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Lucius Malfoy

After washing his face and tidying up his hair, Luke sat down in a chair while Hermione helped him with his hair. Although it's common knowledge that a wand can easily do these tasks, there's something satisfying about doing it the old-fashioned way, especially after using a wand for so many years. Even Hermione, who's quite adept with a wand, appreciated the simplicity of a manual hair care routine. Today, Luke returned the favor and helped Hermione with a low ponytail hairstyle, tying her curls together behind her. She looked capable and beautiful, ready for the day ahead.

After using his wand to tidy up the shop, the two of them were ready to head out for breakfast. Luke hadn't thought about cooking, so they decided to grab something to eat. As they stepped outside, they noticed tiny snowflakes floating in the sky, and a slight cold wind blew past them. Luke couldn't help but think about having hot pot for breakfast, but he knew they'd have to buy ingredients from elsewhere.

There were plenty of snack shops in Diagon Alley, so they decided to stop by for a quick breakfast before heading to the potions shop. The store had only earned ten gold Galleons so far, which was quite modest. Today, Luke planned to make some Protego rings to improve his proficiency. He'd chosen a corner position to work in, making sure not to disturb the surrounding bottles and jars of various materials.

Hermione, curious as ever, wanted to learn alongside him and see the production process for herself. As they worked, a familiar figure walked into the shop. It was Draco Malfoy, his fair hair and pointed features a stark contrast to his father's icy gray-blue eyes. He seemed surprised to see Hermione.

"Granger?" he exclaimed, clearly taken aback.

"Malfoy?" Hermione replied, equally surprised.

"Draco, do you know this girl?" Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father, asked with a frown.

"She's a...friend from school," Draco replied softly.

Hermione frowned at the term "friend." She didn't particularly like being referred to as such.

"Do you two have the potion you need?" she asked, trying to steer the conversation away from their unexpected encounter.

"I'm sorry, but do you have any palliatives available?" Lucius inquired softly, his demeanor exuding the refined grace of a nobleman. Yet, behind his polished facade, Luke couldn't ignore the true identity of the man standing before him.

"How many bottles would Mr. Malfoy require?" Luke inquired gently, tucking away his wand and placing a gleaming silver ring in front of Hermione, who had just emerged from the back room.

"Geralt!" Draco's voice chimed in from behind Lucius, catching him off guard. He hadn't expected to encounter these two acquaintances working together in this shop. It was a surprise beyond his expectations.

"Long time no see, Draco!" Luke greeted Draco with a warm smile, as if they were back in their dormitories at Hogwarts. "It's been a while..."

Draco nodded in acknowledgment once he recovered from his initial shock. Meanwhile, Lucius observed the scene with a calm demeanor, inwardly surprised to encounter two classmates of his son in such unexpected circumstances. The names Granger and Geralt belonged to families outside the sacred Twenty-Eight Purebloods, a fact that caught Lucius off guard considering Draco's pure-blooded pride mirrored his own.

Lucius quickly grasped the situation, realizing that the potion before him had been crafted by the wizard standing opposite him—Luke. His gray-blue eyes couldn't help but appraise Luke with newfound interest. After all, Focus Potion were high-level potions with complex refining methods, warranting a significant price tag.

"Eleven bottles, I'll take them all," Lucius declared without hesitation, his recent headaches compelling him to seek relief, despite the exorbitant cost. The notion of Voldemort's return lingered in his mind, though he knew it was merely a fanciful notion given Voldemort's demise at the age of eleven.

"Eleven bottles, totaling eight hundred Galleons," Luke stated matter-of-factly, using a Levitation Charm to transfer the vials of Focus Potion into a potion box.

"Deal," Lucius agreed, displaying the characteristic grandeur of the Malfoy family as he parted with the required sum without hesitation.

"Feel free to visit again," Luke called out with a smile as he watched the two figures depart, a sense of satisfaction lingering in the air.

Encountering such a substantial customer for the first time left Luke beaming, having effortlessly earned back the rent money in one fell swoop. Even Hermione couldn't hide her joy as she smiled, satisfied with the successful transaction.

"I'll probably craft a bottle tonight," Luke declared, handing the eight hundred Galleons to Hermione. With wand and ring in hand, he headed into the basement, where the refining of potions usually took place due to the strong smells and smoke involved.

As night fell and no other customers lingered, the shop closed early, with Hermione following Luke for her customary lesson on the use of runes in alchemy. She couldn't help but notice a silver ring, similar to hers, adorning Luke's finger, causing a subtle twitch at the corners of her lips.

"My head is so dizzy!" Hermione exclaimed after a while, feeling overwhelmed by Luke's explanations.

"I want a bottle of Focus Potion too!" she added weakly, revealing her ability to successfully concoct a demulcent.

"I just made one, and it's cooling down next to the crucible in the basement," Luke replied, currently engrossed in carving a bracelet. He reluctantly let Hermione go attend to her potion-making.

"By the way, that pink bottle can't be drunk!" he cautioned as she left, but by the time he turned his head, Hermione had vanished.

Luke couldn't help but wonder if Hermione would heed his warning about the conspicuous pink potion. After all, it stood out quite noticeably.

In the basement, Hermione approached the cauldron illuminated by a glowing spell. Bottles and jars of potions lined the area, some labeled and others not. Curiosity led her to a pink potion.

"Pink potion?" she mused, picking it up. Unfamiliar with forbidden potions, her curiosity got the better of her. Opening the cap, she sniffed, and a tantalizing fragrance tickled her nose, tempting her to take a sip.


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