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4% The Holy Right / Chapter 1: >1< The Book of '777'
The Holy Right The Holy Right original

The Holy Right

Author: REON_01

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: >1< The Book of '777'

Chapter 1: The Book of '777'

"Edward, ah, Edward! Why are you so foolish?!"

"Hmph, even those who claim to believe in God and preach justice can reveal such ugly sides… If that's the case, reading the Bible won't lead them to the truth either. Blindly following the teachings of the past without thinking for themselves will only bring about that same ugliness."

A young man named Edward Alexander muttered softly, his voice filled with doubt and mockery. "…If that's how it is, then I'll be the one to seek out the truth. I'll be the one to reclaim the path that was lost due to humanity's blind obedience!"


England, London – 1919, the early 20th century.

Roy Crowley placed the book he had just finished reading on an old wooden table, letting it close with a heavy thud. He rubbed his forehead, sighing in exhaustion, "…As expected of an original 'Grimoire.' Just reading it feels like being poisoned. A normal person would be driven mad or die from the toxic knowledge contained within."

"…Ha, am I not a normal person? Or should I be grateful for the blood running through my veins?"

Roy let out a self-deprecating laugh before standing up from the matching chair. He glanced around at his surroundings—a slightly worn but homely apartment, where the furniture had clearly seen better days.

The furnishings, though aged, were spotless, and the few decorations on the table were arranged with care. A small potted plant sat on the windowsill, adding a touch of life. There were no luxury items in the room; the most valuable possessions appeared to be the densely packed books in the corner bookshelf. From the setup alone, it was clear that the owner of this home, while not living in poverty, was certainly far from wealthy.

Roy was content with this modest little home. In this early 20th century London, just after the end of the First World War, he felt fortunate not to be living in the slums. To have a small home in a residential area where he and his sister could live was more than enough for him.

Should he thank the father he had never met, or the mother who died shortly after giving birth to him and his sister?

Ah, perhaps he should be thankful to his mother. Though she hadn't raised him in this life, it was something beyond her control.

And as for that so-called father, he might have even forgotten about them. Fortunately, Roy was an adult with a steady job before his transmigration. Despite the hardships of starting life over from scratch, he managed to raise his sister successfully with his maturity.

With that in mind, Roy cast a complicated glance at the book he was holding. The paper was cold to the touch, and the book seemed quite new without any sense of historical weight. However, if this book were thrown into the world of magic, it would undoubtedly cause a sensation among all magicians.

— The Book of '777,' Author: Aleister Crowley

"Toaru Majutsu no Index..." Roy murmured quietly, then shook his head with some resignation.

Not long after arriving in this world, he realized where he had ended up. The world of Toaru Majutsu no Index was both familiar and unfamiliar to him. It was familiar because he had watched the anime; though many details were hazy, he still knew the general plot. It was unfamiliar because he seemed to have arrived about a hundred years before the events he remembered. Not only was Academy City yet to be established, but Aleister Crowley, his father in this life, was still very much alive and not yet confined to a nutrient tank as the suspended man.

Given that he was unfamiliar with the current social dynamics and factions, Roy decided not to venture out recklessly. Instead, he chose the wisest course of action: living quietly with his sister in their modest London apartment. He had no intention of seeking out Aleister Crowley and would rather he stayed as far away as possible. If Roy's memory served correctly, Aleister Crowley was currently being hunted by magicians all over the world, with enemies on every side.

If Roy dared to go out and claim to be Aleister's son, he would likely face a horde of magicians at his door the very same day. Surviving until the next day would be a challenge.

Roy was actually relieved that Aleister had forgotten about him and his sister. If even their father had forgotten them, it was unlikely that other magicians would be searching for them. This lapse provided Roy and his sister with a relatively stable living environment.

Moreover, Roy had no intention of causing trouble, as he wasn't one of the world's few "raw gems" with innate superpowers. At this point, there was no advanced ability development like in Academy City. Although Roy knew some magic, it was only basic knowledge he had taught himself from the books Aleister left behind, without any formal magical education.

Roy's mother was likely Aleister's closest lover, and this apartment had definitely been lived in by Aleister. He would not have left so many of his works behind otherwise. The books on the shelf were Roy's greatest treasure, with the most valuable among them being the one on the table: The Book of '777'.

In the Christian Bible, the number 7 holds profound significance, symbolizing completeness and perfection. God created the world in seven days, resting on the seventh day. In Revelation, there are seven churches representing all the churches of the church age. The number 7 represents God's seven spirits, and there are seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls of judgment. After Noah entered the ark, God granted seven days of grace. Solomon took seven years to build the temple and celebrated the feast for seven days.

On the cross, Christ spoke the famous seven words.

— Wait, wait.

'777' is the most significant number in the Bible, carrying immense magical power. If a magician from the magical world were to see The Book of '777', they would certainly suspect its connection to Christianity. Indeed, the book does contain some interpretations of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, mystical rituals, angel names, and even touches on astrology and divination.

However, Roy, who has studied this book for over ten years, knows that the knowledge recorded is only the surface. The book fundamentally presents Aleister Crowley's thoughts, representing his magnum opus and true source of power. What is detailed in the book is not the Kabbalistic Tree of Life but a twisted, inverted tree created by Crowley himself, known as the 'Tree of Evil.'

While '7' is a sacred number in Christianity, Crowley linked '7' with the 'Beast,' filling this grimoire with 'human evil.' It is replete with blasphemous rebellion and showcases Crowley's arrogance.

"No wonder he's called the 'Beast of Revelation,' the 'most evil man in the world.' This is a complete betrayal of the world God created."

Roy exhaled heavily. Just thinking about the contents of The Book of '777' caused a dull ache in his head. The primal sin filled with 'human evil' seemed almost capable of dragging his body and soul into the mire of corruption.

At that moment—

"Brother, I'm back!"

A sweet, melodious voice floated in from outside the apartment door.

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