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In The Judge of the End, characters face a deeply personal, celestial judgment where their entire lives are reviewed, down to the smallest choices. James Potter is the first to undergo this trial. As he looks back on his childhood, his friendships, and the mistakes he made along the way, he begins to see how his actions shaped his life and those around him. This reflection gives him a new perspective on his life’s impact and offers him a rare chance to help his son, Harry, through the challenges that lie ahead. Each character, in their judgment, must confront their past and is given the chance to influence their world, reshaping their legacy through the wisdom they’ve gained.

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  1. Marioni
    Marioni Contributed 9
  2. Alise_N
    Alise_N Contributed 3
  3. Avatar
    Contributed 1

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why shouldn't i? ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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LV 11 Badge

That's very cool. I read 7 chapters that are currently available and I really liked it!!! I hope you won't stop writing this masterpiece💞💞💞💞

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Author Marioni