"Don't break it," Lex instructed as he looked up at the giant wolf. Even if he were in his usual size he would find Fenrir massive right now, let alone in his baby state.
Lex leaned against one of Fenrir's legs and summoned one of his many immortal level missiles, letting it sit amongst the rubble. Letting out a sigh, he gently sat on top of it, nearly wincing as he sat.
Why was it that pain was so much easier to ignore in a fight, but as soon as it was over, it was almost unignorable?
The pup, similarly wounded, shrunk his size down and lay his head in Lex's lap, though he never loosened his teeth at all. He needed only to increase his force by a fraction, and his teeth would tear through the feather. His instincts were practically begging him to do so. But since Lex had asked to wait, he would wait.
Their blood slowly dripped from their bodies and fell onto the missile. A few drops had to accumulate before they began to slide down that as well.
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