I've been in the potions room during breaks, brewing potions. Don't get me wrong, potions isn't my favorite, but I wanted to brew some of the trickier potions that we've already done, just to make sure I remember how.
I've so far done liquid luck. It's taken a while. But today I was finally going to master Amortentia.
It was going rather well as I was working too. Until the potion was complete. I grinned at my work and took a whiff. "Freshly mowed grass, new parchment, spearmint toothpaste..." this is where I prepared myself for the worst, it would most likely be the smell of Ron's hair, as it was several years ago. But as I sniffed at the potion one last time, I smelled a new scent, "...cologne."
I put my hand on the edge of the cauldron... cologne? Who wears cologne...? Then I moved my hand and the cauldron slipped, spilling amortentia all over me.
Thankfully, this potion did not need to be heated to extreme temperatures, but it still stung.
I grabbed my wand and used a cleaning spell. I tried to get the amortentia out of my shirt, but it just dried, the smell didn't go away. Which I was kind of happy about because I was smelling everything I loved all day.
I glanced at the time and packed my things up in a hurry. I was going to be late for transfiguration.
As I reached Professor McGonagall's classroom, I slowed down. I hesitantly opened the door. I snuck in, students were still making their way to their seats. "Miss Granger, Is there a reason for your tardiness?"
I winced and plopped down in my seat, "I was just finishing some potions homework and lost track of time."
Professor McGonagall sighed and lowered her glasses, looking at me, "Very well, I expect it won't happen again." I nodded.
Beside me, Harry sniffed my shoulder, which was kind of odd.
"Are you alright, Harry?"
Harry blushed a little bit and said, "Sorry 'Mione. I just- you smell great."
I mentally slapped myself, I spilled amortentia on myself, now I'm going to smell like whatever the people around me love.
I groaned.
Harry frowned, "Are you alright, Hermione?"
I nodded grimly, "Yes, I suppose."
As the day continued, almost every person I passed commented me on my smell. It wasn't until I got back to Malfoy and my living space when I sighed in relief. No more people asking where I got my 'perfume'.
"Well, Hello there Grager." Malfoy smirked, plopping down on the sofa. "You finally managed to break free of the library! Or did you live in there on purpose?"
I rolled my eyes, he doesn't even know how to insult me anymore, "Shut up, Malfoy."
Malfoy scoffed, "Nerd."
I smirked, "Git."
Malfoy chuckled a little.
"You have a weird way of flirting with me, Granger."
My jaw dropped, "Oh flirting?"
He nodded, and sighs, "I'm afraid you've fallen for Draco Malfoy. It's alright though, it's hard to resist me."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "Right."
Malfoy frowned, "Why was everyone talking to you today?"
I smirked, "Why? ."
Malfoy nodded, "Extremely."
I rolled my eyes, "People kept saying I smelt good."
Malfoy frowned, "What do you mean? You smell like you normally smell. Like apples and spice... and roses."
I frowned, "How do you know what I smell like?"
Malfoy blushed slightly, but tried to hide it. I saw it though, "I've walked past you before, plus your perfume is over powering."
I laughed, "I wear rose perfume. The apples and spice is all natural."
Malfoy gulped, "I'm just really good at observing things."
I smirked and nodded, "Oh, of course you are."
He sighed, "Alright, maybe I like the smell."
My jaw dropped, "You don't say."
He threw the pillow at me, "Shut up Granger."
I laughed, "Aww, Ferret's blushing!"
He rolled his eyes, making the blush only spread. I laughed as he walked into the bedroom, yelling, "Fuck you Granger!"
*- - -*