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Chapter 88: Chapter 88

  It has been many days since I came to South Shaolin Temple, but in fact, Yang Guo and Qu Feiyan have never entered except for wandering around the entrance for a while.

  This is the moment to really step in.

  In this world, the level of science and technology lags behind, but art and culture have reached a peak. The majesty of the temple architecture is well designed by the craftsmen, so that people like Yang Guo who do not believe in Buddhism also give birth to some. Yes, shocking.

  Artists are all cunning, and the bones of the toiling masses who have worked so hard to feed them will not remain after a thousand years, but they can use the ethereal and shocking resonance to obtain eternal life.

  Yang Guo is deceived by this emptiness, and has a meaningless sense of vicissitudes, which will not be of any help to the things he is about to face.

  He and Qu Feiyan arrived at the abbot's meditation room, and the accompanying monk raised his hand to signal them to enter.

  It involves the big secret of South Shaolin Temple.

  The two walked in, and there was only one person in the meditation room who could still be seen as dark under the light. He was in good health, and his hands were full of calluses, which should be caused by long-term labor with tools.

  He pointed to a corner of the meditation room, grinned and said, "It's all inside."

  Strict floor tiles covered the room, but at the corner pointed by the dark man, several floor tiles were pried open, revealing a hole with a faint light coming from inside.

  Yang Guo hugged Qu Feiyan and went straight down the steps at the entrance of the cave, his breathing would inevitably be heavier when he descended the next step, so Qu Feiyan counted Brother Yang's breaths.

  When the count reached twenty-three, the landing was smooth. It can be seen that there is indeed another room below, with only a table and a chair, a futon, and a small bed. The things are simple and neatly arranged, but it is inevitable that many places are moldy. Yes, it smells bad.

  Two eminent monks of Duzi generation and four eminent monks of Kongzi generation in South Shaolin Temple quietly watched them step down the steps.

  Chan Master Du Heng still had a compassionate expression on his face, nothing could be seen from his face, he said to Yang Guo:

  "Benefactor Yang, Brother Du Yuan asked you to hand over the letter to Abbot Hongye, please show it to everyone."

  Yang Guo was not stupid enough to swear to the death to defend a letter that Lin Jiayuan Tugong asked him to forward, especially when facing the six people in power in the Southern Shaolin Temple, who may also be the highest martial arts.

  Hearing this, he stretched out his hand into his arms, but his eyes also took advantage of this gap to scan the secret room, trying to find the basis for Chan Master Du Heng to let him do so.

  The white-browed Chan Master Du Li caught Yang Guo's gaze, and explained beside him: "The master of Brother Du Heng and I, that is, Abbot Hong Ye, has passed away.

  Therefore, if you must hand it over to him with your own hands, no matter what, there is no other way.

  Moreover, we are all disciples and grandchildren of his old man, as well as brothers and nephews of Senior Brother Du Yuan. If you trust us, you can give us the letter—the letter from Senior Brother Du Yuan to Abbot Hongye should also be given to us at this time . "

  Yang Guo took out the letter and agreed with Du Li's statement in his heart.

  From the beginning to the end, he was a bystander and an outsider. He just came to the South Shaolin Temple according to Lin Yuantu's prompt, and happened to know these things.

  At this moment, he was just acting as a carrier pigeon and handing over the letter as he had imagined before coming here, but he still made a request: "I... can I have a look at Zen Master Hongye."

  After exchanging glances with the white-browed Zen Master Duli and the power holders of the South Shaolin Temple, he pointed to the west side of the secret room.

  There is a thick and wide vertical beam, which blocks the light like a screen and separates a small shadow.

  Zen Master Hongye should be in the shadows.

  Yang Guo took a Huozhe that Qu Feiyan brought out, walked into the shadow, and saw a wooden coffin.

  The top of the coffin lid is made of glass, which is still extremely precious at that time, and is crystal clear, so you can see a peaceful old man lying inside without opening the coffin.

  The tightly closed coffin lid isolated the moisture and odor from the air, and slowed down the decay of the corpse, but after all, it only slowed down. A few maggots poked out from the eyes and nose, greedily absorbing the remaining wisdom of the old abbot.

  After Yang Guo respectfully bowed down to Zen Master Hongye three times, he took Qu Feiyan's hand and slowly stepped up the stairs step by step.

  The arrangement of Zen Master Hongye's last words and Lin Yuantu's letter in this secret room will definitely keep these eminent monks busy discussing for a while, and they will never want two outsiders to be around.

  When Qu Feiyan counted to the twenty-third breath, Zen Master Du Li opened Lin Yuantu's letter, and accidentally dropped a small Buddhist bead on the ground.

  That is the token of Zen Master Du Yuan.

  The Buddha beads bounced on the ground, fell, bounced, and fell, as if feeling it, and slowly bounced to the corpse of Zen Master Hongye.


  There was a tacit understanding, neither Yang Guo nor Qu Feiyan said much.

  If parting is doomed, then any words that try to exaggerate sadness are ritualistic hypocrisy.

  Since he didn't intend to stay here with this girl, Yang Guo didn't say those words of reluctance that added to the sadness, but just said softly: "Take care."

  Qu Feiyan said: "Yes! You too!"

  and left.

  Go out of the city, if this is really a city.

  Walking out of the gate of the city wall, Yang Guo was stunned when he could see the surrounding mountains outside.

  That fleshless, fierce Master Kong Xiang stopped in front of him.

  Yang Guo smiled, "Originally when I saw Master, I should have been terrified, afraid that you were here to silence me. But I don't know why, but this meeting has a sense of intimacy."

  Kong Xiang said: "That's because you are a smart person and know that the poor monk only wants to chat with you."

  Yang Guo said: "It's a great honor. Should I ask, why did Zen Master Hongye leave his last words and let Master you be the abbot?"

  Kong Xiang sighed, and said: "Of course you know, why do you need to ask...Although the old abbot didn't lean towards one side during his lifetime, since he made this arrangement at the end of his life, his intention is obvious."

  Yang Guo said: "That's very good, a selfless and compassionate Buddhist kingdom. Please take care of the girl I'm traveling with, Master."

  Kong Xiang nodded, but said again: "Let my master take care of her."

  Yang Guo heard some meaning in his words, and asked in surprise, "Master, you..."

  Kong Xiang said: "After returning to the monastery, the poor monk will surrender himself to the Discipline Academy and declare that he killed his uncle."

  Although Yang Guo was surprised, he just hummed and listened to him continue.

  "Sponsor Yang said 'selfless and compassionate', compassion may be possible, but selflessness may not be.

  The South Shaolin Temple simply collects the money and food from the residents of the city without any effort. How rich is the property of a city?

  Where there are selfless monks, there are selfish monks.

  Receive the property, enjoy it first, and fear that the elders will scold you, so you will also bribe with luxurious materials.

  Such monks form a group, and even 50% of the property collected in the city, often only 20% can be used to support the monks and soldiers, and feed the hungry people. My master doesn't understand the key, and the general reason is that the lack of money and food is the reason for the increasing number of people in the city. ...

  Hehe, if the Buddhist kingdom imagined by my master is really built, the people who come to worship will be living Buddhas.

  By this time, it was hard to return to the temple, even eminent monks and deacons. "

  Hearing this, Yang Guo asked indifferently, "Is the Uncle Du Zhen you killed also among them?"

  Speaking of Du Zhen, Kong Xiang's eyes reappeared hostility, and he said bitterly:

  "My master uncle is the selfless eminent monk that you call Benefactor Yang!

  Anyone who sees his fat smiling face must think that he is the reincarnation of Maitreya Buddha, but they don't know that he eats big fish, big meat, delicacies and delicacies every day.

  If you just eat, you won't be able to eat much.

  He intercepted the hard work of many people and bought an unknown number of houses in Putian City. In each house, there are hidden concubines given to him by his clever disciples and grandchildren.

  It is said that there is a Su Bancheng in Putian City, but that is just an exaggeration, and it is appropriate to describe my uncle.

  This time we went out together, I only discovered his secret by accident, taking into account the stability of my temple, if I tear my face apart, he will lead his troops to make trouble in a fit of anger, and it will be difficult to end, so I can only hold back.

  But on the way, I talked with him about the future direction of our temple, but he was full of words about the duty of a monk and the peace in the city. I couldn't help it, and finally attacked and killed him...

  Benefactor Yang, I can't talk to the people in the temple about this, but I can only tell you that these eminent monks who say they can't cause trouble for the residents in the city, not all of them, actually just think that they can't It's just messing up their good days.

  There are people in the city who don't know how to complain to support them, so why bother to think about the difficulties they may encounter in the future? "

  Yang Guo said: "Understood. At present, many eminent monks of this kind are in power. If their interests are shaken, the South Shaolin Temple may fall apart. But the output in the city is already saturated, so... we can only ask for it from outside. Maybe Zen Master Hongye did not." I thought of a way to solve it, but before I died, I still chose to believe in your path."

  Kong Xiang heaved a long sigh, with some unwillingness in his eyes, he said: "Unfortunately, the poor monk can't do more."

  Yang Guo thought for a while and said, "If Master doesn't turn himself in, that girl and I will never tell the story."

  Kong Xiang shook his head and said: "It has nothing to do with you, it's just that I didn't realize the good intentions of the old abbot Hongye, and I had to do this now."

  Yang Guo understood the situation now, after hearing Kong Xiang's words, after thinking about it for a while, he figured it out.

  Seeing his expression, Kongxiang knew that there was no need to explain, so he said: "In the future, there will be rumors in the Jianghu that Kongxiang in the South Shaolin Temple is a traitor, and if you don't ask Yang Shi to help me argue, there will always be someone who knows the hidden truth, and I am also happy. "

  After speaking, he bowed to Yang Guo.

  Yang Guo nodded solemnly and bowed back.

  After leaving the Jiulian Mountains, the farmer's family who fostered the white horse before arriving,

Riding a white horse, all the way to the north.

  If Kongxiang doesn't kill his uncle, fat monk Duzhen, according to Zen Master Hongye's arrangement, then he will be the abbot, and his strength is just slightly better than Duanzhen's school. Shaolin Temple can expand outwards gently under the opposition of Duzhenyi faction.

  But when the fat monk Duzhen died, Duzhen's faction and the two Kongxiang deacons were weak, and Duli would never see Kongxiang's dominance, and would do everything possible to win over these two, and all the eminent monks whose interests might be touched by Kongxiang, Do everything possible to oppose the new abbot Kongxiang's various measures, and the South Shaolin Temple will continue to have internal friction in the future.

  So at this moment, Kongxiang can only confess his sins and subdue the Dharma, and give the position of abbot to his master Du Heng, who is compassionate and pure and dedicated to building an ideal Buddhist kingdom. .

  The subtlety lies in the word balance.

  Thinking of this, Yang Guo rode on the white horse, looked back at the direction of South Shaolin Temple, and let out a long sigh.

  No matter what, the purpose of my trip has been achieved, and Qu Feiyan stayed safely in that thousand-year-old temple.

  As for the future of the people in the city who worked hard to support the living Buddha but still feel happy and happy, that is something that the big shots have to worry about.

  [Ding, the task is triggered: return the white horse to Lin Pingzhi.

  Task reward: 20 points of internal strength, choose a skill to upgrade. ]

  The events of sympathy are too heavy, and it is always pleasant to have such an easy task.


  Yang Guo rode on the white horse, felt the scenery on both sides fly in the opposite direction, and let the wind sweep away the scorching heat from his face, which was extremely refreshing.

  On the road, you can smell the fragrance of glutinous rice, but you can occasionally see dragon boats going down the river, and it should be almost the time of the Dragon Boat Festival.

  In the evening, in a small restaurant in the countryside, I ate the first zongzi after crossing over, with a candied date in it, sweet and delicious, and fell asleep.

  Early in the morning of the second day, with this refreshment, I urged the horse to go fast.

  Since the white horse was developed by Yang Guo, it has gradually fallen in love with running wildly, without urging, its hooves hardly touch the ground, and it gallops on the road like flying.

  It takes less than half a day to reach Fuzhou.

  After meeting Mr. Lin Shao and Mr. Chen, he returned the horse, talked about the old days, and said goodbye.

  [Ding, the white horse has been returned, the task is completed.

  Reward 20 points of internal strength, and you can choose a skill to upgrade.

  Name: Yang Guo.

  Sex: Male.

  Age: 16 years old.

  Martial arts realm: Third-rate martial artist.

  Martial arts: Quanzhen Swordsmanship (C-level martial arts, rank four); Ancient Tomb School martial arts (C-level martial arts, eighth rank); Jade Heart Sutra (A-level martial arts, ninth rank); product); seventy-two ways to ward off evil swordsmanship (D-level martial arts, eighth grade)

  Lightness Kung Fu: Jinyan Kungfu (C-level lightness kung fu, seventh grade); Ancient Tomb School lightness kung fu (A-level lightness kung fu, sixth grade).

  Internal force value: 136.

  Cheats have been obtained: Jade Heart Sutra (A-level martial arts); Exorcism Sword Manual (D-level martial arts)].

  Yang Guo thought for a while, and upgraded the Ancient Tomb School's light kung fu, because now he has acquired the new evil sword technique, which can form a small bond with the Ancient Tomb School's light and quick body technique, and can be used as a low-profile sunflower book that does not need to be used by the palace.

  The A-level lightness kung fu method of the fifth rank, plus 136 points of internal strength to rely on for lightness kung fu, Yang Guo feels that he is no less than a first-class master in terms of lightness kung fu purely!

  Coupled with the evil swordsmanship, at this moment, it might be possible to kill the high level with lightness and low level!

  Thinking of the newly acquired evil sword technique, he thought of Lin Yuantu instead.

  What exactly did Lin Yuantu write in that letter to Zen Master Hongye?

  Yang Guo has never read this letter, and the eminent monks who have read this letter have not told him, but he also guessed something.

  When he thought of this, it happened that when Yang Guo walked to the door of the escort agency, Lin Yuantu happened to be guarding the door just like last time.

  Lin Jiayuan Tugong didn't ask Yang Guo how things were going, but just said: "Thanks for your hard work."

  Yang Guo said: "You're welcome, I've settled down that girl Qu, thank you, Senior Lin, for pointing out a good place to go.

  Also... congrats to the old man. "

  Lin Yuantu asked in surprise, "Oh? Congratulations?"

  Yang Guo said: "Although I haven't opened your letter to Zen Master Hongye, I can try to guess:

  Zen Master Hongye must have had contact with you before his death.

  Inside the temple, he arranged for someone to take over as the abbot to prevent civil strife among various factions; outside the temple, he planned a way out for his disciples and grandchildren.

  You should have promised in the letter that according to what you discussed with Zen Master Hongye before, Fuwei Escort Bureau and even Fuzhou City will support South Shaolin Temple and support their outward development.

  Fuzhou and Putian are very close, and there are two big forces, the Fuwei Escort Bureau and the South Shaolin Temple, who will dare to compete with you? It is expected that southern Fujian and even the entire Fujian area will be under the control of Yuantu Gong.

  As for the Fuwei Escort Bureau's opening up of the escort routes, and Lin Shao's contact with the major forces this time, whether UU Reading is really for the convenience of escorting, or does it have other ideas, I don't understand these, and I can't say for sure.

  But anyway, this time, congratulations. "

  Lin Yuantu's expression was meaningful, and he didn't deny it. After a while, he said, "Thank you this time."

  Yang Guo shook his head, said: "I'm just delivering the letter, without me, no matter who goes, the result will be the same.

  It's just that I, who has nothing to do with the Fuwei Escort, went there, which is more suitable-it seems that you don't care much about things there, and it can make them feel at ease.

  If Zen Master Hongye wants to solve the crisis in South Shaolin Temple, he can only turn to the Fuwei Escort Bureau for help. He also expected the consequences. At least you, Yuan Tugong, were also a Buddhist disciple and have a compassionate heart. "

  Lin Yuantu quietly listened to Yang Guo's words, his martial arts were unfathomable, and the expression on his face at this moment was also profound and difficult to fathom.

  After a while, he took out another book from his bosom, handed it to Yang Guo, and said, "I gave you a sword manual earlier, this is a copy of the South Shaolin Temple boxing secret book entrusted to me by Master Hongye a few days ago. There is no statement that it cannot be practiced by outsiders, I don't need this boxing technique, so I will give it to you."

  Seeing him take out the book from his pocket, Yang Guo once thought it was the secret book of the Sunflower Book, and even asked himself in his heart if it was the Sunflower Book, should he bear the pain and leave the palace.

  At this time, I heard it was Southern Shaolin boxing. I don't know if it is more regretful or more pleasant, so I am not polite, so I took it and put it away.

  Having seen Kong Xiang's astonishingly powerful iron fist that day, he knew that this boxing technique was good,

  Although there are already a lot of martial arts in the panel, but to become a master, the more kung fu the better.

  He cupped his fists to bid farewell to Lin Yuantu, who gave him an appreciative look and nodded slightly.

  Just as he was about to leave, suddenly Mr. Chen chased him out, Yang Guo stopped to see if he had something important to say.

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