/ Urban / THE ICE KING.

THE ICE KING. Original


Urban 21 Chapters 19.1K Views

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-What's that? Can you repeat what you just said there?
Walking furiously up and down his office in tones as dark as his aura, Hackim El Hassan struck his only friend and right-hand man with his dark gaze.
- Your Majesty understands that I had no choice. Amid explained in his paused voice, trying to calm the flare of fury he sensed in the young king.
Without answering him, Hackim went to sit behind his desk with his brain running at full speed to find a way out of the quagmire in which his adviser had plunged him.
Putting his glance on this last one who in a humble but majestic posture did not let appear anything of his thoughts, he suspected him of having made it purposely and his suspicions were confirmed when after a brief curtsy, he left the office without trying to help him to find a solution to his problem which for him obviously was not one.

Who is Hackim and in which quagmire has he been plunged by his advisor? Is he a traitor or just an advisor concerned about his king? What is going to happen to him and to ... Her? Who is she anyway? Well, the next pages will tell us!

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