/ 竞技 / The life I Worked for

The life I Worked for Original

The life I Worked for

竞技 2 Chapters 1.5K Views
Author: Pandaontop

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I worked for everything I had in life, yet it wasn't enough. That won’t happen in my new life where I won't be blocked by my talent. I will show everyone that all I needed was that 1% talent. Watch as I move into my new life with my new god given ; ) ability.

This story is just to pass time with nothing to do. I might not post after one chapter or continue into 200. Let me know about any spelling errors and if you guys want to see something in the streamer world or the American football world. This is a system and an OP character, but it won't be him throwing dimes 80 yards in middle school. Also, this is a UA to our world, with nothing reflecting in the real world.

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Author Pandaontop