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Chapter 16: Out...


Outside of the cave of wonders


Jafar started gaining his consciousness back slowly, his eyes opened and he moved his body slightly before he started feeling the ground shaking ' going on?' he thought while raising himself from the ground slowly to take a look around him. The shaking started getting more violent, Jafar noticed his goons, Parrot and Aladdin with his monkey still down.

Then the impossible happened, from the ground, two demonic humanoid beings made of lightning and fire immerged from the ground with earth-shattering screams as each one of them blinked away in his own direction leaving only a faint trail of red and blue that quickly dispersed shortly after.

Seeing such a display of horror that Jafar never witnessed before made him shiver with fear "No! This is too much, this place is dangerous! I need to get away from this place!" he mumbled to himself while looking around him to see if there is any other dangerous thing that may jump at him at any moment. Then he took his parrot in his arm and ran away completely disregarding Aladdin and his guards. Jafar ran back to the palace, he doesn't want to be here any further. First, a lightning monster descended on him and attacked him till he lost consciousness, then he saw two demons immerging from the ground with anger and hatred on their faceless heads.

Soon after he left, Aladdin and the goons woke up, they all shared a sense of fear from whatever is around this cave, unlike Jafar, they didn't need to see two demons to run away back to their homes. Aladdin ran the fastest with Abu in his arms "This was a bad idea, this was a bad idea!" he told himself while running "This was not my business, I should just return home, Ace will be there, I don't need gold, I lived my life happy 'till now. I don't care about magic and gold anymore!" He ranted in his hurry. He left the desert to never walk in this direction ever again.


In the Cave Of Wonders


Genie who was hiding behind a boulder with the magic carpet raised his head from behind it to see if everything is safe "Are they gone?" he asked while looking around them.

Ace whos eyes were still glued on the ceiling "But not for long." Ace shook his head. This is bound to follow by trouble.

Genie jumped down in front of Ace "What do you mean? will they return? dude those things are so powerful that they may destroy this world!" Genie began to panic "We cannot let them free!" He was anxious and looked at Ace for a solution as he turned into a blue short creature with long pointy ears and an ugly face "We have to kill them." he said with a hoarse voice and a creepy face.

"Indeed, but we won't be able to kill them, but you are correct in your assumption as those two are one of the most powerful ones out there. If someone found their fruits he would cause chaos all over the world." Ace didn't like the idea of someone with his own powers running around burning and destroying things without anyone being able to stop him. Genie returned to his normal state and gave Ace a thumbs up.

"But finding them will be a hassle, they could be anywhere in this world." Ace sat down and started thinking, it was a common fact in his world that devils return to the nearest fruit after its owner's death. But later in his adventures, that proved to be wrong. He killed several Logia and Zoan type users, he tried to look for their fruits nearby but he never found them.

Hearing this, Genie beamed with a proud smile "Leave that to me." he said as he started making a sound like a submarine radar while his head is turning in its place.

"well?" Ace raised an eyebrow waiting for Genie to speak. After a short moment, Genie gave up and returned to normal.

"Great Lord Of Goats!" he spoke disappointedly "Their energy disappeared completely, It will take me some time to pick where their general location is." He said as he sat with Ace.

"No need to hurry, take your time. We will get the news if someone found them, and if not, we can relax and just go collect them." Ace stood up "We should go." Ace picked up the lamp in his hand and looked at the magic carpet "Stick to my back." The magic carpet flew to his back and glued itself to his shoulders making it look more like a cap than a carpet.

Genie turned to smoke and returned to his lamp and Ace put the lamp in his Red Ring. Ace jumped to the ceiling and tried to turn his body into flames to go through the crakes in it. But as soon as he reached the ceiling he hit his head against the ceiling "Ouch!" he frowned at the sudden turn of events as he fell down to the ground.

"Wha the hell?!" Ace looked at his hands for a moment, he tried to turn his body into pure flames but that didn't happen. But when he used his powers normally, he found he could still use everything aside from turning onto pure flames or lightning. "It can't be..." Ace realized something "With the devils out of my body..." He then pickets a small rock from the ground and throws it in the air to test something.

Ace focused his senses again and tried to turn into pure fire as the rock came down on his head and struck him. Ace sighed "Yes. With the devils out of my body I have lost the ability to be immune t physical attacks." Ace realized this and shook his head "A sad thing but not a horrible one." He then coated himself with lighting and destroyed his way through the cave to find himself in the beautiful night sky.

The magic carpet left Ace's shoulders to fly in the sky. Ace could feel its joy to finally be out of the cave. He then took out the lamp to let Genie out.

As soon as Genie met with the view of the shining full moon he couldn't help but be amazed "After countless years...I finally got to see the moon at last." Ace let the two have their moment before heading towards the Palace, he still needs to attend the end of the party.

After Genie and Carpet felt the cold of the night and saw its beauty, they decided to leave with Ace, Genie transformed himself into a little blue bird as he shrank his lamp and made like a necklace for Ace to put it around his body. As for the carpet, Ace had no problem with it as it could always pretend it is just a normal carpet.

After returning to the party, Ace excused himself and asked for permission from the Sultan to leave but...

"No. You will spend the night in the palace. We can't let our estimate guest return without breakfast." With the Sultan being so serious about the matter and the other nobles saying it was a normal etic for the new nobles to spend at least half a day in the palace as he will mostly come back to it frequently.

Genie "The Blue Bird" on his shoulder chirped at this turn of events, his voice traveled to Ace's head "Either they are too generous or they are kissing your ass." He spoke, "And I favor the latter."


The Lost Fruits / Chapter 33 is out on Pat reon

Food Wars: The Golden Hands / Chapter 173 is out on Pat reon

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