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Chapter 1: Prologue

First day of Spring. January.

Current time: 7 a.m.

I`m currently sitting at the front door of my house, while struggling my left foot into my jogging shoe. It is a gift from my cute little sister, Restia.

Well, it`s not that I felt like wearing new things in a new year.

Apparently, my shoes exploded yesterday.

As for the details— I had this little curse by The Black Cat of Misfortune, which that I stepped on a trap, a landmine that I installed to prevent from those dangerous magical beasts that's lurking in the forest nearby.

After tying my shoelace, I face the corridor.

"Done yet…?"

"Restia is coming…!"

A black hair, red eyes, and a 163 cm girl with an energetic look immediately replies, while storming out from the end of the corridor, where the dining room is.

It took her a perfect one second sprint for her to reach me.

That said, while landing with both of her feet, she stops in just a few centimetres apart from me.

A distance of 36.7m, if I not wrong.

She ran 36.7m in one second.

While yanking my upper body and stick to the side of the wall, I dodged the shockwave that came from her.

"Hmm...? Where`s Ruby?" I asked.

Hearing this, my little sister face behind and yells.

"Ruby, we are leaving…!"


Once again, another girl storms out from halfway of the corridor… where it leads to the stairs to the second floor.

A half-naked cat girl with pink ears, pink tail, pink hair and red eyes wrapped in a white bath towel.

As she sprints, she jumps halfway—

It`s a little unexpected if you imagine what is she going to do next.

With a 'pop' sound, she transforms into a small and cute cat.

A pink, fluffy cat.

During Ruby`s landing, my little sister caught her in between of her arms and her plump chest.

Then with a natural turn almost as if she`s dancing, Restia faced me— with a bright sunshine smile on her face as always.

As usual, her sunshine smile always heals my soul.

Six years ago— ever since our parent`s disappearance… Restia and Ruby are the only ones left. They are my irreplaceable family.

My name is Lucifer Nightwalker von Nightmare.

A male, a human, and will be 16 years old this year.

If you were wondering why a guy like me, which was supposed to attend high school like any other teens but is going for a jog instead…

Unfortunately, I`m currently stuck on this very island.

In an uninhabited island inside the Bermuda Triangle region, where no boats nor no planes could bother to travel because it is extremely dangerous. No one knows why they sunk if they were to pass through this region.

Well, I know the reason.

Because the weather here is always and constantly horrible. Not only the strong hurricanes and lightning storms, even the sea was filled with dangerous sea monsters.

Though things such as magic, exists— such as teleportation magic, and I`m very knowledgeable in it.

Unfortunately, I don`t have mana to cast any magic spells and magic spells are ineffective on me.

So, only my sisters go to school— they`d teleport to the nearest country and go for classes, if they were available.

Well, it doesn`t matter if it`s available or not.

Restia, my little sister, may look cute and beautiful and all, but she`s a genius that scored the top each year. She`s a perfect role model in her school.

Not only that, she had lots of admirers and even suitors. The love letters she receives are overflowing her emails.

She never told me about those, though.

Ruby`s the one who secretly told me about it.

Well, speaking of Ruby— she may be like a little sister to me, but she`s my magical pet.

She would rather prefer to call me 'Master', over than 'big brother' like Restia.

It`s not a fetish or anything. She`d start calling me 'master' like, since the beginning…?

Though Ruby, as a beast-kin is not as smart as Ruby… but she`s the only one in this household that`s able to speak every type of beast language, and is quite fluent.

The Black Cat, The White Snake, The Fortune Rabbit, The Fenrir Wolf, The Snow Leopard, The Rainbow Sheep, and The Cithaeron Lions.

My pets.

She`s able to communicate to them without a problem.

Well, she was born with this ability though. I was surprised when I found out about this.


Though about my sisters, there`s still more— but let`s leave that for next time.

As the warning alarm sounds, a warning screen pops up in front of me. The multi-layered barrier that was protecting my house is destroyed from the outside.

…It seems like a guest has arrived.

"Stay here, both of you." I ordered.


With that said, one of my pets, The Black Cat (also known as The Misfortune Cat), Felix, seems to have step into my house from the backyard, and is now standing next to Restia`s feet.

"It`s not your doing, is it?" I asked her.

"No, nya."

Then, what sort of bizarre beast would come all the way here…? Unless… it isn`t a beast.

No, that can`t be. Did he really succeed…?

"Felix— tell the others to wait, especially Pearl (The White Snake), got it!?"

"Be careful, big brother…"

I hurriedly extended my hand to reach the door knob, and as I pull it open— a strong gust of cold, humid wind storms into the house.

At the front yard, about 50m— a metallic dark grey coloured helicopter just descended.

This is…

'I call this Type X, well, I will add a number later depending on which of it could actually get all the way to your horrible island. If it succeeds, brat, you are going to join my academy.'

'Hah. Only if you can.'

While recalling the conversation I had with that bastard, I step out from the front door as it automatically closes.

The helicopter had two large propellers on both sides of its body, and a tail. From the number that was written on its body, seems like this helicopter`s model would be named as Type X-586.

God, this is the 586th one? Though it looks slightly worn out, but it actually made it.

While thinking of that, someone jumped down from the helicopter…

…with a crash landing.


A man in a black suit, is currently kneeling on the ground while vomiting almost as if non-stop.

God, a little more and he`s actually going to touch a landmine.

To prevent the worst case scenario from happening, I activated my loudspeaker screen.

"Hey…?! Stay where you are! There are tons of landmines around you!"


Though I don`t hear it quite clearly, but that`s probably the thing I`m hearing it coming from his mouth.

He video call me afterwards, and I accepted.

"I finally found you— Urk, BLERGHHHHHHH...!"

He looks completely worn out.

Heavy, dark circles under his eyes alone with a tired, fatigued, sleepless look as if he had been sleepless for several nights.

To be honest, I`m not really surprised by how horrible he looks now.

I really must give him an applause for making it all the way here.

"Do you… know… for how many times I`ve tried to come here…?! Do you…!?" He told me.

Well, I will take a rough guess… 586 times?

Seems like he was given quite the harsh treatment by that bastard.

"Uh, well done…?" I replied. "So, are you an agent from Central Imperial Island…?"

Though he was facing the sides earlier, but now he faced me…

"Lucifer Nightwalker von Nightmare! PLEASE!!! I BEG OF YOU!!! Join the Imperial Knights Academy as a special student or else— I will be fired!!!"

…while prostrating on the ground.

I find myself to feel a little pity for him.

…But there`s no way I`m sitting on that worn-out thing.


As the door behind me slams open, Restia, my little sister immediately grabs me on my waist from behind, as Ruby and Felix sits on my head and shoulder respectively.

"Big brother, don`t go…! You can`t go…! You aren`t allowed to go…!"

I shifted my gaze back at the screen.

"Well, see…? I can`t." I murmured.

"What…!? You are telling me this after I came here all the way here…!?"

"Shut up!"

Restia from behind me, extends her hand to the front while pointing at the agent and his helicopter.

Once she did, a white magic circle appeared from below his feet.

And... he`s gone.

Seems like Restia had teleported him to the nearest country.

"Um, Restia…?" I asked. "Aren`t you being a little rude to him…?"

"You promised me, big brother! You promised you would never leave me alone…!!!"

While spouting those words, Restia inadvertently starts to cry on my back.

[Beep Beep]

While I`m trying to think of a reason to convince my little sister, an email icon pops up in front of me.

I`d normally ignore it since I would usually receive spams— but with the timing so perfect, my finger inadvertently presses it.

'From: Anonymous

Lucifer Nightwalker von Nightmare,

If you read this, you must do what I say. Join the Imperial Knights Academy. No matter how many times those two would try to stop you.'

This message…

"Who is this!?" Restia yells at me.

I quickly minimized it before Restia could take a clear look on the rest of the content.

"Nah, just some spam message." I told her. "Alright, I promise I won`t leave you alone. Get the others, alright? Let`s jog later."


As the three of them went back into the house, I was left alone, at the front yard.

Once again, I open the message.

'Your problems will be solved there, including the time you have left.'

As if getting struck by a lightning bolt, I inadvertently found myself to be leaning on the wall.

Thus, I gave a call to The Principal of the Imperial Knights Academy.

LuciferVermillion LuciferVermillion

Welcome aboard to the Prologue of the story.

Before reading this, please give the dashboard a read. You will understand that this is not just a simple short story.

This prologue is to let you understand where is the story going to. A clearer objective will be told at Chapter 4.1.

If you want a conflict: there is.

It already happened since Chapter 1. Will be revealed about Volume 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or... depending how I seperate the chapters.

Prologue is not an exciting chapter, and it doesn't seem I am writing it to be very catchy. 

Fate could be a mysterious thread, if you ask me-- it's impossible for me to present in this particular chapter. So, I will be presenting some appertizers, and the main dish will come at Volume 2-- Chapter 5.

If you are intersested in it, please follow my work.

As an author, having more followers is very much gaining motivations each day.

Since I'm actually quite busy, I will do my best to update a chapter each week.

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