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40% THE LAST WITCH / Chapter 2: where she belongs

Chapter 2: where she belongs


"your majesty, Edward is back", a maid comes and informs me when I was reading a book in my study.

"send him in", I order closing my book and leaning on the chair comfortably.

"your majesty!", he greets bowing a little to which I acknowledge with a small nod.

"how is she?", I ask him looking into his eyes.

"our queen is safe", he tells with a smile on his lips.

"Our queen is in new york, she is studying medical there, after running from woods she was found by a police officer, Jackson, who later decided to keep her with his family and they love her so much", he informs everything he found about my soulmate.

"I have information that tomorrow is her eighteenth birthday", he informs me making me frown.

"tomorrow? No, her birthday is on January eleven not December fifteen", I correct him now making him frown.

"but?", I cut him off immediately knowing that Aurora might have hidden it from others.

"her birthday is on January eleven", I inform him sternly to which he nods his head understanding its true.

"Increase security around her, at school, at home wherever she goes, keep an eye on her, no one can touch my queen", I tell him sternly to which he nods.

"sure your majesty, we wont let any shadow touch our queen", he tells placing his hand on his dead heart as I give him a small smile.

"do... do you know....if.... if she have a... boyfriend?", I ask stuttering, God how badly I wish I could smack myself for stuttering infront of Edward knowing well that he will tease me later.

"oh! So you are being possessive now?", he asks sarcasm dripping from his words.

"shut up and just answer", I snap at him trying to sound mad but his mischievous smile is speaking something different.

"oh I see if I tell yes then what you will do, kill him?", he ask raising his eyebrows amused.

"am sure the little kid wont dare to stand in my way but if she made a boyfriend, I would definitely kill you", I snap at him glaring in challenge to speak against me something not so funny.

"you were incharge of her security, if you did your work well she wont be having a boyfriend", I tell him rolling my eyes to which he chuckles shaking his head as no.

"dont worry, Lucas is enough to kick boys out of our queen's life like a foot ball, am just worried he might do same with you", he teases me smirking as I laugh at his comment without humour clearly sarcastic.

"wait! who is this Lucas?", I clench my teeth warningly at Edward to which he gulps as he raise his hands above his head in defence.

"he is Jackson's son, the police officer who took our queen in", he informs making me sigh in relief.

"what....", he was cut off by a loud screech of a vampire and animalistic growl of a werewolf.

"did you hear that?", Edward asks his jaw dropped in shock.

"lets go", I tell him giving a small nod as I run towards the place from where we heard the sound.

"Angela!", I shout as I see my sister in the grip of the werewolf who is hungry for her blood.

"Leo!", she yelps in pain causing me to groan animalistically. How dare he touch my family, my sister?

"How dare you step your ugly paws in my territory?", I growl at the werewolf angrily.

"you have a death wish, dont you?", I state smirking imagining the things I will do to him when I get my hands on him.

The werewolf howls loud in the dark night his voice echoing in the forest.

"Let me go!", Angela cries kneeing on the wet grass as his jaws locking her arm to held her hostage. She cant pull herself off his grip, if she did she will surely lose her arm forever. Though vampires can heal little injuries with time consuming blood directly from bodies but they cant grow a missing part of their body.

"Edward", I speak to him through our mind chain.

"He is calling his pack, they want to take Angela alive with them, so that they can trade her with us when time comes", he informs me reading the mind of the werewolf infront of us. All the royal blood vampires have super powers, when my father Damon de ricci started the human race he converted few humans into vampires who wanted to stay our side for immortality and riches which comes along with it. As we needed to built our own kingdom as we are not like the werewolves who can survive in forests sleeping under the trees in their beast form. My father asked few rich men to join our ally and they did gladly. Investing some money in different places of income, my father earned a fortune which will last for thousands of years to eat it out sitting ideal.

That's how he was the king of the vampires, being the first vampire with the power of enchant he was able to lure people in our world. Making them sign their soul to darkness in exchange of immortal life. As Edward is one of the sons of my father's best trustee after their murders he grew up along me in the palace. He got the power of reading minds because of the royal blood flowing in his dead veins. Most of the vampires can only read minds of humans but Edward was blessed with the lower of reading minds of vampires, werewolves and humans. He was always my most trustable man alive in my kingdom and I hope he will be the one always. His oath to stay loyal to me was always first than the greed for power, that is the main reason I have sent him to keep my soulmate safe.

In a mere second I see the vision of two werewolves jumping on me and Edward from our backs.

"Edward, they are gonna attack from behind", I warn him in our mind chain immediately.

In next minute we hear the footsteps of the hairy beasts and we know that its them.

"Leo!, Edward!", my sister exclaims in horror seeing the sudden attack.

In a blink of an eye I turn around and lunge on the beast with my hands gripping its thick neck. It tries to claw my back but it was too late as I snapped its neck in a second. "you should have thought twice before lunging on the world's strongest vampire king", I tell smirking at his dead body.

On the other hand I watch Edward trying to dodge the attacks keeping an eye on the other beast which held my sister.

"I got this", I assure Edward as I run in my vampire speed to the werewolf dragging my sister in the forest.

"Leo, help!", my sister screams in pain as the werewolf tugs on her arm making her scream more in pain.

I clench my jaw in anger stopping right infront of the animal who's fur is brownish dirt colour making it loosen its grip around my sister's arm. It tries to attack me as I growl in anger throwing a punch on its jaw.

"Get in the palace", I order my sister who gets up from the ground and gives me a nod as her pale face is now stained with marks of tears.

She started running into the palace keeping a eye on me making sure am safe. At that moment I wanted to laugh out loud at her cute yet foolish behaviour. She should have known her brother will be safe and she should do what I ordered before she gets attacked by other werewolves if they appear from nowhere. After all they are coming to take her for whatever the reason is and the injury on her arm must be treated before she dies because of loss of blood.

"How dare you touch my sister!", I seethe throwing punches on the bloody dog like creature not giving it time to retract itself from me.

"how dare you step in my territory!", I growl in pure anger, with my eyes now shining red due to the thirst of blood I grip the neck of the werewolf and dig my fangs into it. I slurp its blood completely out from its body as it writher in pain under me losing to the death.

I Drag my fangs out from it after taking last drop if its blood falling down from my lips, by licking it with my cold tongue and hum in pleasure. Werewolf blood is tastier than humans but we dont get addicted to it as we get addicted to the human blood. After all our food is human blood not werewolves.

"Die you puppy, die", Edward seethes as he parts the jaws of the werewolf with his hands and separate them breaking its jaw bone giving it most painful death.

I Smirk at his choice of killing werewolf, its my favourite but the blood thirst in me got best of me by feeding on the animal who invaded in my territory.

"Lets go, its over", I pat his shoulder sighing looking at the dead body of the werewolves in my garden.

"How dare they are?", he growls twisting his wrist making it click a little.

"come on, get Angela treated, I have to discuss about this attack to the others in jury, we have to stop these ugly bugs from entering our territory", I tell walking into my office in my vampire speed getting back to work as I believe Edward will take care of my sister's injury.

I Mean who am I to stop destiny to happen. They are soulmates and I have seen the vision of them together with two kids which I suppose theirs knowing Angela's love for children where as me, dont think about having little vampire kids running around the palace trashing everything which comes in their way in vampire speed. Would Aurora love to have kids of her own one day? If she does I will be glad to fulfil her wish. I chuckle at myself in disbelief that am thinking about having kids with my soulmate who doesn't even know I exist. "Just few more weeks my love, you will be in my arms", I assure myself sitting on my office chair turning on my laptop.

Soon the dark screen was brighten up with the picture if aurora in which she is smiling innocently looking at the ducks in the pond. This picture of her was taken by Edward two years ago and I had to trade my favourite 70's pocket watch with him for this picture.

"Beautiful", I murmur looking at her smile in the picture. Who knows the girl smiling and laughing looking all normal in between humans is not just a simple girl but my queen, the last witch on the earth who will hold all the powers of her ancestors in her petite body. The trauma she had to go by watching her parents killed in a massacre led by pack of werewolves in that short age did crack her soul but never stained her innocence. She is innocent as the time she was born. She dont desire revenge for her dead parents, she just want to live so that she carry them in her memories alive and healthy. I wonder if she have really forgiven them? If she had to chose which side to fight will she chose mine or the killer of her parents? I still need to know more about her even though I have seen her grow old into the woman she is now from far. I believe once I bond her to me I will learn more about her, the things which she holds in depths of her heart.

"My lord, we have cleared the land where werewolves took shelter, we are on our way to destroy their other camp before they plan to attack on us", Charlie tells from the other line of the face time. I sigh visibly seeing him all stressed out. His clean white shirt is crisped from place to place and had spots of blood on that. Though his eyes are in their normal brown colour I know he is thirsty for more blood. Charlie was like tgis from the childhood. He never got satisfied from the blood splattering on the earth from the centuries. This made him just like me, we have spent our childhood hearing stories from my mother and playing in the garden if the same palace am living today. He was like my own brother though he was not my blood. I remember the day when I was seven years old and my mother took me and five years old Angela for hunting in the forest. Then we found a young Charlie in his teenage pooled in blood waiting for his death on the bed of dried autumn leaves of the forest. Mother being kind woman she took him to palace and got him treated by witches but the injury given by the wolves were deep that they said he cant survive and then mother converted him into a vampire, from then he was one among us. As Edward, Charlie was grown old with Angela and me we all are close to each other. So close that Edward ties to pull my leg and still survive, like Angela is still after interrupting me in my important business meetings. While Charlie, I have to say swallowing my ego that he kept me alive by taking every harsh blow of the sword standing with me in every war we went. He was my armour, which no enemy could tear him away from me.

"Charlie, I have said thousands if times to call me Leo not lord Leo", I tell rolling my eyes at him.

He chuckles huskily though he is too tired to do anything. "Am not alone, whole tribunal is with me", he tells glancing around him.

"how bad it would look of me when I call our king with his name", he tells rubbing his nape.

"werewolves attacked Angela in the garden", I tell him coming to the point knowing he wont stop from addressing me lord.

His face expression got changed from smiling to frown in a millisecond, I observe his jaw clench at the word werewolves dare to enter our territory and specially hurt Angela whom he treats as his sister.

"Edward was with me, we handled it pretty well", I tell taking a sip of the Ab negative blood in the goblet.

"Is she okay?", he asks worried to which I press a smile and nod my head scantly.

"She will be doing good in few days, had her arm gripped by the jaw of the pup", I tell keeping my facial expressions casual though my blood is burning with anger.

"She will", he tells agreeing with me nodding his head.

"I want you guys take rest for tonight", I order him looking at the condition he is.

Before he shakes his head as no I give him my best glare daring him to comment on my decision. He sighs in defeat and answer "As you wish, My lord", sitting on the trunk of the tree on the ground.

"Do you think queen will be safe in palace?", he starts talking through the mind chain.

I frown thinking the possibility. "you know Angela did survive the attack but queen aurora?", he asks his facial expression calm trying to read me.

I clear my throat taking a large sip of my drink. "I know she will gain her powers but she will be new to use them", he tells as a matter of fact.

"I will think about it", I tell him pressing a smile on my lips.

He was speaking truth though. Werewolves are behind her blood. They want her dead so that they could over come is in number and power on the red moon day. I dont know if she could be able to tame her powers in the mean time to help us gain victory on those pups, but being her soulmate, its my responsibility to keep her safe and I will do everything in my hands to keep her safe even though I might have to walk on the fire for her. I should arrange everything for her welcome, after all my queen is returning to her home, to where she belongs.

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