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87.5% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 98: 098 Settling in Yeen

Chapter 98: 098 Settling in Yeen

Soon when the horde had settled temporarily as Paul sat on a makeshift throne while listening to the elders of the additional tribes as they have information of the tribes up north near the sea where their so called ancestral lands exist.


It was just the so called beast tribes were present on that area and they were much numerous that them. As Paul listed, he held a lantern like artifact which he had made a few weeks prior since he had refined the recipe in making more golems similar to S1.


It gathered the souls of the dead that he had killed as well as those that died on the way. As much as he is fond of these guys, he didn't want to waste their souls which he may be able to use in the future.


Cruel as it may be, he just feels that since he can use magic here he might as well use all he can even if it seemed to make him look like a villain.


'I might have cleared a bit of my head recently being sealed much of my abilities but it seemed that I am not the same anymore. I would not have been this cold hearted, this is why they forced this upon me. I changed that I would not have realized it had I not gone on this trip.' Paul thought as he looked at the hundreds of souls in the lantern being slowly purified.


Taking a deep breathe he waved his hands as he pondered about his next steps, though he changed to being indifferent to death at least he is now aware of it.


If he continues on there would be hundreds of casualties if what those elders said were true, that these beastmen have intense hatred towards humans and these Hairy cave men looked similar to humans might have been subject to the same hate.


There was also the recent loot from this tribe, Paul looked to the side and saw a rusted full plate armor that is reminiscent to that of a medieval knight's.


This meant he is on the right direction northwards and he would have to face these Beastmen soon. But he was in no hurry, so Paul had the large horde rest for the moment for a few days as they restock their resources.


"Ancestral lands huh, from the words of these elders they used to live in a large place made of black rocks carved out of a mountain that were even larger than Elephants. A castle maybe, I should look for it since they say it is near the endless sea." Paul walked towards his Elephant while Kaash and Ruka followed him from behind.


"Chief there is an omen, the red moon is but two moons away. We must not stay in the Green Hell for long." Kaash said, Paul was happy that they were slowly getting a hang of the patched up language he had compiled of their crude dialect and are slowly getting more understandable for him.


He had to slowly instill within their minds when he had brainwashed them so they would all at least have a language of their own. He could understand them with their grunts and growls but having a language is at least a start in them becoming a proper civilization.


"I understand, we'll stay for seven days here to gather and march to the ancestral lands of your within one month." Paul said as they were mostly slowed down as he was rather focusing on slowly changing their views to at least be in his best interest.


Now once he finished in assimilating the newly added tribes as well as getting more mounts and equipping them with better armor then he would go straight to where the ruins were.


 He had a general idea where it is since he found two elders with memories of going there out of curiosity in the past. From his estimates it was about at least a thousand kilometers as long as they follow the river north west of the lake.


This much number of labor should be enough workforce for Paul to root in a place and build a force that would not be an easy target to other local natives.


So he had the non-warriors to make shields using a common wood within the area as well as make more leather armors and stone weapons.


Out of the 10 thousand barbarians, he had about 450 mounted(Spears) on the eight legged Mad Lizards, 50 on the Pouch tigers, 1300 Warriors(Clubs, Spears and axes) and 300 hunters( Throwing spears w/ Atlatls and some blow darts).


He also has tamed 100 Walking Lizards(Like a Jurassic Park Dilophosaurus mixed with Velociraptors), and 400 Elephants.


There were other domesticated animals as well like forest dogs, hawks, jungle cats and Giant Rats(Capybaras). The horde was a mish mash of various tribe cultures and they now acted in unity even if it was by brainwashing as well as forceful takeovers.


But Paul felt that if he is given a few years they would at least see past their differences and would make a society based on the combination of their different cultures.


But that is if he could arrive to these ruins, the Beastmen were quite numerous that they occupy the most fertile grounds of the Green Hell with lots of game to hunt for.



[One Week Later]



Paul still half naked wearing only a pair of soft leather pants, barefoot, hair loose and gleaming like a bronze god, was in front of the horde as he sat atop the largest Elephant Bull.


Regretting he forgot to bring a Mumakil or an Oliphaunt with him, which looked cooler to ride on and could even have a big house built on the platform on its back, Paul instead used the knowledge he has to make a drug that would induce rapid muscle growth and increased body mass specifically designed for the Elephants.


Just like how the Kongs were made, but Paul could only make something that could induce about 2-3 times increase for the Elephants.


But it was wondrous as elephants usually are 3 meters in height in average but with this drug they grew to almost 4 meters and still developing, he did not make it an instantaneous effect as it would overburden the gentle giants.


Increased weight capacity and better stamina made their journey increase in pace. Paul's Elephant got some special mix as besides the initial effect, he made it to gain the elephant the Hercules gene.


Now he sat atop a 5 meter tall tank of grey bulging muscles, the Elephant also grew another pair of tusk similar to the Mumakil on its lower Jaw.


Somehow the natives fashioned the tips of the tusks with thorny vines making it look intimidating. Shadow is still perched on its own wyvern cage on an elephant almost as big as Paul rode on, but without the Hercules gene.


Besides him stood guard Kaash and Okkun while the other great warriors rode atop Elephants of their own near him.


Ogap liked it since he never had something able to carry him due to his large build.


Only Ruka the rider was left in the middle since Paul found her to be quite intelligent and knows how to manage the large horde.


It amazed him since these brutes rarely listen to others except for him, reason why he only has 6 great warriors since most chiefs he met were totally stubborn and would not surrender unless they were dead.


Well they were indeed stronger and better fighters that the first four, Krull and Ugg Bear-Slayer were no match to most chiefs in the forest.


Only Ogap and Kaash had a chance but winning is debatable, so Paul had to instill some basic weapon arts in their mind related to their choice of arms.


Compared to humans, they were blessed with great Physical strength that Ogap could be stronger than a normal super soldier's strength-wise alone.


But dumb and dull they were, Paul groaned as he felt stress just having to make sure they don't kill each other for a piece of jerky or battle to the death over the rights to mate another female.


Thankfully Ruka the Rider was competent as she had her Pouch Tiger riders become some sort of police to prevent dumber tribesmen from doing idiotic things.


It made sense now how the largest tribes were only in the hundreds, The Horde moved through the river sides as Paul sat there focused, he had tamed a few dozen of the small brown wyverns and are using them as scouts.


They somehow had great eyesight capable of seeing two kilometers away very clearly. Coupled with the initial 5km radius telepathic powers and the brown bellies' eyesight, he could cover 7 km ahead and watch over the horde which was made to have a minimum of 4 km in length.


It wasn't until two weeks later that they stopped as they stood facing a fork in the river they were following. Not because the river seemed dangerous, everything is dangerous here in the Green Hell, would even make Australia have a run for its money.


It was that Paul finally saw traces of the Beastmen tribes these dunce subordinates of his were talking about. Paul frowned because there was something wrong when he saw the dozens of Werewolf like people that slept under the shade of a large tree.


Their horde was not discovered yet as they were at least down wind, but what bothered Paul is that the features of these beastmen somehow does not have a form of uniformity within them.


Some had wolf heads but the bodies were totally human, some were totally covered in fur, some looked like 30% wolf and the rest obviously human.


He had a few Brown bellies perch and observe them from afar, thus Paul had the Horde camp first as he had more Brown Bellies as well as some birds scout the area in front.


Soon he found the abundance of game here as there were herds of buffalos, boars, deers, lions, crocodiles, man eating plants, there were even rhinos as well as hippos here and other animals that seemed to be similar to those from earth.


When night time fell Paul rode Shadow as he wanted to see how far they were from the Sea.


"Well, 350 km more to go…" Paul said as he finally saw a semblance of the horizon in front of him. He looked down and found there were dozens of Beastment tribes on the path he is going to take thus he also gathered info by reading their minds.


And it was then he was shocked to notice that these beastmen were smarter that the cavemen in his horde. They were equal if not better than humans in terms of intellect and they had a rather progressive development compared to the stone-age like tribes down south.


They could be said near the Bronze age as they already had metal weapons within their hands. Paul frowned as he finally read an elder's mind where he found the reason why they hated humans.


They say they were not what they were before, they were born when evil sorcerers merged their ancestors with beast. They were meant to be fodder and pets to the evil humans so should they see these hairless men then they should attack without mercy.


This stumped Paul as everything he is learning is that these elders have painted humans in a bad light like they were demons. Not that Paul thought humans were good but he worried that if it indeed were true then his task here might be harder than he thought.


And most odd of all his discoveries is that these Beastmen had a proper working language of their own and a crude from of magic as well. On one tribe he found something similar to what he faced near the Lake where maddened cavemen without sense of pain are made.


From the words of these beastmen, they call the cavemen like people Brindled Men and they capture thousands of these dumb cave like people to be used as Brindled Ghouls.


Paul frowned with distaste but he cannot blame them, it was hard to call a kettle black when he is doing something as dark as well by brainwashing those primitives and having them work for him.


There he found that these tribes closer to the Sea had almost a hundred thousand brindled ghouls making him unsure if he should continue northwards.


But he had found the ruins these Brindled men were talking about and it was indeed large as well as great to look at. Like those south-east Asian ancient temples back on earth, mostly similar to Angkor Wat but made with dark polished stone.


He deduced he could fit half a million people inside, but it dawned on him that the beastmen tribes seemed to steer clear of this ruin. So since there were still a few hours till day break, Paul had Shadow land near the ruins.


He looked around and saw the nearby swamp where he felt a few presences that made him aware there were dozens of these Swamp Wyverns resting there.


He also found a few Brindled Wyvern Den where there was at least few dozens of these dangerous beasts.


Paul patted Shadow to lay low as he focused on the ruins, there he felt that there was a feeling of rage, resentment and despair hanging within the walls of the abandoned city.


"Peculiar…" Paul mused as he thought about something similar and finally it dawned to him from the books he had read on Kamar Taj.


The whole place was haunted, a powerful curse is present upon the land and that it would mean death to those that stay upon the ruins.


He found many evidences that other types of civilization had tried to come here and settle. There were tell-tale signs of some that were similar to Asian in terms of elements like a broken nagitana, old tattered haori and even a Tang Sword.


Then there is the rusted armor akin to those of a knight's as well as long swords and weapons that were popular in medieval themes.


"I might need a large exorcism here." Paul said as he looked at the lantern hanging on his side. He felt he might get a lot of souls to purify once he is done and this time he did not need to kill.


"Damn, now I seem similar to those guys in that particular chinese cultivation novel. What were those guys again? Soul Castle? Spirit Hallway…no Poltergeist Hall… nah nevermind." Paul scratched the back of his head as he rode Shadow back towards the Horde.


Just as he returned he was greeted by the elite warriors who he had promoted on the way. He made a rather crude merit system similar to a militaristic in mature to ensure order by making officers within the horde.


He devised it that anyone brave enough can challenge an officer and gain command of the troops he is given with.


So far the 6 great warriors had some challengers but no one had defeated them yet. Paul had to at least make them a wall unsurpassable by others but not too much so he can induce some ambition towards the horde.


Though it may create enmities between those in higher position but it could also promote loyalty to the troops since they would feel great if their leader was strong.


Paul also let the Great Warriors challenge him and so far only Ogap dared to since the guy just liked to brawl.


Though this red moon these natives talk about is a month near, Paul knew that he had to prepare the Horde as he sent out instructions on what to do once they pass by the various hostile tribes.


Other than that he thought that he had now leeway to care for the much larger beasts since they are now close by their goal.


So he went out his way to tame the nearby packs of brindled Wyverns as well as the few dozen Swamp Wyverns.


Seeing the abundance of food made Paul think that they would have no problem feeding the hundreds of beast in their horde, Paul even gave the great Warriors a brindled wyvern to ride on along with a few smart and talented enough to know how to steer the beast.


And since his axe is too heavy for Shadow to carry he opted to ride the largest Swamp Wyvern he found since it was strong enough to carry a few tons of weight.


Though slow in speed, it does make up for its intimidating build. Yet it was temporary since Paul is already devising a mixture to strengthen Shadow as well.


Days pass by and the horde not consolidated with an oval formation with the elephants on the edges wearing thick armor layered with hard wood.


The Howdahs were modified as well so as to make a wall around the thousands in the middle of the horde. Now the warriors were concentrated on the edges while non-combatants were in the middle.


Paul wanted to have them move in a rapid pace thus left little security in the middle, but it was handled by the Pouch Tiger group which Paul increased up to 150 by looking for hundreds of Pouch tigers when he went on the taming spree.


Though a simple taming technique, it is still versatile against simple minded beasts that only the smart ones would be rather troublesome to control.


Yet he would one day develop a process so these primitives would be able to develop their own animal husbandry to domesticate these beasts soon.


Soon they arrived near the territories of the beastmen tribes and it alerted them seeing such a formidable lineup that they gave a wide berth to the horde.


Paul thought they'd be rather aggressive but it seems that having this strong display while a few wyverns hovered above them scared the nearby tribes.


So he didn't stop as he went straight towards the ruins. And it seemed that the tribes here did not have much unity as they did not even dare to stop his group.


But it made Paul wary since it showed how smart these people are. Compared to the brindled men who attacked him with no fear at all making him feel it was a waste of effort in having to ensure this display of power.


"Sheep led by a lion could defeat a pack of lions led by a sheep." Paul could tell these beast men were stronger than humans but remembering that the largest group was over a thousand with 5 thousand brindled ghouls, he did not let his guard down.


It took a week but they were finally at the edge of the ruins, yet he did not have them enter yet. He had the formation change as he had the horde face towards the Forest while he prepares to purify this whole abandoned city.


"Kaash, Ruka and Okkun make sure to be on the defensive but if things get too dangerous ask for S1's help. I gave him the command of the Wyverns." Paul said to the smartest ones in his horde, they at least could be considered as smart as a 12 year old human intellect wise.


The three grunted in acknowledgment while saluting by pounding their fist to their chest. This was taught by him so they would have a way of acknowledging orders, Paul just felt like it seemed cool.


"Now then, let us cleanse this land!" he smiled as he looked at the gloomy ruins while the tip of his fingers glowed with eldritch powers.


One thing the bracelet cannot limit much is powers of sorcerers as magic seemed to exist in this world. So reviewing the things he read from Kamar Taj, Paul could at least rival a Sanctum Master with his knowledge but skill wise he would need some refining.


[One day later] 


"-Hah!!" As Paul finished his incantation, the runes and spell circles he drew hummed in ethereal powers as the dark resentment within the large ruins made visible as they shone blood red.


Fiendish screams and howling despair could be felt as soon as the reddish aura flew towards the magic circle Paul made as it was slowly being purified, globs of purified souls flew to the Soul Gather lamp one by one.


The scouts sent by the tribes nearby were shocked as they saw this that they thought that Paul was going to summon a demon from hell.


This caused them to hurry and warn their elders that it made them fear if this ritual Paul made would be the death of their tribes here.


This caused then to convene and make an emergency alliance as they gathered their brindle ghouls together to kill all these invaders of their territory.


It still took about three days until they were all gathered but the purification was not done as it was hundreds of years of death and dark thoughts that had gathered.


Even Paul was amazed at this that he got a few thousand purified souls from this near endless evil seeped within the ruins.


Though unfortunately the memories within these souls were absent as they had been warped the by place for too long.


But other than keeping the spell continuous, Paul also slowly charted the ruins to learn everything within it so he could map it out and make plans in renovating it.


If things keep up like this then he would just need five days to finish the purification of this whole ancient city.


But things did not go as planned as the next day thousands of Brindled Ghouls attacked without care for their lives that it made Paul aware that maybe the tribes around them needed some time to gather.


They do have no form of communication other than sending a messenger and it would take half a day for a rider to reach another tribe in full speed too.


But Paul did not worry as he taught at least basic tactics to the Great Warriors except for the muscle headed ones.


At least he gained more souls to use, the Ancient One would've admonish his practices of these dark arts if she was here but Paul did not care.


Change the Fate of the world did not mean it should be a good one, but that still depend if the humans here were indeed as bad as those elders of these beastmen said them to be.


Three days straight of constant attacks that it made Paul surprised how they would waste this much of their forces to attack him. He took a little stop near the battlefield and learned from the minds of the scouts that they thought he was summoning a demon.


This made him realize that maybe seeing the blood red aura of the city made them misunderstand so he waved the white flag to them.


Unfortunately they did not understand what it was as they did not stop attacking, this made him frustrated as he cannot go too far from the spell as he needed to keep it going to fully cleanse the city.


If he let it stop right now then it would take him longer later on once the gathered evil aura would dissipate to the lands. The aura even little is too strong for a normal person and it would be a catalyst to bring in more curses within the area.


As long as a small part the evil exists it might rebound back one day and Paul wouldn't want that even if he can deal with it. From the notes he read in Kamar Taj, curses born from these types of resentment would be very dangerous if it is around a lot of sentient living things.


So to at least ensure nothing happens to his new subject then he would have to purify it altogether while he still can.


It wasn't until the spell only needed a day that the Beastmen went serious as they too sent attacks that led to the loss of dozens of Paul's warriors.


For the past few days the number of casualties was only below 100 but now Paul was pissed. So even without his Great Warriors giving the order, he had S1 make the Wyverns move.


This made the attackers shocked seeing dozens of Brindled Wyverns as well as hundreds of Brown Belly Wyverns decimate hundreds of them.


Paul initially didn't want to kill these Beastmen at first as so he could at least talk to them diplomatically but if they think he was a pushover then one good scare should make them quiet.


And it did, dozens of Beast men died and hundreds wounded made them reconsider as they would have never thought that these Invaders could control the terror of the skies.


The attacks stopped then giving rest to the tense warriors, seeing the wyverns do their attacks made them cheer and started to think Paul was a God.


Somehow the elders as well agreed and then they started to worship Paul as some sort of Beast God since he could control the ferocious monsters of the Green Hell.


Not that Paul minded, he would be gone one day anyways so why not let these guys do their thing. Maybe it would be good for them so Paul at least made some sort of commandments which could be used as a moral compass for these guys.


It would be a start of a proper civilization for them at least, even if it was a militaristic warrior civilization.


Soon as the purification was finished, Paul had 50K+ purified souls in his lantern that it made him smile as he thought of ways he could use them.


Too bad he could only get this much, most of the dark aura had tattered the souls for so long he had to combine other tattered ones to make a whole glob of purified soul.


But even then it still has a lot of uses that would benefit Paul in the future.


There were even some things he read before like making a philosopher's stone with alchemy.


Or at least make some weapons with enchantments but those might be destroyed by the bracelet.


Yet he shelved this thought for now as Paul ordered the Horde to finally get in the ancient city. They did have to cross a large river through since the city was built in a diamond like shape.


Two sides southeast and southwest were facing the river that forked while the northeast and northwest faced the forest north of the Ancient City.


The whole city oddly had not been overgrown by trees and greeneries that it had an unusual deathly vibe in them if you look at the oily black stone it was built with but that vibe was slowly vanishing due to the purification of the city.


The horde crossed the shallow part of the river to get to the city, good thing the Elephants were great swimmers as well so it took about two days until everything was now inside the city.


There Paul got busy by having them repair and clean everything like the sewers, broken walls and even the city gates.


He chose some rather intelligent elders and gave them knowledge of simple managerial skills, woodworking, stone masonry and even blacksmithing.


Though it was hard to make them multitalented with their level of intellect but he can make them specialize.


No more attacks followed from the beast tribes but Paul didn't let it go as he finally had some leeway, he then rode Shadow in the night and located the Chiefs of the four largest tribes then kidnapped them.


The chiefs were shocked seeing the dark colored wyvern that they paled even when their faces were covered in Fur.


A Werewolf, Were Tiger, Minotaur like person and oddly on old Goat Elder.


While they were knocked out being carried by Shadow, Paul peeked through their memories and found a lot of important information from the Old Goat Elder.


Fourteen Fires, Doom of Valyria, Dragons, Blood Magic and other history that somehow was documented by some tribes like these Goat Tribe.


Paul's eyes shone as he finally realized which world he was in.


"Fuck! I'm gonna make Westeros shit its pants hahaaha!!" Paul cackled as he flew towards the City, which was called Yeen by these Tribes and thought to be an Evil land where many vanish to thin air ghosted away by evil spirits.


"Hmm, does this mean I am in Sothoryos huh? Green Hell, Wyverns, why didn't I think of that?" Paul wondered that maybe his thinking capacity slowed down a lot as he felt a bit fogged up in these thoughts.


"Well now I just got to figure out when I am and plan on how to mass up the original story. But why do I not remember much of the plot though? I did watch the tv series but like the other places I have been then maybe there are inconsistencies as to what will happen." Paul had Shadow land on the roof of the castle he is staying in.


He dropped the unconscious tribe Chiefs and dragged them inside as he sat on his chair while waiting for them to wake up.


"Still maybe like most stories there would be cannon events, maybe I should stop those and see if it will be enough." Paul mused as he motioned to the side, Ogap then carried his axe to him.


The Great Warriors were the only ones he allowed inside the Castle other than S1, there were many things he would like to be done discreetly as he didn't want the people to add more to the Holy Scriptures they were writing.


Paul felt these guys would get along well with the Apes inside the Orb World, they too created a religion about him and that they also named him as a Beast God similar to what these guys were preaching.


He gave autonomy to the Great Warriors to handle the Tribe but it was mostly Ruka, Okkun and the Elders handling these matters as the others just wanted to stay besides Paul and guard him.


Well he did make a basic system here, he wrote rules which should be followed and it didn't contradict much from most cultural traditions of these guys.


He had Ruka become the head of the city guards while the warriors would be retrained to become a proper army now that Paul knows where he is.


One thing good about these simple minded Brindled men is that they are great fighters, he only need to instill discipline to them enough to have them follow orders.


As he mused he also copied the old high valyrian dialect in the minds of these beastmen, he understood their hate for humans since they were the product of a dangerous experiment from old valyria.


Those blood mages were indeed crazy having slave women be violated by animals while using blood magic to make the fertilization complete.


Some even gave slave men aphrodisiacs to perform bestiality to some animals that could not be used to mate with human women.


From the memories of the old goat, there were already hundreds of successful experiments but before they were put to use the Doom of Valyria happened.


Thankfully for them, their ancestors had already planned an escape things were easy when the people were panicking for their deaths.


Thanks to some weredogs that were able to dig a tunnel out and some smart enough that they learned to make boats for them all.


They might have been experiments but the Blood Mages tried to see if they were smart enough to learn things, thus taught those they felt were not useful in battle as fodder like the Goatmen, Weredogs and Werecats.


They were smart enough to learn how to build and with their enhanced strength and dexterity they were made into laborers.


The Blood mages didn't care much for them since they were slaves as they focused more on the Werewolves, Weretigers, Werelions, Minotaurs, Hyenamen, Lizardmen and Boarmen.


Paul was appalled as he thought how low these blood mages were, they were able to bond men and dragons with magic but they wasted their time in doing this shit.


He thought it was a waste of using magic, he then read their thoughts of his actions on the past few days and understood that it was indeed suspicious when the blood red aura appeared as soon as he arrived.


So they feared him and attacked him, he also saw that the Brindled Ghouls was also a creation of Blood Magic that they somehow learned as well.


Paul tapped the table as he waited for the four to slowly come to as they opened their eyes looking confused and fearful as they looked at Paul in front of them.


"Relax, I just want to talk." he said in Old Valyrian as he looked at the four demihumans who started to understand where they are.


"A human!!" roared the were tiger as he stood in alert but Paul's glare made him feel a cold shiver down his spine.


"A racist! You're canceled bruh!" Paul said as he pointed his fingers to the tiger while saying things they do not understand. But Paul just felt like doing that, still his aura suffocated them in their places.


"Sit down, he is not going to attack us." Said the old goat man.


"Tsk, why should we trust that? Humans are deceitful and dangerous." The Werewolf growled as he looked alert looking left and right if there is any ambush ready around.


"If I wanted to harm you, you would already be dead." Paul coldly said as his eyes went to the Werewolf making the guy feel he was locked on to by a predator.


"Grrr." Shadow peeked from the outside just then making the four chiefs tense as they remembered how the Wyvern swooped down in the middle of the camp with Paul riding it.


"He is right, I guess you brought us here to punish us for attacking you?" The old goat said but the other chiefs got their courage back as they said.


"They invaded us first! Our attacks are justified!" the three chiefs said.


"Invaded? Yes, maybe I did. But I never showed hostility towards any of you and did not even attack you! I even had my tribe move in a path that would not have to clash with any of your tribes." Paul said in a low angry tone as he looked at the four chiefs.


"It was you all that suddenly attacked me without rhyme or reason and did not even try to understand why we were here in the first place." Paul's words made the old goat ruminate as it was indeed true they attacked first.


"Lies! You were here to summon a demon to kill us all!" the Minotaur bellowed as he looked at Paul who glared at him with eyes that says 'Are you stupid?'.


"Where is it then? This 'Demon' that I summoned to kill you all? Why are you still flapping that useless snout of yours still? Do you even have a brain? Why would I even bother to do that when I could have just massacred your whole tribes if I wanted to? Dumbass…" Paul then radiated his killing intent that scared the four men in front of him and even Shadow who shivered like a kitten at the corner.


"I brought you here to warn you all, that should any of you attack again for no reason then I will forgo niceties and kill all of you." Paul then banged the floor with the handle of his axe making the ground shake.


"This city is mine and if any of you want to deny that then remember that there are more ways I can kill all of you." Paul had wanted to talk at least but seeing the stubborn and palpable hate within the eyes of these beastmen, he thought that it would be hard to reason with them unless he gave them time to see he is not a going to harm them but still a threat to them.


"Kaash, please see out guest out." ordered Paul as he stood up and left not caring about these four chiefs, only the Goat Elder was thoughtful out of the four.


They felt angry and wanted to lash out but they saw Shadow and decided that it was not worth losing their life over so they silently followed Kaash, a desert brute from what they can tell.


Like the Brindled men, they are dumb and simpleminded in their eyes. Thus they still think humans were dangerous and dumb like these barbarians.


Their views would not change instantly but they can see on their way out that this particular tribe is dangerous. Riding the Basilisk as well as having walking lizards as pets.


The Elephants were something else too, like the one that rested in front of the palace. It was like a symbol of strength seeing the grey muscles rippling from the limbs of that elephant.


Soon they were left at the battle field where the hundreds of corpse of the Brindled Ghouls were being burned. As soon as they were in the edge they were left behind, the Chiefs then roared calling their own troops to get them.


Soon the various tribe leaders gathered as they had never expected their kidnapped chiefs would be returned unharmed.


They clamored that this was a slight to their clans and should attack the invaders. While some still terrified about the pack of Wyverns didn't want unnecessary deaths when victory is not even assured.


"I believe it is best we leave them alone…" soon the Goat elder spoke making the others shocked at his opinion. "…we cannot go to battle against these brindled men as their leader is much dangerous than we can imagine."


"Elder why would you say this, sure they are powerful but if we gather all our Ghouls together they would not be able to last weeks as long as we trap them inside. They will starve and die, we still do not know what they intend to do inside the accursed land." an elder from the Bull tribe said as he was angry his son was kidnapped and he was helpless to do anything.


"The land is no longer accursed, did you three not notice on our way out? The feeling of death and despair is gone within that land, I do not know how but I believe it is their leader that removed that taint." The goat elder said making the other tribe chiefs widen their eyes.


"Then all the more reason to attack! Once we have the city we can make a kingdom, without the taint then we can now venture beyond the lands and seek the endless sea!" a were tiger said seemingly excited that the curse on the ancient city is gone.


"Hmph! Fools!" Roared a large Werelion as he realized something from the goat elder's words. "Did you not hear?! The curse is gone but that means the one who got rid of it is much powerful than we think! We cannot get rid of such a hateful curse so why do you think we must antagonize a person who could!? A kingdom? Hah! Laughable as always, greedy without even thinking of the consequences! Our ancestors warned us about actions like these! Such actions brought about the cruelty our ancestors faced… but what can you expect from a dumb tiger."


"You dare insult me?!" the Were tiger roared as he looked at the Were Lion ready to bare his fangs and claws for battle.


"You're presence is insulting enough!" the Lion roared back not backing down a bit from the tiger.


"Silence!" the old goat said as he tapped his cane to the ground, he was a sorcerer as well and respected by the other tribes so his influence is not small. "For now we shall watch from the sides, no one trade or let their hunters go to you grounds. Only place they can hunt will be up north where the great apes as well as Giant walking Lizards reside. If they can survive that then we are in no place to be enemies towards them."


"I agree with the elder."

"So do I."

"Hmph, the great apes would pummel their Elephants and rip apart the wyverns."

"But if they survive then what?"


The Goat elder looked over the other tribes that started to argue again. He didn't say it to the others but he felt something else when he met Paul and it made him sure not to ever be an enemy to him now then to the future.


[Three months Later]


The Ancient city of Yeen is now bustling as the various tribes of brindled men heard of the city retaken by those of the same kind traveled the dangers and started to pour in to the ancient city.


Oddly enough they were not attacked on the way here making Paul realize that these Beastmen were smarter that he thought, having an influx of population meant he had to produce more food for the whole 25 thousand total.


This was some tactics observed before in times of war on how to blow the economic status of a place by giving them too many mouths to feed.


But he already have plans for that, when he made the Man-cave knowing that it would become a very large city that would become a trading hub between different planets, he had studied about various topics needed to run a whole city properly.


And the problems thought to have been making him worry did not even make a dent on the economy. This at least brought more workforce for Paul as he made hundreds of jobs which confused many but he had to explain to them in detail.


Though dumb, they are still easily taught as long as you emphasize doing this is good and they would be given shelter and food.


Sure some tribes came to make trouble but a few beating from the great warriors they came in line. Paul did not also relax as he brainwashed them as well to behave with the minimum required discipline.


It was taxing for him to take care but he was able to make a hundred more puppets like S1 and numbered them as such. He gave them managerial skills as well as knowledge to make them competent assistants.


To give a form of reward to the various tribes that joined, he also had them compete to add four more Great warriors to make it ten in total.


This at least made these cavemen behave but Paul knew that was enough time for him to have them gain a sense of belonging.


But the problem for food would still be apparent, good thing there are large prey to hunt like the Giant Capybaras that are called as mouse pigs.


He found there were many animals here that were similar to prehistoric beast, Giant Ground Sloths, Wooly rhinos, Giant Apes(Gigantopethicus) and even some Doedicurus.


Paul at least knew there was rarely anyone who could explore Sothoryos since the only human settlements here were in the basilisk isles and the ruins of Zamettar.


"This place is reminding me more of savage land the more I discover, but it seems that I have to go to at least the seven kingdoms to know what I am dealing with." Paul said as he had been designing a floating island.


So far the River was a great source of food where giant crocodiles that would even dare eat an Elephant live. One of his elephants did die when they were crossing the river but they were deterred by Paul when he was made aware of the beast's presence in the river.


But mostly just covered their senses so as they would not see the hundreds of elephants crossing the river, yet they were quite numerous and quite tasty when roasted. Their leather can be made into quality soft leather after a proper tanning and processing.


Fish are also abundant that it is still enough to eat the meat, feed the innards to the Basilisks and Walking Lizards. Trees were abundant to that is why Paul wanted to build a floating Island like the one in the Anime where it was made into a pirate ship.


Paul felt it was hard to make but if he substitute the sentinel robots with the puppets then he might have enough workforce to create the floating Island.


Yet it was just a plan for now but from what he had learned in the Drowned Earth where Rita came from, making a floating Island would be very easy. But he needed a ship first, one fast enough to go to Westeros and scout the situation.


And also he faced an annoying problem which was the sewers of this city that somehow housed a lot of rabid giant rats and still carried tons of infectious diseases.


He had to prevent anyone from getting into the sewers and had only the Servant Golems clean there while placing a strict hygienic system so as to not bring any pathogens once they get out.


He found that the sewer system was large and rather complicated that it took him a few weeks to map it out. Only he can get inside as he was at least able to make a warding spell to prevent anything from sticking unto him even if it was microscopic.


Somehow some parts got connected to underground caves that seemed to lead to the abyss but feeling it was a hassle, Paul had those parts cave in and redesigned the pathways for water to finally flow into the sewers.


Some crocodiles were even nesting here but Paul transferred them out to the river while keeping the eggs safe near river banks.


Aside from the curse, if any other human or sentient being had settle in here then they might have died from the thick air of resentment and might become mad in a few days.


No wonder no one tried to settle here and no trees dared to grow inside the City, he could feel dark ancient magic as well though only residues were left since he took away what seemed to power that evil inside the city.


Now flowers could bloom and grass started to grow which indicates whatever stopped the trees from overgrowing over the city was now gone.


Paul checked multiple times to see if there were any other dangerous things he missed.

(A/N: Yep, this is GOT world bebe!! Had a few days contemplating on how to proceed in the story that both made sense even with all the nonsense I threw in this stew of mishmashed stories.

I would start years even before the start from the TV show but not too far back as I would only have this arc in ten or more chapters. Still the world after has been determined already, determined which is a cross over of a Korean Martial arts Manhwa with ancient China as its setting that starred a very over protective dad with triplets+a Japanese Martial arts Manhwa which is in the modern era where a martial fanatic became a disciple of various masters who liked using him as a punching bag+other stories my butt brain can churn to add should my mind feel like it.)

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