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47.82% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 55: Chp. 55 Should it be seven armies now?

Chapter 55: Chp. 55 Should it be seven armies now?

"Liethio I philinn!!" Thranduil shouted as volleys flew above him going towards the Orcs.


"Loose!" Percy the former toll gate keeper of Laketown shouted as another volley was released by the militias of men.




Another change of bugle sound for the orcs sounded out as the trolls went towards the river of Dale to destroy the walls to breach. But just as the first troll with a weird helmet was about to run towards the wall, the water suddenly parted as Paul's dragon grabbed the poor troll to become its chew toy.





The limp body of the troll the dragon flung away made a loud sound as the Dragon Roared making the orcs suddenly scared. Even Thranduil was wide eyed as he saw the dragon emerge out of the water sending chills to the elves in the parapets.





But the men on the other hand cheered as they saw the dragon start to rampage on the orc's ranks. This made the elven king look towards Bard near him looking for an explanation.


"That is the mount of the Iron Lord, my men started calling her the Tundra as it's scales were like the cold snow of the norths." Bard shrugged his shoulders as he shot arrow after arrow.


"A dragon as his mount? That seems too pretentious even for me. And I am an elf king at that…" Thranduil admitted that even his pride could not amount to having a dragon as his mount.


"She's quite a grumpy one too when people come near her, but kids don't have fear at all when they tried to climb her back. But she just growled then and did nothing else." Bard then shot more arrows and this made Feren nearby frown as he too took a bow to shoot at the orcs seemingly competitive.


"Feren, ribo I thangail!!" Thranduil shouted as some orcs still got past the dragon and was able to carry ladders to the walls.


"Ladders!!" Percy shouted making some men carry some stones to drop on the orcs carrying ladders.


"Shoot at the trolls!" Bard shouted to his archers to prevent more trolls from trying to break the walls.




"Bring the war beast!!" Azog shouted frustratingly in Raven Hill as the battle became chaotic as some trolls seem to be confused as the Troll Kings roars were making them stop for moments.


Then ogres and wargs were also being taken down by Paul and the dragon, but the numbers of the orcs proved to be hard to fight against.


Then more ogres went to try and break the ranks of the dwarves in front of Erebor but Thorin knew he could not let that be.


"Send in the Goats!!" as soon as he said that rows of Goat Riders charged out, numbering to about two hundred, of the opening gates to disrupt the charge of the orcs and spear the ogres trying to go near the foot soldiers.


"Chariots charge!!" Thorin then led another charge by leading ahead the dwarven Ram chariots to kill more orcs.


"Destroy their war machines!" Azog issued a command and some ogres used their bodies to stop the rampage of the chariots in their ranks.




A few were taken down but some riders and dwarves on the chariots were able to escape since there were ballistae watching over to stop more of their men getting killed.


"Rain arrows to the dwarves!" Azog was looking over making sure to coordinate pincer attacks to stop the Ram Chariots and saw that the foot soldiers had moved forward to push back his warriors.


Then a unit of orc crossbowmen formed a few hundred paces away formed ranks and readied their weapons.


"Loose!" an orc leader shoutd in black speech sending a volley of hundreds of arrows towards where the foot soldiers were.


"Bow catchers!!" Thorin saw that and gave an order. Then a special harpoon with a loose chain on it flew in the air making the rope spin out as it was shot.





The orc crossbow unit were shocked as the harpoon with the chain landed on their vicinity taking out dozens of orcs.


"Hahaha!! That'll teach them!" Bofur shouted as he was slashing orcs one after the other with Bombur, Gloin, Bifur, Nori and Balin driving on a Chariot.


"I am too old for this." Balin said as he drove the Chariot around.


"Goat riders reform in the hill! Then charge back!!" Thorin shouted to a dwarf nearby who also issued the order using dwarven language.


In Dale the orcs were getting numerous in the walls making those in the parapets retreat. Thranduil and his elite men covered the retreat of others who are taking positions in the roof and some street near the market.


Bard on the other hand had his men form in the main street to prevent the charge of the orcs into the inner part. Thankfully Paul had already made some walls to make defending easy and retreating systematic.


"Archers go to the houses and roofs! Shoot at the neck of the street!" Bard shouted as he took some former guards of Laketown to another area to mount on some horses.


Thranduil on the other hand saw that the ruins of Dale somehow was easier to defend as some street and alleys were covered to prevent ambushes so he too let the orcs get in through the gates so they would be packed on smaller streets becoming easy targets.


"Leave the East Gates and retreat from the walls, huddle up I the north and south towers!" Feren shouted orders as he saw how the orcs were getting more deep into the city of Dale but were becoming easily predictable.


The Dragon on the other hand is getting occupied by ten Trolls but Paul was able to kill those that were bothering him and also went wild near the gates to stop as much trolls as he could.


He mostly just knocks them unconscious and lets them lie there but some he cannot save were those that had become blind and were amputated to have maces as feet and arms.


He killed those as he fought, but as the battle raged howls rang into the air and a slight rumbling was heard. This made some stop like Azog as he looked over to the hills by the East squinting his eyes at the dust cloud that was forming.




This time another serious of howls were heard in the west from where the Lake Esgaroth was, there another cloud of dust rose but this time Azog was able to see what was causing it.


"Wolves!!" Azog hissed and cursed in Black speech.




Paul paused a bit then howled in his volume sending a loud echo all over the battle field.


"By my beard!!" Balin looked over and saw in the east hills thousands of wolves charged towards the battle.


"The Iron Lord is truly full of surprises." Thranduil said as he looked over the northern tower of Dale.




Then to the south the wolves of Mirkwood growled and jumped head first into the confused orcs. From both sides thousands of wolves charged fearlessly towards the army of orcs lessening the pressure from the elves, dwarves and men.


"Assist the wolves!! Don't let our arrows hit them!" Thranduil flicked his sword to cast away the blood on it as he walked down to go ride his Mirkwood Elk, there other mounted elves awaited.


"Ride with me!" Thranduil charged forward in the streets of Dale making easy work of the orcs that were not able to dodge in the way.


"Men of Laketown! Charge!!" Bard drew his sword and charged ahead in the streets as well as the orcs were only able to charge in the ones not blocked by walls and rubble.


Some elves were in the roofs making sure no orc archers shooting down their allies as well as some bowmen led by Percy.


Even then some ogres were able to disrupt some charges yet they were killed off with spears or arrows.


The fight rages on for an hour and even Paul could see the people getting tired as the battle raged.


From his senses a hundred men died, another hundred in the dwarves, five hundred wolves and about two hundred elves. If this keeps on the death rate would rise exponentially.


Then Paul saw a group of goats getting towards Raveh Hill, yet they were slowed down by a company of goblin mercenaries.


Thorin saw this too and it made him charge again and this time he looked towards Raven Hill where Azog was a bit flustered. He had not predicted a force was sent to ambush him here.


But from his scouts he knew that Gundabad orcs were nearby, even when his initial 30K are now left with about 17K he knew they would win this battle when the other 10K from Gundabad as well as the warbats.


"Let Oakenshield here but make him tired on the way. Send more Trolls to stop the Ice Drake!!" Azog looked pissed as he had never thought that there were great Beast here that seems unstoppable.


The two gigantic trolls worried him but he pushed on nonetheless, unless they could get Erebor then they could not set their plans of getting the East in motion.


As Thorin charged many dwarves helped trying to get him towards Raven Hill. And just as in the movies Bofur helped after commandeering a amputated ogre or troll to kill the ologhai that was chasing Thorin.


"Durin sons are on their way here Azog." An orc reported to Azog when he identified Fili and Kili to be with the small group trying to get in Raven Hill.


"Set the trap, send signal to keep the siege going." Azog saw Thorin and some Goat riders charging towards his direction.


Meanwhile the other company members were having a lot of trouble in the battle field. They were a bit deep into the enemy lines as they ahd helped Thorin charge in.


Especially Bifur as he had head-butted an orc making them both stuck to each other as his axe was embedded on the orc's skull. This started a tug of war between the orc against Bofur, Bifur and Bombur.


"Push!!" Bofur shouted as he and Bombur pushed Bifur and the orc towards a small cliff to separate them.




"Ahh!!" Bifur was shocked as the weight of the orc pulled him down but Bofur helped him hold on while Bombur ran towards the small ledge and jumped towards the hanging orc bringing him down with it.



"Argh! Hu! Whoa!" Bofur and Bifur was taken back by their pull as the sudden separation seemed sudden. Bofur looked at Bifur to see if he is alright and saw the absence of a certain thing in his head.


"By Durin, you've lost your axe." Bofur's words made Bifur reach out and feel the empty part of his head.


"No, he's not!" Bombur ran back to the two waving the axe head in his hand then handing the axe back to Bifur innocently. "There you go cousin!"


Bofur reached out and looked at the piece of metal that has been stuck for decades in his head then back to Bombur.


"You know where you can stick that!" then threw the axe head back.


Azog looked on and was a bit angry since the whole Warg unit were totally busy since they were the primary target of the wolves. One warg is too much for a wolf but hundreds of them would pose serious threats to the dozens of wargs of the Orc army.


Paul was watching all the things carefully making sure that no deaths of important characters were going to happen. As the battle raged on, he just swung his claws left and right dodging and weaving from the bunch of Ologhais sent to kill him.


Paul got to admit, they were able to make him bleed as well with their weapons. But he kept fighting and fighting as he then saw another group silently going towards Raven Hill.


It was his people, Sapphire and some dwarves and elves of his were using the special Rams he had mutated with Troll regenerative factor. They were faster and stronger as well as quite arrow proof besides the eyes.


She led about a special troop he trained to be silent rangers and scouts of the adventurer group. Now she is lurking towards Raven Hill from another direction and placed herself as well as the others in dark corners.


They had put on the special charcoal paste on their skins and darker light clothes meant to hide them. The charcoal paste also hid their scent in the wind as Paul had made them using herbs and weeds.


Even the Rams were painted black and are quite silent since Paul was able to train them not to make much sounds during their hunt and capture missions of trolls.


Now the others with Gandalf arrived in the other side killing the orcs and goblins trying to stop them. But they paused seeing the other tower looking empty.


"What are we waiting for, let's go there and kill the buggers." Dain looked at Gandalf who seemed worried.


"Stop! S-stop! It's a trap!" Bilbo suddenly appeared out in a corner making the others surprised as to how he was able to arrive here.


"Bilbo!" Fili and Kili went to hug their hobbit and seemed worried. "What are you doing here? It's too dangerous for you."


"They are hiding." Legolas said as he looked over then saw the high vantage point. He looked at Tauriel who understood and she too went to find a higher place. Kili too followed since he was a good archer.


Then there was another group of goblin mercenaries making Dain and Dwalin happy to fight. Bilbo also helped as he started throwing rocks at the goblins.


Paul watched this so he started picking up small rocks around him while killing trolls, ogres and orcs. He then took a leather cloth of an ogre and grimaced.


"Ugh, yuck. That's totally a sign of claps, damn even ogres have aids." Paul said as he clawed the ground to raise a cloud of dust. Telekinetically pulling a spear he tied the sack with tons of rock and threw it towards Raven hill.


This flew for quite a distance but while the dust hasn't settle Paul took all the spears in the surroundings and started going bipedal-were-wolf-ballista mode on the orcs.


He skewered some ogres and trolls too but that was to incapacitate them. He made sure no dwarves, men or elves would hit the things somewhere lethal as they were put to sleep by Paul also.


Legolas was shooting some goblins until a spear with a bag full of rocks stab itself besides him. This made him shocked but the other thing tied on it was a deformed sword that now looked like a curved crinkled long spoon.


He picked it up as well as opening the bag but seeing there were only rocks in it he frowned for a second until he saw the figure of Bilbo throwing rocks.


Taking the weird spoon like deformed sword Legolas looked down to the battle field and saw Paul throw another spear with a bag.


This time it landed near Tauriel and Kili, their bag was also noticeably bigger.


"Tauriel, use the rocks first and don't waste you arrows." Legolas shouted as he threw a rock in the air and scooped it using the weird curved spoon like sword. (A/N: Jai Alai racket's shape.)


This made the rock, that was quite a bit round, go fast and lethally kill the orcs. Tauriel and Kili saw this too, they picked up the weird curved crinkled spoon thingy and their talents bloomed as they too shot one orc after another.


Azog watched this in the dark corner of the tower he was in and felt annoyed that there was no one that tried to go and scout the place out. Not knowing Biblo took it upon himself to see what was inside.


But he was still confident, he sent out a few warg riders to pull in an advance group to charge here in raven hill. He knew Bolg and the other Orc large fighters would be of great help right now.


At least they were tiring themselves out, but then Thorin had arrive with a dozen other dwarves on top making the goblins and orcs scamper in retreat.


It was then again he saw another spear with a bag of stones fly towards where the elves and a dwarf were standing. Azog looked towards the battlefield and he saw a bloodied Paul who was also full of scratches but did not stop fighting.


He was so sure everything went wrong because of this guy and he never thought that there would have been another Skin-changer other than the one that escaped since he was the one that made sure they all died.


It was after a few minutes that a group of berserker orcs charged towards where Thorin was. Azog has no choice but to show himself to bait Thorin in.


"Cousin, there he is that ugly mug of a sissy white skinned orc!" Dain said as he saw Azog appear on top of the other building the other side of the hill.


"Azog…" Thorin stopped and glared towards the pale Orc, he then raised his sword to point it towards his nemesis. It was in his eyes, a promise that he would be the one that would end the life of the accursed foe of his kind.


Then a deafening sound of a bugle echoed in the north as armies of Gundabad had finally arrived, the berserker orcs then showed themselves towards the company of Thorin.




The hundreds of berserker orcs charge towards the frozen river as Azog pointed his blade hand towards them.


"Come at me ya buggers!!" Dain also charge along with the dwarves and Thorin. Legolas was about to continue killing with stones but he saw some berserkers were cornering Tauriel and Kili who fought together.


He pulled out some arrows and assisted but it was then the large flock of warbats flew above him making him look worried towards the ones fighting there.


But one person was able to see this, Thranduil saw the flock and signaled to his men to shoot them all down. He and the elves had already retreated to stone street as the causeway are now swarming with orcs.


Bard was engaging them too in the Market place as there was enough defenses there to slow down the advancements of the orcs. Thankfully the strict training Paul did was able to give these fishermen from Laketown an iota of discipline and coordination.


Even the cowardly Alfrid Lickspittle was fighting hard to survive, weirdly enough he was always squealing as he swung his sword.


"Wargs!!" Bard shouted as he saw some wargs get past by the walls that were now taken by the orcs.


These large beast charged towards the elven side making Thranduil smirk as their actions, he looked like he even pitied the orcs a bit as the wargs were about to face his men.


And just like in the movies Paul saw how the elves handled enemy cavalry by luring them into a kill box. It was more effective now as the wargs were directed to a much tighter space and could not dodge at all.


But even then he looked worried towards Raven Hill as he had heard from men his son was there. Seeing the bunch of warbats Thranduil suddenly got an idea. He ran towards the roof as he timed his jumped towards a warbat then squeezed the leg of the beast to make it fly higher.


"Feren make sure to keep casualties minimal!" Thranduil shouted as he flew towards Raven Hill on the warbat. So instead of Legolas doing the trick he did it was Thranduil and he performed it with more style and elegance.

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