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26.25% The Lost Fruits / Chapter 21: On We Go

Chapter 21: On We Go


Agrabah - Morning - Ace's Home-


The next day, Ace woke up with the sunlight creeping in from his window. He grunted in annoyance and turned the other way as the light hit his face.

In the same room, on the other side of the room, a second bed was placed, when the person occupying that bed heard Ace's grumbling in his sleep. A beautiful Lady woke up and looked with her sleepy eyes at Ace. She rubbed them before realization came down to her.

"SHIT!!" Jasmine gasped loudly "I slept over." Jasmine quickly stood, ran to the bathroom, washed her face and adjusted her clothes. Hearing all that noise, Ace woke up too, annoyed and sleepy.

'Damn it!! I didn't think I would sleep here, I thought I would visit him then return to the palace at night!! Why did I sleep! If my father found me out of the palace, I can only say to my free days bye-bye!! Kaaah!' Jasmine was causing so much ruckus around the house as she tried to gather her things.

"What is wrong with you? it's not the end of the world." He said as he yawned.

"You don't understand, I am late! very late! my father will visit my room at any minute now!" Jasmine said as she wore her shoes.

"Who is your father?" Ace smiled and asked. Taking advantage of her panic and distraction he spoke.

"The Sultan, you idiot, who else do you think?!!" Jasmine then left the house and rushed back to the palace, Not even realizing what she has just said. Her reaction for that might be a national story that could be told for generations.

Ace started laughing as loud as he can. Genie came out of the lamp and looked at him "What? what happened? did I miss something fun?" he asked. He saw the magic carpet on the floor "Did you see what happened?" The Caret shook its body and returned to sleep.

"Oh! man, I love it!" He wiped a tear off the side of his eye.

"After that long ass night of flirting, I am surprised that you have the energy to laugh like this." Genie came to Ace's face and spoke.

Ace left his bed and went wash his face "Did we bother you?" He asked.

"Bloody hell you did!" Genie huffed with anger "Never in my life saw two people speak for that long, I swear I could see the sunrise when you two fell asleep!"

Ace laughed and cleaned his face "By the way, be ready, we are going to war."

Genie froze in his place and cleaned his ear "Sorry, what?!"

"Don't act surprised, you been there with me and heard everything. I am going to join the general in the war." Ace sat went to the kitchen to fix for him some breakfast.

"Yeah, I heard that clear, but why now?" Genie took out a TV and showed a clip of Ace's conversation with the Sultan and Jafar "They clearly said you will be responsible for funding the war then you will Join the war. why the rush?" he asked.

"The sooner the war is over, the sooner I can relax." Ace replied.

"Man, you tripping!" Genie sat on a nearby chair and shrugged his shoulders "Thought you will work your relationship with the girl before going to war." he said.

"Ha-ha! You speak like I am going to die, boy, I can end that war in one minute." Ace put his plates on the table "Wanna eat?"

"Yeah, sure." Genie shared a meal with Ace. Something he didn't do in ages.

"Anyway, I am leaving funding the war to Aladdin and Walid. I go to the war, end it, get myself great merits and come back for my reward."

Genie shook his head as he played with a knife "You make it sound easy." he said.

Ace chuckled and drank a cup of juice "By the way..." He remembered something very important "What about the location of the devils? did you find where they fell?" he asked.

Genie remembered that and closed his eyes for a moment "Yeah...One of them is in the east...The other is in...ah! this one is far away, uh, come on! yup. In the north."

"Thank you that is very helpful." Ace responded with a deadpan face.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I still need time. Those are foreign energies, I need time to realize their frequency." Genie defended himself. If it was any other thing in this universe, he wouldn't take a second to pinpoint its location "And it's not my fault that you didn't want to use your wishes on them. I am doing you a favor here, alright!"

"Okay, okay! Let us go." Ace put the dishes away and wore his clothes. He exited the house, the Magic carpet followed him, not minding the other people who thought they were hallucinating. Genie took the form of a hawk and took off in the sky after he shrank his lamp and hanged it on Ace's neck like a necklace.

He went to his company and met up with Aladdin and Walid. When they saw the flying carpet, they felt weird and asked Ace about it.

"It is a magic carpet, you never heard of one?" he asked. Ace has already given up on hiding things like this, Just hiding the carpet and Genie for one day caused him so much headache. Besides, Aladdin from the movie didn't try to hide anything and everyone accepted Genie and the carpet. This indicated that people hear have some knowledge about magic.

Walid and Aladdin looked at each other and sighed "It is not that, but, magic items often come from Sorcerers. Those guys aren't very common here in Agrabah." Aladdin said.

"Why?" Ace wanted to know more. This is a first for him, if he can know about more then he can wield his powers freely too. Although it would be awkward to use the lightning powers as Aladdin saw them before.

"Most Sorcerrecs prefer rich and powerful nations where they can exchange their service for money and power. Agrabah is just slightly above the poor nations line. So, it is not a very good business place for them." Walid added further. Ace nodded in understanding. That explains a lot.

"Anyway, where is my horse?" Changing the subject, Ace decided to speak about what he came for in the first place.

"Yes..." Walid called for the boys behind him to bring the horse here. They returned with a grey horse, very healthy and strong. "This is your horse, My lord," Walid said. He handed the horse's bridle to Ace "It is a mare. The best there is, you won't find any problems with her." Ace looked at his new horse's eyes and used his Haki letting it know who is in charge.

"Thank you." Ace spoke "Walid, Aladdin is the man in charge now, make sure he is doing his work, alright?"

"Of course my lord." Walid bowed.

"HEY! I can take care of myself." Aladdin was insulted at that. He was no idiot.

""Doubt"" Both of Ace and Walid retorted back at him before they shared a good laugh. genie who was flying up in the sky came down and screeched at Ace.

"Alright then. I have my supplies and everything, so I will be off. Until we meet again." Ace jumped on his horse and took off like an arrow leaving only dust behind him.


The Palace - Jasmine's Room


Dalia was standing at Jasmine's bad looking at the dead-like princess " You know...You look like a drowned man on the beach." She said.

"I wish I was like that." Jasmine said with a depressed voice "I can't believe it...A secret I kept for months was blown off in a mere second." Jasmine started kicking around on her bed. She was so embarrassed "He heard that! he definitely heard it!!" Raja jumped off the bed not to get caught in his owner's battle of awkwardness.

"And what about it, you finally get to be who you are and stop lying." Dalia smiled, she was very optimistic about this "And I can get my identity back too? If you think about it."

"Good For you." Jasmine stopped kicking the air and sighed "The next time we meet will the most embarrassing moment of my life." she said with a little tear in her left eye.

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