/ Fantasy / The Maid’s Daughter

The Maid’s Daughter Original

The Maid’s Daughter

Fantasy 157 Chapters 1.6M Views

4.8 (65 ratings)

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“I want to make you mine. Just mine. Forever and only.”


Two centuries ago, Princess Madison of Zenovia died to protect her kingdom. Her selfless deed had gotten her reincarnated as the royal’s maid’s daughter hundreds of years afterwards, not being pursued by only one, but two princes of Zenovia. Will she finally get her way and sit on the throne that was her very own birthright?

The competition is getting fierce. Looks like someone will chase Emma if the other two princes of Zenovia won’t take initiative. But who will she end up with at the very end?


“Miss Grey, what can you tell us about your father?” Julius asked.

Emma furrowed her brows.

“Excuse me?” She asked. She had never known much about her father, and when she was called to the throne room, she hadn’t expected to be asked such...personal questions.

She thought Julius was joking, but his serious look didn’t say the same.

“My mother never told me about him. Other than the fact that he had the last name, Kennedy. That’s all I’ve ever known of him,” Emma answered, unsure of how her father was related to any of this.

The King and Queen gasped.

She really was the daughter of the late Duke.

The King explained to the confused Emma what was going on.

“Ms Grey, this ‘Kennedy’ you are speaking about, is the late Duke Kennedy. From what my advisor, Julius, is telling us, you are the biological daughter of the late Duke Kennedy of Zenovia,” he explained.

Wait, what?



This novel is purely fictional, and since this book's first chapter takes place around the 1800s, I must clarify that the others take place during the 21st century.

The cover of this novel is not mine. And a reminder. Hate comments, self-promotion and baseless accusations of any kind will be deleted. Thanks, guys. Author out.

P.S. No, I am not changing any part of the book, I am simply editing what I've written in the past and fixing grammatical errors, etc etc.

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DO NOT. I repeat, DO NOT hesitate to pick up this masterpiece of a novel and read it. I won’t give anything away, but trust me when I say this novel will keep you on your toes, and that the novel will leave you hooked and wanting more. The writer of this novel knows how to entice his/her readers with this piece de resistance of a novel. Now, go on. Chapter 1 of this masterpiece awaits you. Trust me, you won’t regret reading it. And dear writer, if you’re reading this, please know I am a huge fan of your novel. Amazing job. This is splendidly done. ❤️

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Shameless author giving a 5-star review here. This novel is my very first contracted novel, and I hope you all love reading it as much as I love(d) writing it. This is a slow-burn romance of sorts, and romance only starts after about 20-30 chapters. I update daily, if not, every once in a while. Please support my novel if you have any spare powerstones, and add my novel to your library as more motivation for me to write and post more chapters as well. Hope you enjoy TMD. Love you all so much! - mari

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Well, guess it's my turn to review. First of, my favorite novel on Webnovel. I spend the rest of my time when I ain't binge reading comics right here. I tried making a mystery novel. Let's say it turned out like an elementary school piece. As a fellow writer (if I'm good enough to be considered one), this story blows my expectations out of the world. Author, keep up the great work! I will support through my power stones ('cause I'm too broke for any chance to give coins).

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LV 11 Badge

another great romance novel from the author, its great and very recommended to be read [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

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LV 10 Badge

This is a really a good novel especially for light reading. The plot got me interested and the characters were well developed. Looking forward for more chapters.

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The perfect book you should read if you’re interested in anything about royal romances. I also loved the point of view the writer used. [img=recommend][img=update]

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Wow, this author is quite the talented author, especially with Romance in general. This novel is worth reading and I hope more chapters can be posted soon!

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Please post more chapters, it’s so interesting. I can’t wait for what’s to come. Kudos to the author for writing yet another romance novel. I thoroughly enjoyed Flipping the Script. [img=recommend][img=update]

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The story is really good. Emma had two options for romance and I can't wait to see what sort of things she get I involved in with these two around. lol! Here we go we go with another exciting Romance story! 😍

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Good read, looking forward to seeing where she ends up. For a young girl who writes is as good as it gets. Let's see where she goes after being sacrificed on the altar to become a maid's daughter. No doubt the author will give us a roller coaster ride.

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I always loved romance. This book is exceptional. This is the perfect book if you want to read anything regarding romance. [img=recommend][img=update]

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Talented writing style, interesting main character and supporting cast, and a really good story so far! Can't wait to read more from this author!

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I am hooked on this book. I can’t wait to see what happens. [img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend]

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Romance books like this are what I love most. [img=coins][img=exp] [img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend][img=update][img=recommend]

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Interesting. That’s one way to describe this book. I can’t wait to see what happens to Emma, Michael and Adam. I ship Emma and Michael tbh.

Reveal Spoiler
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the Novel is fit for royal romance. it takes you to the ancient times. Really a great one for light reading. the author is fantastic looking forward to updates.

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I have read the story up until chapter 5. The author has potential and will grow to write beautiful stories if she continues honing her skills by writing more consistently. The title is not catchy enough, but the synopsis works well to draw readers in. The story could use some improvements in consistency, sometimes the Author used 1st narrative in her 3rd person narrative, and a few mixed up pronouns (his/her), consistency on the anniversary (28 or 30?). The story is simple and the characters are predictable. We need more show than tell. However, there are no glaring mistakes that will hinder you from reading the story. The English is good too, considering it's not the author's first language. Overall, a good read for anyone who enjoys light reading.

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LV 15 Badge

Here's my review, was going to surprise author with it today, but author surprised me first. Lovely book of I do say so myself. A thrilling start, one that left me feeling sad at the fate of the beautiful Princess. Especially with her parents fate as well... Author made us cry.. Then the story became better, and we get to meet d handsome ml... Simply great. Good plot and character development... 👍 keep it up.

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This novel is a show for this writer's avant-garde's skill. Kudos to the writer, who I hope will make it big someday. [img=recommend][img=update]

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I would say romance wasn't my fav genre, but i actually wrote one🙄 however, a rebirth story? One of my favorite💜 The writing style by this author is amazing, check out another books by this author too! For now, i am loving the plot ans character development! Good job Author! Good luck on your WPC! 💪💪

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Amazing story! both grammatical and plot! I love the character design and everything else! It almost seems like "WMMAP" but wow!! I recommend this to everyone out there!

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