The huntress made her way to the rooftop just in time to watch an incredibly… healthy… yes, that was the word for it. She saw an incredibly healthy man leave, his torso the shape of an olive, his weight rivaling that of a building.
It was, in itself, a display of magic that the tavern didn't shatter under the weight of the man, or that he could fit in the corridor easily. In truth, there was a bit of size manipulation formation at work when the man entered the Inn, but it happened so seamlessly that it was hard to pick up on.
"Was that… was that the Sultan?" the huntress asked in shock once the man had left.
"I am not at liberty to reveal information about my other guests," the tavern keeper said casually, sipping a Pina Colada and wearing a T-shirt that read, 'I just met the Sultan'.
The huntress looked at the T-shirt, then at Lex, and then back towards the tavern hallway through which the Sultan had left.
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