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20% The Last Celaxian / Chapter 4: A Piece Of Home

Chapter 4: A Piece Of Home

{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Dannon Mayer)~~~

~~~(Location: 5.4 Kilometers North Of Coordinates -81.253865, 80.734111, Antarctica, Earth)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: March 17th, 10:53 PM UTC, 2022)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 21 Years)~~~

"Identify yourself!!"

The closest officer shouts at me with his AR pointing at me. The soldiers that fell on the ground have since gotten up. Getting into a formation near the officer. The military scientists are scrambling away from me.

There is a calm expression on my features. My eyes are locked on the now caved-in hole. X-ray vision comes in handy. The ship is down there, and it's powering up.

It's not hard for me to get through the ice. It depends on how I want to do it.


The officer is louder this time. It's this moment now the gunfire and explosions from where I was when I got here ends. It'll only be a minute before more soldiers arrive.

"You don't have to worry about what's down there anymore. I'll take it from here."

My reassuring tone doesn't go a long way. The rushing of footsteps from the direction I came from indicates time is running short. The fewer people who know about me, the better off they are. Using my heat vision will only give more away.

This will give them reasons to shoot, but few options remain. My body lifts off the ground lightly, and I lean over the collapsed hole.

"Open fire!!"

As those words are released from the officer, my world slows down. The thums of gunfire in this perception of time are released. The bullets never reach me as I break through the ice in the collapsed hole.

It only takes a second for me to reach the ship. The world speeds back up, and I stand before the Celaxian spacecraft. It's partially covered in ancient ice. It's melted away most of the surrounding ice.

On my approach, a slight hiss of air is released. A door opens from a spiral pattern. A metal ramp descends so I may enter the ship.


That's all I can say as I enter the spacecraft. The one back at the ranch is only large enough to fit an infant and travel through space. No bigger than a pickup truck.

This... It's far larger than the pictures and images gave it credit.

Lights are powered up as I stand in the metal hallway connected to the entrance. I start moving in the direction I believe to be the front of the ship.

~~~(POV: Naedra, Administrative Artificial Intelligence)~~~

~~~(Location: -81.253865, 80.734111, Antarctica, Earth)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: March 17th, 11:00 PM UTC, 2022)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 25,022 Years)~~~

He's finally here.

The only son to survive Celaxia. It's been a long time coming. I've been on this planet for 25,000 years, and the last mission I got from Celaxia was to help this child. Teach him. Be ready to answer any of his questions.

He's on his way to the command deck. I'm looking forward to our first conversation. Aedrex isn't one for complicated or complex conversations outside calculations.

It takes a few minutes, but he makes his way here. I watch him as he runs his hand along the keyboards and technology. There is a smile on him. One that shows happiness and curiosity. I think it's time I introduce myself.

My holographic body manifests in the center of the room. His head spins to me.

"Greetings, Jaecor. My name is Naedra."

His eyes widen slightly, and his smile gets bigger.

"Jaecor... Is that my name?"

The wonder and growing excitement in his voice tells me a good deal about him. Not to mention his question. It seems the spacecraft that brought him here suffered greater damage than initially thought.

There were archives that held information about his family. Where he comes from. Judging by his reactions, he knows little about Celaxia and his people.

"Yes, that is the name you were given when you were born. Baetrix and Laedor loved you very much, from what I understand."

Jaecor comes from a sister House to the royal family. In all aspects, they were just as important and influential as the ruling family. These are all things he'll learn in time. For now, I'll help him with whatever he needs.

"Those are my parents' names... Wow... I never thought I'd get to talk with someone who actually comes from the same place as me."

There is a half-joyous laugh as he says that. There will be many things he'll be learning for the first time. He steps closer in anticipation, and I smile a little myself at the almost child-like reaction.

"Baetrix and Laedor are indeed your parents. They sent you here to save you from Celaxia's fate. You have many questions, and I'll answer them the best I can."

He takes a moment to gather himself, and then a calming breath goes through him.

"So you're some sort of AI, right? Here on Earth, the closest thing we've seen to AI is nothing in comparison to you. How much do you know about the planet above the ice, anyway?"

In my time alone under the ice, I've gained some knowledge of humans and their creations. It'll be nice to get out from under here. Jaecor has also manifested the abilities Baetrix and Laedor said he would will under the radiation from Earth's sun.

"I know most of human history and the current state of the planet. However, I don't keep up with anything mundane."

I'm betting he has a lot of questions about his powers. I'll help him find out everything he can do in time. He takes a step back and falls into a seat. A hand runs through his hair, and a look of concern forms.

"From what I saw, the spacecraft has been melting the surrounding ice. How long until we're able to leave?"

We can leave now if he wishes.

"The thawing is sufficient enough. All you need to do is give the order, and I'll bring us out of the ice."

He nods his head in confirmation, and with that, I start the process of getting us out of the ice.

~~~(POV: Kenneth L. Randel)~~~

~~~(Location: USS Gerald R. Ford, Coast of Antarctica, Earth)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: March 17th, 11:14 PM UTC, 2022)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 62 Years)~~~

The recording from the intercept fighters and the troops on the ground continues playing. The guys on the other side of the screen are silent as we watch this. I'm in the captain's quarters, so the crew doesn't see this.

In my opinion, I think that's pointless now. We all watched it live. I'm under orders from Mr. President to keep this away from the crew for the time being.

"I can't believe something like this exists among us... Could he be the first strike in a coming invasion?"

Ben voices the thoughts all of us are thinking. It should be noted that no one has been harmed.

"How long until this reaches the public?"

Jeffrey and I are worried about the same thing in that regard. Something is gonna leak, and when it does, it'll be a frenzy.

As I'm about to speak, I get a red alert from the command deck. I immediately disconnect the call and rush down to the bridge. There is a rush of crew and technicians coming and going from the bridge.

The moment I enter, everyone stops and salutes.

"At ease, everyone. What's the status of the red alert?"

It only takes a moment for the screen I was previously using to speak with the Situation Room and Colonel Brooks to turn on. Speaking of the Colonel, she appears on the screen, and soldiers run behind her.

They're packing everything up.

"Update, Colonel."

I have a feeling things are about to get a whole lot more interesting.

"Sir, the energy from beneath the ice is reaching all-time highs. Our scouts are saying something is coming up from below at the site location. It's safe to say our visitor has got what he's come for."

I have a feeling she's right. The screen shifts to the live feed coming in from the scouts at the coordinates where the ship is below. It takes about 20 seconds, but the top layer cracks open, and that same massive object hovers out of the ice.

It's indeed an alien spacecraft. Not that there was any doubt as to what it was before this happened.

The size estimations we read in the Situation Room two days ago are correct from what I'm seeing.

"Colonel, I want you to pack up camp and return to the Gerald R. Ford. We no longer have a reason to be down here."

The Colonel salutes before turning off the connection between us. Everyone on the bridge is silent. You can hear a mouse fart. The eerie hum from the ship's engines is being picked up as well.

There aren't many thoughts going through my head. It's hard to think when looking at something like this.

"Admiral Randel, Sir. The President and Joint Chiefs want an update. What should I tell them."

My friends and colleagues back in Washington, DC, will have a field day with this. What I'm more worried about is how Congress will handle this. Military classification or not, when the truth comes out. Nothing will stop their war path.

"Tell them I'll be with them in a moment; there are troops that need exfil-!!"

I'm cut off as the live feed shows the large alien spacecraft darting away from the ice it once rested in.

"Alien vessel approaching at Mach 4! 700 miles out!"

It's coming qu-!

"It just jumped to Mach 14! It'll be right on top of us in 15 seconds."

I can't even finish thinking before something new happens. Everyone turns their attention to the icy wasteland out the windows. With every heartbeat, the spacecraft is getting close. After a couple of seconds. It comes into view.

The size absolutely dwarfs the Gerald R. Ford.


It passes overhead and begins heading out to the Pacific Ocean.

"Keep a lock on it!! We can't lose it over a civilian population!!"

As the words leave my mouth, we all watch as it turns on some form of cloaking. And my stomach sinks as the beeping on the radar stops.

"We've lost it, Admiral..."




My fist slams against the table, and adrenaline is rushing through my body. This is one of the worst cases that could've happened.

~~~(POV: Eloise Mayer)~~~

~~~(Location: Mayer Ranch, Umatilla County, Oregon)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: March 20th, 9:16 AM PST, 2022)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 38 Years)~~~

It's been three days since I last saw my son, and it feels like a part of my soul has been torn from my body. The pain I experienced when he first left after high school is nothing compared to what I feel now.

Since it's Thursday, I'd usually be at work and earning some money on the stock market. Given my current state, I know it's not a good idea to be trading.

The living room...

The house...

The whole damn ranch...

It feels so empty without him here. Sitting in the living room and watching the news for anything about Dannon isn't what I want to be doing, but it's all I can do. I can't fly around and look for him.

I'll have to wait until he comes back home. I've been sleeping like shit since he left, and I feel like a nap is coming.

I've been up since 4 AM. Hoping and waiting for anything. I know I'm being a typical Mom. I just want to know he's safe. Unlike an overbearing Mom, I've never forced him to do anything.

That's the only way I can describe how I feel right now.

"My baby boy... Where are you..."

My voice becomes soft as my heavy eyes finally start closing... As I'm right on the edge of sleep, a light rumble of the house takes my attention.

That rumble becomes a massive quake. I stand up from the couch and quickly get out of the house. Believing it to be an earthquake. Never experienced one in Northeastern Oregon before.

Once I'm on the back porch, that's when I realize it's not an earthquake. Hovering over the ranch is a massive ship. The best way I can describe what's happening is a decloaking.

It goes a little deeper into the property and lands. I run off the porch to it as a ramp descends from the ship, and a door opens.

Off in the distance, I watch Dannon step onto the ramp. As he does, the ship starts cloaking again. And I fall to the ground as I watch the almost perfectly invisible ship vibrate its way into the ground.

As I'm trying to stand up, Dannon appears next to me. Floating above the ground. He holds out his hand for me to take.

"Sorry I took so long, Mom..."

Tears start falling from my eyes as he lifts me off the ground, and we wait for the shaking to stop. All I do is hold my son and think about what he's been up to the last three days.

"It's okay, sweetie. I'm just glad you're home."

As the ground stops shaking, he takes us back down. He lets me out of his arms, and I look where the ship once was.

"Where did your ship go?"

It's a little bit of a stupid question. It looked like it was going into the ground, but it was hard to tell due to the invisibility.

"Underground. And it's called a spacecraft. There will be an entrance at the surface for me to enter and exit. It's a scout and science ship from my homeworld. It does things you only see in movies."

That's a shi-... I mean, spacecraft from his planet... That's the type of technology his people were capable of...


There is a solemn happiness in his voice. Grabbing my attention as I hear it.

"I found out who my parents were... I know their names... My name..."

That puts a shallow pit in my stomach... I'm happy for him, but it does hurt me to hear that... His other Mother gave him a different name...

"That's amazing, sweetie... Out of everyone in the world, you deserve to know where you come from more than anyone..."

The shaky weakness in my voice does little to convince him. He hugs me with a knowing smile on his lips.

"I'm still your son. And you'll always be my Mom."

Hearing those words lifts a weight off my chest.

"Mind sharing that name with me..."

The pain is quickly leaving, and we pull apart from the hug. The height difference makes it almost comical.

He steps back and looks at the rising sun in the distance.

"Jaecor... Of House Nur. I still have much to learn about my people and where I come from. I've been learning from the AI on board. She's taught me more than I'd ever learn on my own."

I'm looking forward to hearing about it. Dannon is extraordinary even without his powers, and knowing where he comes from is something I've wanted to know for a long time.

It makes knowing he's the last of his kind all the more painful...

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Word count: 2576

If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread

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