Edit: As stated on the synopsis i'll be adding swords and magic but in a hidden place that only few people knows to a add a background or origin for our MC
Just to remind everyone who reads this, i won't make or give the image of the characters since
1st- i don't know how to draw but if you could, why not? then
2nd- i still think imagination is better than the pictures i see in google and etc. since some parts won't be clearly there that would be a little disappointing.
Also i'm open to any suggestion and advices so if you have any? comment it here.
Characteristics of MCs \v/
Amaris Lethe Le Dieu = Human Cultivator + Elemental Magician (sooner)
Hair Color - Shoulder length Black at the Top and Royal Blue at the Tip of the hair
Eye Color - Deep Amber
Small pointed nose
Has a tattoo that shapes Moon with a Rose on her wrist
Got reincarnated twice
Araia Mægen Silver = Vampire and Werewolf Hybrid + Cultivator (Sooner) + Magician
Hair Color - Waist level Red Hair
Eye Color - Dark Grey
Small pointed nose
Reincarnator, she won't be
Nóx Dauthí Black = (Vampire) Cultivator
Hair Color - Black, nape length
Eye Color - Deep Black
A little bit long and pointed nose
God Level Cultivator (nerfed)
Manipulated mother black's tummy and got himself inside to rebirth again. He'll be entering utopia so find out what happens.
Ryugo Ivanov = Vampire knight + Elemental Magician + Cultivator (Soon)
Hair Color - White Blondie, nape length
Eye Color - Light Grey, it would look transparent or silver- when light hits it (Figuratively speaking)
Long Pointed Nose
A hidden exhiled son of the current emperor of utopia.
Supporting Character
Faran Rægus Silver - Vampire and werewolf Hybrid
eye color - Grey
hair color - Nape level Red hair
Sharp Pointed Nose
Amy's Older Brother, Heir of Silver Family's Business Empire.
Lethe's Parents - Past and Present- unknown - Deceased
Amy's Parents - Mother (Werewolf)
- Father (Vampire)
Nóx Parents - Original Family - Deceased
- Black Family -
- Mother & Father- Vampire
Ivanov's Parents - Mother - Deceased
- Father - Vampire
Should i make Amy's twin be a cultivator? Hhmm.. i'll think about it when the time comes, also who should i pair him with?
a.) Crystal
b.) canon fodder
c.) You ;P
Anyway, so that's it.
oh and a little reminder that everything you read here is pure fiction nothing more, nothing less.
->I'll update... next time.<-