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76.31% The Mechanic and the Earthbender / Chapter 29: Trying to Take Over

Chapter 29: Trying to Take Over

Kota was on the reigns of Shorty while Jinora, Ikki, Meelo and Korra were sitting on the passenger's saddle.

"Woo hoo!" Meelo cheered. "Avatar fight! This is going to be awesome!"

"Meelo," Korra chuckled at his antics. "There's not gonna be a fight. Kuvira saved my Dad, she was a captain in Su's guard. I think she can be reasoned with."

"What no fight?" Meelo dropped down in sadness. "Why did we go through all that trouble to rescue you if you're not gonna beat someone up?!"

Kota looked ahead with a conflicted expression. "Are you sure Korra?"

"What do you mean?" She looked at the hairy Tenzin look alike, Kota looked back with a conflicted expression.

"Never mind," Kota said. "If you think that's the right decision," he looked at her with a smile, "then I support it."

Meanwhile in Republic City, Asami was visiting a room in the prison building. She had asked Tenzin, Pema, and Lin who came to talk to Tenzin to watch the baby. When she told her in-laws that she was going to Republic City, Tenzin offered to take her to which she accepted.

She and Tenzin stood in front of a building and Asami had a pile of unopened letters. "Are you sure you want to go?" Tenzin asked. Asami looked at Tenzin and smiled, "Thank you, but I have to go." Tenzin nodded as Asami walked into the building and sat down at a table and put down the letters her father had been sending her on the table and she was looking at them until a voice called out for her.

"Asami you came."

Asami snapped out of her thoughts as she saw Hiroshi who had all white hair come over to her.

"I'm here to return these," Asami said, sliding the unopened letters back to her father.

"You never opened them," Hiroshi said sadly.

"Stop writing to me," she said bitterly. "I never want to see or hear from you again."

She got up and was about to leave, but Hiroshi begged her to stay, "Please just let me say one thing and I'll never contact you again."

Asami sighed and sat down as Hiroshi talked. "I can't ever forgive myself for all the horrible things I've done and I never expect you to forgive me. I tore our family apart and ruined our good name. I did things I should've never done in the first place. You're the one thing I look back on, that makes me smile. I just want to let you know I am so proud and happy for you Asami. Lin and Tenzin together have told me that you married Kota and you two have a daughter together, it makes me happy you found someone who makes you happy. So I just want to say, congratulations and I'm sorry."

Asami stood there with tears pouring out of her eyes and walked off without saying a word back to her father.

Kota was looking out for Zaofu with a telescope and saw it which wasn't that far from them. "we're almost there."

As they saw Zaofu, Kota's expression turned sour as he saw the military camps that were by the city.

"Oh no," Korra said. "I hope we're not too late."

As they landed, they ran to Su's office and they saw Su, Huan, Wing, Wei, and Bataar Sr.

"Korra?" Suyin was in disbelief as she went to hug her, "I can't believe it, where have you been? You disappeared and everyone was worried about you."

"I'll tell you the whole story later," Korra said. "Right now, I want to help you stop Kuvira, what can I do?"

After telling Korra everything, Suyin, Kota, and Korra were outside.

"How did things get so bad between you and Kuvira?" Korra asked. "I thought she was your protege."

"She was more than that," Suyin said. "She was like a daughter to me. I took her in when she was 8 years old and nourished her talents. Kuvira was smart, a natural leader and quickly rose through the ranks. I saw myself in her."

"What happened?" Korra asked.

"3 years ago, after the Earth Queen's fall, Raiko, Tenzin, and Kota came to see me." Suyin said.

(Flashback Starts)

Tenzin and the younger looking Kota before the beard sat next to each other with Raiko sitting across from them. They all were in Suyin's office and Kuvira was by her side.

"The Earth Kingdom is in chaos," Raiko said. "There's a vacuum of power and I'm concerned about what will happen if someone doesn't take control of the situation."

"And you think I should be the one?" Suyin asked.

"You are the perfect person to take charge," Tenzin said.

"I agree," Kota said. "The world leaders trust you. And as a Beifong you have credibility in the Earth Kingdom."

"I'm honored that you thought of me," Suyin said. "But, I'm not interested in imposing my ideas on an entire nation. I'm afraid I can't help you."

"Suyin I know this isn't my place, but I think you should do this," Kuvira started to speak up. "Zaofu has always been a beacon of modern progress and now you can share that with everyone."

"What would you have me do?" Suyin asked Kuvira, "March into Ba Sing Se with an army, we'd be seen as conquerors and will be greeted with nothing, but war."

"There are already wars," Kuvira said as a counter argument. "The Earth Queen nearly destroyed our nation, this is our opportunity to change things."

Suyin narrowed her eyes, "It's not going to happen."

Kuvira's eyes narrowed as she really didn't support Suyin's decision on not helping and Kota didn't fail to notice this.

The next day had passed and Kuvira had managed to get Baatar Jr. to join her in helping the Earth Kingdom.

"What do you think you're doing?" Suyin asked with Kota following her.

"We're doing what you don't have the guts to do," Kuvira said, "We're going to Ba Sing Se to help bring order back into the Earth Kingdom."

"No!" Suyin scolded, "You will stay here!"

"And who's going to stop me?" Kuvira asked. "Your security force was more than happy to join my cause, they're some of the best fighters in the world and they are tired of being treated like exotic birds in your cage."

Kuvira looked to Kota, "You should join us, with you being the Guardian Spirit we will be unstoppable."

Kota shook his head, "I'll pass."

"If you leave now, you will never be welcomed back." Suyin said. Kota's eyes widened with shock as he heard his aunt talk to Kuvira like that.

"When I choose to return, it will be on my own terms," Kuvira said. Kuvira later turned around and went into the airship with Baatar. Suyin looked sadly as the other airships left Zaofu to restore order to the Earth Kingdom. Kota on the other hand narrowed his eyes at the situation.

(Flashback Ends)

"Kuvira and Baatar left that day with Varrick, my security force and a few of Zaofu's wealthiest citizens." Suyin said, "After Kuvira proved herself by stabilizing Ba Sing Se, Raiko and the other world leaders made her the Provisional Head of the Earth Kingdom. When she refused to step down, I knew it was a matter of time until she made her way back here."

"I want to fix this," Korra said.

"You can," Suyin said. "Go into the Avatar State and take her army down. Remove Kuvira from power once and for all."

"If I can add my sense on this," Kota said. "I agree with Aunt Su."

"Fighting is something the old me would do," Korra said. "That always made things worse. Let me talk with Kuvira, maybe I can reason with her."

"Kuvira doesn't listen to reason!" Suyin said.

The next day arrived, Korra and Kota were walking into Kuvira's camp and Baatar Jr. saw them.

"Avatar Korra, it is good to see you." Baatar said.

"Thank you," Korra said.

When Baatar and Kota noticed each other, the two glared at each other.

"Kota." Baatar said.

"Junior." Kota said with a curt nod to his slightly older cousin.

Korra couldn't help but notice the tension between two cousins. "Let me take you two to Kuvira." Baatar said to Korra. When they walked to Kuvira, she was talking with another soldier.

"We have an unexpected guest," Baatar said. "The Avatar and Kota are here to see you."

Kuvira looked and saw Korra and Kota standing beside each other.

"Korra, it's an honor to see you again," Kuvira said. "Last I heard you were still healing in the South Pole."

"Well I'm feeling much better now." Korra said.

"That's wonderful news," Kuvira said.

"I'm here to ask you to back down," Korra said sternly. "Please take your army and leave."

"I think we both know that's not going to happen," Kuvira said.

Korra and Kota's eyes narrowed as Korra spoke up, "I can't let you take Zaofu."

"Look, I was tasked with bringing stability to the Earth Kingdom and Zaofu is the last holdout," Kuvira said. "Why should I treat it differently than any other state?"

"What you're doing isn't right," Korra argued.

"I understand you two are trying to do Su a favor, but you can't come to me as I am on the verge of reuniting my Nation and tell me to stop." Kuvira counter argued. "The world was descending into chaos while you were gone. In order to fix it, I had to make some tough decisions."

"I know what that's like," Korra said. "I've had plenty of people mad at me for decisions I've made."

"Exactly," Kuvira said. "Korra if you really want to help, go back to Su and try to talk some sense into her. Let's call a temporary truce, I won't make any moves until you talk to her and get back to me."

"Maybe that will be for the best." Korra said.

Kota on the other hand stood by and narrowed his eyes as he saw through Kuvira's manipulation.

Meanwhile in the Air Temple Island, Asami was getting dressed and looked at a photo of her and Kota on their wedding day. Her brushed her fingers along Kota's awkward clean shaven smile that resembled Avatar Aang's, she really missed her husband and hoped that he would be back soon with Korra.

She later looked outside the room and saw Harumi playing with her grandparents, Tenzin and Lin. Lin had Harumi sitting on her lap while Tenzin used airbending to make tiny tornadoes for Harumi to clap and stop, which made Asami smile. She later came out and sat with Tenzin and Lin.

When Harumi saw her mother approaching them, her small arms reached out, wanting Asami to hold her. "Looks like you already have enough of Grandma," Lin said. She later got up and picked up Harumi so she could hand her over to Asami.

"How are you feeling?" Tenzin asked. "I know you didn't say a lot yesterday on the way back from talking with your father."

"I feel a lot better," Asami said. She later looked at Harumi and gave the baby a kiss on the cheek, "I have decided that I want her to meet someone."

Asami was now at the visiting room and was waiting for Hiroshi to come back. When Hiroshi saw Asami he was surprised.

"Asami," Hiroshi said with surprise. "You came back."

"When I first came here, it was because I wanted to tell you face to face that I never wanted to see or hear from you again." she said, "I wanted my words to hurt you so that you would know how you hurt me."

"I'm sorry."

"But when I saw you, it wasn't anger I felt." Asami said, "It was sadness, you tainted our past and destroyed our future together."

"I want to make amends," Hiroshi said.

"I'm not sure if I'll be able to forgive you," Asami said, "but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try. I want you to meet someone."

Asami later looked to the entrance of the visiting room and nodded at Tenzin. Tenzin smiled and looked at Lin who had Harumi in her arms, the two approached Asami and handed her the baby. Hiroshi couldn't help but smile at the baby.

"This is Harumi." Asami said, "Harumi, that is your other grandpa."

She handed the baby to Hiroshi who smiled. As he looked at the baby and couldn't help but smile.

"She's beautiful, just like her mother." Hiroshi looked at Asami who smiled. "And she has her father's eyes," Hiroshi added, looking at Harumi's grey-blue eyes.

Lin and Tenzin looked from the distance with a smile, Harumi won't ever get to meet her grandmother, but at least she has the chance to meet her other grandfather.

"Where's Kota?" Hiroshi asked.

"He's off searching for the Avatar," Asami said, "But, I have other things to show you."

Asami later took out some photos that showed her and Kota on their wedding night and another photo of them with Harumi who was barely 5 months old.

When Kota and Korra came back, they saw Baatar Sr. walking around the gardens.

"Where's Su I need to talk to her," Korra asked.

"I'm afraid she's not here." Baatar said, "She took Wing and Wei. They're going to sneak into Kuvira's camp and put an end to this."

Kota looked off to the side and later saw Jinora and Opal running to them.

"Have you seen Mom, Wing, or Wei?" Opal asked Kota.

"No," Kota said with Korra joining them. "Uncle just told Korra and I that Aunt Su and the boys have taken off to take down Kuvira."

Jinora looked to Korra, "Korra we have to stop Su before she does something terrible!"

"Stop her?" Opal asked, "We should be helping her!"

"We have no idea where your Mom is or what her plan is," Korra said. "We went charging into Kuvira's camp. We could get them all captured or even worse. All we can do now is wait."

Kota saw Opal's frustration, but they snapped out of their trance and heard Kuvira on the PA system.

"Attention citizens of Zaofu," Kuvira's voice said. "Your leader Su Beifong attempted to attack me tonight while I slept. Ignoring the terms of our truce, luckily I now have her and her assault team in custody. Rest assured that I will not take revenge on the peaceful citizens of Zaofu as your remaining representatives meet me outside the city at dawn to offer the full and unconditional surrender of your city. That is all."

When the PA system ended Opal looked at Korra.

"Korra, you can't let Kuvira get away with this!" Opal said. "We have to break out Mom and my brothers!"

"You swore an oath of non aggression when you became an airbender," Jinora said. "You can't just attack Kuvira!"

"At what lengths are you willing to follow the oath if it meant to protect your family?" They all looked to Kota who stroked his beard and narrowed his eyes. "I'm with Opal," Kota said. "Kuvira is not going to give up without a fight and she won't be diplomatic about this either."

"Jinora is right, Su did attack the camp though," Korra said.

Kota later glared at Korra, "I get it that you don't want to fight, but you doing the exact opposite has made things worse. So much worse that Aunt Su decided to take this to her own hands. What would you do if your family was interrogated by a dictator?"

Korra's eyes narrowed at Kota, "Don't you go there."

"We have to go on the offensive," Kota said. "Aunt Su and the boys are captured and who knows, they may be killed if we don't fight."

They all looked to Kota. "Kuvira has a thing for killing her prisoners, I saw for myself once when I was inspecting one of her camps. It could be possible that she can kill Aunt Su and the boys if we don't do something."

"Still there should be a peaceful way to solve this." Korra said.

"I'm with Korra," Jinora said.

"Don't you ladies get it," Kota said, "It's either we fight so we can save them or we try to solve this diplomatically and they will be dead!"

The kids came out with Baatar and Huan joining them.

"What are we going to do?" Baatar asked.

"Jinora, Kota, and I will talk to Kuvira at dawn and maybe we can work something out," Korra said. "I promise I'll do everything I can to keep the peace."

Opal looked at Korra, "I'll go with you."

"We'll go too," Ikki said.

"Oh no you're not," Kota said, "You kids need to stay safe, besides if anything goes wrong, take Uncle Baatar and Huan to Dad if anything goes wrong."

"Aww man," Meelo said, "when am I gonna see some action."

"Unless you want to die," Kota said. "Not anytime soon."

Kota turned and walked away with Jinora, Opal, and Korra following him.

When they arrived by Kuvira, Kota saw Suyin and the boys in platinum prisons. He wanted to free them, but there are other troops behind them.

"Release them, now!" Opal said.

"If Su agrees to bow to me and turn over Zaofu, she and the rest of your family will not be harmed." Kuvira said.

"Never!" Suyin said, "I'll never bow to you!"

"There must be a way to resolve this." Korra said.

"I've laid out my terms," Kuvira said, "and I think they're very reasonable. Afterall, Su did try to take me out during our peaceful negotiations."

"You call bringing an army to threaten our city peaceful?!" Wei asked.

"Where's Bolin?" Opal asked. "I know he'll never go along with this."

"Bolin is with my fiance working on something important," Suyin said. "But I assure you he's on board with my plans, you two have been apart for some time I guess you don't realize how much Bolin has grown up. Now turn over Zaofu."

"I can't just let you take this city!" Korra said.

"Avatar Korra, you are interfering with internal Earth Empire affairs." Kuvira said. "And letting your personal feelings get in the way of reason. Zaofu cannot continue to rule itself, they have been hoarding their riches and technology too long. I'm here to distribute those resources fairly throughout the nation. This is about equality."

"It's more than that." Kota said, "It's about power and control."

"The only way you're going to keep me away from marching into Zaofu is if you physically stop me," Kuvira said.

"With pleasure…" Kota said, but before he could step forward Korra had a hand in front of him.

"I need to do this." Korra said, looking ahead.

"Then be my guest…" Kota said.

Korra approached Kuvira and he watched intently.

"Why did you let her fight?" Opal asked.

"Because, if she's willing to do what it takes, then be my guest."

Opal and Jinora looked at Kota with conflict as they saw Korra fighting Kuvira. Kota's eyes narrowed as he saw Korra being stomped by Kuvria. Kuvira was taunting her and was able to dodge each of Korra's attacks very fluidly due to her dancing background. Just as Kuvira saw an opening, he managed to take down Korra and trap her in an Earth Prison, but before she could kill her, Korra went into the Avatar State. Korra managed to gain the advantage shortly, but just as she was about to take Kuvira down, she got out of it and was in pain.

"I don't understand we got the poison out," Jinora said, "what's happening?"

Kota's eyes narrowed as he stepped in front of them and stomped on the ground to create an Earth wave that knocked Kuvira and some of the troops.

"Koko?" Jinora said.

"I'll hold them off, go and get everyone else!" Kota instructed.

"But—" Jinora started.

"This isn't up for debate!" Kota said. "Get Korra and everyone else out of here."

Jinora reluctantly nodded as she and Opal grabbed Korra and went back to Zaofu. Kota saw the rest of the troops come in and attack him so he decided to try to tap in his Guardian Mode. When he did, he was able to take down a lot of the troops, but more and more kept coming as his stamina was getting drained from not fighting intense battles for years.

Korra, Opal, Ikki, Jinora, and Meelo looked in sadness from Shorty's saddle as Kota was being overwhelmed by tanks and was taken down by Kuvira's troops.

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