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46.66% The library Of Forgotten Knowledge / Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

The Knights had returned the book very quickly, only taking 2 days to do so. Apparently, they had made a copy of the book and felt they wanted no more part in this situation. The librarian Lisa had expressed her want to read more but he had just smiled and said she couldn't. Jean expressed her thanks as the book would be "incredibly helpful in predicting the moves of our enemies." Now, all he had to do was wait.

And he did wait. He waited for a very long time. It felt like forever, but was really only a month. In that time, he discovered that many of the repair bots were in need of service. Their magic cores hadn't been replaced in a very long time and they would stop functioning soon. They were very easy to replace though, all he had to do was open their hatch, take out the bad crystal, and put in a new one. You could clearly see why the crystals needed to be replaced. They were dry and cracking, with their magic power almost drained.

He had just finished repairing the last bot and sat back down behind the desk as the doors started to rumble. He popped up with a jolt, it had been a while since his last visitor. However his eyes got bigger and bigger as a massive dragon walked through the doors. It breathed in through its nostrils, and hot air covered him. However, what it did next surprised him greatly, it chuckled.

*Dragon POV*

He had been awoken by a constantly fluctuating magical signature in HIS home. He growled at the crack in the air, hovering over his great golden horde. He had assumed the magic power to be a human mage, but this was much more interesting. After all, if it was just a human, he would eat them and be done with it. But this portal offered something different. More gold. A dangerous glint appeared in his eyes as he put one claw inside, however, the portal didn't like that and it sucked his entire body in.

He snarled as the snow around him melted instantly, his body het showing itself. The second he sniffed, he could tell exactly where he wanted to go. There was not a single sign of life anywhere on this floating rock, except for in one place. He flapped his wings, taking off with a great leap and flying high above the snowy forests below. He could clearly see his target, the tower, looming high above the clouds.

He landed with a great crash in front of the door, placing his claw on one and watching as they rumbled open. He stepped inside, sniffing, and watched as the human…. No, that was not a human. "Hahahaha… and undead. I haven't seen one in centuries." He smirked as the Undead's eyes widened. Before it spoke. "Welcome, oh mighty fire drake. I am the Tower Master, and this is my library." The dragon seemed to smirk before answering, "An undead with manners, how rare. Well Tower Master, I am Smaug, King Under The Mountain" That last line was said with a strange glint in his eyes, as if making an inside joke with himself.

*James POV*

Holy shit…. Smaug was in his tower. Smaug the dragon was standing there, talking to him. He was fucking terrified. He had no idea if he could beat Smaug or if he could even pierce his scales, and he didn't really want to find out. Ok, all he had to do was give the dragon a book, ask him to bring it back, and everyone could be happy. "Well Smaug, in this library is everything that has ever been written down. I can allow you to take one book, as long as you return it." Smaug stared at him for a long time, and he was getting even more uncomfortable, when the dragon spoke. "I have no need for books. I want gold. Do you have that?" Smaug seemed oddly calm, for a dragon anyway. "Well… no I don't have gold. But I have books on how to find gold, if you would like one of those"

The dragon snarled but nodded, and James pulled a book down on how to sense large amounts of gold through magic. As the dragon grabbed the book with his tail, he stated "Thank you, but I will be taking something else. TYhen, his claw lunged forward and James forced him out immediately. Though a scream rang out instantly. He cauterized the wound, a giant gash across his chest and pain tore through his body as his blood sizzled. He bit down hard, teeth crunching on one another as he desperately applied ice magic to the wound.

It only made it hurt slightly less, and he was starting to get woozy. "Tower.. Suppress all portals until I wake up." He barely managed to get that out, but the tower heard him, and he fell into unconsciousness as a pulse of magic flew out across creation.

He groaned as he woke up 'where..' it all came back to him and he gasped and sat up, desperately patting himself down and realizing that one, he was alive, two, he had a giant scar running from his shoulder to his hip, and 3, someone had put him in his bed. He sat there for a moment, collecting his thoughts and thinking about everything that happened. He could tell from his internal clock that he had been out for about a week. Now he had to deal with another problem. Smaug.

He got up, noticing a repair bot staring at him and realised that it must have put him in his bed. He smiled, and just as he was about to thank it, it left. He sighed as he got up, realising that his scar didn't hurt it all. It seemed his magic had repaired him, but couldn't get rid of the scar. It was fine, he would keep it as a sign that he was not invincible, that he needed to be stronger. And that was exactly what he was going to do. Become stronger. Prepare to fight Smaug.

He walked into the library, ordering the tower to keep the portals surporessed until he said so, and searched for a book. A book on how to build a black arrow. However, what he wanted was not an arrow, but a spear. One that he could pierce the hide of Smaug with and end his reign over the mountain. As he read the book, his eyes widened. The spears were made from pure magic, which meant he didn't have to go to Middle Earth and get the ore. They used a magic circle and formed the arrow in the middle. He would need to make some modifications to shape into a spear, but he would figure it out.

Without a moment of hesitation, he got to work making the circle out of chalk. The circle would be channeled by all five of the elements and shape them into the spear. He just needed to pump the right kind of magic into each of the symbols. Over 2 hours later, he was standing in the middle of a large magic circle. Latin writing covered it and 5 symbols were spread evenly on the edge. Wind, water, fire, earth, and lightning. He walked to the edge of the magic circle and placed his hand on the wind symbol, pouring his magic into it. That part of the circle roared to life with white light, illuminating the tower. He stepped towards the water symbol, doing the same and bringing a blue light forth. He then did the same for fire, earth and lightning until he was standing in the middle of a multicolored glowing circle, magic reserves almost empty.

He put his hands together in a prayer motion, beginning the final part of the spell. Obsecro te, Domine magnanime, ut petitionem meam recipias. Somnia tela profer, bestia occisor. Telum quod in historia dicetur. Fortior omnibus unus thr. Profer somnium meum. He groaned as his magic was completely drained, a bright light filling the space in front of him as the magic combined into a spear. Finally, after hours of sitting there the magic finally finished, and all the light vanished with the spear clanking to the floor.

He was tired but he smiled as he saw his creation, a simple but beautiful black spear. (Picture in comments). He picked it up, feeling its weight. It was heavy, even with his enhanced strength. He had a plan though, one to make both it and him even stronger. "I'll name you…. Dragonslayer. Yes, that seems appropriate."


If you have any suggestions for characters or animes and books i should include, please let me know!

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