Far, far away from the preliminary tournament, and the champions tourney, and even the known realm, there was a Dead Star. Dead Stars, basically, were exactly like they sounded. For various reasons, after running out of nuclear fuel instead of blowing up, they completely cooled down. Scientists on Earth used to believe such stars were called Black Dwarfs, but did not think they existed for the age of the Origin realm was not sufficient for it to cool naturally. But who said it needed to be cooled naturally?
In reality, Black Dwarfs were not all that uncommon, and this one too would be nothing more than another lifeless piece of rock, no different from any other in the Origin realm. Except that the 99 planets that orbited this Black Dwarf were all on fire, as if there were 99 stars orbiting a planet.
Someone in the discord said that the previous cliffhanger was criminal, so I took that as a challenge xD