Malcom's vision was fully fulfilled. Each door was opened at the right time, and things happened as he had seen them happen. Thankfully that was the case despite how chaotic he was feeling at that moment. He managed to pull it off.
From the door that the Marked opened right in front of the Guardian of the Moon, his own arrow came out, burying itself in the abdomen of the creature.
With the power that it had implemented, it took him off balance and made him fly out of any wall where it could control its direction.
Right in front of him, another door opened, but in the ceiling's direction, where the attack that Pietro had thrown at Malcom crashed hard against the ceiling, smashing it. Because of that, it hit opened a huge hole in the wall, letting in the sunlight.
The Guardian of the Moon that was just below the hole was bathed in that light, leaving him in stasis just as he landed on the ground.
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