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34.82% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 39: Chp. 39 Mobile Fortress (3)

Chapter 39: Chp. 39 Mobile Fortress (3)

[Troll World]


"Hey you came! Welcome, come on in take a seat." Paul smiled as he opened the door as John Wick and his wife arrived in time for the party. Paul invited many rich people and the sight of John Wick made many flinch since some of them knew who he was but Paula acting friendly and oblivious made them reign in their fears.


"I'm so glad you came for this party, if you are hungry then please help yourselves there is a lot of food in the Buffet. The Vegetarian section is there and don't worry it was prepared with care so please enjoy." Paul smiled as he dragged John Wick and Helen inside.


"Whoa thank you, this is really quite fancy spread you have here." Helen smiled and made small talk with Paul who obliged.


"Jonathan." John Wick frowned and turned to see who it was but he relaxed seeing the guest that invited himself in.


"Winston, you live around here?" John asked as he looked at the familiar friend of his.


"No I do not, but I invited myself in because the person hosting is someone with great renown. He is a world class Neuro Surgeon who was able to perform miracles in the field of medicine, many are eyeing him now as they felt he is making breakthroughs in the field. So how is life on the other side?" Winston said as he sipped wine in his glass.


"It's… more than I hoped for." John answered.


"Good for you Jonathan, now let's go try these dishes. The host said he cooked them himself." Winston went to the buffet table along with john and started eating the various dishes.


"Hm…mhhh" John chewed a slice of brisket as he sat with Winston.


"Mmhh, indeed. Our host seems to be talented as well in the culinary arts, quite envious since he already is gifted in the field of science." Winston said as he took small bites of the food.


"What are you doing here Winston?" John asked as he was alert with his friend's presence here.


"Do not worry Jonathan, I am not here for you. You being here is just a coincidence brought here by fate, fear not as I am here for our host." Winston laid back and relished the taste of his food.


"Him? The high table?" John asked.


"Yes, the high table. They want to know first-hand if the distinguished personage here has invented something that would bring about betterment for the society and they have tasked me to make arrangements to protect our valued customer." Winston looked at Paul laughing and smiling as he talked with Helen and the other guest.


"Besides, I am not the only one that made arrangements." Winston smiled at the maid that refilled his glass with champagne.


"I see." John looked at the maid and saw her to be a part of the Ruska Roma.


"Ah, it seems an old friend of yours is here too. Greetings Josef, what air brings you here to this small party of a civilian Doctor?" Winston smiled at the Russian walking over to them.


"And why has the manager of the New York Continental here as well?" Josef Tarasov looked at Winston then at John. "Mr. Wick."


"Josef." John nodded as he took another bite.


"As you can see I am here for the food, the host himself cooked it and how much of an artist he is in the culinary arts. You should try it, even my skilled chefs are not equal to our Host's skills." Winston smiled as he took another bite.


"I see, be seeing you John Wick." Josef said in his slightly Russian accent as he turned around walking to the buffet. Winston looked and saw how the eyes of the Russian mob boss shone after taking a first bite.


"So that's how I looked like earlier… I feel like I'd protect our host here just for his food alone." Winston smiled as he watched the party go on.


"No, you looked more like stunned than shocked earlier." John said as he watched his wife smile and socialize.


"Really? Well it's understandable, I've been all over the world and never had I eaten such well-made dishes before." Winston smiled.


"Hey John, look what I've got!" Helen walked towards John Wick excitedly.


"What is it?" John still the man of the few words asked.


"I was able to ask for the recipes of the various dishes here and Dr. Esteban there gave it to me easily. He does not mind at all, I really want to try making these at home but maybe we should stay for a bit. And… oh I'm sorry how silly of me, John is this an old friend of yours?" Helen then noticed Winston besides John.


"Old, yes I am and a friend? I surely hope so, pleased to meet you Ms. Wick, you can call me Winston." Winston stood up to go kiss Helen in the back of her hands in a gentleman-like manner.


"Oh, how nice it is to meet you Winston. John you didn't tell me about your friend here." Helen looked at her husband a bit reproachful way but Winston answered immediately.


"Oh, there is not much to talk about us Ms. Wick and did you say the host let you have a copy of his recipes?" Winston asked this as he was more curious about it.


"Uh, yes. You can ask him and he'll give you a copy of the small cook book he made. He said that he got used to people asking for his recipes so he made one with the process he does to make the dishes." Helen said to Winston.


"Really? Well thank you my dear but if it be okay for me to excuse myself first, John be seeing you." Winston walked briskly towards Paul wanting to ask if there was a copy of the recipe still left.


"He's seems nice." Helen said as she took a seat besides John and opened her mouth. John looked around a bit and fed his wife a spoon of the food he has like a loving husband would.


Paul on the other hand was acting like a real host while watching over everyone in the house, he did notice that many hidden spies were here as well. He did not expect that a title of a world class neurosurgeon would garner the attention of this hidden society.


But he went no like how an oblivious person of this side of the world and kept the party going until everybody went home. But not before putting on Mental Markers on persons he should watch out for.




Just as the story progressed, Thorin and company went to the mountains and was able to witness the battles of the Stone Giants. Paul was there too as his train had now arrived in the Withered Heath where his people were awed by the gigantic Fortress on wheels pulled by ten Gigantic Mumakils.


Now he is slowly having the large fortress dragged towards Erebor since it will take time for it to arrive there even with the gigantic animals to pull the carriage. So he had to take a week to have all the items inside to be transferred in the large rectangular Fortress.


There he was able to bring everyone including the livestock. The two top floors of the fortress has also been designed to be built in farms while a water recycling system was installed in the entirety of the Fortress. He could see the eyes of the dwarves shine at seeing the large construct and hurriedly ran inside to inspect it.


Then they were able to see the forge Paul made and the special room where dozens of large lenses were used to concentrate the heat of the sun towards a small point. The Dwarves and even Elven smiths were stunned and saw how hot the forge could be with this design and called it the Sun Forge.


Paul was even able to see how they used the concentrated Moonlight to write runes in the new weapons they made in the week stunning Paul who did not think the large lenses could be used that way.


While his Cavalry divided themselves to scout ahead and have the plains feed the goats. And while they were in Withered Heath they were attacked by various dragons but they were also hunted down by the Iron Tide and was chained to be brought back in the Roaming Fortress.


Orcs were stunned as well as Goblin tribes but they did not have the chance to bring word around since they were all killed and captured by Paul's men. Day by day they became more proficient in their teamwork that even Paul was reluctant to let them be if he ever leaves.


The Fortress was also built with some expansion formations so the inside is very much six times vaster than it looks. Even the Elves were shocked seeing a mini forest on the first three floors with Hills in it. The Train was even disassembled leaving the head and three cabins behind while some robots were left to man the rails.


Paul exhausted many precious metals in his use and even the small amount of Mithril he gathered also. But it made the expansion of the space inside to be successful and now even the Mumakil could be called inside to take a rest from time to time.


Paul was now free for a bit and was creating more of the Serums used to change Trolls to Dragon Trolls. He knew he might need a lot for the Troll King since he understood that to make a gigantic being change you must have an equally proportionate amount of serum used.


He learned that the hard way when he made the Mumakils at least more durable, using the DNA he got from the Troll King he was able to get the stone skin factor and use it on the Mumakils that drove his Fortress.


Now the large Elephant like beings are greyer and has thicker set of skin that even Ballistae could not penetrate.


Paul felt that if he wanted he could make an army that could become unstoppable but he found no fun in that. So he just floated about and watched how the dwarves were now running around Goblin Town after Gandalf saved them while Bilbo now wore the Ring.


Even with his senses he could barely make out Bilbo's form thus understanding that Sauron made the ring very well. Paul even tried making magical items when he saw the Dwarves and Elves use the moon to enchant weapons.


He had been studying their rune system and even able to combine both together to make the first ever invisibility bracelet. Not as good as the ring but able to make the person wearing it invisible and untraceable for thirty minutes for every gem charged.


He used five Emerald Gems to power the artifact and will recharge for a day after a charge is used. The user just has to press one Gem to activate it and it will use the charge inside. Other items are still in experimental phase as it was expensive to make even one.


Now he stood on top of the mountain looking down and seeing the Dwarves run out from the caves with Gandalf. Soon the scene where Bilbo appeared and proving Thorin wrong again in his opinion.


"This is going to sell well in the theaters." One thing Paul noticed in the Marvel World is that many actors, directors and even writers were not there in that world.


Tolkien was there but no one took the chance to make the movies of the book. But he was now able to secure it and planned to make it himself, the first trilogy is being shot already and Paul found actors almost the same as the original actors.


The Multiverse really is strange that one move and the world become entirely different in the future. Some famous celebrities does exist too but the movie industry of Marvel as gaming industry is not that successful too so he dipped funds in to make various movies that didn't exist there.


"Hmm, it seems the Orc with good skin care is here." Paul murmured as he watched Azog run down the dwarves to the cliffs. The Drama and fight scenes were really amazing in person as Paul watched, he could see how Bilbo got is courage to save Thorin and kill an orc himself.


"So those are the Eagles…Hmmm." Paul looked at the Eagles saving the company and flew towards them in secret to follow them. He was able to see the Eagles Erie, a mountain filled with these giant Eagles.


"Ohh goodie, should I take an Egg?" Paul said as he looked around in the shadows but he just shook his head and decided to just take some DNA samples. Looking around he saw how the community of Eagles seemed to be very peaceful as he was sure no one would dare to try and attack this place at all.


Situated in steep cliffs and mountain sides the place is basically a great defensive place. The Eagles could also see the ones that would try to attempt and climb this place so they'll be targets for the large Birds.


Paul did not spend much time and teleported away as he went towards the direction the party has gone to. He knew they'll be in Beorn's lands soon and they'll be surprised if they see the large armored Bears wandering around to protect the territory.


But they mostly hunt the Orcs and goblins sneaking about, but right now he watched the time when Thorin admitted how wrong he was of Bilbo Baggins. As he floated there a thrush flew by him flying towards Erebor.


Paul knew that he'll need to make his Fortress go towards Dale soon and prepare his men for the war that is to come. He could have went towards the Army of Azog and killed then himself but that would be destroying the plot.


And Paul has no idea if there is consequences on interfering with the way things should be. He has no experience of such things yet but that is not something he would like to try so he us integrated himself and not change it all too drastically.


But as Paul teleported back to the Fortress he paused and looked at his creation.


"It's not too much is it?" Paul was unsure but he shook his head and took his seat.


"Time to catch a talking dragon!" Paul smiled as he felt the air distort around him and Lion Paul appeared with a smile also.


"What better to make it go out than issuing a challenge of something bigger and stronger." Paul smiled as he teleported the Lion clone to the serum storage unit. Taking what he needed he took out the scroll world and went inside while the scroll teleported back to Wolf Paul's hands.


"I wonder how will Smaug or Azog feel once I let loose the Troll Kings…" Paul smiled and laughed like and evil mad scientist all by himself.

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