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66.66% The King Of Monsters (Kaiju No. 8 × Marvel) / Chapter 1: Weird Fucking Transition

Chapter 1: Weird Fucking Transition

Volume 1 | Renewed

Arc 1 | The Man, The Monster

Chapter 1 | Weird FuckingTransition


"I have no enemies."

Hearing this line, a lot comes to the mind of an individual.

Most probably Thorfinn Karlsefni from Vinland Saga when he decided to lead a life without hatred and ill will.

Or even J Cole chilling on a rock in the middle of a field of blooming colorful flowers under the warm sunshine after he smartly decided to keep his ass out of Kendrick's warpath.

What this entails is that the phrase is associated with 'choosing peace over violence'.

But when I say that, it doesn't mean I am a fucking herbivore chewing grass, sitting on my ass, getting fat waiting for the day I'd be medium rare steak.

That shit doesn't sit right with my spirit.

Nah, I'm no herbivore. And I certainly am not a fan of the peace route.

So nah, I don't mean it like that.

When I say that 'I have no enemies', it means there are none left to pose a threat to me.

When I say that... It means

"I have no still-breathing enemies"

I made damn sure of that.

Or... So I thought.

And apparently, I was wrong. Cause if I wasn't then I'd be very much alive and not dying, lying in the puddle of my own blood unable to move as this bitch kept stabbing me while mounting me.

I was betrayed.

And the thing about betrayal is that it never comes from the place you expect.

It be your own people most of the time.

So, I shouldn't be so surprised. Especially since we have the same psychotic parents. It runs in our blood... I guess.

So, I shouldn't be too surprised. She is my elder half-sister after all...

...The same one who took my virginity.

Ugh. To think I was saving myself till 30 to become an overpowered slime with a big titty harem in another world with AI waifu in my addled head.

Ugh. This bitch took everything from me!

But it's not like cursing her is going to do me any good, and it's not like the sex was bad. I just wish she asked for my consent before drugging me.

At least I'm free from this, now only if this pain can end...

"You belong to me, my baby brother. I won't let you get away hehe~"

Please... No.

"I'll follow you anywhere you go!"

Respectful, nuh-uh.

"And I won't stop until I make you my wife!"

Fuck NO!


I didn't even have the energy or life in me to breathe a last final sigh of exasperation and disappointment or say as I felt my body lose its warm cuddly warmth and turn brick-cold. But before it all ended I somehow managed to blurt something stupid out.

"The sex was average... You got no ass-ugh!"

Well, that's just rude to stab someone in the eye.

Ah, the afterlife. Before you fuck me in the butt... Please be gentle.

It's my first time.

So... Why am I in a landfill of places?

Don't tell me this is it.


why am I naked?

Huh... Wow.

What a weird fucking transition-


It was a cold night as the grey night clouds threatened to swallow the remainder of the wicked crescent moon. Under the sky moonlight that peeked from the cracks of the gloomy clouds, a man sat in the middle of a landfill.

Naked and bloody. Battered and bruised.

Though the temps were close to freezing and despite the man's bare state of affairs the man in question seemed least bothered with his wellbeing as he just kept staring at his hands. Clenching and then unclenching them as he reviewed the memories in his head.

His mind was not muddled anymore so he was able to sift through the memories for a critical analysis and assessment of his situation.

He was drugged...


Or at least Tatsuya Takahiro was drugged.


There were gaps in his memory.


Among the various other bastard children sired out of marriage, he was the only son of his father, a multi-millionaire German Mogul. That made him a target.

For obvious reasons by various people.

Not many do not want him gone. Forever.

It's unknown whatever happened to him; or whatever was done to him; or by whom. But once this was clear he, Tatsuya Takahiro wasn't supposed to survive.

But he did. Somehow...

Having fully understood his situation, Tatsuya concluded that the situation was-

"Soooooo troublesome." Tatsuya drawled out a heavy sigh as he leaned back into the pile of garbage he was thrown into, his fingers interlocked behind his head as he looked at the grey clouds in the sky.

Everything about this was troublesome. Everything conclusion he came to was troublesome. Everything solution he came to was troublesome. Everything scenario he came to was troublesome.

From his unexpected and uneventful isekai to the world and the setting, he was isekaied to was troublesome. So troublesome that it made Tatsuya... A little excited in a strange way.

Evident by the grin he was trying to control that threatened to split his head in two.

Scratch that.

This troublesome situation made him very, very excited.

Cause this troublesome world wasn't your average Isekai magic-guns-blades-bitches world, this was the world of superheroes and villains.

He was transmigrated to Marvel.

As if to confirm the fact two streaks of light sailed past the night sky Tatsuya blinked to himself as he confirmed the timeline in his head.

Tony Stark vs Obadiah Stane.

The Iron Man vs The Iron Monger

Just as quickly as they appeared, they vanished like a shooting star as Tatsuya closed his eyes to make a wish.

"I hope my time here is a pleasant one."

Making his wish, he opened his eyes, staring back at the moon as he weaved a plan in his head regarding his situation.

Someone had targeted him because he had begun showing signs of his interest in his late father's business. Who? It wouldn't take a genius to understand the people who feel the most threatened by his very existence would be his step-family. Who Tatsuya has been living with since the passing of his mother and then later, the sperm donors.

With him being his father's only son, the board of his father's company favors him more compared to the rest of his step-family. Obviously, they would feel threatened, unsure if they would lose their lavish lifestyle.

Threatened enough to order a bit on him. But something certainly went wrong. As he is still alive.

No, that would be factually incorrect. He had died. Tatsuya Takahiro has died. Killed.

Tortured and murdered by someone. But then he came back to life again. Somehow.

And this wasn't just a typical revival.

This was a rebirth.

Because... Recalling from his memories, he certainly wasn't this jacked down there previously as Tatsuya noted to himself looking down at his physique.

Nor was he that hung further down there. Tatsuya noted again, closing his eyes and nodding in satisfaction. Before he opened his eyes and made his decision. He was going to go back, to his house and figure out what exactly happened to him.

And just how much has this incident changed him?-


Tatsuya suddenly froze as he heard a heavy gong ring out of nowhere.


His eyes widened instinctively in shock as the sound seemed to come from all around him. His eyes darted around frantically as he tried to pinpoint the source of the sound but it wasn't until the third time that he realised that the sound wasn't from around him...


...It was coming from him.


It was HIS heartbeat.

And as if on cue, Tatsuya suddenly doubled over in pain, sweating profusely, clutching his chest as his heart began to beat erratically. At the same time, his stomach ached in pain as a primal hunger sparked a fire in his system.

He could feel his body heat to an unnatural degree, steam visibly emanating from his skin as he could his body shift. Tatsuya felt as if he was being lulled into a strange state of trance and feeling tired and hungry...

He gave himself to the sweet Abyss.

The last thing he saw before it all turned into a blur was his hands transforming into oversized bony claws with each finger resembling sharp talons and the low guttural growl that escaped through his teeth.


"What a weird fucking transition..." Tatsuya commented mouthful of guts, as he blinked awake. Slurping down the sweet entrails like a bowl of sanuki udon except it dipped in blood instead of tsuyu sauce, Tatsuya looked down to see who was the gracious donor of such sweet delicacy only to realize that he was munching on the guts of a desert bighorn sheep. "...Again."

Looking around, he noticed the desert landscape around the asphalt that was his dinner plate and saw the mesas, the cacti, and the milestone near the road that read 'Welcome to Sierra Blanca'.

"...Am I in fucking Texas right now?" Dumfounded, Tatsuya whispered to no one in particular but his question was answered nonetheless. Although... Not how you'd expect.



Tatsuya heard the undeniable crack of a gunshot which was followed by a light nudging sensation to the back of his head as an audible clank similar to that of metal resounded. Blinking yet again, Tatsuya sighed as he slowly turned around.

"Of course, it's fucking Texas." Greeting the dumbfounded trucker with a 'friendly' smile, Tatsuya waved his hand. "Thanks for such a warm welcome... Asshole."

The man shuddered dropping his shotgun to the ground as he fell onto his fatass. Slowly walking towards the man who whimpered and backed into the front of his truck, Tatsuya walked around him and towards the side of the truck as he unexpectedly pulled out the side mirror instead of turning it.

"Welp... This explains... Everrrrrything." Tatsuya slowly slurred to himself, admiring his new handsome monstrous visage as he rolled his long tongue around. After poking and prodding his boney-armored maw full of sharp gleaming teeth, and peeking down at the (un)godly yet monstrous physique that he now brandished, Tatsuya threw aside the side mirror as he peeked out to look at this still terrified friend who looked back at him, face molded into a patent terror filled gaze. Pointing a sharp pointy talon at his face, Tatsuya suddenly grinned widely. "I'm a fucking Kaiju now... Isn't that fucking crazy?!"

The only response he got was a shriek as Tatsuya reared his head back and laughed like a madman, which only sounded way worse considering the new skin he was rocking and his distorted monstrous voice.

[A/N: It ain't my boy's fault that he has that Monsterverse accent. (⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠)]

"-Ahahahaha!... Ahhhhh... Aha... Ha... Hmm." After coming down from his high, Tatsuya stroked his plated chin with his talon, casually creating sparks as he pondered upon the new development. He now had a rough idea about what was done to him, now he just had to find out who did it and thank them before giving them the same treatment he gave to Mr. Bighorn Sheep laying still on the bloodied asphalt road ahead. "Well, I ain't a Wild West man. So to fulfill my ambitions I gotta trek toward the big cities. Oi, Pardner..."

Peeking out to the side yet again, he looked at the frozen man and smiled softly, sweetly in a beautiful manner.

"You wouldn't mind if I borrow your shirt, your jeans, your jacket, your drinks, your wife, and your truck, would you?" Tatsuya asked as the man began quivering. "You surely have a spare right?"

"T-Take everything you need... Just not my baby... Please!-"

"Awwf course, man! I was just joking about your wife-"

"-Please just don't take my truck!"



"...You have a bike?"

"Ummm... Back In my trailer?"

"Alright then! Deal!"

"Deal... Deal?! Really?!"

"Nah, I'd kid."


"*Ahem* I mean... Nah, Just kidding."




~*badadabumpbump* I've seen hell rise out of your eyes, Creep up at night to your demise, You've gotta fight~

Breathing out a ring of smoke through the window, Tatsuya smiled to himself, loving the feeling of the wind against his face as he turned the radio up before cracking a cold one and taking a sip.

~I've gotta fight; Been thinkin' that I need isolation,

All this devastation, Head needs renovation, alright~

Swerving left around a mesa he smiled seeing a city in sight as the sun slowly rose behind the skyline before putting his rumbling stomach and looking out of the window.

~If you had to choose, would you ever let me go? Ooh! I can't stop the monster, I'm losin' my control, oh oh~

Spotting a pigeon on an electric line, he smirked his face morning into the maw of the familiar monster as he whipped his tongue towards the bird, grabbed it, and pulled it back into his jaw. Munching happily he rubbed the blood from the corner of his mouth with his finger as his face morphed back to normal.

~Could someone please, save my life? Could someone please, save my life? Could someone please, save my life, 'Cause I've gone cold~

Licking the blood off the finger, Tatsuya smirked as his eyes morphed partially, gleaming in anticipation.

~And I'm stuck in the abyss all on my own~


Alternative Titles:

-Too Many Fucking Transition

-Yare Yare Yandere



Author's Post Note Clarity:

First chapter? How are we feeling about this one? I'm feeling pretty good about this one. Anyway, I have a lot planned for this, and God willing I'll fulfill the vision I have for my fic.

Anyways, let's clear somethings:

1. Yes, This is a Harem Fic:

But Harem won't overshadow the main attraction of the show, which is Tatsuya.

2. The Harem:

The size or members hasn't been decided but I have my fav though. (Psylocke, White Tiger, The Spiderwomens, Tigra, Silver Sable, Captain Marvel (The OG Hot One), She-Hulk, Emma Frost, Rogue, Medusa, Witchblade, etc)

Recommendations are open, and females are not limited to Marvelverse. So, let me hear them.

3. The Main Character:

Yeah, he is a solid one. Solid character or solid nut job? Seems synonymous to me. Then again I'm word-blind. Anyway, there are two characters I've based him on.

Zomblieman (from One Punch Man) for his human appearance. I initially thought about Tatsuya Shiba but nah decided to go with this one because... He is hot, handsome, and badass and I believe he is a better character model than Kafka Hibiko for this fic.

Kaiju No. 8 (from... Duh) for his Base Kaiju form. His Kaiju forms will change but this is going to be the default none cause it's just so damn cool.

4. Updates:

Will update as I find time but for now at least twice a week cause I have responsibilities :((

It's a sad thing to let go of your youth.

Sigh anyways, with that cleared It's time for me to duck into my covers.

See you punks soon.



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Anyways, I hope you have a good day and a peaceful night.


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