Mary scoffed.
"Of course it will only take one key. What do you take the Midnight Inn for? But, that will only work if the planet is sentient and uses the key. You cannot have a planet that's not sentient as a guest."
"Okay, new question. What if the planet is in the process of being made a clone, but it's not quite there yet. Can I still bring it?"
Even as Lex asked that question, he removed the seal on his chest once more and began moving his hands in an unusual pattern, as if he was preparing something. The situation was bad, but hopefully it wasn't to the point where he would need to open his third seal.
It was not just that opening the seal would cause him to face a tribulation to enter the next level, but that the tribulation would most likely come immediately. So either he would have to fight while undergoing the tribulation, or wait for it to end first. Either way, it was less than ideal.
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