1979 / California / Los Angeles.
"What should I wish for." I said while staring at the wishes an thinking for a moment with complicatd eyes, not knowing what to choose.
"Maybe I should be an actor." I said while imagining my life as an actor but immediately threw that thought away since it wouldn't really be fun in my opinion, I can't speak for other fellow transmigrators or reincarnators.
I sighed not knowing what to choose while running my hand threw my wet hair again and letting the hot shower water pour on my face an thinking hardly about what to choose.
[Due to user daniel brown taking to long to make a decision rob has decided to choose for you]
"THE FUCK." I said screaming, feeling something inside me snap an immediately looked at the other system screen that appeared.
[Wish 1: Luther Vandross Talents]
[Wish 2: Perfect Pitch]
"AR...." I said screaming, just about to bitch and complain until suddenly I started feeling my throat and body burn feeling hotter under the shower and suddenly feel lighter, making me surprised.
The burning sensation suddenly went away which made me breath hardly from the pain and shouted "DIDN'T YOU SAY YOU FELT SORRY FOR KILLING ME THEN WHY THE HELL COULDN'T YOU BE PATIENT AND LET ME CHOOSE MY OWN WISHES."
No response came which made me even more pissed but instantly calmed down realizing my voice became very lighter and a little nasal which sounds completely different from the original deep voice i displayed so far, it sounds like luther vandross speaking voice that i heard when i watched some of his interviews in my past life out of boredom.
[Name: Amenadiel Elias Jackson]
[Gender: Male]
[Age: 21]
[Health: Hyperspermia]
[Perks: [Luther Vandross Talents], [Perfect Pitch]
[Skills: Sex: Intermediate]
[Storage: None]
"Hahahaha, this is just funny since I transmigrated into this body the world started playing games with me." I said chuckling with a pissed face, looking at the status screen.
I sighed and grabbed the soap and started washing my body, intending to deal with the rest of my Issues after my shower.
TIMESKIP: a couple minutes later.
I got out of the tub while drying myself off an staring at the system screen and asked with a sigh "Why the hell did that fucker give me luther vandross talent's not to say that he isn't talented its just that from what I've seen so far about my luck I doubt I'll get far with his talents since I'm not him yet again not to say that he isn't because he is very talented but come on now be serious this is micheal jackson's family which means no one is normal in this family and if I remember correctly he had 5 grammys which is is sad in my opinion the man could sing, write and act and had a very good velvety voice which i know he can sing very high in the registers but still why the hell did rob give me his talent's especially when I feel like the man was kinda underated which I know people will deny and say he wasn't but in my opinion he was because why dose he only have 5 grammys when he has one of the best voices."
I sighed and dismissed my status window while opening the bathroom door and made my way back into the room and seen the woman where still asleep and took my towel off and started putting my clothes on.
After I finished putting my clothes on I sighed again while thinking "Now I need to leave."
I started heading to the door intending to leave only to pause and look in the corner of the room and see purses and smiled and went over to them an squated down and started going through them looking for some money, not caring if im stealing since they came up to the former owner themselves because he was tall and handsome and thought he had a lot of money but was disappointed and was about to leave only to find out he had alot of heroin and cocaine on him and went with him and had good steamy hot sex while getting high so this is my repayment for the drugs i could've sold for money to get back up on my feet in this body.
After I finished going through the last purse I started counting the money I collected and clicked my teeth a said "Tch....35 dollars."
I got up from my squatting position and stared at the luxerious purses wondering if I should just take them and sell them for money but threw that thought out of my mind since they might go to the police and I would end up locked up since I still have a little bit of cocaine on me which I will put in in the system storage for now.
I took the little bit of the cocaine out of my pocket and put it into the storage along with the 35 dollars I stole and started making my way to the door and opened it and was about to walk out of the room only to see a mature woman with some clear asian in her an about 5'4 with huge breasts that look heavy and about to pop out of her dress, who looks like she was about to knock on the door.
"Oh....." Said the woman covering her nose with a disgusted face, smelling a fishy stench coming from the room.
"Can I help you." I asked calmly with a sigh, wondering what this lady wants since I'm in a hurry to leave before these woman wake up.
The woman stared at me for a moment with a are you serious face and said seriously "You have to pay for the room amenadiel don't think just because I let you stay here once in awhile to do whatever you be doing In the rooms that you don't have to pay."
"The fuck" I thought with a what the fuck face and immediately looked through the former owner's memories again and found he didn't pay for his room which is 200.45 which now i owe this woman who's name is rachel and sighed loudly making the woman look at me crazy.
Rachel held out her hand and said seriously "I take cash to."
"Can I repay you some other way because I have no money on me at the moment." I asked while running my hands through my hair from stress.
Rachel thought for a moment and said while gesturing "No I'll give you two weeks to pay or else and your not allowed to stay at my hotel anymore so leave."
I nodded with a smile that made her suspicious and started leaving while saying "Thanks and and your breasts are leaking milk again."
Rachel looked down at her breasts and seen it was leaking like I said and screamed while holding her breasts that only made it worse "AHHHHHHHH, FUCK YOU AMENADIEL."
TIMESKIP: a couple minutes later.
I was currently walking on the side walk in the hood of california which if your wondering is where the hotel i just left is located and where the former owner wasted most of his life.
"YO, AJ YOU GOT THAT SHIT ON YOU." Said a deep voice shouting.
I looked in the direction of where the shouting voice was coming from that happened to be across the street and seen a black bald man sitting on a car with sagging pants and a red bandana wrapped around his head smoking a blunt, who the former owner is obviously not close to because i can't find his name in the memories of the former owner.
"YEAH I GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU." I Said loudly while making my way across the street, intending to collect some more money.
The bald man got off the car and pulled out some money from his pocket and started counting it and asked while taking the blunt out of his mouth "You got that good shit like last time."
"What the fuck is this man tal..." I thought only for a memory of the former owner to flash across my mind with him selling heroin and cocaine to people on the block and made a good amount, only to immediately lose it to prostitutes on the street and drinking and let's not forget weed at this point he should be called a junkie.
"Nah dawg I got that candy on me." I said tempting him, with an internal smirk.
The bald man thought for a moment and asked "How much you got on you."
"I got three bags full of 100 pills and its hard to get this shit dawg I'm out hear trying to make some bread." I said with my hands in my pocket.
The bald man rubbed his chin thinking hardly and said "How much is it for one bag."
"550 for each bag." I said while yawning, making the bald man surprised.
"Fuck did your price go up." Said the bald man shocked while his friends came over with drinks and weed in their hands and gathered around.
"Hahahaha damn aj yo ass look like you got some pussy last night you look energized." Said a black middle aged man slapping my back while smoking his weed and blowing the smoke out his nose, with his hands secretly moving towards my pockets.
I looked at the middle aged man and said with a smile "Because I did now scoot the fuck over before I suplex your old ass."
The middle aged man backed up with his hands up knowing he was caught and started laughing "Hahaha what you mean aj I ain't do shit."
I stared him dead in his eyes but looked back at the bald man and asked "You made up your mind cuz I gotta go I got shit to do."
"Yeah I'll take one bag." Said the bald man while preparing the money in his hands.
I pulled my right hand out of my pocket and handed him a big ass bag full of pills and took the money and put it in my pocket, with it really going to my storage and started leaving In the direction I was heading.
"What the fuck." I said surprised, seeing a sliding car.
"DIE YOU FUCKING BLOODS." Said a man screaming while whipping his sliding car and pulling a gun out the window and firing it.
"SHIT" I thought, screaming internally and immediately started running to take cover.
"FUCK,YALL GET THE GLOCKS." Said the middle aged man screaming while hiding behind a car.
The bald man was also behind the car with the middle aged man and pulled out his glock and screamed while firing it "BLOOD FOE LIFE YOU FUCKING CRIPS."
"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW HOW THE HELL DID I GET CAUGHT IN UP A GANG WAR" I thought, screaming internally while hiding inside a store behind the counter with a woman in a uniform staring at me with a scared face.
"The fuck you looking at." I said to the woman with a pissed face, who in turn started crying.
I sighed and started heading to the back of the store intending to escape from the back, only to pause and think of something and went back to the lady and said with a threatening smile "Start getting the money out of the cash register now."