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22% The Last Blood Elf (Completed) / Chapter 56: The Calm before the Storm

Chapter 56: The Calm before the Storm

A few days later

Cross continued to publish his newspaper, the front page talking about a streaking movement amongst the students with several interviews. One of them even said 'If any girls would like to join, they're more than welcome.' this was obviously anonymous but Luna and Hermione both looked at Cross.

Cross was sitting at a table in the great hall, eating, as he shrugged and said "Some people, eh?" Ron held the paper with one hand and slapped it with the back of his hand said "This bloke's a genius! Their movement will have a lot more attraction with a female streaker!"

Hermione and Luna shot him disdainful looks, while Harry shook his head, thinking Ron should say that in private. Though with this new newspaper, it might not be so private anymore...

That's right! No one was safe from the Peeping Publisher!

Hermione looked over and said "Harry! It's her. Katie Bell." Harry looked over and grabbed his book before walking towards her. Cross whispered "I thought he liked Ginny?" Ron waved his newspaper at him, and Cross slapped it away as Hermione said "That's the cursed girl!"

Cross gasped and said "The one with the treacherous friend who wanted to kill her and steal her boyfriend?!" Hermione slapped her forehead, completely speechless, while Luna laughed and said "Thas roight, I reckon! Sherlock, u've don it ag'ain, you did!"

Cross smiled and patted her head saying "I love you." Luna smiled shyly and returned "I love you too~" Hermione crushed the spoon in her hand and Ron retched saying "Mate, take it somewhere else, yeah?"

Cross and Luna snickered and Harry ran out of the great hall. Cross watched them go and his eyes lit up as he chased after them saying "Sherlock's on the case!" he swiped a broom from a younger student and said "I'll sign it for you later, kid." before jumping on it and riding it out of the hallway, standing up like a surfboard.

The students gasped in shock, that motion, that calmness, the ease of the broom, the wind in his hair! This guy... He was a pro!

Ron said "Bloody hell... I reckon he's better than Krum! Good thing he doesn't like Quidditch, am I right?" Hermione rolled her eyes and Luna smiled helplessly at Cross' interest in strange things and fights.

Cross arrived at a bathroom and heard "Sectumsempra!" he flew into the bathroom and said "Harry, bloody dangerous spell to be throwing around, mate." as he flew over Harry to Draco's body.

It was bleeding all over and Draco was heaving trouble breathing. Cross crouched on the broom and hovered next to Draco, reaching his hand out and touching Draco's chest.

Cross hand turned orange and he twisted it counter clockwise. The blood went back into Draco's body and his wounds healed as if they never happened. Cross picked Draco up and held him in his arms as he floated towards the door, Snape walked in and saw Harry, Cross, and Draco.

Snape said "What happened here?" Cross said "You see, Draco hit his head on the sink and Harry came to help." Snape said "And the broom?" Cross replied "These are new shoes. Have you seen the water here?" Snape waved his wand and Draco flew over to him.

Snape carried him in his arms and left without a word.

Cross smiled and flew back to the great hall with Harry, walking next to him.

Cross returned the broom to the kid, who actually asked him for his autograph. The kid's friends told him who Cross was, the record holder for the fastest snitch catch and the Triwizard Champion.

Cross smiled and signed his name on the kid's broom stick and patted his head before walking back to the table. He sat down and licked his hair back as he said "Hmph! I'm famous!" Luna giggled and said "Sign my ti-" Cross covered her mouth and laughed as he said "Mmm Later..."

He grinned and added "But it won't be in ink." Luna got excited and lunged at him, kissing him passionately. Hermione, Ron, and Harry just sat there and watched the exchange.

Ron and Hermione both said "Lucky bitch/bastard." while Harry just shook his head, suddenly wondering where Ginny was.

A few days passed

Cross was walking in the hallways and Harry passed by saying cheerfully "Hey, Cross! I like your ears!" Cross' ears twitched and he said "Hmm... I like your glasses Harry. Felix Felicis I see." Harry clicked his tongue and said "Nothing gets past you, mate." as he passed by Cross and added "Oh, except me. Hhaha!" before going along on his journey.

Cross shook his head and waved his hand with a small chuckle, an invisible string ear forming on Harry's shoulder. Cross activated the ear on Draco and went back to his room.

A few days later

Cross was with Luna, breathing heavily on his bed as Luna snuggled next to him with a big smile, completely naked. Cross rubbed his wrists and said "How about we use rope next time.." Luna giggled and nodded, kissing his chest.

Cross suddenly sat up with a serious expression, Luna held herself up with her arms, squeezing her breasts out between them as she said "What's wrong?" Cross said seriously "Harry and Dumbledore left the school." Luna said "Where did they go?"

Cross said "To find a Horcrux... but what is Dumbledore's goal? I don't understand." Luna laid on the bed again and stretched her back, displaying her perfect curves as she said "Rule the light faction." Cross frowned and said "Yeah, but there's something else... How does Harry fit into everything?"

Luna waved and said "Dumbledore is getting old, maybe he's grooming Harry." Cross heard her words and froze, his eyes widened and he kissed Luna hard before saying "Loony! You're really my partner! You're a genius!" as he laughed hysterically, finally figuring it all out.

Luna was confused, but there was no time for that as Cross said "Come here, you. You won't sleep for the rest of the week!" Luna yelped and Cross kissed her before starting up again as moans echoed in the room once more.

A while later

Cross brought Luna to the bathroom, they took a bath together but... moans rang out once more.

The poor bathtub was innocent!

The next day

Luna looked bright and shiny but she was tired, so much sex last night... She needed a break.

Cross was ecstatic at the new revelation and was prepared to take action. He threw a good dream charm in the air and put Luna in his bed, after cleaning the sheets, and tucked her in. He kissed her forehead and said lovingly "What would I do without you, Loony." he sighed and caressed her sleeping face as he added with a whisper "You truly are my other half..."

He smiled softly and threw his hood up before teleporting out of the room with his beast bag.

Luna opened her eyes and smiled a warm and gentle smile as she mumbled "And you're mine... Silly little elf prince.." before closing her eyes again and falling asleep.

Cross reappeared in the forbidden woods, he shouted in Elven "Firenze!" not long after Firenze showed up and said "Your Highness, thank you for what you did for my people last time." Cross smiled and said "No worries. Could you do me a favor?"

Firenze said "Anything, Your Highness." Cross nodded and said "Protect all the creatures in the forest. Dumbledore is gone, shield the animals before he returns." Firenze smiled and said "You're finally taking action, Your Highness?"

Cross smiled maliciously and said "He touched my woman. I'm going to ruin him." Firenze chuckled and replied "I will carry out the task." Cross smiled and added "Oh yes, if Hagrid shows up asking questions, please don't hurt him. He is very kind and also a victim."

Firenze's smile widened as he said happily "Of course, my lord." Cross didn't bother with the change of address and smiled before teleporting away.

He reappeared at Hagrid's house and knocked on the door, Hagrid opened it and said "Cross! How ya doin, lad?" Cross smiled and said "Great, Hagrid! You?" Hagrid smiled and said "Not too bad! Not too bad at all. What brings you here?" Cross smiled and said "I wanted to show you something."

Cross led Hagrid outside and said "Come out, all of you." Blue, Selena, Grey, Carl, and Buckbeak came out and grew to their normal size, stretching a bit.

Hagrid was shocked and said "Good lord, Cross! Is that Buckbeak!?" Buckbeak chirped happily and flew over to Hagrid, nuzzling against him. Cross smiled and said "He's not the same as before, I hope you don't mind his new look." Hagrid laughed and wiped his eyes as he said "I thought they killed him!"

Buckbeak coo'd softly and Cross said "Hagrid... Could I touch your head?" Hagrid said "I don't see why not." Cross touched Hagrid's head and said "Ultimate Cleanse." Hagrid felt refreshed and relieved, but soon realized what happened and got a little angry.

Cross stepped back and smiled apologetically, Hagrid clenched his fists before sighing and looking at Cross as he said "Thanks, Cross..." he got a bit sad as he said that. Cross said "Hagrid, you don't have to be sad about it. He wasn't worthy of your loyalty. Trust me, there's a lot of things he's done that are worse than Voldemort!"

Hagrid sat down and sighed, Cross patted his shoulder and smiled kindly as he said "I have a gift for you.. If you want it." Hagrid looked up and sighed with a smile as he said "Well give it then."

Cross looked at Selena and Grey before coughing as he said "You literally have 4 other ones." Selena struggled and Cross said "It's not even alive right now." she looked at Grey who roared lowly and said "He saved both our lives..." Selena finally sighed and nodded.

Cross jumped in the beast bag before coming out with a black and red egg. He held it out towards Hagrid as he smiled and said "You always wanted to raise a dragon, didn't you?" Hagrid was beyond shocked and said "No! Absolutely not! Put it back!"

Cross smiled and said "It's okay, you know as well as I do that only 25% of the eggs laid by dragons actually make it out alive. The rest die. Take it, I know you will take care of it." Hagrid looked at Selena and Grey before saying firmly "I will raise it like my own child. I promise."

Selena had some relief in her eyes and Grey nodded.

Cross smiled and whistled, the beasts went back into the bag but Cross stopped Selena and said "You stay with me. I have something to tell you." Selena shrank down and hid in his hood. Buckbeak looked at Hagrid sadly, he rubbed his head on Hagrid one more time before flying back into the bag.

Hagrid wiped his eyes and said "You'll take care of him, right?" Cross smiled softly and said "They're all my family." Selena felt sweet and Hagrid laughed as he held the egg in his hands very carefully saying "Come in! Have a drink, my treat."

Cross smiled and said "I'll be right in." Hagrid smiled and walked inside.

Cross said "Look at me." Selena came out and grew, looking at Cross in the eyes. Cross sighed and said "Do you hate me?" Selena was silent, Cross added "You know that only 1 maybe 2 will live." Selena said "But that doesn't mean I will abandon my babies!"

Cross sighed and said "Follow me." before going into the beast bag, Selena followed after him.

Cross walked to her nest, where the eggs were. He stood above the eggs and said "Which one do you like most?" Selena said "They're all the same." Cross cut his palms and chuckled as he said "Very well." he slammed his palms together as his eyes glowed gold and he chanted in Elven "Divine Tree hear my call! Bless these precious lives with your grace and benevolence! The gift of Life!"

Golden runes fell on the ground and circled around the eggs, Cross spit a sliver of green crystalline liquid into the middle on the eggs. The sliver exploded and drizzled down on the eggs, the golden runes stopped and burned themselves into the nest.

Each little egg felt bursting with life.

Selena trembled and said "Y-Y-You!" Cross smiled and stroked her head down to her nose as he said warmly "Like I said, we're all family. The little ones deserve nothing less." Selena dripped tears from her eyes and rubbed her head on Cross as she said "Thank you!" over and over again.

Cross smiled and said "Though, I didn't expect my favorite little snake to lay eggs.." Selena froze and coughed, Cross laughed and rubbed her scales as he said "You still need to keep them warm, Selena."

Selena wrapped around the eggs softly and lovingly as Cross smiled and walked away, leaving the beast bag.

Cross packed up and entered Hagrid's shack.

Hagrid had the egg on a small pillow as he kept it warm with his hands for the time being. Cross sat down and Hagrid poured him some Meade. Cross smiled and drank as he said "Would you like to know how special your egg is?"

Hagrid said "I been meanin' to ask ya, Cross. I can't figure out what this is for the life of me!" Cross smiled happily and said "A Basilisk Dragon and a Horntail hybrid." Hagrid was so shocked he couldn't speak, Cross chuckled and drank the Meade.

Cross licked his lips looking at the Meade, it was really good! He was about to ask, when he saw Hagrid coddling the egg like a baby. He laughed and said "Quite nice isn't it?" Hagrid almost lost it and shouted "Nice?! Its the most beautiful thing in the world, it is!"

Cross added "Also, it's not a Wyvern. It's a True Dragon, the wings are on it's back and it has arms and legs. Though I'm not sure if they'll be long and slender like their mother or have horns like their father.."

Hagrid clicked his tongue and said "Doesn't matter to me, I'll love it all the same." Cross smiled brightly and said "Thank you, Hagrid." Hagrid shook his head and said sincerely "Not Cross, thank you. For everything."

Cross smiled and drank his Meade as Hagrid continued seriously "What are you going to do? What about Harry, Hermione, and Ron? The other teachers?" Cross replied "Hermione is safe, I didn't touch Ron, Harry can't be touched, and as for the other teachers..."

Cross sighed and shook his head as he said "Their memories have been altered. If I want to help them, I have to take a lot of time to do so. There's even a chance that their previous memories have been erased." Hagrid cursed "Damn!"

Cross smiled slightly and added "When it's all over, I'll try and help them. I already have a plan, but perhaps I can hijack someone else's..." Hagrid let out a breath and said "Well, I don't know much about plans there, Cross. But I do hope you'll be careful."

Cross smiled warmly and said "Thanks, Hagrid. Oh by the way, Firenze took all the beasts in the forest and is currently protecting them. I assume Death Eaters will start showing up soon. Please keep you and that egg safe." Hagrid smiled and said "No need to tell me that! I'll protect it with my life!"

Cross finished his cup and smiled as he said "I can't wait to see it hatch!" Hagrid laughed and said "You'll be the first to know! Hahaha" Cross smiled and said goodbye to Hagrid before leaving with a wave, opting to walk back to the castle.

Cross walked back and looked up at the sky to see dark clouds forming. Cross took a deep breath and let another one out as he grinned viciously "A good night for killing~" before laughing grimly.

Monkey_Godking Monkey_Godking

Forget it, Power Stone, it's Chinatown.

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