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22.22% The Hidden Dungeon in the World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs / Chapter 7: Time skip and Reunion

Chapter 7: Time skip and Reunion

"Bed, bed, bed, bed, ah my beautiful beautiful bed."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Alice stared at me weirdly as I rolled on my bed like a madman.

If only you knew my dear sister, if only you knew. I'm sure my LP skyrocketed just from this wonderful feeling.

"Well… okay just make sure to hurry downstairs when you're done changing," Alice said to me like I was a weirdo before I felt her hug me around my waist before going downstairs.

'Ahhh, this is the life.' It's funny how only a few months without these privileges could make me desire them so much.

[LP: 3,450]

As I thought, the true return of all my luxuries gave me quite a load of LP.

I lay in my bed as I reflected on the last hour.

Unlike what I had expected, I wasn't scolded whatsoever. My Mother seemed to be of the belief that she had no right to stop me from what I was trying to do.

"Just tell us directly next time please." She more pleaded with me rather than commanded.

I wasn't sure how I should feel about this turn of events. I got the best possible outcome but at what cost? The confidence of my Mother?

It was a complicated situation, to say the least.

As for my sister, she was a lot less clingy than I thought she'd be. She actually seemed pretty calm. I could tell she had matured quite a bit in these few months.

The last interaction I had was with my father. "Ah, welcome back Noir."

"Thanks, Felix." The man cringed at the way I addressed him.

I was prepared to repay him for just outright taking his ship even if I knew he wouldn't push for it. Plus with how I was about to liberate us all from that vile bitch, and the bratty underlings she calls her kids, I was pretty much the man of the house now. He should be calling me father.

I chuckled internally at the thought before I went and boarded the ship yet again.

"I hope you know my trip wasn't fruitless." I started before I held up 2 of the bags filled with the treasure I had gotten from the dungeon.

There was a collective gasp from all three as they stared wide-eyed at what I was holding. Their shock only grew when I threw about 16 more bags just like that on the landing zone.

I stood on the ship and looked down in pride as they all beheld the immense treasure. Now all I needed to do was trade all this for some actual currency and I'd be truly rich.

Walking downstairs I adjust the tie I had on as I strode into the dining room.

They're all my family was dressed up for the occasion and talking amongst themselves.

When I walked in, however, it got quiet and everyone turned to me. They seemed to look at me strangely and I was sure I knew why.

They must have just now noticed how tall I've gotten. Mhm, look and be amazed family.

I stood straight to further emphasize myself as I circled around and took my seat… at the head of the table?

That was weird. Usually, my father would be the one here, so why me?

Looking around no one looked confused or even seemed to notice it, not even my father. Shit, I really am the man of the house.

As we ate and celebrated my return, we discussed an all manor of things from what we'd do with the money, to Alice's sudden new increase in etiquette.

When it was over, weirdly they all lined up and bowed to me. They thanked me for what I had done and in my parent's case apologized for not being the parents I deserved.

I couldn't just leave it like that, and we hugged it out for over 10 minutes.

With my return to home, another 3 months had passed and I just celebrated my 14th birthday a few days ago.

A lot had happened during this time and I do mean a lot. For one, I had managed to sell every last bit of the treasure I collected. Some of the less valuable items through normal trade while a lot of the more valuable through the auction.

It wasn't the largest sum of dia for some higher-end nobles but for my family it was a fortune.

With that money, I had done a complete makeover of the entire island and even added two more to our territory.

In addition to that we were now proud owners of two very high-end ships. One of which was a me exclusive while the other was to repay my father for borrowing his.

Life was good, life was very good. That was, until a certain bitch came knocking on our door.

"You heard me brat, where is my compensation." The bitch-Agatha tapped her feet impatiently as she sat in the dining room.

I pinched my nose as I wondered why on Earth this bitch thought she was even getting a single dia from me.

"Why exactly do I need to compensate you?" I asked lacking any respect whatsoever.

"Watch your tone when you're speaking to your betters boy." She spoke trying to sound as threatening as possible.

"As for why. Is it not obvious? Do you not understand how much trouble I went through to set up your engagement? And now you want to refuse because you got lucky and got a bit of money?"

"The least you could do as an apology for trampling all over my hard work is offer me 50 percent of the profit you got." The woman scowled in annoyance as if she was completely justified.

"50 percent?! As compensation for an engagement, you didn't even think to consult me about?"

"Tch, your opinion doesn't matter. As long as your Father agrees that's all it takes."

The most annoying thing was that she wasn't wrong, until I turned 16 my parents practically owned me, and even after that age, most contracts that were signed by my parents before I reached adulthood and that dealt with me after I reached adulthood were still applicable.

Thankfully, no contracts were signed as of yet.

With our argument halted we both turned to the man who in all my annoyance held the decision.

"Well Felix, are you all of a sudden letting brats make the calls in your home? Put him in this place and pay what I deserve."

Agatha grinned in amusement expecting the man to ultimately give in like he always did.

I made no attempt to coerce the man. Truthfully, I expected him to kneel to the whims of the woman. At the same time, I knew if he did it would all be gone over. I'd crush him just like I planned to crush this annoying bitch.

My thoughts were halted when I heard a loud thump behind me. Turning I saw my father on the ground, in a position I had seen him in way more times than I would have liked. Kneeling at the woman's feet. He was trembling and his nails were digging into his hands.

"Please… you can take as much as you want from me, but. But… please… don't take what my son has worked so hard for." His words were shaky yet clear.

The entire room fell to silence, all of us shocked at his actions.

My unreliable cowardly father… was actually fighting for me.

"You!" The silence finally ended when Agatha stood up. Her face morphed into clear anger.

"You actually think you can go against me?! I will ruin you." Agatha brought her heel down on the man, pressing down on his back.

My father didn't falter though, he remained strong in his begging.

"Please, Agatha."

In response to his begging the woman just dug her heel more into his back, but suddenly found herself falling as my mother pushed her off of him and made her tumble to the couch.

"You vile miscreant!" The woman was quick to stand back up and was just about to act out in violence against my mother.

That was when my eyes caught hers.

Do it bitch. I fucking dare you! GIVE ME A REASON TO CUT YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!

I screamed in my head as I waited for the woman to lay a hand on my mother.

She stopped in her place. Her gaze stayed on mine and she backed up a bit.


She coughed and looked away as she tried to reorganize her clothing.

"Clearly… clearly none of you are in your right minds… I will be back in two months, and when I do I will have the contract with me."

She said as she grabbed her bag and began walking to the door.

"For your sake, Felix, I hope you make the right choice." She said without looking back before exiting through the door.

And just like that, my temporary happiness came to an end. That night I couldn't stop cursing the woman as I destroyed multiple of the training dummies I implemented in our new training ground.

My rage didn't die down until my adorable sister came out and gave me a solution to my problem.

"See here Noir," Alice spoke as she held a giant book on her lap.

We were both seated on a bench that overlooked our newly built garden.

"Hmm." I hummed as I wiped the last bit of sweat from my face with a hand towel and looked down at the paragraph she was pointing at.

"For children under the age of 16, the signing of legally binding documents is illegal and can only be done by the parent or guardian of the child."

As I read I grew increasingly annoyed. The restriction said nothing about needing consent nor anything about cases such as mine where the document pertains to after I turn 16.

"I know already, you know this isn't helping me feel any better." I groaned as I felt the anger I had been working off growing back.

"Shh, now read here." She put a finger to her lips and then pointed at a paragraph below it, written in smaller font.

"However, as pertains to the previous restriction. If the child gains a noble rank of their own (while under the age of 16) as issued by the royal court, that child is to be treated as an adult and as such is free from the previous restriction."

It took me a few seconds to process what I had just read before a grin overtook my face and I stood up and snatched the book from my sister, rereading what I had just read.

"Hmph, I knew you'd like it." Alice puffed her chest in pride.

"This is perfect, so all I need is to gain a title?!" I said excitedly as I threw the book on the bench and picked Alice up from off the bench. I hugged her as I spun around. "Your the best, your my favorite sister."

"I'm your only sister, now, let go of me you idiot I can't breathe." Realizing her words I let her down slowly and she began panting while bending over.

"Ugh… It's not like your free yet, you still have to actually gain a title, that's no easy job you know."

If only you knew sis.

"Ah don't worry about that, let me handle it. For now, though my sister deserves a reward how about we go shopping in the capital?" I said already going inside to inform our parents of our departure.

I already had a practically surefire way of gaining the notice of the royal court, one thing wouldn't take me long at all.

"Shopping… capital!" Alice's eyes beamed in excitement as she lost all the dignified bravado and ran inside ahead of me.

The sun began to set on the capital of Holfort Kingdom. As the sky dimmed and the street lights turned on one by one, people began to make their way back home.

Different from them, two people a boy and a girl make their way across the pavement in search of yet another store.

The boy, Noir Stardia put on a complicated expression as he watched his sister stare at the display glass of yet another store.

He already had five bags in each hand and was starting to run out of hand space to put them in.

It was as he was dreading having to carry more bags that a flash of purple caught the side of his eye.

(Noir POV)

Turning in that direction my eyes met a pair of blue orbs.

'Well, she certainly has grown.'

I chuckled as I looked at the girl I had last seen two years ago. Her purple hair had grown quite a bit longer. There was clear growth in all areas of her body yet she remained just as skinny and delicate as she looked before.

"Evelyn… long time no see," I called out to the girl whose blue dress blew in the wind.

"Noir Fou Stardia." The girl called me by my full government.

I gave Alice some dia and let her go wild in the store.

As for Evelyn and I we remained outside.

"I must admit, I'm surprised to see you here." I opened with as I leaned against the wall of the establishment.

"I could say the same for you, I visit this place quite often and have never come by you or your sister," Evelyn responded conversationally and I couldn't help but notice the lack of a glare present on her face.

"Well, we don't visit much, certainly not for shopping."

"The sights by themselves never fail to drag me back." The purple-haired young woman looked around as she said so.

"…You've changed." I decided to point out the obvious as I stared into her eyes.

"Have I?" She asked rhetorically. "Well if anything I still do despise your existence." Even as she did glare at me I could tell it wasn't with malice.

"Tch, seems that's something that runs in the family."

My scoff wasn't met by any retort as Evelyn shrugged. "Perhaps, Mother came home quite upset today."

"Did she now." I couldn't hide the grin that formed on my lips as I withheld a chuckle.

Watching me Evelyn sighed before saying rather uncaringly. "It seems her favorite play toys are starting to escape her."

"You speak like you didn't enjoy tormenting us."

Something I said seemed to set her off as she turned a real glare at me. "I'm not the same anymore. I have changed."

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to hit a sore spot… though I'm not sure you really deserve an apology." I raised my arms in a placating manner.

"Yes… your right…you were right about a few things actually." With those words, she took a step forward before bowing the tiniest bit.

"I cannot speak for the rest of my family, however, I as an individual apologize for my poor treatment of you and your family."

I was about to respond but she spoke again.

"Additionally, I'd like to thank you for teaching me that lesson that one day. Your words, though infuriating, were nonetheless accurate and something I needed to hear."

When she was done she stood back up straight looking as if what she had just done pained her to no end.

"You…You really have changed huh?" Evelyn didn't respond but just looked away off into the distance.

"I'll admit, I still hate your guts. But I will acknowledge that you've grown past that snobbish spoiled brat you were a couple of years ago." I did not accept her apology, she did far too much for me to just say 'It's fine'.

"The feeling is mutual."

For a minute we just stood in silence, watching as people passed us by.

That silence lasted until Evelyn had seemed to decide on something and turned back to me. "Hey, Noir…"


"I heard something from my mom, something about you becoming an adventurer and coming back with a lot of treasure." She said seeming to tip-toe around her question.

"Yeah, what about it? If you think I'm gonna give you anything I will laugh in your face." I said bluntly.

"No… not that." She squirmed as her face went through various expressions.

"It's just…"

It wasn't until the sun had completely disappeared that Alice and I made our way back to the ship.

Evelyn had left too on a ship bearing her family's crest.

Even now as I piloted the aircraft I couldn't help but replay the dialogue I had with Evelyn.

"I want you to take me through a dungeon."

Those were the words she said to me.

It seemed my words two years ago had actually gotten to her and she was intent on making a name for herself separate from her family.

Her main reason for wanting to start adventuring was because "she heard I did it so how hard could it be."

This bitch, she really thought that low of me.

Whatever, I accepted her request. I couldn't wait to see her look of failure as she begged me to save her.

With those thoughts clouding my mind I drove the ship containing me and the passed-out Alice back home.

next chapter

Chapter 8: Irony

The way in which dungeons were regulated was very strict unless it was one where the monsters were fairly weak.

In those cases, all you needed to do was pay the usage tax, and boom you have entry.

Such realization seemed to be shocking to Evelyn as we walked through the cavern inside the first floor of the dungeon.

There were already a few people fighting in different areas. This place was pretty damn big, one of the biggest in the kingdom and also one of the more well-known. It was a place where newbie adventurers went to get used to the adventurer life.

"So uhm, this is what your wearing," I asked Evelyn as she walked by my side.

She had a blue and white armored dress on complete with black leggings and metallic boots.

"What is wrong with it?" She said uncomfortably suddenly growing very conscious of her outfit.

"Oh, nothing."

"What, hey what's wrong with it."

I didn't give her an answer which prompted her to shake me from my shoulders. "Answer me, you bastard."

I just kept walking while hiding my grin. Truthfully nothing was wrong with her outfit, I just wanted to bully her a bit. It's the least she could endure after all she's done.

"Quiet, ready yourself, it's time to see what you got." I stopped the girl's angry rumblings as I felt the faint magic coming from the approaching monsters.

Caught off guard by words Evelyn hurried to withdraw her sword and hold it with both hands.

The moment the 6 legged giant ants reared their heads I could hear an audible gulp come from her and her stance stiffen.

Slowly they approached the girl altogether and I began to wonder how exactly she'd respond.

It was as one of the ants got within range and was about to lash out. Her sword cut through the air and slashed the ant across its leg.

The missing limb was enough to cripple it, but there was no explosion of experience fragments.

"You're going to need a bit more than that if you want to kill the thing," I added uselessly from the back as I watched the girl try to recover from her over extension.

Thankfully the ant was just as stunned and she was able to recover before it counterattacked.

As for the other ants, I interfered and held them at bay with some barrier magic.

Taking a step back Evelyn tried to recover what she assumed to be a good stance. And to be fair, it was a damn good imitation.

Her stance was low her posture relaxed.

She waited again for the ant to step into range before she struck again, this time going for something more vital as her sword dug deep into the head of the creature.

An explosion of purple fell upon her as she got her first-ever kill.

Noticing that alone had taken quite the mental toll on her I dashed forward and easily dispatched the remaining ants.

"I could have done that myself." Evelyn huffed as she stood up.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course, you could. On a different note, how come you never told me you had training with the sword?" It surely wasn't a lot but she had to have picked up a few things from someone.

"Training? No never. Mother thinks such a thing is much too unfit for a proper lady." Evelyn shook her head with a sigh.

"Than the stance?"

"Stuff I picked up from my brother's teacher. My father was tired of my Brother being a lazy sack of potatoes and made him start learning swordsmanship from a tutor. I may not have been able to participate but nothing stopped me from watching." Evelyn shrugged as she looked back and forth between two split routes, checking for any signs of more of them.

"Why am I not surprised? Wait, then how the hell were you allowed to come here."

To those words Evelyn turned from me, her eyes looking everywhere but at me.

It took me two seconds to process her reaction before I yanked the girl by her arm.

"NOPE. Nope. That wasn't in the job description. I'm not about to give your mother a way to ruin my life more." I began pulling her as I headed in the way we came.

"Stop! Let go. It's not that big of a deal, they won't find out." She pulled hard before she finally managed to escape my grip.

She stepped back until there was a good enough distance between us.

"They won't find out… I told them I was going shopping with some friends in the capital. They're used to me taking a long time so they won't suspect anything, promise." Evelyn tried to reassure me but I wasn't buying it.

"And what if you're wrong? What if they do find out? Then what? You go home while my family is somehow blamed?"

To that, Evelyn went silent as she bit her lip. "I'll-Look I'll take the blame if that were to happen. I won't let them accuse you."

"It seemed you haven't changed as much as I thought. You still don't understand your position. You are not someone who has the authority or prestige to challenge your father or mother if they chose to do that."

To my words, Evelyn bit down on her lips harder. Her next action was something I didn't expect.

With quick steps, she approached me until she stood in front of me. She kept her head lowered all the while before it began to lower more as she bowed.

And no, I did not mean a small uncaring lowering of the spine. She fully bowed at a 90-degree angle.

"Please… I know already. But just give me a chance…You were the one who told me that in the first place." She stopped midway as she returned to a standing position and grabbed onto my vest.

"Can't… can't you recognize that I'm trying to change? Can't you show pity for me?" Her words were whispers at this point and sounded desperate.

"You want… pity?"

This girl, was actually asking me to pity her. Is this not the most hilarious thing to ever come out of someone's mouth?

This girl, who repeatedly came to my home and disrespected us and treated us like piles of garbage, actually wanted me to pity her.


"Why are you laughing." Evelyn stepped back. It seemed I really couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"This has got to be the most hilarious thing I've heard in years," I said in between my fit of laughter.

"I take back my words Evelyn…you haven't changed at all," I said when my laughter was starting to die down.

"What?!" She snarled.

"Yeah, no I refuse. Maybe come back to me when you can understand why what you said is so messed up." I said before beginning to walk back to the entrance.

For a while, Evelyn stood shocked still. She certainly didn't expect this outcome.

"I'd hurry up. More monsters will come soon enough. No matter how good of an imitator you are, you're still a total beginner." I didn't bother stopping.

"Tch, I don't need you anyway!" I heard her yell before she stormed off in the opposite way of me, deeper into the dungeon.

Not my problem, if you wanna get yourself killed be my guest. Not like I can be blamed right…right?

Shit, I could. The dungeon guard already saw both of our faces together… for fucks sake.

(Evelyn POV)

What the hell was I even thinking asking that boy for help in the first place? Why would I need help when he had none?

I couldn't help but slam my foot every time I stepped. The thought of his face contorted in laughter enraged me to no end.

I can handle this by myself. It's a low-level dungeon. The weakest of the weak…I'll be fine.

I reassured myself as I kept walking.

And what the hell does he mean? What exactly about what I said was messed up? I begged the boy. I lowered myself that far and pleaded for his help, if there's anything messed up about what I said or did, it's that.

Ugh, I feel so humiliated. Really why did I even think to ask him? That brainless worm and his stupid shit-eating grin.

It was as these thoughts were roaming my brain that I heard a noise. "Ahh" "ahh" "ahh"

High-pitched screaming noises came from both sides of the fork-way. Soon after, a dozen of strange furry humanoid creatures came out.

Each with brown fur and red eyes, the smaller creatures didn't look much intimidating on their own, but put together I couldn't help back away.

I drew my sword, getting into the stance I had seen that man in countless times. I could do this. It was only around 12 of them. They didn't seem that strong.

'I can do this.' I reassured myself as instead of waiting I was the first to make a move and slashed at one of the creatures.

My blade went halfway through its stomach before it burst into purple fragments. Before I could recover one of the creatures jumped on my head effectively blocking my view.

And just like that, things began to go downhill as when I tried to wrestle the thing off me more of them jumped on me.

They began ripping my clothing and it was only thanks to my armor that my flesh was being protected.

For what felt like an hour I rolled around and clawed at the creatures, trying my best to free myself.

Tears fell down my face as I began to slowly stop resisting. It was only then that I saw a flash and an explosion of purple.

(Noir POV)

Jesus Christ please tell me they didn't leave a mark on her, I'm not the best at healing magic.

As the explosion of experience I had caused when I killed the monkeys began to die down I breathed out a sigh of relief. The girl was relatively unharmed.

Her dress was in tatters, her hair in disarray and her face red and died with tears, but she was unharmed. There were no marks on her from the monkeys.

"You okay," I asked as the girl lay there in a daze. Soon enough she sat up and put her face in her hands.

"Do I look okay?" She said as she sobbed lightly.

"Not at all. Also, you might wanna cover yourself… your chest is showing." To my words, she looked down to see the creatures had torn through the fabric of her dress and set her already well-developed breast free for the world to see.

"AUGHHHH." The girl groaned harder as she tried to cover her face and chest at the same time. She failed.

The walk back was silent. Luckily the girl was smart enough to pack another pair of clothes.

She was so out of it that she didn't even tell me to turn away when she began undressing to put on her spare clothes. Luckily for her though, I wasn't interested in peeping on girls in distress and so I turned away.

Her goodbye was quick before she entered her ship and left as soon as possible. I'm sure her delusional dreams of being an adventurer had been crushed.

It was probably for the best. She wasn't built for that type of life, and was mistaken to think it was something you could just do without any training.

Well, I had kind of done the same thing. But, I was well equipped, I have a cheat.

On the way back I took my mind off Evelyn and instead focused on the new knowledge I had gained.

If I could earn myself a title, I was free from this ridiculous matchmaking. The thought was so very sweet. Even sweeter was the fact that I had just the way to accomplish that feat.

As I flew home, my thoughts were filled with nothing but dreams of freedom.


(AN: Gimme power-stones.)

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