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The Love I Give The Love I Give original

The Love I Give

Author: Theloveigive

© WebNovel

How It All Started

The day was June 10th 2000 and something I was in the kitchen cooking dinner when he came home it was quite early for him to be home because he gets off at 9:00. I was pretty shocked when he told me he got fired and he wasn't taking it so well. I could see that when he got in he went stright to the fridge and pulled out a beer. I was personality mad he was the best worker they had

There and many of years how could they. I was gonna call up there until he told me it wasn't worth it and it would be a waste of time. He also told me that the job was kind of boring and that he didn't really care. But like I said I knew he was feeling pretty down about it. Later on In the day I decided to make him. His favorite food which was steak with mashed potatoes and wine. As I was calling him down stairs to eat I heard him on the phone with someone it sounded like a woman but I didn't mind it might of have been his mom. He is a big teddy bear after all. After he got off the phone and came down stairs I asked him who he was on the phone with he said his friends wife. At the time i didn't think much of it but now that's sound kind of suspicious. Later on when he got in the shower I took it upon myself to call his friends wife. The conversation went a little like this

Hi it's me miracle

Her oh hi how are u

Me good and you

Her Good thanks for asking what can I help u with

Me oh I was just calling to ask you something

Her yes

Me umm was my husband on the phone with u an hour are two ago

Her no why

Me oh just askin

Her ok

Me thank you bye

Her bye


After that call I knew somthing was going on and it was not gonna be good when I found out.

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