutated again so they would change their diets into similar to the chonky crabs, but they can still eat other sea food.


Paul had prepared a lot of eggs as well to propagate the Sea Monsters in one of his world items, preferably to the scroll world where most of the magical monsters and gigantic beast he has been placed on.


While on the note of preparing Paul had gone into making more robots so hasten the development of the Star Ships while also effectively testing them again and again of their space worthiness.


He had already been reaching out to outer space in his resource gathering since the people here would not know anyways.

So he gathered meteorites as well as asteroids that are mineral rich and even got millions of tons of Methan and Ethane in Titan since freedom needs a lot of oil to prosper.


But he cannot take anymore since his Spatial rings and Bracelets with him are now filed with lots of things. Good thing his space travelling power could improve the space runes and formations inside making them larger and sturdier.


In one ring he hold ten Jeagers that were made within that two year timeframe as the world is getting used to the new order, though not all were finished as of yet.

A year after the incident he even got Tasha and Uku from the New York floating Island to also agree to some with him.


And he had them sign a bit more stringent contract that puts them under strict surveillance of Paul.

But they got to develop as well as body cultivators, they were a bit talented too since they have years of experience in fighting.


They were also made by Paul to practice in danger rooms of his own so he can gather more Data in the game he is developing. The one he developed into a VR game that is loosely based on this drowned world.


He even made them wear the full body suits for the VR game to scan their physiques. Now they are totally ready to be taken away as the world has stabilized and that a unified government has been made so the people could at least rebuild.


The water levels are even going down a bit that the Himalayas are getting up to surface making a lot of treasure hunters go there since that was the place of the largest ever shelter made for human kind.


Paul did not participate since he already got a lot on his plate but he still made sure that there are solid laws and proper system that would ensure this place would develop in the nearby future.


Noah and Ling were also his students now as they became very skilled in robotic development, not Tony Stark smart but enough to be considered geniuses.


Now all of them gathered in the underground laboratory that is slowly being dismantled as the spaceship is finally ready for departure. Paul was smiling in the edge of realities as he watched his clone ready the launching sequence that is being cloaked from the eyes of the world.


He already gave too much back in this world, either they develop into the space age or the cultivation age he does not care.

The fate of this planet is theirs and they are given free reign if they scheme to take down the new order or accept it and become a civilization that would last thousands of years.


But on the other hand, Paul's clone in the Troll World received an interesting news. A satellite of Energyne, a company that deals with genetic science trying to find cures for terminal diseases, has been found destroyed and is falling into the earth.


Paul looked at the falling debris and was thoughtful, so he hacked into the mainframe of Energyne and found they have discovered an Ancient Amphora from a ship wreck of an unidentified civilization.


But Paul can recognize that it was the language of the Tagu-Atu tribe and these scientist from Energyne decoded one of the parchments inside and found that it was something that could affect biologicals to the genetic level.


They had though that it was an ancient cure for illnesses that are hard to treat thus prepared a scientific research into fully decoding the formula.

One of their Geneticist was able to draw inspiration from the formula and made a sample that would be able to change a being successfully.


But their findings led them to another road, by using various animal DNA to hasten the development of the subject using the pathogen they developed from the initial formula.

Though one geneticist was fired two years ago for trying to steal their hard drives in the records.


Paul searched up the scientist and found her to be a sister that first aimed to find a cure for cancer for her brother.

But that brother of hers died while she was in prison, meanwhile the company was able to develop the pathogen into creating animal weapons.


Paul looked at the sky and saw that the escape shuttle was about to get into the atmosphere but it seemed that the person inside would not be able to land alive.


Paul focused his thoughts as he tried to save the woman inside but he was too late as the pod broke apart. Then his eyes were locked unto the canisters that contained the pathogen but it seemed to be pulled into the earth.


Paul did not take them since they'll be destroyed anyways in their decent, he then turned his attention to the broken satellite looking for clues but there was none as they are all broken up from the explosion.


Paul did not think much about it as he looked for more data on the archives of the company, there he found another file on how to mitigate the effects of the pathogen. It was an antidote that will stop the pathogen and stabilize the subject so Paul copied the data as he hacked.


Then he finally found the finished result of the pathogen and how to make it. After that he did not care for the basic research materials since this was not interesting for him.


Paul put his attention back into the screens in front of him as he watched the super assassins play counter strike against each other. They were totally overkill as they went about various tactics to kill the other team.


But they were having fun, Helen arrived and poured him tea as she too looked into the screen seeing John in his element.


"Thank you again." Helen said as she smiled while putting her hands on the bump on her belly.


"How many times do I have to tell you Helen, there is no need to thank me. I just did what I felt like doing." Paul said as his hands were like a blur as he coded the game he is making as well as the VR consoles making sure they are working properly.


His other thought was also split in handling the change of owners of the various small companies he had made along the way. He found gifted people with a good heart to help each other as they were chosen to handle the dozens of companies he developed.


Most were charity organizations in making sure the environment is being taken care of. Others were companies that make money to be used for these charity groups and it is a cycle of repeat and recycle as the flow of cash does not slow down or stop.


This will ensure that the companies will not lose any way of making money and giving jobs to the people all over the world.


Paul slinked back in his chair as he finished the game physics as well as the environmental texturing pack within the game. There he realized he spent a day typing codes and programming the game.


This is not a complete one as five other clones of his were doing different parts of the program to make sure that even if Noah or Ling would see what he is doing they would not understand it at all.


[The Next day]


"Well things went to shit real fast…" Paul said as he looked at the news about a gorilla in San Diego escaping its enclosure as well as live feed of a mercenary team tracking the wolf in the screens.


John and the others were there as well as they watched the feed while having astounded faces.


"Holy shit, If I was still blind I would not have believe this thing at all." Caine said as he looked at the 30 foot wolf.


"Gorillas we have here but other animals are really a surprise." Ares said as she looked at George, the albino gorilla. Meanwhile Paul was locked on the face of the primatologist that cared for the gorilla.


He raised his left brow as he looked at the uncanny bald muscular man trying to calm down the confused gorilla. He has been alerted of the events by the computer Ai that he had monitor significant events.


Thus was surprised seeing another movie present within this world. Truly was a confusing thing for him since there was already the John Wick movie, Troll Movie and the King Kong 2005 movie in this planet alone.


Now the plot for Rampage is unfolding in front of his eyes, this made him thoughtful as he typed a few commands in the computer and showed another live feed in one of the screens.


"Damn, that's nasty." Marcus said as he looked at the giant crocodile eating a cow whole.


"This looks very similar to Gojira huh?" Koji looked at the crocodile that wandered the everglades hungry for more food.


"Do you plan to do something boss?" Perkins asked as she looked at Paul who nodded and showed the file of the Wyden siblings.


"I have hacked into their servers, though the creatures seemed to have increased growth due to the pathogen they developed, they were at least smart enough to have a way out for themselves…" Paul showed the research papers he got while the group of super assassins were watching.


"… currently the US government had someone from the OGA, to clean up this matter as it seemed they are intent on getting the samples for this specific experiment. So I would like some of you to go and retrieve the R19 in their labs…" Paul changed the images to the laboratories using live camera footage there.


"…pretty sure that these rich siblings would try to get their way out of this trouble they brewed. So they are going to use a signal that only subjects changed by the pathogen can hear to gather them to their company…" Paul showed the radio antennas that could release the frequency.


"So they can get a DNA sample from the specimens, and since they have the antidote they can use it as leverage to avoid repercussions from the public huh." Sofia said as she looked at the file of the siblings.


"…That is right, no need to kill here. Just retrieve at least a vial of the antidote so I can study it and replicate it while I gather here evidences for their crimes as well as shady dealings to release in public. But it is preferable that you could gather a few more vials to administer to the confused animals." Paul pressed a button and a wall on the side flipped showing a few specialized rifles.


"These are heavy duty automatic guns that are modeled from other guns but upsized. As you can see there is a sub-machine gun that shoots armor piercing rounds bullets with same amount per magazine as its smaller counter parts.


Sniper guns that can fire bullets like the .50 BMGs with a two kilometer magnification scopes. Automatic shot guns, rifles that fire explosive rounds in contact and Not-so-mini-guns that can be loaded with bullets that can turn the heaviest armored tanks into swiss cheese.


Normal humans cannot use them of course but none of you are normal anymore, I'll give you one hour to try these guns in the VR console. I have already uploaded the specs so it will be as accurate as the ones in real life.


I also included the fact that you are all superhuman in strength so your character would mirror your real physical stats. Now go find the toy that suits you best." Paul smiled as he saw the old assassins talk like they got a new set of toys while the women were looking at the gas powered melee weapons on one side.


"Boss, these things. What are they?" Perkins asked as she seemed interested in some of the weapons.


"Oh, go ask John how to use them. He already knows how to operate these things." Paul pointed at John who nodded for confirmation.


"Neat." Perkins said as she went to log in the VR console along with the others.

(A/N: Yet, It's mah birthday! Another year to remind me how close I am to getting my very own midlife crisi! Whahahaha!

Anywho, hope you enjoy this chapter and have a nice day ahead cause I sure hell won't!)

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