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They sat in the quiet for a few minutes looking at each other every now and then. "Soooo..." belle says trying to get rid of the nervous air. "What do we do now?" belle asks nervously. "Lets move." lione says while looking straight into bells eyes. "R-Really, are you sure we have to go that far?" belle says with a worried look on her face. "I think we should, plus we can try to find a much better blacksmith and adventuring guild." Lione grab's belle's hand's and holds them "we need to do this that way wet can figure out what is going on with us." Belle was hesitant at first but agreed "Let's just not do anything that crazy again" lione nods his head in agreement.

They were just about done packing their things w when they heard a knock at the door. "Open the door" yelled a militia men with him were the blacksmith and four other militiamen. "If you come out and explain yourselves then no one need's to get hurt." presumably the leader of the group. 'They are here to ….RUN' a voice resounded in his head again. It was a lot quieter then before but it still worded him out. 'fly' lione starts floating, "what are you doing voice" belle looks at him worryingly "I'M NOT CRAZY" belle looks at him doughting his claim. 'fly' belle begins to float as well. They grab their stuff quickly when they hear a big crash downstairs them loud footsteps. They open and fly out of the window to a safe altitude. "status"

( Lione )






Affinity: air / ????? / ???? / ????? / ????? / ???????? / ????? / ???? / ?????




"Hey belle check your affinity real quick" belle nods and say's "status" (instead of just putting Belle's stats its basically the same thing as lione's) "let's head towards the Royal capital it should just take us a day now that we can fly" belle nods her head in agreement again.

A day and a half later they arrive in the capital they didn't fly all the way their because they didn't want to draw a lot of attention. They approached the city gates. The wall was huge towering a good 300ft in the air. There were a lot of guards patrolling the wall and already 8 guards at the entrance. "the entrance fee is 2 copper and you have to give us a blood sample to make sure your humans." The guard looked at lione and noticed the pendant that was now around his neck. "Before we get down to that, how much do you want for that pendant" "it's not for sale" belle says confused on why he is so frustrated over losing it even though it means nothing to him. "Okay then give me your blood real quick and you can go in" the guard extends a small dagger with a razor edge.

Lione grabs the dagger and pokes his finger. A black liquid comes out of his hand for barely a second before healing itself. It seemed like a few minutes passed where everything was quiet and all writes were on him before an arrow goes flying towards his face and the entire entrance went chaotic.

Lione quickly granted the arrow before it hit him amazing and scarring the guards that surrounded them. He turns the arrow around and throws it at a guard which broke the sound barrier going through him and into the stone wall behind him. "Fly" Lione as well as belle started floating and heard towards the castle in the middle. They were being shot at by everything and from every direction but the spells and arrows looked like a pebble being thrown by a toddler. They were just about to be at the kinds entrance when a fireball hits lione. Surprised, he looked for who cast it but there were to many spells being shot at him it was hard to figure it out.

They finally land at the entrance of the castle just to be surrounded by guards and wizards. "can we please just speak to a blacksmith, we intend no harm and promise we will not attack anyone." No one moved for a few minutes until a voice coming from the gate to the castle could be heard "let the through I would like to speak to them in private" said a feminine voice. The guards in front of the gate parted like something out of a movie and a lady was standing on the other side of the makeshift army. "Let's go belle" lione didn't let his guard down until they were alone with a tall skinny woman. The woman had dark blue-ish hair and just the right amount of stuff everywhere. They were escorted inside the castle by the mysterious women and into a room that was nicer than anything they have ever seen before. "So what do you want with us" lione asked kind of annoyed since they still haven't seen a blacksmith. "Can you show me your status screen's?" the woman says while smiling eerily. "Sorry but I don't really go around showing my stats to just about anyone who asks" belle nodding her head in agreement. "Okay then I will get right to the point" the woman says then claps twice. Nothing happens but they feel the air change so they check outside. They couldn't believe their eye's, the lady used spatial magic which is super rare even among the demon and angel race. They turned towards the lady who was still smiling and looking at them. "I want to fight you 1v2 and if I win, you two will be my apprentice's" lione looks at belle then at the lady confused of what just happened and what she just said. "And if we win?" belle asks politely "then i will grant anything you want after all I am the queen of this country, my name is Isabelle of The Kingdom Of Lucratia a pleasure to make your acquaintance" they both step back, shocked they say "Fine let's do this" almost in unison.

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