"Humans become immortal by undergoing a tribulation and creating their tenets which help them manipulate laws. That does not mean that every other race does it the same way. Kraven are a race that devour anything and everything they come across, laying waste to entire realms if they can.
"Naturally, then, the way for them to grow stronger is to devour laws. It's a lot easier for weaker, newer realms compared to older, more mature ones, which is why you will often discover Kraven invading new realms. The nature of their race is such that they are excellent cannon fodder for other, stronger races - but that's it. The Kraven are not destined to survive past the end of the early phase of the universe."
The third time Lex teleported, and still did not find the capital, he knew that something was amiss. He spread his spirit sense far and wide, and began to sense the changes in the realm.
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