/ Fantastique / The King's Game

The King's Game Original

The King's Game

Fantastique 3 Chapters 15.7K Views
Author: Kala_Karm

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Greetings of congratulations!
This letter serves to inform you that you are one of the ten (10) candidates for the KING’S GAME, the game that will decide who the future King of Olympus is!
Below are the rules and regulations of the game:

1) You are not allowed to decline this invitation.
As a member of the Olympus family, you have the obligation to fulfil your duties and responsibilities. Your involvement in this game is an obligation that you inherited by blood.

2) You must attend the specific school where the KG will be held.
This time, it will be held in Lore Academy. Thus, you are hereby ordered to arrange your transfer (if you’re still not enrolled here) before the start of classes.

3) The game will automatically start the moment the classes start. Letters of challenges will be sent to you and you must act according to these challenges and to its specific rules.

4) Calling your parents directly is not allowed. You are only allowed to do so if you are given special permission from the dorm master and the Principal.

5) You must never hurt a candidate. Remember, despite how complicated the Olympus Family Tree is, we are still family.

Failure to follow the rules is set to punishment by the current King.

Congratulations and Good luck!

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Author Kala_Karm