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100% The invisible illness / Chapter 11: Chapter 11 Megan

Chapter 11: Chapter 11 Megan

Mrs Denver then answered the phone.

"Deirdre, is everything okay with Sarah?" Mrs Denver asked.

"She had internal bleeding. She had to have surgery, and they've had to remove her womb due to A complication in surgery, she can never have her own children. But other than that she's going to be OK I haven't told her yet because she hasn't woken up apart from once but it was only for a few minutes not long enough to talk to her about it" miss barrow told mrs denver.

"I'm so sorry, have you got any updates on the others?" Mrs Denver Asked.

"Hannah's got a broken arm, but she'll be fine and Olivia's got a broken leg, but again they said she should be fine, how's Megan?" Miss Barrow asked.

"We don't know she's in surgery currently. She had a bleed on the brain they reckon with the rocks on her, it held it in place somehow then when she was removed and the rocks were moved around it bled out, and she had a seizure on entrance to the ambulance due to the bleed on her brain and I'm worried because what if she's not okay" Mrs Denver said.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, think positive, we are all thinking about you and Megan, Hannah has already woken up asking about her and so has Olivia. Sarah hasn't woken up yet properly but when she does no doubt she will ask about her too" Miss Barrow told mrs denver.

"Yeah, we have never been able to separate those four from each other, have we," Mrs Denver said.

"No, I think the longest was A week when Sarah got ill when she was younger, and they acted like it has been years there were so upset" Miss barrow said.

"Yeah I remember," Mrs Denver said A smile forming on her face.

"As soon as Sarah is better, if you'd like, I can bring her to see Megan. If she's up for it, it might cheer Megan up," Miss Barrow told mrs denver.

"Yes, that would be great. It will cheer Sarah up as well. We will have to try to sort it out with the Doctors because they said only family are allowed in the room so we will have to try to sort something out" Mrs Denver said.

"Even if it's just at the window just so they can see each other, that will cheer them up," miss Barrow said.

"I'm sorry I haven't contacted you about Megan. I was just so worried about the surgery and everything, I just thought of it when you were ringing me" Mrs Denver said.

"It's absolutely fine I understand, and the others understand as well Megan is your priority" Miss Barrow told mrs denver.

Mrs Denver then saw a team of nurses bringing Megan back to the room.

"They're bringing her back now I've got to go, I'll ring you in a bit," Mrs Denver told miss barrow.

"That's fine let me know if there are any updates" Miss Barrow asked.

"I will," Mrs Denver said.

Mrs Denver then put the phone down and followed the nurses into the room.

" my name is doctor Haluska The surgery went okay, there's good news and bad news unfortunately, which would you prefer to hear first?" doctor Haluska said.

Mrs denver sat down in the chair next to her husband.

"Bad news," Mrs Denver said.

"So the bleed on the brain has caused a brain injury, and unfortunately, it looks to be permanent we won't know for definite until we do an MRI scan and other scans, but it does appear to be permanent," doctor Haluska told mr and mrs denver.

"If it is permanent, what does that mean for the future?" Mrs Denver asked.

"Most likely epilepsy or something similar," doctor Haluska told mr and mrs denver.

"What is epilepsy? I've never really heard of it" Mrs Denver said.

"Basically, it means regularly she will have seizures there are also many types of seizures she could have for example tonic-clonic seizures, grand mal, partial seizures, absent seizures and one where her head will drop which is called a tonic seizure also she could have dizziness and fainting spells, but we don't know if it's definitely that until we do the MRI scan and other scans which we've got to book in , but she should be able to have the mri scan in about an hour or two," doctor Haluska told mr and mrs denver.

"Okay, thank you," Mrs Denver said.

doctor Haluska gave Megan some more medicine and then went off to book the MRI and get it ready.

"What if she does have epilepsy, what do we do?" Mrs Denver asked.

"Then we handle it as a family. It will be fine if she does have it. There will be some things that she can't do and some things that will worsen it. But We will sort it out, and we will get through it together." Mr Denver told mrs denver.

"She is meant to go to uni in a week. She will be devastated if she can't go" Mrs Denver said.

"People have gap years all the time even people that don't have any conditions or disabilities it's very popular to have gap years if she has it, she can just have a gap year and then if she's ready next year she can go then The other girls will still be there as most of their courses are 2 or 3 years aren't they, so she'll still get to see them," Mr Denver said.

"Yeah, I know, but she won't be able to see them for most of the year because they would be away and that would devastate her. Also, Epilepsy sounds so frightening and dangerous." Mrs Denver told mr Denver.

"It's fine don't worry it only sounds scary and dangerous because we don't know much about it, and we haven't dealt with it before if she's got it we will learn about it, we can research it we will work out how to cope, and it won't be so scary any more it will always be dangerous, but it won't be as dangerous if we know how to deal with it," Mr Denver told mrs denver.

Suddenly, Megan started having a seizure. MRS Denver pressed the emergency button to call the Doctors in and a team of nurses came running in. They quickly turned Megan onto her side and removed one of the pillows so only one of them was under her head.

"Get me 5 mG of diazepam," A nurse called out to another nurse.

The nurse grabbed A syringe of 5mg of diazepam and ran back.

"Thank you," the doctor said, injecting it into Megan's right arm.

The seizure lasted three minutes, and the nurses then rolled Megan back onto her back.

"You can talk to her, she can more than likely hear you, it might help comfort her," the nurse told mr and mrs denver.

"Does she know what's going on when she has a seizure?" Mrs Denver Asked.

"We don't really know if people know what's going on when they have a seizure, but they seem to know whether someone is here or not," the nurse told mr and mrs denver.

Mrs Denver then got up and sat in the chair next to Megan's bed.

"I'm here Megan everything will be fine I spoke to the others everything is okay Olivia has a broken leg but she should be fine and Hannah's got a broken arm but she's going to be fine also Sarah's is fine as well," Mrs Denver told megan.

A few minutes later Megan started to wake up.

"It might take her a few minutes to become aware and be able to respond due to just having a seizure," the nurse told mrs denver.

"Megan, sweetheart, can you hear me?" Mrs Denver asked.

"Yeah," She said quietly.

"Good, we have been worried about you," Mrs Denver told megan.

"Where are the others?" Megan asked quietly.

"They are all here and found there are some small injuries but nothing major," Mrs Denver told Megan.

"Good, Im sorry I went in there. I was trying to get Sarah and Hannah to come out. I was going to leave, but I stopped to tell them that they should follow me and that it was the sensible thing to do" Megan told mrs denver.

"We'll talk about it another day, don't worry, the main thing is you're alive and everyone is okay," Mrs Denver said.

Megan shortly fell back to sleep.

"This is to be expected. She's on quite a bit of medication and the seizure likely exhausted her." The nurse told Mr. and Mrs. denver.

As The nurse finished talking doctor Haluska returned.

"It looks like we can get the MRI for early hours tomorrow morning, then we will know what's going on" doctor Haluska told Mr. and Mrs. denver.

"That's great, thank you," Mrs Denver said.

A few hours later MRS Denver started to fall asleep, MR Denver put his coat on her.

Mr Denver sat in another chair next to Megan, little later doctor Haluska came back.

"We can take Her for the MRI now it's currently 2:42 am she should be back by about 3.45 am" doctor Haluska said.

"Ok thank you," Mr. Denver said.

Mrs Denver woke up as Doctor Haluska and some nurses were pushing a sleeping Megan out on the bed she was lying on.

"They're taking her to have the MRI now, she should be back about 3:45 they said," Mr Denver told his wife.

"Ok," Mrs Denver said.

Megan was brought back at 4 am.

" do you know what's going on and Is it permanent?" Mrs Denver asked.

"We're going to have to keep an eye on her for a few days just to see how many seizures she's having and what ones she's having though it is looking like it could permanent at the moment unfortunately I'm sorry, and it's looking almost certain that it is epilepsy but as I said earlier we won't know for sure until we've kept an eye on her and ran a few more tests," doctor Haluska told mr and mrs denver.

"How do we help her if it is epilepsy?" Mrs Denver asked.

"Once we've got confirmation that it is, we will have someone from our epilepsy team come and talk to you. They will tell you all about it, what to expect and how to help" doctor Haluska told mr. and Mrs. denver.

"Okay thank you, thanks for everything" Mrs Denver said.

doctor Haluska smiled as she left to check on another patient.

Megan woke up a little while later.

"How are you feeling?" Mrs Denver asked.

"I'm okay, a bit tired," Megan told mrs denver.

"That's expected because of the medication you're on, it's okay," Mrs Denver said.

"Are there any updates on the others?" Megan asked.

" Sarah had to have surgery but she's OK Hannah's got a broken arm but again she's going to be OK and beside a broken leg Olivia is fine i'll let you know if there is any more updates. Would you like me to get you a magazine or a Book from the shop downstairs? I know how much you love your reading," Mrs Denver said.

"Yes, Please," Megan said.

"Ok, I'll go and get one," Mrs Denver said.

Mrs Denver then went off to get Megan A magazine or book.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Mr Denver asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Megan said.

"We were worried about you, you were the last one we found, we couldn't find you anywhere," Mr. Denver said.

"I'm Sorry," Megan replied feeling so awful about what happened and what she must've put her parents through that she couldn't even make eye contact with her dad.

"It's okay don't apologize, the main thing is that you're alive, and the others are okay" Mr Denver told megan.

Megan's mum shortly returned a magazine.

"Thank you," Megan said.

Megan sat up and started reading it,

20 minutes later mr denver saw her drop it.

"Megan, are you okay?" mr denver asked.

Megan stared forward.

"Megan, sweetheart, can you hear me?" Mrs Denver Asked.

Megan didn't reply apart from a groaning noise; she just carried on staring forward.

Megan's mum pressed the call button for the doctor.

"Something's wrong she's doing this, I don't know what it means" Mrs Denver told the doctor .

The doctor looked at Megan and checked her over.

"It's an Absent seizure. It doesn't look like she's having one, but she is and she can hear everything that's going on, just can't respond. The groaning noise she's making is normal seizure noises" the doctor told mrs and mr denver.

"How do We help?" Mrs Denver asked.

"The only thing you can do is sit there and talk to her. It will help comfort her and help her come around" the doctor told mrs denver.

"Okay, thank you," Mrs Denver said.

"I'll stay here to explain to her what has happened. She might be a bit scared by what happened" the doctor told mrs denver.

"Okay, thanks. Megan, I'm here, everything is fine" Mrs Denver said.

Megan shortly came alert.

"It's okay, you're fine," Mrs Denver told megan.

"I'm doctor Richards. I know you're probably feeling a bit scared right now and a bit confused. Which is okay, what just happened is an absent seizure. You can hear everything that went on, but you couldn't respond" doctor Richards told Megan.

"What's wrong with me?" Megan asked.

"We think you may have epilepsy due to a brain injury from the cave accident. We just have to do a few more tests to find out for certain, but if it's epilepsy then you're in the right place. We have got medication here to help you and support if needed" doctor Richards said.

"Okay are the others okay my friends, they were involved in the cave incident too,?" Megan asked.

Mr Denver and Mrs Denver looked at each other with the confused expressions on both of their faces.

"Megan they are fine Olivia's got a broken leg and Hannah's got a broken arm Sarah's fine going to be a bit tired for a few days, but Everything is fine," MRS Denver told megan.

"Okay, good" Megan said.

Megan shortly falls to sleep, Mrs Denver puts the magazine on the side And went outside to talk to Doctor Richards.

"I told her they were fine twice already, it appears that she has forgot, is that normal?" Mrs Denver asked Doctor Richards.

"It can happen, with epilepsy sometimes you can have a bit of short-term memory loss, and she has had two seizures, so she may be forgotten" doctor richards told Mrs Denver.

"How bad can the memory loss be?" Mrs Denver asked.

"Not terrible she doesn't remember now but in a few hours she probably will, it's generally only minimal. The worst case I've seen is a person forgetting what happened the last few days. Nothing too bad, And remembered everything A couple of days later, we are going to run some tests on her in a few hours to see what triggers she has if she has any" doctor richards told mrs denver.

"Okay, when will these tests be done" mrs denver asked.

"Probably about lunchtime give her a few hours to rest, and that way we've got time to prepare to do the tests just to warn you she may have a few seizures due to the tests, but it's the only way to find out how to help her, so she's likely going to need someone there to support her or just talk to her and comfort her." Dr Richards told mrs denver.

"I'll be there, both I and her father will be there," Mrs Denver told Doctor Richards.

Mrs Denver then went back into the room.

"They're going to do some tests at about lunchtime, basically test difficult triggers to see it anything sets off the seizures," MRS Denver told her husband.

"We Will be here to help her, we'll get through this as a family don't worry it will be ok," Mr Denver told mrs. Denver as she went and sat down next to Megan.

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