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The Interview with... The Interview with... original

The Interview with...

Author: TunaDealer

© WebNovel

First interview

"Hello, can you hear me?"

"Hm? Was...?

"I'm sorry but please don't freak out"

"Was zu-...Wtf?!"

"Please hear me out. We are your language it should be the Syclids. We are an...extraterristorial species or how you would call it aliens. I'm Axroimus. Oh and one thing: please talk in the language English, as it is the only language we can translate as of now."


"Weeeeell, seems legit. I actually had a dream about this last night, so no worries, Axroimus. Nice to meet you, I'm Konstantin from germany, Europe. But you probably already know that right?"

"Actually I don't as we got partnered with random people Right now we are streaming this and every other interview. You are the first to awake, so everybody should focus on this."

"So you also have live streams? That's nice. So, go on ahead ask your questions."

"This is Axroimus, a specimen of the Syclids. I will now begin the first interview with the new found race, which calls themselves humans. So now to the first question: Can you tell something about your history? And the history of this planet?"

"Yeah, sure if you want to hear about this. Many scientists believe that around 5 billion years the first mass of gas got together and over the span of many thousands of years it got into the earth shape of today. Over another span of uncountable years the water came, microspecies came too and life evolved. Us humans came to life on this earth at around 3 million years before today. And pretty much in the last 4000 years the human race of today became a thing. But the real technical and cultural change happened in the last...lemme guess 400 years."

"Let me make a break. So you say the technology you have on 'earth' today got produced in the last 400 years?"

"Nah, these machines...well the first machines that changed the world got produced around 200 years ago."

"It gets the only crazier...continue please"

"Sure, about what though? About the exploration of the world? The cultural change? The wars?"

"Well, even if there are some questions...they probably can't be answered by you. First, why don't you start with the average lifespan of a human and continue with the exploration? And last a breakdown of your wars, they shouldn't be many. After all, war is always bad. There are very few races who actually experienced more than 2 wars."

"Hm, sounds crazy what you tell me. Well, whatever: the average lifespan of a human born way back in the middle ages was around 30. Today the average should be around 80 years. And a newborn child is expected to live over 100 or even 110 years. For exploration...there are quite a few.

Do you have a map of the world?"

"Sure, do you want one?"

"Yeah, that would be nice. Thanks."

"Here you go, a map that we took of your world in a 2D version."

"Ok, here we go...You see these white poles on top and bottom of the map? We call them polar poles, Arctic and Antarctica. They have brutal snowstorms, where you can't see more than a few centimeters."

"That sounds uninhabitable. How did you get to make drones so good to survive all this?"

"...Well, we didn't."

"...What? Don't tell me?"

"Yep, we send humans."

"How did they survive?"

"The first ones didn't."

" what did you do after they died?"

"We sent more."

"You did what?! Why?!"

"Well, we had to. Kinda. It was a hundred years ago."

"So humankind actually did this with way worse machinery and whatever comes with it?!"


"..."The alien, unbeknownst to Konstantin had to pause for a while. In this time, he looked around the room. It was a room like a hotel with speakers in the corners. At one wall was a huge TV with many messages on it. Apparently something like a stream chat. And before his eyes they actually translated. Apparently, his message shocked them. He believed that humankind would be a shocker for them.

"Let us continue", said the speaker.

"Sure, you want to know about the exploration of America? How Europeans killed almost all of the inhabitants? Maybe something about the enslavement of Africa? Or how Australia was used as a huge island, only for prisoners?"

"What. What the, tell me something: How is the history of war on your planet?"

"Haha, so that's the important thing. To be honest, I would call humanity warmongers!"

This shocked many and caused unrest not only for Axroimus.

"If I can ask, why?"

"Because humanity got great with war. We have countries with a history of two years of peace over the last 100-400 years. We had wars in the past that killed millions of people and exterminated whole races of humans and all kinds of plants and animals. We had many great countries, all broke down from war. Right now we have at least 3 open wars with fights between countries. And there are many times when a conflict happens that there are injured and deaths. Even for something as trivial as a sport the fans kill each other and the police. And do you want to guess what happens if a war breaks out? The people cheer, they support the fighters. We have underground groups who would instantly go rampage the countries when war broke out."

"Stop! Please! Please, tell me if there is something to prevent the worst?"

"Sure, something like the Geneva convention."

So, tell me what is inside this thing."

"It's a treaty every country acknowledged. It forbids the use of atomic bombs, gas attacks, and other stuff. It also says that war prisoners should be treated humanely. There is only one big flaw."

"...please continue, as much as it hurts me."

"If there is a big war or a terror organization, who cares? In wars that continue to this date, there were gas attacks used, atomic bombs are still getting tested and work is done to make them even more destructive. And terror organizations like ISIS or maybe the cannibal warlords: why should they accept that treaty? So they don't!"

"If I'm correct...cannibalism means eating the own race, right? Like we know that from animals but even they do it only if they have to."

"Well, they ate newborns, children, whatever. And a mass of them. Some regions do that till today. I saw a docu about a warlord who ate a child before every battle. And they sure had a lot of them. And cannibalism doesn't happen only in those countries. Even in France, a woman got eaten and the murderer actually got away with it, due to a loophole in the law."

"I think I now understand why you would call humanity warmongers..."

"That's not all. Most of the greatest inventions of humanity were invented in wartimes. Things like formulas were used to develop devastating bombs. And even religion is used as a cause for war with uncountable deaths."

"Please, just stop. I think it was enough. Just one last question: How does your society and how do you especially stand towards war, murder, and fighting?"

"That's one nice question. Many Germans would love to engage in a full out war. There are so many people who train, not only to look good but also to be able to kill. That's seen in the massive amount of martial arts. And me? Yeah, I would love to try and fight with knives, my hands or guns. And if we got cybernetics to boost us even further wouldn't it be fun to try that and have explosive rockets coming from your back like an artillery? I just thought of something. From all the questions I have two things to tell you but I will only tell you one thing and questions you should ask others. First; we have something called internet, really useful information in unbelievable masses are in there...wait lemme search. Ah here is my smartphone. Can you make a copy of it?"

"Yeah, just wait a bit."

A few minutes later the phone got back to Konstantin and the unseen aliens got a copy.

"If you use this code to unlock it..."

He told them how to use the services of the internet.

"So, here my last few things. You should ask about where people actually can live, what changes we brought to earth, about our industry, and about the political fights."

"I guess we have to thank you for these questions. We will think about when and who we ask them. But this device called the smartphone and your internet will be of great help. We appreciate your cooperativeness and wish you good luck further in your life. And a little bonus we thought of: You will be one of the partners we will call if we need help with the warmonger-humans."

"Sure, do that. Until then!"

Thisinterview is the start to one hell of a chaos.

TunaDealer TunaDealer


Yes, this is grounded on some reddit ideas what would happen if humans are actually kinda strange and 'dangerous for themselves' for aliens. I hope you have fun with this series

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