/ Urban / The lost MAFIA Princess

The lost MAFIA Princess Original

The lost MAFIA Princess

Urban 18 Chapters 18.9K Views
Author: Fatima_Nai_Ra

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Living as one the of the mafia princesses of France. There are 7 of them ,but only her ,Aliandra, was treated differently among them. Her father, the king of the mafia world, personally in firing gun, in throwing daggers, using sword.

He favor her form all of her daughters. So as her brothers, they love the girl so much, too much where they came to the point they wouldn't let the girl go everywhere freely. In short the family are obsess with her except her witches sisters.

Not until she decided to escape since she can't tolerate anymore the leashes tide around her neck. And ending up in Italy.....

In a dark alley he found her being beaten by some fuckers cruelly on the cold ground, with bruises on her body. She's helding a little unicorn in her right arm, like someone is gonna take it away.

And that's the clue he confirm she's a little......


"ssshhhh you'll be safe..

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Author Fatima_Nai_Ra