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55.26% The Mechanic and the Earthbender / Chapter 21: Rescuing the Airbenders and Meeting a Metal Clan

Chapter 21: Rescuing the Airbenders and Meeting a Metal Clan

In the western tundra at the North Pole Prison at P'Li's cell P'Li is breathing cold air while guards are still keeping her locked and at the surface of the prison Tonraq, Desna, and Eska stand outside and Zuko and his dragon Druk arrive.

"Did you see Zaheer?" Tonraq asked.

"The only thing I saw was a snowstorm heading our way." Zuko said, pointing at a coming snowstorm.

"That's no snowstorm. It's him." Tonraq said.

The snowstorm reveals Zaheer using his Airbending to cover a vehicle driving through the snow and then the snowcat which is being driven by Ghazan jumps out of the snowstorm and Zaheer and Ming-Hua jump off and run at the group who run at the duo.

"I put you away once, Zaheer, and I'm doing it again!" Tonraq said delivering a Waterbending punch followed by an ice block attack.

Zaheer dodges the attacks but Tonraq Waterbends at the criminal again but Zaheer dodges and delivers a sweeping strike over the South Chief and during the fight Desna and Eska Waterbend at Ming-Hua and throw out ice shards but Ming-Hua dodges the twins' attacks and they unleash a field of iceberg spikes but Ming-Hua swings through with her water arms and then freezes the twins in blocks of ice and then breaks the ice on the ground by creating an ice drill under her and then goes for the prison.

Ming-Hua attacks the White Lotus sentries who try to fight back but Ming-Hua quickly defeats them and then freezes P'Li's cell door causing it to fall off its hinges.

"Ming-Hua?" P'Li asked.

"Let's get you out of here." Ming-Hua said freezing P'Li's chains allows her to break them off and then reveals her third eye tattoo.

P'Li gets on Ming-Hua's back and Ming-Hua creates ice axes and begins climbing up the ice wall.

"We COULD have just used the elevator." P'Li said but Ming-Hua keeps climbing. "Show off." P'Li said.

The two reach the surface but then Druk flies over them and breathes fire at the two but P'Li bends the fire.

"I've waited thirteen years to feel THIS warm." P'Li said as she controls the fire and then uses her Combustionbending to fire a blast at Druk, sending the dragon down.

Zuko and Ghazan are fighting and the former Fire Lord dodges each rock and delivers a fire blast but Ghazan deflects it and delivers another rock to strike Zuko down and Tonraq and Zaheer are fighting and Tonraq delivers water strikes but Zaheer dodges each attack and while they're fighting P'Li delivers a combustion blast at the South Chief allowing the four to escape for the snowcat and Ghazan drives off again.

While they're driving off Zaheer and P'Li embrace and kiss.

"I thought I'd NEVER see you again." P'Li said.

"I've never doubted it." Zaheer as they continue to kiss.

"Really? Right now?" Ghazan asked, still driving.

Meanwhile at Ba Sing Se in the Lower Ring neighborhood Mako and Bolin are still with their extended family and Tu arrives at the house with two passports.

"I've got 'em. These passports should get you back to the Upper Ring." Tu said.

"Awesome, Tu! You're the best cousin that I can have!" Bolin said, making the other relatives sad. "Oh, and my other cousins as well. Yeah, you're the best too." Bolin said, making them smile.

"Thanks, I knew this wasn't easy." Mako said, taking the passports.

"Hey, we're family. It's what we do for each other, right? Also, when you get back, promise me you'll bring Kota this time. I wanna see how strong he is." Tu said.

"Don't worry. You will." Mako said.

"It's such a shame you two must go so soon." Yin said.

"I wished we could've stayed, but if it's true the Earth Queen's forcing Airbenders into her army, we have to do something about it." Mako said.

"I love you both. Come visit us again." Yin said, hugging the brothers who hug back.

"We will, Grandma." Mako said.

"I love you too, Grandma. And Chow, Tu, Meng-Meng, Chow Jr., Big Tee and Little Tee, Medium Yu, and…what was your name again?" Bolin asked.


Meanwhile, Korra was training while punching Asami's protective gloves in anger.

"I know that Earth Queen is lying to me! I can tell by that stupid little queenly smirk of hers!" Korra said still punching and kicking as Asami counterattacks but the Avatar dodges. "I can't believe I was helping her! I should've known she was using me!" Korra yelled, delivering an Airbending attack knocking off one of Asami's protective gloves.

"Hey, I think I can use a break. You letting off steam is starting to hurt…a lot." Asami said, taking off her gloves.

"Oh, sorry. I'm just so angry that the Queen is trying to get rid of us just for herself." Korra said.

"I know." Asami said.

Kota came out and Asami smiled, hugging him.

Just then Pabu chitters and runs forward and the three see two people coming and they're Mako and Bolin running at them.

"Mako. Bolin. You're both okay." Asami said.

"Where have you been?" Korra asked.

"We chased Kai, train, slipped away, Lower Ring, slept in a pile of trash, met our family, grandma tears, Mako scarf, Earth Queen…lying…" Bolin said while using Pabu like the Earth Queen's headgear and then falls to the ground.

"What the hell," Kota was looking at Bolin with confusion.

"Can you interpret that?" Asami asked.

"The Earth Queen's been secretly taking away Airbenders and FORCING them into her army." Mako said.

"She WAS lying! I knew it! I swear, the next time I see her…" Korra was cut off.

"It's the Queen." Asami said as the Earth Queen is coming while being carried in a sedan.

"Great…" Kota groaned.

"Quick, Pabu. Shirt." Bolin said, opening his outer shirt and Pabu jumps in only to chitter in protest. "I know, sorry. Kinda sweaty." Bolin said.

"Good, you're here. Gun, tell them the good news." The Earth Queen said.

"We've received word from the Yang Province. There have been reports of Airbenders there." Gun informed.

"Wonderful, isn't it? It's the very thing you've been looking for." The Earth Queen said.

"Thank you! That is just the most wonderful news! Ever…yay…" Korra said sarcastically.

"So, I assume you and your friends will be leaving immediately." The Earth Queen said but then she started sneezing. "Is there an animal in my presence?!" The Earth Queen demanded grabbing Gun by his shirt.

"N-No, Your Majesty. I would never allow an animal near you." Gun said but Pabu's tail pops out but Bolin runs off.

"Well, if I find one within fifty feet of me, it's YOUR head! Anyway, if you need assistance packing, let Gun know. He'll see to it that you'll be on your way by evening." The Earth Queen said.

"Uhh, this evening? I'm not sure about leaving so soon…" Korra said, trying to come up with a reason.

"Because our airship is having engine trouble. It'll take me until tomorrow to finish the repairs." Asami said and the Earth Queen sneezes again and leaves and Gun follows him.

"Thanks for buying us some time." Korra said smiling.

Later the gang are inside having a meeting.

"I can't believe the Earth Queen is conscripting Airbenders." Tenzin said.

"Those people should not be forced to join an army!" Korra said.

"Well, technically, the Earth Queen has a right to conscript her citizens." Bumi said, making everyone glare at him.

"What, Uncle Bumi is right," Kota said.

"Guys, what if Kai was Airbending, he might have been taken too." Jinora said.

"Probably not. He's hard to catch like a little greased hog-monkey." Bolin said.

"But what if he was?" Jinora asked.

She later yelped as her older brother patted her on the head, "Don't worry Jinora, we'll find him."

"Your brother's right," Korra said, "We just gotta figure out where to look."

"I bet they're at Lake Laogai." Mako said, making everyone look at him. "What? I've been reading some of Jinora's books. The old Dai Li agents used to have a secret fortress beneath the lake." Mako said.

"Mako's right. It's the perfect spot to hide Airbenders and keep Kai. It's just like how they've kept Grandpa Aang's bison Appa hidden before. I know how to check it out without being caught. I can project my spirit into it." Jinora said.

"You can do that?" Tenzin asked.

"She can," Kota said, "her spirit connection is high and she has the ability to project herself as an astral being."

Kota looked at her sister with a smile, "She's got this."

"Maybe if I can get close enough, I think I can do it." Jinora said.

"Let's go get Kai out. Let's get all the Airbenders out." Korra said.

The Dai Li sergeant and other Dai Li agents watch as Airbenders including Kai are standing in pairs on different sides.

"You are the property of the Earth Kingdom. You will become the Earth Queen's elite fighting force and protect her at all cost. It is your duty to serve the Earth Queen." The Dai Li sergeant said.

Two Airbenders send out air blasts at their opponents who deflect the blasts and counter knocking them off and Kai also deflects an air blast and prepares to attack.

"Go easy on me! I'm not that good." One of the Airbenders said and it's a young man.

Kai throws a weak air blast which the young man dodges and they smile.

"Never show mercy! Now attack your opponent and this time, like you mean it!" The Dai Li sergeant orders and Kai throws a strong air blast sending the young man down.

"Sorry!" Kai said.

"A soldier never apologizes to his enemy!" The Dai Li sergeant said.

"I'm NOT a soldier!" Kai said, angry.

"You will be when I'm done with you." The Dai Li sergeant said, smiling wickedly.

Meanwhile Oogi arrives at Lake Laogai in the middle of an island in the lake and Jinora starts to meditate.

"If anything goes wrong, come back immediately." Tenzin said.

"I will." Jinora said and meditated.

Jinora's spirit appears in an underwater underground fortress which is the flooded Lake Laogai and looks around for any Dai Li agents or Airbenders but finds nothing and later returns to her body.

"What happened? What did you see?" Kota asked.

"The Airbenders aren't there. It's completely deserted." Jinora said.

"They're not down there?" Tenzin asked.

"Jinora, you've read all about Ba Sing Se. Can you think of any other places the Airbenders might be?" Kota asked.

"I guess they could be in the Catacombs beneath the Upper Ring or the ancient sewers beneath the Lower Ring or the maze of tunnels that connect the rings together or they could…" Jinora was cut off.

"There are just too many places. There has to be another way to locate them." Tenzin said.

"Maybe there is." Kota said. "Jinora, do you think you can find Kai's energy?"

"I don't know, but I can try," Jinora said as she started to meditate again.

"How do you know about this?" Tenzin asked.

"Like I said, Dad," Kota said, "I taught her."

At the Dai Li fortress the Dai Li agents bend earth discs at the Airbenders who try to block them with their Airbending to no success and Kai is blocking the earth discs fine but the Dai Li sergeant bends more earth discs but Kai blocks the discs going for the young man again.

"Thanks." The young man said.

"You again! If you have time to help your friend, then you're not getting enough rocks for yourself!" The Dai Li sergeant said as he bends more earth discs and Kai manages to deflect them while dodging more but then a fifth disc gets him. "I guess you're not as good as you thought." The Dai Li sergeant said but Kai delivers an air blast but the sergeant dodges and bends an earth shell. "Throw him in the hole!" The Dai Li sergeant ordered as two Dai Li agents grabbed Kai and escorted him out.

Later Kai is thrown into a cell and is left in the dark, but something appears to Kai shocking him and it's Jinora's spirit.

"So, that's where you are. I guess the connection between us works too." Jinora said.

"Jinora…? How're you here?" Kai asked.

"Shh! It's a high-level Airbender move with a little spiritual stuff thrown in." Jinora said, "Koko taught me."

"Great. For a second, I thought you were a ghost." Kai said.

Jinora giggled, "It's good to see you. We've been looking for you and the other Airbenders, we're going to get you all out of here. Where are we anyway?"

"Underground somewhere," Kai said, "Other than that, I don't have a clue."

"I'll figure it out, don't worry."

"Jinora, thanks," Kai said.

Jinora blushed as she went upward.

Jinora arrives at the surface and looks back to see a temple.

"The Earth Queen's temple!" Jinora said.

Back at the gang's house they have another meeting.

"I can't believe Miss Queeny Smug Face had them right under noses the whole time!" Korra said.

"Calm down, Korra." Kota said.

"We have to get into that compound tonight and get those Airbenders." Tenzin said.

"Alright, we go in under the cover of darkness: Two small insertion teams and a third on the outside. Then, all we'll need is twelve tons of blasting jelly, a medium-sized bulldozer and…does anyone have a badger-mole that knows Morse code?" Bumi said, making everyone glare at him annoyed and Tenzin sighs.

Just then a knock on the door is heard.

"Oh, great. Not the Queen again." Asami said.

"Everyone, act natural and Bolin…" Kota stops talking.

"I'm on it, sir!" Bolin said, opening his outer shirt and Pabu chitters in protest. "What? Hey, I'm not sweaty this time." Bolin said and Pabu jumped into the shirt.

Tenzin opens the door and it's actually Lin.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" Kota asked.

"We need to get Korra out of here immediately. Her life's in danger." Lin said walking in.

"What? What's going on?" Korra asked.

"I just got word from Lord Zuko and Tonraq." Lin said.

"Why is Lord Zuko with my dad?" Korra asked.

"Zaheer and the others have escaped." Lin said.

"No way…" Kota was in shock.

"How is that possible?" Tenzin asked.

"Because Zaheer…is an Airbender now." Lin answered shocking Tenzin and Kota.

"No…" Tenzin said.

"That's not good," Kota said.

"Hold on! Will you quit ignoring me and tell me what's going on? Who's Zaheer and why is my life in danger?" Korra asked.

"Shortly after we found out you were the Avatar, Zaheer and three others attempted to kidnap you. Luckily, your father, Lord Zuko, Chief Sokka, and I were there to stop them. We apprehended the criminals and locked them away in prisons designed to impair their abilities." Tenzin explained.

"THAT'S why you and my dad sheltered me away." Korra said.

"It was for your own safety." Tenzin said.

"Why were they trying to kidnap Korra?" Mako asked.

"We spent thirteen years interrogating them, but they never broke. To this day, no one knows what their motive was. Now we need to get you back to Republic City, where I can protect you." Lin said.

"No…I'm not running." Korra said.

"Korra, you don't understand. These criminals are like nothing you've ever faced before." Lin said.

"You don't need to protect me. I came here for one thing, to find Airbenders and I'm not leaving without them." Korra said.

"Fine. Let's get them and get out of here. Where are they?" Lin asked.

"In a military compound and we're busting them out." Korra said.

Outside the temple it's nighttime and two royal guards are patrolling the outside of the temple but they see someone in their way and it's Jinora and Kota.

"Hi." Jinora said.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" One of the guards asked.

"Oh, it's just that little Airbender girl and her Earthbender brother, they came with the Avatar. You two shouldn't be walking here all alone." The second guard said.

"We're not alone." Jinora pointed behind the guards who turned to see Korra, Mako, Bolin, Tenzin, and Bumi in their fighting stances.

Later the guards are knocked out and tied up and the gang go inside the temple and enter a doorway to hide from patrolling Dai Li agents.

"Bumi, Korra, come with me to find the Airbenders. You four find Kai. We'll meet on the surface shortly. Radio us if anything goes wrong." Tenzin said and everyone nodded and went their separate ways.

Korra, Tenzin, and Bumi arrive at a cell and Korra opens the door awakening the sleeping Airbenders.

"What's going on? Who are you?" The young man named Yung asked.

"I'm the Avatar and I'm getting you all out of here." Korra said and the Airbenders murmur.

"Everyone please! You must stay calm and quiet if we want this to work." Tenzin said.

"What to work? We're sneaking out?" Yung asked.

"Yes and now we must leave now." Korra said.

"We're going to get you away from the Earth Queen and out of the city." Tenzin said and everyone ran out of the cell.

"There's an Airbender that's not here. His name is Kai. We need to get him." Yung said.

"We're already taking care of it." Tenzin said.

"Topside, this is Papa Bear. The breezies are in the hold; cue the balloons!" Bumi said through a walkie-talkie.

"What? Are you in trouble?" Lin asked through the radio.

"No, we've got the Airbenders and we're headed out. Bring in the ships. No one likes code names anymore." Bumi said.

"Copy that. Asami and I are on our way." Lin said as she and Asami pilot their airships while Oogi flies into the air to follow the airships.

Jinora, Mako, and Bolin go through the hall while hiding from Dai Li agents.

"Kai's over there." Jinora said as they went for the metal door. "There it is." Jinora said.

Kota metalbent the door out and Kai was in there.

"C'mon kid," Kota said.

"We're getting you out," Mako said.

"Kai!" Jinora runs to him, hugs him, and then kisses him on the cheek, making him blush.

"Whoa! Tenzin's not gonna be happy about this!" Bolin said.

"Then don't tell him." Mako said.

"How can I not? This is too juicy!" Bolin said.

"No!" Kota said, "Don't tell my Dad! Or no lessons."

He scolded Bolin as he metalbent the restraints on Kai.

"Thanks for busting me out and I'm really, REALLY sorry about stealing your wallets, running away, and getting you guys stuck on that train." Kai said.

"Aw, we can't stay mad at you." Bolin said.

"Yes we can. I had a lot of money in that wallet!" Mako said.

"Guys, come on." Jinora said.

The five leave the cell and run down the hall but then the way is blocked by Dai Li agents, but Kota metal bends the door at them, knocking them out.

"Well, that was fast," Bolin said.

"They can't metalbend," Kota said, "Now come on, we need to get out of here!"

Meanwhile Korra's group are outside and Korra looks around the courtyard of the temple.

"It's clear!" Korra said as they started moving not knowing Dai Li agents were watching and then Dai Li agents surrounded them.

"So, you've discovered my elite army. I see their loyalty still needs some work." The Earth Queen said arriving.

"These Airbenders shouldn't be used as weapons! They have a right to choose their own paths!" Korra yelled.

"These Airbenders are Earth Kingdom citizens and I am their queen! Taking them will constitute an act of war. If you disobey me, I will bear down on you with the entire force of my kingdom!" The Earth Queen threatened.

"They're leaving with us!" Korra yelled.

"No, they're not!" The Earth Queen said walking away as the first row of Dai Li agents fire rock gloves at them.

All the Airbenders use their Airbending to blow the agents away and the airships arrive and bring down the ladder.

"Come on!" Bumi said.

When everyone was on the airship, Bumi patched Lin on the radio.

"Everyone's in. Let's go!" Bumi said through the radio.

"Copy." Lin said.

Korra and Tenzin are firing air blasts at the Dai Li agents who are climbing after them but as Tenzin fires another air shot he sees Oogi.

"Oogi!" Tenzin called making the bison fly to him and they jumped on the bison and he flew off.

"Take down those airships!" The Earth Queen ordered the Dai Li fire rock gloves at the airships and Oogi.

"Where are the others?" Korra asked.

"WE NEED HELP!" Bolin shouted as they went up the stairs. Him, Kota, Mako, Jinora, and Kai were running from Dai Li Agents who rose up from rock pillars and prepared to fire rock gloves.

"Bolin!" Kota yelled.

"Yes sir!" Bolin said as the two Earthbenders made an earth pillar, sending them into the air.

Oogi flies for them and they land on the bison.

"Bring me those airships now!" The Earth Queen commanded but then pieces of Oogi's fur fell on her making her sneeze. "Get it off me! Get off…!" The Earth Queen sneezes again and looks disgruntled.

It's a new day and everyone is at a ruins atop a hill and Tenzin is talking to the Airbenders.

"I know that none of you chose to become Airbenders, but now you do have a choice. We can relocate you somewhere safe or you can come with me to the Northern Air Temple, to live in peace and train as Air Nomads. You are no longer anyone's property. What path you decide is up to you." Tenzin said.

"I wanna go with you." Yung said.

"Me too." Another Airbender said.

"Count me in." Another Airbender said.

More Airbenders stand and agree to go, making Tenzin smile and tears up happily.

"Looks like everyone wants to go." Kota said.

"Yeah and I guess I have to go with Dad." Jinora said.

"Have fun training them. They're gonna need a great teacher." Kota said to his sister.

"Thanks. I'll miss you, but we'll see each other again." Jinora said, hugging her brother.

"I know," Kota said, picking up his sister. He then glared at Kai, "And you better behave yourself." Kota said to Kai.

"I will. I promise. I'll be there for Jinora too while you're out looking for new Airbenders." Kai said.

"Yeah, you'd better, idiot," Kota said, putting Kai in a headlock.

"Good luck at the Northern Air Temple. I'll send more Airbenders your way when I find them." Korra said.

"Be careful. Stay safe." Tenzin said.

"I'll try. Seems like wherever I go, I make a new enemy." Korra said.

"But you've made some friends and I know you and your friends will always be there for each other. You did well, Korra." Tenzin said as they hugged.

"This is only the beginning." Korra said.

After a few hours of flying, they decided to take a break at an open field where Naga jumps and catches a ball with her mouth and runs for Korra who Airbends the ball making Naga fetch it back again.

"While you're playing fetch, four of the most dangerous criminals are hunting you down. We should get moving." Lin said.

"Mom, just relax," Kota said.

"Yeah relax, we just got here. Besides, no one knows where I am except us." Korra said and Naga returns the ball and drops it next to Kota. "I think she wants you to throw it for her, Kota." Korra said.

Kota looks down at the ball which is covered in saliva and grass and has a semi-disgusted look on his face.

"I'll pass. Thanks." Kota said. He later looked at Naga and petted, "Sorry Naga."

Mako and Asami come out of the ship.

"We just got a call from the radio about another Airbender." Asami said.

"Finally." Korra said.

"Where are they?" Kota asked.

"Zaofu, the home of the Metal Clan. The place you wanted to take me!" Asami said excitedly, making Lin uneasy and uncomfortable.

"You went there with Jinora," Korra said.

Kota nodded, "I did."

"What for?" Korra asked.

"Oh, just to see someone," Kota said while looking at his mom.

"You know the place, Lin?" Korra asked.

"Uhh…never been there, but I don't want you going there. I would rest easier if you were back at Republic City." Lin said.

"Sorry, if there's an Airbender in Zaofu, then that's where we're going next." Korra said, going for the ship.

Lin glares and Naga pushes the ball toward her and then Lin bends her metal cable and punctures it making it deflate and leaves for the ship making Naga whimper. Kota sighs and comforts the polar-bear dog. "Sorry about Mom," Kota said, making Naga lean into Kota's hand.

Later the airship flies over a plain and they come across what looks like a huge gleaming city made of metal in the shape of a lotus flower and there are smaller lotus flower shapes around the city and the five take a look from the airship window.

"Welcome to Zaofu, this place is way better than Ba Sing Se," Kota said.

"Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow! An entire city made of metal. You should feel right at home, Beifong." Bolin said.

"Hmph…" Lin said sitting away from the window and unimpressed making Korra pout at her.

The airship lands on one of the landing pads controlled by Metalbenders and a Metalbender bends a strong of cables out of the crane and hooks onto the ship to connect and two Metalbenders bend and build a stairway for the passengers and Bolin runs out excited while the others walks out calmly but Lin remains on the bench.

"Yeah!" Bolin said, running out.

"You coming?" Korra asked Lin.

"What's there to see? It's metal. Big whoop. Just find the Airbender and let's get moving. Don't tell anyone I'm here." Lin said.

"Why not?" Korra asked.

"I don't need to explain myself to you. Just do what I say." Lin said in a demanding tone.

"Fine." Korra said annoyed.

The gang leave the airship and they find a man with tan skin and wearing green and yellow robes with two Metal Clan escorts.

"Avatar Korra, it is an honor to meet you. My name is Aiwei." Aiwei introduced bowing.

"Thanks for having us." Korra said bowing back.

"Is this everyone?" Aiwei asked.

"Yes, just us." Korra said.

"So, when are we gonna meet this new Airbender?" Kota asked.

"Right this way." Aiwei said, gesturing to the gang to follow him as the escorts closed the gates.

Meanwhile at Air Temple Island new Airbenders are eating the dining hall and Ikki comes in giving two more Airbenders the tour.

"And this is the Air Acolyte dining hall where everyone eats and this is Daw. He's a new Airbender too, like you guys." Ikki said.

Daw stops eating, drops his bowl, Airbends to stand up, and turns to face the trio.

"It's so nice to meet you. How exciting. New friends." Daw said.

"Excuse me, hello?" A voice asks and they turn to see someone coming in and it's a man with a hood covering his face. "My name is Yorru. I heard this is the place to come for if you're a new Airbender." Yorru said, removing his hood revealing his face and a bald head.

"You got that right, stranger." Meelo said.

"Well, a couple weeks ago, I woke up and suddenly, I can do this." Yorru said bending a small vortex in his palm.

"Mom! Aunt Kya! We got another one!" Ikki said excited and Yorru smiles.

Meanwhile the gang and Aiwei are on a tram and the gang look out the window and Bolin is still excited and they see a statue of Toph Beifong.

"Does Toph live here?! Are we gonna meet her?!" Bolin asked excitedly.

"I'm afraid not. She would visit from time to time, but years ago, she left to wander the world in search of enlightenment. No one has seen her since." Aiwei said making the gang a little downcast but Bolin is more sad.

"That sucks. I was actually looking forward to meeting her." Bolin said.

The tram continues its path and heads for the edge of the city stopping at a terminal.

"Wow, is this where the Airbender lives?" Korra asked.

"Yes, but first, her mother would like to meet you." Aiwei said.

Later at a dancing studio there are eight dancers rehearsing on a flattened metal lotus flower while firing metal cables to the ceiling and four of the dancers are swinging upward before landing while the other four bend petals for their teammates to land on and the dancers bounce from petal to petal before jumping to the middle where the flower closes and the dancers open the flower and inside the dancers pose gracefully.

"What is this? Is this combat training?" Korra asked.

"Oh, this is not exactly combat training. It is a rehearsal for a dance am I right?" Kota asked.

"Indeed, there is a dance premiere next month." Aiwei said.

One of the dancers sees the gang and she is a middle-aged woman who looks almost like Lin but a little younger.

"That's it today, everyone." The woman said, clapping to the dancers.

"Allow me to introduce the matriarch of the Metal Clan, Suyin." Aiwei introduced.

"Please call me Su. Great to finally meet you, Avatar Korra." Suyin pressed her fist into her palm and then saw Kota which made her smile.

"Hey there honey," Suyin said, "It's good to see you."

"H-Hey there," Kota said, "It's good to see you too."

"And this must be Mako, Bolin, and Asami." Suyin said.

"You've done your research." Mako said.

"I make it my business to know who's visiting my city." Suyin said.

"So, you're a dancer." Korra said.

"Dancer, leader, wife, mother, collector of rare meteorites." Suyin said.

"You've got your hands full." Korra said.

"It's not a big deal. You'll find people here have many skills and interests." Suyin said but Aiwei leans to her and whispers something in her ear making her widen her eyes in shock. "Korra, why did you lie when Aiwei asked if there was anyone else with you?" Suyin asked, making Korra shocked but Bolin claps his hands over his mouth but Kota elbows him.

"What…? I, uh…" Korra tries to come up with an excuse.

"He's a truth seer," Kota said.

"How do you know?" Mako asked.

"Back in the United Forces, I've done interrogations," Kota said, "When people lie, their heart rate and breathing increase. I assume Aiwei here can sense the most subtle of changes."

"Thanks to Aiwei, there are no secrets in our city." Suyin said.

"We came with Republic City's Chief of Police." Korra said remorsefully.

"Mom didn't want anyone to know she was here and she made us promise not to tell." Kota said.

"Lin's here? Well, I would love to say hello." Suyin said.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Korra asked.

"You're joking, right?" Suyin asked but nobody said anything. "Lin never told you about me, did she?" Suyin asked. She then looked at Kota, "You didn't tell her about me?"

"Well…" Kota started to talk, "I didn't want anything drama to happen."

"Wait, how do you know her?" Korra asked.

"I'm Lin's sister and Kota's Aunt." Suyin answered, shocking everyone except Kota. They all looked to Kota who started to gulp.

At the airship Lin looks at Zaofu through the window but then a reflection appears and it's Korra's reflection.

"We know why you're so averse to coming here." Korra said, making Lin turn to see him, Korra, and Suyin who is now in her Zaofu attire.

"Why didn't you tell us you had a sister?" Korra asked.

"HALF-sister." Lin corrected while looking at Suyin with disdain and scorn in her voice.

"Same mom, different dads, so what? We're blood, Lin and after thirty years, the least you can do is say 'hello'." Suyin said, "Kota and his father would always come to visit, but you never came with them."

"I have NOTHING to say to you." Lin said, turning her back.

"Wait, you two haven't spoken for THIRTY years? How come?" Korra asked. She looked to Kota, "Don't look at me," he said in defense.

"Ask her. I've tried." Suyin said.

"Oh, don't put this on me. You're the one who tore our family apart." Lin said.

"And you've done a bang up job of keeping it that way." Suyin said smugly.

"You haven't changed one bit, have you?" Lin asked.

"Look, we can stay and argue about the past all day, but that's not the reason they came here. My daughter is thrilled to meet you." Suyin said.

"Lin, your niece is the new Airbender! Isn't that amazing?" Korra asked.

"Yeah, terrific." Lin said bitterly and blankly.

Suyin shows the gang a field of metal columns and then a metal disc ricochets between two boys.

"These are my two twin sons, Wei and Wing. They're playing a game called Power Disc. They invented it all on their own." Suyin introduced.

"And I beat them on their own game," Kota said with pride.

Wing shoots the disc at Wei who redirects it and ricochets it between multiple columns but Wei fires the disc back and ricochets it against a column and Wing leaps to intercept the disc but fails to catch it and slams into a net.

"Oh, nice power, Wei." Suyin said.

"Ha! Wing goes down!" Wei cheered while Wing pounds his fists and grumbles.

"I'm so proud of those two." Suyin said.

The group arrive at a gallery filled with metal sculptures and they find a sculptor Metalbending.

"Huan, I'd like you to meet the Avatar,their friends, and your Aunt Lin. Your cousin Kota is here," Suyin introduced.

"Nice to meet you." Korra said.

"Hey." Huan said not looking at them.

"Wow, that's a really nice…banana? Yes, very, very lifelike." Bolin said examining a sculpture, making Huan irritated.

"It's NOT a banana! It was inspired by Harmonic Convergence; it represents the dawning of a New Age. Obviously." Huan said bitterly.

"Oh, yeah, no, uh, I can totally see that." Bolin said.

"It's best if you don't say anything about his sculptures," Kota whispered in Bolin's ear, "Trust me."

The gang finds a younger teenage girl with slight tan skin and green eyes and is reading a book.

"This is my daughter, Opal." Suyin introduced and Opal turns to see the gang.

"Wow! Avatar Korra! I can't believe you're here. You're so amazing!" Opal said.

"It's great to meet you, Opal." Korra said.

"Kota!" Opal hugged her older cousin who hugged her back.

"Hey Opal," Kota said with a chuckle.

"Opal. That's a beautiful name." Bolin said.

"Thanks." Opal said blushing while pushing her hair behind her ear.

"I'm Bolin." Bolin introduced.

"Opal, but you already knew that." Opal said.

"Oh, great…" Kota said, rolling his eyes while Asami was amused.

"Great, we've found the Airbender. Let's take her back to the ship and get out of here." Lin said.

"And the woman apparently trying to abduct you is your Aunt Lin." Suyin introduced her sister.

"Really? I've always wanted to meet you. My mom and Kota have told me so many stories about you." Opal said.

"I'm sure she has." Lin said annoyed and cold.

"So, I've set all of you up in the guesthouses while Korra trains Opal." Suyin said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but I was kinda hoping she would train at the Northern Air Temple with the other Airbenders." Korra said.

"That sounds amazing." Opal said.

"Nonsense. This is where Opal's home and family are. You can train her here." Suyin said.

"I guess I could help her get started." Korra said.

"Absolutely not! We're leaving." Lin said.

"Aunt Su, as much as we'd like to stay here, there are criminals that are after Korra," Kota said.

"If you're concerned about security, don't be. This is the safest city in the world." Suyin said and Lin rolled her eyes.

"You're not wrong about that," Kota said.

"Now, I'll see you all at dinner and come hungry. My chef will blow the taste buds right out of your mouth." Suyin said.

"Lin, why do you have such a problem with your sister? She seems nice." Korra said and Lin glares at the Avatar.

"It'll be fine." Korra said as they walked off and Lin growled.

Kota couldn't help but glare at his mother, 'Can someone help this old hag not be grumpy?'

It's evening and Korra and Opal are at the garden.

"Okay, let's see what you've got." Korra said.

"I'm not very good." Opal said.

"That's okay. I've never been a teacher before, so we're in the same boat. You want to keep your elbows in, torso straight, feet just skimming the ground." Korra said assuming the Airbending stance and Opal tries it but struggles. "Why don't you try it with me?" Korra asked.

Opal follows Korra's movements and they circle each other and they both bend a stream of air which circles them and they continue moving.

"Wow, you're a natural." Korra said.

"You really think so? Thanks." Opal said.

At Air Temple Island a female Airbender slams against the spinning gates before tumbling out as the rest of the Airbenders watch.

Meelo points to the gates making Daw run in and he's also struggling.

"Be the leaf!" Meelo yelled.

"I don't even know what that means." Daw said.

Yorru calmly walks past them causing everyone else to watch and Yorru somersaults through the panels and avoids every gate making everyone else surprised and later Yorru goes through the final gate and clasps his hands in respect.

"Now that man is a leaf." Meelo said.

"A student is only as good as his master." Yorru said bowing and Meelo bows back.

Just then Kya arrives.

"Great news! Just got a message from Tenzin. He's with a whole group of other Airbenders at the Northern Air Temple and he wants you all to join them." Kya said and the Airbenders smiled at the news. "We'll leave first thing in the morning." Kya said.

"And the Avatar is with him?" Yorru asked.

"No. Apparently, she had to split off from Tenzin." Kya said.

"That's unfortunate. I was really looking forward to meeting her." Yorru said.

It's nighttime at Zaofu and the metal panels around the city close and the gang and Suyin and her family are at a dining area.

"Tonight, for your dining pleasure, I present a seared wild Kyoshi elephant-koi, paired with a ginger-infused pea tendril and hibiscus root salad." A chef said serving the food.

"Stunning." Suyin said and the chef bows and leaves.

The chef also bows to a man and behind him is a boy who looks almost like him.

"Sorry, dear. I'm going to have to take dinner to my office. I just had a major breakthrough on my tram station remodel." The man said.

"Well, don't let me stand away from inspiration." Suyin said.

"You're the best!" The man said, but he turned to acknowledge Kota.

"Kota! I'm sorry, but I am kind of busy right now," the man said.

"Don't worry," Kota said, "Just tell Junior I said hi."

"Of course," the man said as he left.

"Who's he?" Korra asked.

"That was my brilliant architect of a husband, Baatar, and our oldest son, Baatar Jr. He engineers all my husband's projects." Suyin introduced.

"Five kids. Raising one was already enough for me," Lin said.

"No, no! My children are a blessing." Suyin said.

"Yeah, Mom used to say that too, but she never meant it." Lin said.

"Hmm…I have to admit, I was pretty skeptical when he said 'pea tendrils', but this is delicious." Bolin said.

"I know, right? I don't think I've ever had a bad meal in my life." Opal said.

"Oh, I had plenty when Mako and I were living in the streets. I mean, you'd be surprised how bad food from a dumpster can be." Bolin said.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." Opal said.

"No, no, that's okay. That's all in the past. Things are great now. I got to be a pro-bender, fought against a dangerous revolution, became a mover star, and now I'm helping the Avatar and your cousin rebuild a whole nation." Bolin said.

"Wow, your life sounds so exciting." Opal said.

"So, Korra, how's your search for the new Airbenders going?" Suyin asked.

"Honestly, not great." Korra answered.

"Some refused, we had a little thief, who screwed people over, and they were many captured by the Earth Queen and forced into her army." Kota said.

"We had to rescue a whole group of them from her." Korra said.

"Oh, the Earth Queen's terrible! She thinks she can just do whatever she wants." Suyin said.

"Sounds familiar." Lin said.

"What?" Suyin asked.

"Nothing." Lin said.

"I mean, the idea of even having a queen is so outdated." Suyin said.

"You said it," Kota agreed with his aunt, "the Queen doesn't deserve the throne."

"Exactly. The world is evolving and the Queen can evolve with it or step aside." Suyin said.

"Hey, everyone! My little sister is an EXPERT on world affairs now!" Lin said.

"You want to talk about what's really bugging you? I'M right here!" Suyin said and Lin glares hatefully at her before turning away.

"Dinner's ready! Awesome! I'm starving!" A voice said.

"That voice…" Kota said with hate with scorn.

"Don't tell me…" Asami stops talking.

"Sorry we're late, everyone." Varrick said.

"Varrick!" Bolin said excitedly.

"What are you doing here?" Asami asked.

"Good question, Asami. I mean, what are any of us doing here? Wow, food for thought. Any who, how's our company doing?" Varrick asked.

"You mean MY company. Future Industries reverted back to me after YOU plotted to abduct the President." Asami said.

"ALLEGEDLY plotted to abduct the President. Never convicted." Varrick said.

"That's because you escaped prison." Mako said.

"Nope, the universe decided to set me free. After being let out, I looked up my old friend Suyin here, pitched her a few ideas and BAM! We're in business together." Varrick said.

"Varrick's heading up my new technology division." Suyin said.

"And I've seen the future and the future is MAGNETS! I'm working on a high speed rail that would revolutionize transportation and shipping as we know it." Varrick said.

"Alright enough! I'm trying to keep the Avatar safe and you're harboring criminals?" Lin asked.

"Ease out, Lin. Varrick may have made mistakes, but he shouldn't have to pay for it the rest of his life. My chef was a pirate, but now he's a culinary master. People change, Lin." Suyin said.

"You haven't!" Lin yelled walking off.

"Mom!" Kota calls but Lin leaves the hall while slamming the door with her cable.

At the bathroom Kota, Mako, and Bolin are using the sinks and Kota washes his hands while Mako stylizes his hair while Bolin brushes his teeth.

"So, you and Opal seemed to hit it off at dinner. I think she's really into you." Mako said.

"Yeah, I know. She's sweet and pretty and super nice, but she's not my type." Bolin said.

"Dude, it's about the person's characteristics," Kota said, "Sure looks can be a plus, it's about her value, man."

Kota chuckled and left, "Ya know, you guys might be right. Maybe Opal is Bolin material." Bolin said, doing his hair and smiling at his reflection.

Korra is in Suyin's study and examines a model of Zaofu.

"You know, before I built this city, there was nothing here. I wanted to make my mark on the world." Suyin said.

"It's amazing. Thank you for being so welcoming. Sorry for how Lin's been acting. Can I ask what happened between you two?" Korra asked.

"It's complicated. We didn't have a normal childhood. Neither of knew our fathers and Toph was always busy being Chief of Police. Because Mom grew up in such a strict household, she gave us all the freedom in the world, hoping we'd figure out our own paths." Suyin explained.

"That sounds like a good thing." Korra said.

"And in a way, it was, but we both ended up fighting for Mom's attention. Lin followed in her footsteps and became a cop and I was…more a rebel. Mom wasn't too happy with how either of us turned out. When I was sixteen, I left home to explore the world. I sailed the seas on a pirate ship, joined a travelling circus for a while, and lived in a Sandbender commune in a desert. It took me a while, but I finally realized what I was looking for was a family. So, I bought this plot of land, found a brilliant architect, who later became my husband, and created a place I could truly call home." Suyin said.

"It sounds like you've created the perfect life here." Korra said.

"Almost. I appreciated Tenzin bringing in Kota to be a part of this, but I've always wanted Lin to be a part of it as well, but I gave up hope long ago of her ever coming around." Suyin said making Korra have a sympathetic look.

Korra walks down the halls and finds Kota who was wearing a traditional Earth Kingdom garb: Dominated by shades of green, gray, and black, the designs are much more utilitarian than most other parts of the Earth Kingdom, with clean, simple lines and little embellishment apart from metal jewelry.

"You look good," Korra said.

"Thanks," Kota said, "I was going to take Asami around."

"Wait. Before you do that, can I ask you a favor?" Korra asked.

"What's that?" Kota asked.

"We need to find Opal." Korra said.

"For another Airbending session? It's kinda late." Kota said.

"Not that. I'll explain on the way." Korra said.

Outside Opal is at a pavilion training her Airbending but then Bolin arrives.

"Hey, lady. Wow, you really blowin' me away with your AIRBENDING." Bolin said in a flirting tone.

"Why are you acting weird?" Opal asked.

"Why're YOU acting weird?" Bolin asked back.

"I don't like how you're talking to me." Opal said walking off.

"Wait! I'm sorry. I just get really self-conscious when I know when a girl likes me and I end looking stupid." Bolin said.

"Who said I liked you?" Opal asked.

"But I thought… Mako and Kota said…" Bolin was cut off.

"Just kidding. Do me a favor and stop trying. Look, don't stop trying. Just stop trying too much. Just be yourself." Opal said.

"Be myself. Yeah, I can give it a shot." Bolin said.

As the two look at each other romantically a clear of throat is heard and they see Korra and Kota.

"Are we interrupting?" Kota asked.

"Oh, hi, guys." Opal said.

"Opal, can I steal you away for a minute? I need your help with something." Korra said as she took Opal and Kota followed.

"Maybe next time, champ." Kota said as he keeps going.

Yorru enters Tenzin's study and finds a small shrine of an Air Nomad and takes an amulet with a sculpting of a guru and then opens the amulet and finds an inscription.

"'Let go your earthly tether. Enter the void. Empty and become wind'." Yorru read the inscription.

"What're you doing?" A voice asked and Yorru turns to see Ikki. "No one's allowed in Daddy's study except Daddy." Ikki said.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't sleep." Yorru said.

Itachi enters the hall and searches for information but then he finds Ikki and Yorru.

"What were you reading?" Ikki asked.

"A poem by Guru Laghima, the wisest Airbender, who ever lived." Yorru said.

"Guru Laghima?" Itachi asked.

"Ikki, you should be in bed." A voice said and it's Kya.

"Night." Ikki said leaving.

"Good night." Yorru said.

"You seem to know A LOT about Airbender history for someone, who JUST got Airbending." Kya said.

"I've always admired the culture." Yorru said.

"And you moved through those gates like a natural. Come to think of it, one of those strangers was able to do it, but he's not a bender." Kya said, "Where are you from?"

"A small village up north. You've probably never heard of it." Yorru answered.

"Wait." Kya looks closer at Yorru and realizes in shock. "Zaheer!" Kya yelled.

Kya bends water from the fountain and directs it at Zaheer who blasts off with Airbending but Kya bends water around her and shoots ice shards at Zaheer who uses a staff to smash ice shards and leaps through the window while opening the staff making a glider and escapes but Kya leaps out as well with water tentacles.

Kya goes for Zaheer.

"I need some help!" Kya calls as she catches Zaheer with her water tentacles and then leaps down and sends Zaheer to the fountain.

White Lotus Sentries came in who were about to help, but Zaheer managed to fly away with his glider.

Meanwhile in the streets of Zaofu at a guesthouse Lin who is in her undershirt is reading a newspaper and then a knock on the door is heard.

"Who is it?" Lin asks and the door opens revealing Korra and Kota.

"Hey, it's us. We brought someone, who wants to talk to you." Korra said and Opal entered the room.

"You want to talk? Then talk." Lin said turning away.

"Go ahead." Kota said.

"I'm sorry being here has been so hard for you. When you showed up, I was so excited to get to know you. I heard so many great things about you from Mom and Grandma Toph. So, I guess I was kinda sad you didn't want to know me. Believe me, I know my family can be a little crazy and overwhelming sometimes, but I would love it so much if you would be a part of it." Opal said.

"Get out." Lin said, annoyed shocking Opal.

"Sorry, did I say something wrong?" Opal asked.

"Get out!" Lin repeated this time yelling with rage, making Opal tear up and ran out of the room.

"You know what, Su's right. You're never going to change." Korra said, leaving the room to find Opal.

Kota and Lin were the only ones there. " Y'know, when I was a kid, Dad said you and him separated due to having different interests," Kota said. Before he left, he glared at his mother, "But, I'm starting to think there is more to it than just 'differences.'"

Lin is now alone again puts her hand on her face and tears start running down her cheek.

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