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The Hidden Dragon The Hidden Dragon original

The Hidden Dragon

Author: poolvillain

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Alive...again.

Xianxia reincarnation self insert

Disclaimer :all characters and mentioned universes belong to their respective owners and/or creators.

This is a work of fiction.

'Italics means he is talking to himself /inner voice'

"inverted commas" means a normal conversation.

"<different languages>" means speaking in a foreign language.

[encyclopedic texts]

<Thoughts of other characters>

"Welcome" the formless being said.

"Hello. It's nice to finally meet you in…..soul?" I answered. "Has anyone ever told you that you sound a lot like Morgan freeman"

"Yes, you're not the first" the formless responded.

"So, heaven or hell?" I asked.

"Hear my offer first. I'm sending you somewhere. Somewhere you know as a fictional world." the being stated. "I will grant you gifts to help you along your path."

"Why would you do that for me"

"I find you interesting. What I gain from this is something you can't comprehend, but you will gain what you have always been after"

"You make it sound like I don't have a choice" Before such a mighty being, I was even less than a mere ant. I knew I didn't have a say in this matter.

"That's because you don't. I could give you the illusion of it but I'd rather be honest"

Even though I appreciated his honestly I was still annoyed. I muttered the word "Bastard" intense pain instantaneously radiated throughout my being. "Arghh!"

"Mind your words boy. I will not tolerate disrespect."

"No! F%ck you! You bastard!" I was tired of this being. If he was going to take me out of existence he would have done it sooner. So I know he wants me for something. I won't say need because that would imply that I was important which I wasn't.

"I admire your will. I made the right choice choosing you. Come"

A force rendered me immobile as I floated towards the brightest point of the room.

"You are just an experiment. I would tell you that you're not special, but you already know that don't you? So do not delude yourself. The world you're about to be reborn into is a cruel and hard world. If you become too arrogant, if you slack off or stagnate, if you ever get comfortable, it will devour you, you will lose it all."

An energy invaded my being, with it inside of me I felt like I lost something and gained another.

"Indeed, what an interesting attribute. These gifts of mine will help you along your path. And consider the circumstances of your family a form of motivation"

"I hope for your sake that you survive, and thrive. We shall meet again My experiment, do not betray my expectations." There was care? in its tone.

"I am not an experiment! I will become the strongest and kill you one day! OK maybe that sounds a bit too edgy, borderline cringy but I do hope you go to hell!"

"Boy, I created Everything, hell included." the being said as I was sent away through a tunnel of sorts. "It's not like you'll remember what happened here anyways"


I was being pulled "Woaahh!" the explosion of colours and blurry shapes hit me hard. I felt something soft and cozy wrap around me while I was still screaming my head off. I remember dying, how I'm I still alive? The tunnel. I was raised once again by a large blurry figure "hey!" I tried to yell out but I was only able to produce a mess of screams and gurgles. "wahhh!!".

I felt drawn to an aura that was projecting what I assumed to be love.

"Shush little one, mother has you now. It's all right" the warmth I felt from her gave me peace and comfort. Her deep blue eyes drew me in, her voice lulling me to sleep.

It's been a year since I came to this world and I have to say it's not that bad, not bad at all. People definitely developed faster in this world than back on earth. Because I could already begin standing for very short durations, I could pronounce very simple words. I was nearly driven insane with all the boredom.

Here we go again sigh.

"Shen Yue, you're such a cute boy!" my mom's friends would constantly pull my cheeks while praising my looks like now. Can you blame them, well what do you expect when you're a Sasuke Uchiha ripoff. My flowing hair had a dark midnight blue which complements the clear night blue of my eyes.

Right if you haven't guessed it yet, I'm in the Divine continent (imagine if I was called Shen Long, heh dragon balls) yep, in the world of "Tales of demons and gods" The people of divine continent majorly had Asian like cultures and influences. It's closest to Chinese cultures and mannerisms but slightly different.

Back to me.

I was supposed to be the third rate villainous character that everyone forgot about after the first arc. I do not know if there's someone behind my reincarnation into this world but if there is, I would like to say a grand go @$%&€ your $@*# you $@*#%! (*Same to you! Damned fictional character!*)

I'll be dammed if I let that sh!t happen to me. I already made my resolve to live and live well in this world. And without power you can't achieve any of that, OK I also had the urge to become stronger.

Plus I know Nie Li is the protagonist of this world with his immense plot armour which I didn't have. Talking about Nie Li that guy must have some deep-seated mental issues. How do you live that long and after all that stress you've gone through you revert back to your child self and still be the same? We're talking about 100s of years of depression, memories of pain, anger, betrayal and trauma crammed into a 13 yr old's mind and you expect us to think that everything would still be the same? I call bs on it. One glaring form of his mental issues would be his one sided obsession with a child who he constantly manipulates. I'm too hard? I know kids mature faster here but that girl was still just a child she didn't have as much experience as he did and yet he still aggressively pursued her. Damn I'm ranting again!

You notice that I don't talk much about my dad, that's because I actually don't like him. He would cause the destruction of our family, what a stupid tool he is. But that doesn't mean that I don't respect him. Plus my mom is the one who spends the most time with me. And actually enjoys it.

I already made plans for my future making use of my meta knowledge and cheat abilities. Yes you heard right cheat abilities like this guy right here, the Encyclopedia which provides me accurate information on the attributes, flaws, make-up and uses of various things, of course I had to accumulate knowledge from sources to make the info more comprehensive. And I had meta-knowledge of this world, so I had info all right. I found out about this ability when I looked through an open book my mom had left on her bed. The encyclopedia compiled all the info in it and presented it to me. I'll have to experiment more with it since I believe that this ability has the potential to be op, it's like the gamer's observe/appraise.

The second one was a warning sense I called active premonition

*cough* spidey sense *cough*.

I discovered it when I nearly fell off the bed. It's transmits a buzzing ringling sensation to my head. I'll have to train my body to work seamlessly with my A.P(active premonition) sense. I know these abilities are more than they seem and I will soon have enough time to experiment with them. I really did discover amazing things on that bed….quite literally.

What? My abilities are haxxor? Have you seen the mc? Let's take away the endless plot armour he has and he's still a hax. He has knowledge on 93% of everything in this world, he's a master in all fields not even including combat and with all that He still reverted to his past self, with the a hax that's called the temporal demon book. The very heavens are watching out for him!

And all I have is an all encompassing universal encyclopedia and a ripoff spidey sense. But my abilities are enough for me, you know why? Because there are no useless abilities, just useless people. I will turn these abilities into something that surpasses all others!

'Lady can you please not squeeze my butt' my mom has really hyper active friends.

"Look at him pout! Awww~" you're doing this on purpose right.


12 years later

Who's the angelic boy? the good Samaritan? The most loved child in all of glory city? Me!

Since I started leaving the compound to explore glory city. I interacted with the people in a very civil manner, I acted as a good Samaritan to them. It's not hard at all, all you have to do is treat people like actual people. Right! What a surprise that most members of the sacred families just don't get that. It was slow process building my image at first, since my branch of the sacred family is known for their arrogance and needless cruelty. But when they saw that I actually meant it, people accepted me, especially the average joes the common people. Sure I get angry sometimes but I never threw my weight around. My family was wealthy, I donated some money to those that needed it and it all came from my own pocket funds. Of course my family members didn't like that I was associating with "commoners", they saw it as a disgrace, the only thing holding them back from lashing out at me was my "Extraordinary genius" status. But who cares what they think? The only thought that matters to me is my mom's and she's very supportive.

Concerning my genius, it's about my eidetic memory and problem solving capabilities.

My encyclopedia has expanded, with all the books I've read and the sources I've accumulated over time made it damn great.

I've discovered new properties it had as well. It can recognize martial arts and point out the flaws but the conditions were that I had to either see the full display of the martial arts or read about it to have a source for it to deduce from.

I also discovered new ways to use the premonition sense. I can use it now to avoid mistakes in alchemy and inscriptions study and production. It's other property involves auto aim and lie detection. There really aren't useless abilities. I won't lie it took me a 8 years and a sh!t ton of hard work to get the abilities to such levels. Can you imagine my sleepless nights, my broken bones, my blood, sweat and tears. The results of your work never lie.

The combination of the encyclopedia and the premonition sense made life much more better.

When they found out that I had a cyan soul realm. They began really calling me an extraordinary genius. Yeah, my theory is that it was caused by my soul adding to this body's previous one. But I've never been comfortable with all cultivation techniques they provided for me, they weren't really suitable for me. That's why I barely ever use it. My soul force was already at 89 but I suppressed it to 78, I had an innate ability to fine tune and control my soul force.

I've been compiling sources to try to create my own specialised cultivation ,technique, it's been unsuccessful so far. It's really important that I find a proper technique before I reach the bronze rank or things would get really bad, "sh!t hitting the fans"level bad. I felt like I was forgetting something but I just don't know what.

The Holy Orchid Institute's Apprentice Fighter class, Would begin in a few months from now. So I had to achieve my immediate aims soon.

Today I would be taking the master alchemist exams at the Alchemist Association, I've been a senior level assistant alchemist for a while now, that's how I acquired various books on the subject that provided the encyclopedia with more sources. That was second to the reason of acquiring a shield. See even if my family was banished the city lord and the other families wouldn't be able to actively seek me out when the association has my back…. Yes insurance. Oh, and money too. I'll have to leave Glory city after the event of the betrayal. I'll need all the money I can get to live a comfortable life. That means billions and billions of demon spirit coins.

"Oh, hey Xiao Lan" I waved at the receptionist.

"Young master Yue, it's nice to see you again. Are you headed for the library?". She responded with a smile

"No, I'm here for the master alchemist exam" I answered confidently.

A wide smile became visible on her face.

"I knew you'd come for it sooner or later. After all young master Yue, is very knowledgeable"  she gestured for me to follow her. I already knew all the procedures needed.

The hallways were deserted today. Guess everyone's busy with preparations and stuff. I went through the doors, noticing the two elderly looking alchemy masters, garbed in white robes. They had a bored look in their eyes, a hint of surprise surface as they observed me. "Student Yue, are you sure you're sufficiently prepared"

"Honourable masters, I am" I said cupping my arms in respect. One thing that bugs me is Asian speech and mannerisms makes it seem as though I'm worshipping them. I know I'm just complaining. Moving on.

"Good. On the table are approximately 360 papers. Each paper contains various alchemic questions. You are required to take a total of twenty pages and finish them within two hours."

Well to make sure I wouldn't be accused of cheating I asked one of the elders to choose the twenty pages for me.

Grabbing a brush from the rack I went to work.

As I looked over the questions the answers appeared in my vision.

[Iron grass and blood soaked ginseng acting as the catalyst.']

[Leaf of the peacock tree stabilizes the mixture while maintaining potency.]

My pen zoomed through papers.


"Masters, how were my answers?"

"You did amazing, student Yue" "Spectacularly well"  the both of them praised.

"Thank you masters"

"I am called Yu Han Bing, and my colleague here is Mu yang"

"Honoured teachers please call me Shen Yue" I responded with a nod.

They looked at each other, smiled and nodded.

"What good manners you have young one"

"We would like to ask you some questions on practical enhancements."

"It would be my pleasure, teachers"



After a long discussion that involved a lot of formulas and other processes. The alchemists had even wider smiles on their faces.

"Shen Yue, you're outstanding" Mu Yang commented.

"Be patient for a while. The both of us will meet the president concerning your tests. You won't have to take all other tests"

"I'll have to disturb you, esteemed teachers"

Elder Yuhan came to get me while Mu Yang went to the director. He led me into the council room. Where I saw the poster board as he proceeded to explain its use. Alchemists would post unsolvable problems they had, hoping they others would provide answers or insight they might have missed. I remembered that Nie Li solved most of these to show his value to the association. Me? I needed it even more. It's not like problems ever end, I'm sure that by the time he gets here he would have his fair share of problems to solve. Allowing him to display his skills.

The elder stared at me as I grabbed a pen and went to work. Old man you're about to be shocked!....

"What should the ratio of Snow Grass, Nine Immortal Grass, and Dragon Gall Grass be? According to the alchemy theory, combining these three herbs would definitely produce an extremely strong antidote. However, what should the exact ratio of these herb be? To this day there has been no answer to it," the alchemist Yuhan Bing murmured.

[Dragon gall grass should be changed to Solani Grass. The ratio is 3:1:2.]

I wrote the deductions of the encyclopedia unto the board. Moving from one question to another.

"Absolutely brilliant!" Yuhan Bing exclaimed at my sides.

This is how it feels to be constantly praised huh? I can see why Nie Li got addicted to this.

"Teacher, I just tried a bit" downplay your results and let them exalt you.

Yuhan Bing had an incredulous look on his face. <He even dares to say that he tried a bit! We spent ten years working on that question alone and still remained unsuccessful! This child is an abnormality>

(*one thing I hate writing the most is "You dare!" *)

"Ah, President Gu Yan, Director Yang Xin, you have to see this"

That's when I heard Santa Claus behind me. "Ho Ho Ho! Kid you're not bad at all!" The president of the alchemist association continued "Your answers to the questions are unique and insightful.

People lately have turned to martial arts because of the monster attacks. The alchemist association has never been the same." so that's the reason it was so deserted. "Who would've thought we'd be able to welcome a genius like you! How splendid! I have seen your abilities, your talent surpasses the master alchemist level!" he said happy tone.

I could tell them about the effects of the purple haze grass, but that would be too greedy of me….ok OK I just didn't need the amount of money that would give me. Plus I have to leave a path for that bastard mc to survive.

"Tell me, how do old are you." the president asked.

"I'm thirteen, Sir" his eyes went wide at my answer. What can I say I looked exactly like a genin sasuke but with midnight blue hair and light blue eyes. Maybe I should designed my clothes to look like the Uchiha's 'Not a bad idea'

"How do you know all of this. How were you able to deduce such solutions" the president asked.

"Sir, it was all by the help of my master, he taught me well. And he was also the one who even got me to come to the Alchemist Association to get an Alchemy Master title" I replied.

"Who might your master be? We must pay a visit to him," Gu Yan said.

"My master is very unsocial, he doesn't like to be disturbed. Even by me" I answered with a sigh.

<His master must be a hermit> Gu Yan pondered.

I noticed Yang Xin trying to read my body language for any clues. Too bad I look like an Uchiha(heh) I just had a thin smile on my face. And maintained a relaxed and calm disposition.

"Director Yang, bring him the books of Senior Alchemy Master, medal and robe!" Gu Yan decisively said.

"Yes!" Yang Xin immediately answered.

I was left alone with the president in the council room.

"Sir there's another reason I came here as well " I started.

"Oh, what would that be" he asked.

"I would like to form a partnership with you on the behalf of my master" I pulled out a bunch of papers from my 4-dimensional subspace aka storage ring.

"These elixir formulas here are for the Soul Nurturing Pills, Soul Concentrating Pills, and Soul Tempering Pills. My master informed me that in the Sacred Empire Era, the Soul Assembling Pill was one of the low grade elixirs. The Soul Nurturing Pill was an intermediate grade elixir, it's is ten times more effective than the Soul Assembling Pill. The Soul Concentrating Pill is a high grade elixir, whose effect is at least a hundred times greater than the Soul Assembling Pill. As for the Soul Tempering Pill, it's a top rated pill. Its effect a thousand times more effective than that of the Soul Assembling Pill. Even Legend rank Demon Spiritists would get an effect out of it." I concluded.

The president was almost trembling looking through all these formulas and their effects.

What? I'm just making glory city a better place while making money off of it as well. I mean, the Mc did borrow it from a source right? Well I created mine from scratch. plus I only made three I'm sure he has a plethora of other pill formulas with the still remaining two. Do you have any idea how long it took me to build these formulas from my meta-knowledge, the amount of reading I did? The process of trial and error? The time I spent progressing step by step. I deconstructed the soul assembling pill formula and other various pills. The process would've been a lot harder if it wasn't for my premonition sense. It worked in conjunction with the encyclopedia to direct me towards the right steps. When ever I was about to make a wrong move it's would slowly buzz, the buzz was muted at first but I learned to feel it. Back to the matter. I made these pills through my sweat and blood so no I don't really care much about the mc.

"How did your master acquire these"

"My master travelled all over the divine continent acquiring vast knowledge. He only arrived at Glory City a few years ago, however, he does wish to make himself known. Therefore, he sent me as his representative." I said.

"Only a few years ago? That must be why I have never heard of him" he nodded.

"Well originally My master just wanted to donate these to association. However he needs an immense amount of resources to continue his research.

He needs to spend lots of demon spirit coins, hence, these three elixir formulas cannot be given to the Alchemist Association for free. If the association should make these three elixirs my master only needs 35% of the sales profit.

I wonder if President Gu Yan has any objections?

Even if my master takes 35% away, the Alchemist Association would still be able to get a profit of over 50%." I said with a confident smile.

"Definitely, definitely!" Gu Yan hastily replied, "The Alchemist Association is willing to offer fifty percent of the profit to your respected master!"

I shook my head, then replied.

"No, my master only needs the 35% and if esteemed President Gu Yan is willing, you can assist the commoners who wish to pursue alchemy"

The president expressed his admiration.

"To finance their studies, would mean that the influence of the association would grow! As for the selling procedures, your honorable master can send someone to supervise. If there is anything that is not up to his satisfaction, we will immediately rectify it!" Gu Yan said.

"Everything will be left to you President Gu Yan and the Director Yang. I trust the both of you and I'm sure my master would as well. Furthermore, I believe that the two of you aren't short sighted." I lightly laughed.

"Absolutely!" he vigorously nodded.

"Alright then" I shook his hands and handed him the rest of the formulas.

He was absolutely stunned. < the herbs used in the elixirs are so ordinary and common! The cost is absolutely shockingly low!>

The director Yang Xin came back some time later with books, a master alchemist robe and a medal.

"From today onwards, if you have any problems, you can look for Director Yang directly. She will definitely do her best to help with your request," Gu Yan said turning to me.

"This robe is a little too big for you. Wait for the new robes to be ready, I will personally send it to you. I wonder, where do you live? How do I contact you in the future?" Yang Xin looked at me and asked.

"I don't want my family members to know of it yet. So please keep it a secret for now. You can come look for me at the library, or in some time the Fighter Apprentice class at the Holy Orchid Institute." I answered.

Director Yang Xin was stunned at my class level in the institution, she saw it as a waste of my talents as she offered to help me get into the genius class when the institute begins. But I turned her down. I needed to rely on myself for somethings and I had plans in place already. I just accomplished one today.

I left after saying my goodbyes.


The introduction of the new pills went the same way it did in cannon. The alchemist association was working around the clock to meet the crazy demands as they raked in hugh cash. Yeah it's only in the beginning stages and I had already made close to 700 million demon spirit coins, the market was booming, people from everywhere running in to purchase the pills, since they weren't as expensive as the soul assembling pill but we're still many folds more effective than it. Even the city lord valued the pills to the point where he personally visited the alchemist association to procure large amounts of them.

I used parts of the income to purchase a ton, literally, of purple haze grass. I won't be selling it, it's for my own personal use and some for my mom as well. Since it nourishes the soul force and the body too.

I find a new discovery of mine very disturbing.

I don't know how it never came to me to check my soul form by using a soul crystal after all these years. How do you forget something so important. Well not anymore.

I was sat crossed legged on my bed, with the soul crystal held in one hand. I pushed my soul force into it and the crystal begins to change in colour. A cyan coloured nucleus formed at the centre of the crystal with a multiple of small golden orbs and then came the darkness. The darkness spread out through the crystal leaving only the golden orbs in the cyan coloured centre as visible. That was the most scared I had ever been since I came to this world. I thought I was some form of great evil, the encyclopedia corrected that.

[Golden Cyan soul sea. Chaos form, Abyssal Void attribute] well…...I'm pleased. Guess the soul is the best representation of yourself. Void and chaos huh. The endless abyss, absolute nothingness, the origination of all things. I am very satisfied.

[Cultivation technique:

Chaotic Abyss - Void god technique.

Chant: Ex nihilo nihil fit. Creatio Ex nihilo.]

Where is all this info coming from? Is what I would've asked had I not been absorbed into an endless realm at the uttering of the chant.

Clanngg Clanngg sounds resounded through my soul realm as it went through a change. It sounded like hammers pounding down onto my soul, reforming and moulding it with each beat. My body was rapidly absorbing energies in the atmosphere to feed the process.

I definitely couldn't pass out here, I resisted the urge to rest, to take just a little break from the process I resisted it with all I had. I had the feeling that enduring this process is necessary for my cultivation.


It took a full day but I endured the complete process. My soul realm was still intangible but it now formed a wispy spherical black abyss that was constantly slowly rotating. The almost sphere figure was dark and endless.

A dark foggy aura was visible on body. The aura gradually receded as I rose from my meditative pose. Crack my bones snapped into place with each stretch leaving my comfortable and cozy. I took an elixir pill and after adding warm water and other herbs into the purple haze mixture I dipped myself into the wooden tub. The warm water relaxing my tense muscles, my soul form absorbed every piece of spirit force from the bath mixture and the elixir. Soul force from the soul realm circulated through my system, coursing through my whole being, enhancing my physiology, strengthening my bones and muscles, amplifying my senses, pushing me to superhuman standards.

Grabbing another soul crystal I pushed my soul force into it. It gave me an approximate soul force value of 96.

I had to stabilize my foundation, making sure it wouldn't be unstable or shoddy. I also have to increase the intensity of my physical training, enabling my body to withstand and utilise my soul force.


My cultivation technique allows my soul realm to contain nine dark/chaos/void attribute spirits. I could use other attribute spirits but they wouldn't be as effective as the dark attribute ones. Since the void attributes would be complimented by void like soul realm.

With each demon spirit integrated my soul force would increase explosively. And new abilities will be uncovered. There's a reason why void cultivation is called the most mysterious and secretive. That's because no one actually knows what it entails further down the line. Each gained ability is unique to the soul of an individual.

It all worked out well in the end. I got a cultivation technique from the encyclopedia, I wonder why the encyclopedia didn't give it to me earlier. Did I ever ask? No. I also never checked my soul form, with a soul crystal. I'm sure it never got info of my specific soul realm but I was still pleased that I now had a technique suited 100% to me.

I slowly waded through the thick forest. Tall trees towered over me. With each step I made my way towards my destination. My premonition sense warning me, guiding my every path. From the forest through the hills and valleys, past the mountains and after a three day long journey, it came into view. The once majestic walls stood dull and broken, the vibrance of the city lost to time. Dilapidated buildings filled the city of ruins.

I moved with utmost cautiousness. This place was being inhabited by giant apes, And giant apes are very territorial aggressive so. It took 16 hours of constant searching to find the destroyed statues. In the dark of the night I noticed a large plaque with ancient words.

These ancient words would be the key to getting into the tombs and the subsequent treasure site.

I took out the spider silk from my storage ring and secured it onto the plaque.

I then said out loud "Those who follow me, shall be honoured. Those who oppose me, shall perish!" moving steps away from the plaque the ground started to slowly sink. I held tightly onto the silk rope. A powerful suction force pulled me into the pit, my hands strained as I held the rope to slow my descent. The suction force was still acting but not as pronounced. After some minutes of making my way down the rope I reached the solid ground. I shook my arms to get blood flowing back into them, and then took out a wooden torch from the storage ring.

Five passages came into view as the cave was illuminated. Going by the info I had acquired and my premonition sense I went through the north passage.moving the passage I was about to take another step when Bzzz my sense warned me of a trap. I grabbed a pebble and tossed it forward. It activated the trap mechanisms when it landed. Arrows rained down through the passage as the traps were activated, once it ended I resumed walking. After some hours I came upon a majestic hall. The hall looked to be an underground palace. Moving into the hall, I stood still. Dried skeletons that looked to be of children and and adults drew my attention causing me to pause. Bones were littered throughout the hall. This place was probably a refuge where they brought the children and elderly to keep them safe. But after the city was destroyed they couldn't escaped and most likely starved to death. I took a moment of silence for the corpses and then went to work looting them. I took a silver grade dagger and a soul stone. Soul stones can be used as catalysts to further raise your cultivation rank. They had demon coins and crystals that I also proceeded to acquire.

Leaving the bone field I moved towards the large coffin that was proudly displayed in the centre of the hall. The coffin was covered in mysterious inscriptions. I recognized it as emperor Kong Ming's. It was exactly as described in the books. I felt as though I stood before raging waters, ripples of energy radiated from the coffin. The energy was the soul force that had yet to dissipate, I felt the surge of my soul realm the rotation of black abyss speeding up and with one more step I placed both hands on the coffin as a pulled of light shot up from it.

Energy began to bombard my soul realm causing me immense pain. I felt like my body was about to come apart. The abyss vortex spun as it rapidly devoured the energy, like a black hole that swallows all in its path. My soul sea was becoming larger and larger as the intense white light looking soul force was being absorbed into my soul realm. I held on by pure will alone, any lapse in my concentration would be my demise. I held on as black sweat evaporated from my skin, as immense pain flared over and over again from the tear down and rebuilding of my physique. I felt as though my body was being remodeled. The energy subsided as did the pain. I opened my eyes as the environment came back into view.

"Whoo!" power was surging through my veins. I felt awesome. The increase in my soul force was very noticeable as I had broken through to enter the 1-star bronze rank with a soul force of 185.

I poured bags of water over my body and drank the rest. The thirst I had was just that high.

After drinking a bit more I sat down in a meditative pose and began to cultivate so I could fully assimilate and stabilized the changes.


It took two days to fully stabilise and to get my body accustomed to my new rank. The energy also enhanced my body as it now looked like a slim built Saiyan. My muscles were as hard as rocks, and much more defined that they ever were in both lives as I had lived.

I had already taken the abstruse gem stone that increases training speed and nourishes the soul force. I also took the page of the demon temporal book from the coffin. The page would soon be leaving my hands, I have absolutely no inclination to commit suicide by drawing unwanted attention to myself. I would have left it in the coffin but there's a chance that Nie Li won't find it this time without the energy in the coffin.

I was in the large chamber after leaving the hallway and passing through a secret door hidden in the stone wall at the end of the passage.

On the very first pillar was a square lantern. The lantern that contained the shadow devil demon. The shadow devil would be a very suitable demon for my soul realm since it had a darkness attribute. I loaded the lantern into my storage ring. I wouldn't be able to use it yet as my soul realm isn't at the silver rank yet. I needed all of this to survive. The mc has plot armour I'm sure he has a ton of other alternatives to get power from.

I walked to the treasure heaps that littered the whole chamber. Taking some empty storage rings amongst the heaps I loaded a single small heap of golds coins amongst the mountainous heaps and two gold grade armours. I also loaded some scrolls on alchemy and inscriptions. I couldn't be too greedy here, since I had to make sure to cover my all tracks. Everything paused as a single jade pot earned my gaze. I walked towards it to get a better view of it and I couldn't believe my luck! This was a nightmare demon pot, it was amongst the other rust ridden and trash like objects. How did Nie Li never notice this? It's most likely that he was too engrossed at finding the page from the temporal demon spirit book and getting the shadow devil demon spirit in the lantern. The pot was also inconspicuous looking, without taking a more observant look at it, you would miss it and since it was among the trash like objects the others probably discarded as nothing of too much value. After storing the pot, I looked through every nook and cranny of the treasure piles especially the trash looking ones. That was when I felt a calling, something very similar to my abyss soul. Something full of chaos something dark, my abyss soul realm wanted it, wanted to be with it like finding a long lost partner.

And then it went away. "No! Wait!" I tried calling out for it again but I couldn't find it. I retraced my steps searching for the thing that interacted with my soul on such an extraordinary level. I spent hours on hours searching for it so much so that I got agitated and mentally exhausted. I lied down on a treasure heap trying to clear my mind, I slowly drifted off to sleep. In the vast nothingness of the endless darkness, something took form, Chaos converged and condensed into that form. The heat of creation consolidated the form as it drifted through the eververse.

"I get it" I said, slowly rubbing my eyes. When I tried getting up from the heap I felt something long and hard(heh)under my hand. I looked at the a sheathed sword which was as black as night. There were intricate golden patterns on the black sheath covered with rust. Holding the black hilt, I pulled out the darkest sword I have ever seen, it was a straight double edged sword similar to a Chinese Jian sword. The sword was black from the tip of the blade to the hilt. It looked like an ordinary black sword as the blade itself had no design.

My soul instantly surged, the sword resonated with my abyss soul realm, it was like finding a lost piece of myself. I pushed my soulforce into the sword as it greedily sucked it in, I started chugging down elixirs just to feed it enough soulforce. The sword glowed with dark light as it took in my soul force. The sword slowly turned ethereal as it entered my soul realm and was ducked into the endless void sphere, the abyss vortex which continually bathed it with darkness. A connection that would never be broken was established between my soul and the sword.

I was tired and drained but I still held on. I innately knew the abilities the sword possesed now and the ones it would have in the future. This sword would only interact with someone who had a pure void soul realm. The one property of the sword that was similar to a soul weapon was its ability to be a level stronger in accordance with my own growth as well. So now that I was in the the 1-star bronze rank, the sword would be in the silver rank. A cut from the sword wouldn't heal unless the affected part was removed. That was due to its chaos property that constantly devours. It was like antimatter to matter. This was the same as the energy absorption property of my void sphere.

Willing the sword from my abyss vortex it reappeared in my hands, the sword had a pure dark glint, it barely even reflected light, It was like I held darkness which was shaped like a sword in my hands. That was how dark the sword was. I put the sword back into its now golden and lustrous sheath.


This was a more fruitful trip that I would've ever imagined. I guess that high risks really do have high rewards. I continued to erase all clues to my presence as I backtraced my steps to the entrance I came through. And climbed the silk rope to make my exit.


Holy Orchid Institute, Fighter Apprentice class.

I already missed the first day of class at the institute. My return journey from the ruins didn't go smooth at all. I was attacked by a group of demon beasts. Causing it to take longer than I wanted. During the week I was able to test out the sword which I now called Devourer. The edges of the devourer ate through every form of resistance, the stronger the resistance the harder it was to cut through it. Devourer doesn't just cut through things, it assimilates/absorbs through its edges. So Every time it makes a cut it actually eats through it in a thin line. I'm sure that the area of effect could be expanded and the ability strengthened.

Devourer was a growth type sword, I found out by accident that it could also absorb other swords and demon spirits stones. Devourer's form would turn ghost like, it would then spread out over the swords, and demon stones like a dark fog, and when the devourer would regain its shape all other swords and demon stones would disappear.

It was sad that it can't do that in a battle state, but no ones complaining. Yeah, it was almost comical that after eating through thousands of swords and demon spirit stones it still stayed the same.

Walking into the class I took a seat and talked to some of my classmates while I waited for the class to begin. The class of 30 odd students was gradually filling up as people took their seats. Ye Ziyun had a look of surprise when she saw me before she took a seat at my side. Well she is pretty but who isn't? The women in this world are amazingly beautiful each and everyone of them. They all have their charms that makes them unique in their own rights. It's just a perspective thing. I mean with with so many world ending beauties you'd think the world would've ended by now.(heh) Can't wait to smash! Soon very very soon. I'm young, rich and handsome.

From all my loot and the proceeds from the alchemist association I am proud to say that I have become a billionaire in spirit coins.

"Ouch" I felt a very hard pinch at my side drawing me from my thoughts.

Ye Ziyun looked at me with an annoyed expression.

"You disappeared for a whole week! and even missed the opening class. And what happened to your hair."

Yeah we're close as friends though. Although we're engaged we're still really good friends the best I would say. She was pretty lonely after her mom died, so I kept her company most times. And since I'm nothing like the previous Shen Yue we really hit it off. About my hair, I went with a more modern look by having a low side fade with a bun undercut. Yes a man bun, bite me.(Imagine sasuke with blue hair and a bun.)

"Oh, madam Ziyun so you're saying you missed me? And I really look handsome?" I smiled at her. Her brilliant purple hair smelled like cherry blossoms.

"Who misses you? I'm just saying you're going to fail this class if you keep skipping it" She answered turning her head away but not before I saw a tinge of blush on her cheeks.

"Wow, Ziyun my wife you really care!" I lightly laughed teasing her.

That earned me an even harder pinch on the ribs.

"Ou ouch! OK I was just kidding" I said. Not paying mind to the whispers and hushed murmurs of other classmates.

"Who's your wife? You're crazy"She snapped with a playful glint in her eyes.

"So what did you guys do yesterday"

"You should have been here! Nie Li was giving me weird looks and then he talked back at teacher Shen Yue…." she explained.

I felt a heavy gaze on me and I turned to look at the source. Nie Li looked like the son of naruto uzumaki and ichigo kurosaki. Shining Orange hair and blue eyes. I waved at him and sent him my brightest smile, his eyes going wide with surprise and then squinted in thought. Operation 'mind f%ck' is in effect. 'Nie Li, I'll rape your mind'  Hahahaha. Xiao Ning'er sat next to him eating some of the pastries she baked for him.

Once the bell rang signalling the start of lessons. The teacher who was also my aunt, Shen Xiu came into class, the class quieted down As she assumed position. Nie Li and the gang walked to the back of the class and stood there. I guess they were still under punishment.

"The three of you return to your seats!" Shen Xiu said, looking at Nie Li, Du Ze and Lu Piao.

She started talking about inscriptions patterns and there types.

'Ah, the disgrace starts' so right now, the influential people should be outside the classroom.

I warned her about it earlier but she disregarded my words.

"The Sacred Flaming Patterns has 66 foundation patterns. This pattern, for example….," Shen Xiu drew a totem formed from many patterns coming together on the blackboard, "This is the Scarlet Sunburst Pattern. This pattern was created by Sacred family's first generation house master. It's the most powerful Bronze pattern! This pattern is made up of 36 foundation patterns --" I tuned out the non-stop droning of Shen Xiu I slowly fell asleep on my desk.

Ye Ziyun shook my shoulder waking me from my peaceful slumber. Look I was tired alright, I've been trying to refine demons spirits in the nightmare pot but it's all been unsuccessful l had to reach the silver rank first. Slowly stretching I turned to witness Nie Li's word against the sacred family's inscriptions.

"This inscription pattern was originated from the seventh volume of the Book of Divine Lightning Fire. The original name of this inscription pattern is called Lightning Flame Burst Pattern. It consisted of 60 foundation patterns. It can be considered a little complicated, but some smart ass decided to cut part of the inscription pattern, slightly changed it, and turned it into this nondescript Scarlet Sunburst Pattern. With no real combat capabilities, it could only be given to the Sacred Flame Pattern practitioners to study."

"Bullsh!t!! Ridiculous! No such book exists in the world!" Shen Xiu angrily shouted.

"Yes it's does and He's right, the inscription is a plagiarized version with no combat capacity" I lazily added. "And the book is on the third counter of the first shelf at the highest floor in the school library"

Shocked gazes landed on me. Basically Saying how could I go against my own aunt.

The elders who came into the room sent someone to go fetch the book. And after the existence of the book was confirmed. Even more unbelievable gazes landed on me.

Nie Li continued to point out the ages which contained the inscriptions. Educating her on the demon spiritists code of conduct. Absolutely disgracing Shen Xiu. Since I had also pointed out the existence of the book, it would seem like Shen Xiu Was The one ignoring the obvious.

Sigh I really hate this shit. But I did warn her earlier


I waited for Ye Ziyun to leave the library before I approached Nie Li.

"Yo, Nie Li"

He face took on a darker expression.

"What do you want" he spat out.

" Have we had issues before?" I questioned

"I just don't like you" he replied

Sending him an observing look I responded.

"Well you're not much to look at either. Plus I'm only interested in women.

Look I really don't know what problem you have with me but I'd like to make things clear. I see how you look at Ziyun, I'm not even going to tell you to stay away from her because she has the choice to choose who she wants. But don't think I'm just going to let you get your way. And I don't know what your problem is with me but

"Ziyun's name isn't something you are worthy of saying. If I were to find out that you're following Ziyun again, I'll hit you at once!" he said coldly.

"And you think I'll just let you? Don't kid yourself. I'm way stronger than you are" I stated.

"Hah is that what you think?" he snorted amused.

"Oh, I know so"

If it was any other time I wouldn't be as confident as I was today.

But At this moment this guy is at his weakest. If I don't use this opportunity to beat his ass I'll never get the respect I deserve from him. Yes, I am an opportunist.

"Let's have a duel at the combat grounds right now. No soul force just pure physical might" I said with a sinister smile.

He had a sinister smile on his face as well.

"What are we waiting for"


We stood facing each other on the training grounds. "Begin!"

We ran at each other meeting in the centre. He threw his leg forward for a straight kick to which I dodged under executing a low sweep. He jumped over it and flipped backwards to regain his footing. He has the experience but I had an acute danger sense and the reflexes to put it to use. We went at each other a kick here a punch there I took advantage of the openings and the fact that he wasn't very used to fighting in his 13 yr old body. And he used his experience to land hits on me. This was a valuable experience for me, since I was fighting an actual combat genius with hundreds of years of experience. I used him to assess my abilities and get better at using them.


Six hours later and we were still at it, the place was dark, lamps illuminated the area. A crowd had gathered at training grounds watching us fight each other. We were both exhausted and battered but he was more so. Since my body was previously enhanced by the spirit energy in the tomb. This Bastard is skilled! I would've been long defeated if it wasn't for my warning sense working overtime, and my encyclopedia providing pointers and weak points in his moves.

I had to finish this before I got too exhausted. I weakened my defences and allowed him to land a solid hit to my solar plexus, it was much harder than I thought it would be, but he lulled himself into thinking that he won when I doubled over. I held back the lump in my throat and putting all I had into my legs I jumped up with a straight fist, delivering a beautiful uppercut to the bottom of his chin that took him off his feet as he fell flat spread starfish on the stage.

The damn punch was really hard, my breathing was hard and heavy, I exhausted and shaking all over. I was so tired that a single push would make me fall over.

"it's….huff…my….victory" I said almost short of breath.

Extending my hand towards him as a gesture of peace he grabbed it and got back on his feet.

During our fight he was observing me, he should know that I worked hard to get to where I was.

"Yes it is" he answered with an even more brighter smile. The noble mc bastard and his redeeming qualities. During our fight we would throw words at each other and I managed to convince him that I wasn't like the other members of my family.

He recognized and acknowledged me and I him as well. I knew he still had distrust towards me but it wasn't as high as it was before.

With his arm over my shoulder we led each other step by step away from the training grounds and when we were alone I pulled something out of my storage ring.

His eyes widened as he became frozen in shock. 'Time to get the greatest shield of them all'

"I know you're an inscription specialist. I don't have the level of ability you do, I can't even begin to decipher or read this stuff. So here you can have it, I hope it proves to be very helpful to you" I handed him a page of the temporal demon spirit book. "I hope you understand that I am not like others in my family." Yea, just had to remind him.

He slowly grabbed the page as if it was all just an illusion. Turning back to me "I won't forget your help, you have my, Nie Li's thanks" he cupped his arms.

"No need, no need. Let's just help each other out" I said with a smile.

Months passed as Time went by fairly fast. Nie Li introduced new pills through the alchemy association, talking about the alchemy association the three pills I had given them have been taking in way more cash than I expected all the more better. I also bought the pills Nie Li made two of which were Scarlet Body Enhancing Pill, which greatly strengthens the body, allowing one's physique to improve greatly and the Nine Transformation Pill, which can save lives by helping you recover from severe injuries. I reversed engineered the pills to get the formula, and now I could make mine if I needed to.

And since I've heard of the fact that my family was actively seeking out Nie Li, they must have begun with dark guild's plan to destroy glory city. Since I gave him the page from the demon temporal spirit book he's been well I won't say kind but amiable. But with my family acting the fool, we've kept at a distance to each other.

Today was the day of they yearly test.

This test will affect the futures and fates of every student in the Holy Orchid Institute. The results of this test will determine the class the students will be put into. Gradually separating the levels and standing of individuals (elitism).

In the institute's martial field, flags were swaying flags swayed to the beat of the drums, the beautiful clear skies providing a serene environment.

The much anticipated year examination is about to officially begin. This, to every student, means a lot.

Every student from the Fighter Apprentice class, and Demon Spiritualist Apprentice class had gathered at the martial field.

I saw my brother Shen Fei's dispute with Nie Li over his engagement to Xiao Ning'er. This was the sole reason why I came late, just so I could avoid my brother's idiocy.

These people are set in their ways, and no matter how many times I try to set them straight I end up failing. It's not like I really care that much about them anyways. The only one I care about in my family was my mom and some of the non-indoctrinated children.

I really don't want to take this test no one else has a soul realm like mine. I mean everyone else's soul is brightly colored and vibrant and mine is just pure black with a cyan nucleus. How do I explain that? I already knew my rank, I had a soul force of 148 with a 2-star silver rank. Unbelievable right? Well it's mostly thanks to the abstruse gemstone that increased my cultivation level to three times. And all the elixirs and training I had undergone.

I don't know how but I was at the forefront, looking behind me I saw the smiling faces of my classmates. 'These traitors' They must have all subtly slowed their steps and stood behind me.

"First round of the strength test. who'll take it first?" One of the teachers asked towards Shen Xiu.

Shen Xiu looked at all the students in the Fighter Apprentice class. Steeling my nerves I walked forward "I'll be first"

I stood before the strength testing machine, I controlled my arm strength to exactly 600 and sent a punch at the machine.

The teacher in charge announced.

"Test result: 5-star Bronze rank, 600 strength!"

I repeated the same twice with the results being exactly 600.

I heard the loud exclamations of the students behind me.

Moving towards the large soul crystal. I controlled it to emit a force of 500.

Let's just get it over with.I placed my hands on it and injected soul force into the crystal. My soul force began to fill the crystal. I heard even more exclamations but it wasn't because of my soul realm's color. It was because of my soul realm's force.

"5-star Bronze rank Demon Spiritualist, soul force of 500!"

It was what the other students were saying.

"Wow such a pure cyan soul realm!"

"What a genius!"

"And it even has a golden nucleUs!"

Looking at the crystal, the displayed soul realm was black in my eyes. The only vibrant colours were the cyan and golden orbs in the nucleus. Does this mean that I'm the only one that's truly able to see my soul realm for what it really was? It would make sense for it to be that way since its my soul. (Or maybe it's just the work of the author) but no one's complaining. Weird stuff always happens in this world.

Praises rained down on me when I turned around. Their previous words at my family's abuse of power thrown to the wind and forgotten. What fickle people.

I looked at my aunt who had her chest raised in pride. She smiled, looking at me.

The subsequent events went the same way they did in cannon. Nie Li's gang showed amazing results with some of them even managing to break the crystal. Nie Li controlled his strength and soul force to be at a constant 100. when I got home I learned that my aunt Shen Xiu had quit her job.

Well then I guess it was time to go home.

I went into my mother's courtyard. Reaching her hall, I knocked.

"Come in"

I smiled at her.

"Hello, Mother how are you today"

"Little Yue, I hope you've been good" she asked after hugging me.

"of course Mother"I nodded.

"Good boy. My little Yue is such a handsome gentleman.

Go on now greet the Patriarch and your father"

"Yes, yes, how could I keep them waiting, I'm so punished." I remarked

"Hush you, now go along"

"OK mother, I'll be back"

I walked to the main hall where the patriarch sat in the highest most decorated majestic chair. My father standing next to him.

"Shen Yue, greets lord patriarch and Father" I cupped my hands and bowed in greeting.

The patriarch's stoic face softened, I knew I couldn't hide my rank before him. He's very presence radiated power.

"I see. Shen Yue, you did well" he said. My father smiled at that. Obviously proud.

"Thank you lord patriarch!"(teach me how to be cool) I really did want to ask him.

"Little Yue, you can take your leave now the Patriarch is busy"

"Yes, old man" I saw a vein nearly pop on his face. Heh looks funny every time.

"Shen Yue, takes his leave" I cupped my hands again

The moonlight illuminated the secluded spot I was in. I had been putting off integrating with a demon spirit for a while now. But I got the best chance to do so today.

I pulled the Shadow Devil Spirit's Lamp from my storage ring. Holding in my arm I inserted soul force into the lamp causing the spirit to exit. But instead of escaping or even trying to leave, the spirit approached me. It was reaching out to my dark abyss. I covered the shadow devil spirit in soul force as it turned into a dark shadow and went into my soul realm. It felt at home in my spirit realm I was able to easily integrate with the shadow devil, it accepted my soul realm making the whole process go smoothly. Information on its abilities filled my head. After integrating with the demon spirit my soul force surged pushing me to a 3-star silver rank, soul force 2700.

I called upon the shadow devil, merging with it. My body instantly became invisible. The void state of the shadow devil working in 110% effect due to my void type soul attribute.   

Exiting the invisible state. I called upon the shadow sickles, they were almost as dark as the devourer strapped to my side. The sickles extended to a meter long. I tried altering their forms, shapes, length and it was all possible. A simple swipe across a massive tree trunk caused the tree to be cleanly cut apart.

Again I activated it's third ability which it never had when it bonded to Nie Li. Looking at the shadow cast by tree. There was only a micro moment of darkness before I reappeared in the tree's shadow. Shadow Teleportation that can be utilized to travel via shadows in a certain diameter. It was a much appreciated ability.

Over long distances I could use it for four times before having a cool down time to recover soul force, in short distances I could use it for much longer as long I could put up with the disorientation. "Shadow devil, I'll call you ghost, now" the shadow devil sent me a feeling of happiness. "Good, ghost"


I would have thought that the bloody nightmare pot had a personal vendetta against me, If it had any consciousness.

After thousands upon thousands of demon spirit stones, I finally refined a hundred, excellent growth type demon spirits.

And do you know the results of refining all the hundred excellent growth type demon spirits were? 0. Yes, zero. I had to restart the whole process for three times! Three times of going through 100s of thousands upon thousands of demons spirits. The only thing that stopped me from destroying the pot was common sense.

Now though all the rust on the pot disappeared, it also had a new darker shine. My chaos attribute has begun to slowly enhance the nightmare pot. Making the dark/abyss properties of it more pronounced.

I ended up with 160 excellent type growth level demon spirits which I was about to refine, to get a god level growth type demon spirit, like my demon spirit, ghost. Wasn't going to be easy.

I refined the 160 demon spirits to obtain 40 extraordinary level growth demon. The higher the level of the demon spirits the higher the chances of failure.

The 20 stones of demon spirits all consists of void/dark attributes. They were also fighter types since I needed something for straight on combat.

I had four chances to refine a god level growth type demon spirit.

I put ten extraordinary level growth type demon spirits into the nightmare pot and began the refining process. Colourful lights flash every time they combined slowly the process went on. The demon spirits were destroyed as they dispersed from the pot. Bzzz my premonition sense alerted me right at the demon stones disappeared.

"1 failed, 3 to go" once again I repeated the process and once again It failed.

I've been trying to make my premonition sense interact with this process. It would allow me to avoid making mistakes.

Bzzz Once the premonition kicked in I already knew the process had failed.

"2 failed, 2 to go"

Waves after waves of soul spirit fluctuation came from the Nightmare Demon Pot.

After feeling such majestic soul force, my soul realm began to absorb the soul force coming from the Nightmare Demon Pot. My body felt comfortably warm.

Ten Extraordinary level demon spirits were constantly merging. Finally, they formed into a whole new demon spirit.

"Dammit, about time!" I said happily. I examined the growth rate of the demon spirit using a soul crystal.

[God level growth rate]

"Yes!! Hell yes!" the demon spirit looked like a wolf but with long curving canines. It had a totally dark body but with a silver spike like mane around its neck.

The encyclopedia provided information on the abilities of the the demon beast.

[Void Sabre toothed wolf.

Dark claws.

Domain of void.

Chaos beam blast.


"Well that's new" the encyclopedia displayed information of the demon spirit. I don't know why it didn't display one for the shadow devil. It could be related to my rank.

I had to test out the abilities of the void wolf to understand their limits.

But first the last try.

Brzz I stopped the process before the demon spirits could merge.

If I continued I would fail so instead of doing that I stored the stones in my storage ring.

Now to integrate with the demon spirit


I was back at my secluded spot. And again it was night. I just like the darkness, it's comforting and calm.

Assuming a meditative pose I slowly guided the demon spirit into my soul realm, I began to integrate with it.

It took even lesser time than it did with Ghost. The void wolf was refined with my soul realm influencing it, this caused it to be attracted to my soul realm.

Once again my soul surged as both demon spirits interacted in my soul realm. My soul force was rapidly increasing, it rose to 3000 and then to 3400 before settling down at 3687, I entered the 4-star silver rank level. The edges of my void sphere slowly expanded and the vortex had a slightly faster spin, the primal force filled my being and radiated throughout my body. It strengthened my body. The two demon spirits in my soul realm had a form of connection to each other and then to me.

Merging with the void wolf, I turned towards a mirror I had taken out from my storage ring.

Black fur coated my body, I was taller larger and more muscular than I previously was. Pointed ears stood out from the sides of my head. A silver mane decorated my neck, and a black tail that swayed side to side. "Isn't this a furry fetish?" (heh. Forgive me 4chan).

I tested the first ability, dark claw. Dark energy converged over my hands forming sharp long claws. I playfully swiped when I noticed the energy claw swipes were projected from my claws, slicing through trees in a 5 meter distance. The dark swipes could be used for five times in a row.

I tried the Void domain next it lasted for 10 secs over a radius of 5 meters. The domain was a place where I was strengthened, I speculate that it would severely weaken my enemies.

I couldn't test the chaos beam blast because I'm sure the resulting explosion would alert everyone in the vicinity.

I'm sure these abilities of mine would increase with each rank I gain.

I unmerged with the wolf and looked at it, in all its 6'ft height of majestic glory. It's black fur reflected silver moonlight, it's silver mane announced its regality.

"Void wolf, let's call you Fenrir" I pet it on the head.

It howled out to the moon"Awoooo!" damn howling is fun.

Righteous Judas arc.

The city lord's villa was by far the most developed and beautiful place in all of glory city.

I walked up to the gates and sought entrance. After waiting for a while Ye Ziyun came to take me in.

"Hey Ziyun, is your father around?" I asked.

"Yes, he is" she answered.

"I'd like to meet with him, there's something very important I have to tell him" I said.

"Why? Is everything OK" she asked worriedly.

"it's just important, don't worry." I replied.

"OK, I'll be right back" she left and came back a short while later.

"My father says that you can come into his office"

Walking into the city lord's office I saw the man behind the desk looking over a mountainous pile of papers.

"Shen Yue, pays his respects to the city lord" I cupped my hands and took a bow.

"Yes, Little Yue. Welcome, as you can see I'm quite busy so speak fast" he said without even looking up from his work.

"Sir, my family is working with the dark guild" I said slowly. Even though I wasn't very close to them, it still felt painfully heart wrenching to do this.

The air in the room chilled and the pressure increased as the city lord slowly rose his head from his work pile. His eyes meeting mine.


"Well you see my family….." I began to tell him everything I knew.


"I'll take my leave now"

"Little Yue, Why are you helping us" he asked solemnly.

"It's because of my mom. She loves this city, she grew up here and I look at everyone here as family I can't let it be destroyed. I can't let her lose her joy" I couldn't control the tears that pooled in my eyes. And with a nod I left the mansion, swiping my sleeves over my face. This hurt me more than anyone else.

Time passed, I made my preparations. I kept sending the city lord info on my family's activities by Ziyun becoming our proxy.

I went to the alchemy association today to get some stuff, but I saw the looks the director gave me. Looks filled with disgust an a tinge of pity. Can you believe it? Disgust! Ha! At least it was better than her actions. I guess some people knew what the sacred family has been planning. But after all I've done, this is how I'm treated? I brought it onto myself.

The city lord was preemptively prepared for every action my family and the dark guild had taken and would take against him.

I don't know what's happening to me but the chaos energy is slowly changing and altering my body. My hair is now a dark black in contrast to blue it was at the beginning. My fingernails had also become black, which was due to the sword and its energy affecting my hands the most. I was dressed in sasuke's first shippuden outfit. With an armour beneath the open zipped chest coat. A large rope belt tied around my waist, holding the sash over my black trousers. My dark sword strapped to the side. Black fingerless gauntlets covered my arms.

I walked toward the city walls where the demon beast horde would arrive at.


I stood next to the city lord as we watched Nie Li's explosives in effect. I set up my missile array. It was a combination of alchemy and inscriptions.

"What is this?" the city lord asked looking at the giant missile array. The others who also stood next to us turned to face me

"This is the party" I answered blandly. During the time I had spent I managed to finally perfect my self made formula for high yield explosives. My soul force was the key all along.

Nie Li's attack took down a tenth of the million beast hoard.

I positioned the missiles and then sent my soul force into the switch. On this day the people of the divine continent would witness the might of weapons from my home planet, and they will never be the same.

Missiles sped through the air as they went to the very centre of the beast hoard before crashing down into it. For a moment nothing happened I heard snorts and stifled laughter but they were all cut short by the blinding light released from the missiles follows by the sounds of thunder that shook the very earth beneath our feet. The numbers of the beast horde was instantly halved. I threw my dark sword, devoured far into the centre as well, It would absorb all the demon souls.

The wall was quiet as people watched in disbelief, none anticipating the power of the missiles. A severely injured great ape demon beast was able to slam into the walls climbing it, it was quickly ended by the city lord as he obtained the spirit of the beast in the process. When the reality of the situation hit them everyone started celebrating. Nie Li gave me skeptical look. Right, I guess he was supposed to shine here. Like I care about these ungrateful people.

I reloaded the firing mechanisms with more rocket missiles, and fire another missile cluster at the remaining demon beasts. Their numbers were drastically reduced to a mere 3000. I called back devourer, sheathed it and gathered my items back into the storage ring.

"Shen Yue, takes his leave" I said cupping my arms, and then jumping away. I had absorbed as many demon spirits as I could while I was at the wall. My spirit rank was at 3-star gold rank. I would soon breakthrough to the 4-star gold rank.

I already warned him of Ye han's scheme. Lets see how it turns out.

News spread that the city lord was severely injured, I would soon find out whether they trusted me or not. When I met Ye Ziyun to give her the last piece of information today. Her eyes were alternating between being a warm gaze and a cold one as she looked at me. After telling her what was about to happen, I quickly took my leave. She never told me that the city lord was still OK that it was all a ploy by them to gather everyone. If I had been there I would have most likely not escaped. Haha! I really did mess up in this cold, cold, world. I have been naive.


City lords villa

"Father in law, what do we do about Shen Yue. He could take revenge for what we're about to do. Should we just let him go like this?"

"He has given us valuable information, and he gathered most merits during the beast horde invasion. Why should we harm him? After tonight the whole of glory city will know the true colors of the sacred family"

"His engagement to Ziyun has already been annulled."


I had emptied my clans treasury when they went to the city lords villa for the banquet. I knew they wouldn't leave there alive, and this was my right this was my property and I'll be damned if the city lord or anyone else took it from us. I had already moved my mom and the remaining members into a mansion I had bought at the outskirts of the city where no one would trouble or even recognize them. I had bought a large mansion just for them. The place was fortified and being guarded by the finest.

The explosions from the city lords villa was visible through glory city.


The golden hues of the early dawn shined down on the city. I made my way to the city lord's villa to take the bodies of my people. My family.

"I wish to meet the city lord"

"Wait here" he turned around.

"traitors" I heard him mutter before he left. Hah! Shen Yue you really messed up. You'd think they'd thank me, after everything I've done for them. Just because members of my family revolted, they termed me a traitor. No the only people I betrayed was my family.

When he came back I didn't let him speak, I punched the teeth out of his mouth as he lay bleeding and unconscious on the ground.

"You think you can ride over me? You think I'm afraid? You don't have the ability to!" all the guards converged on my position. Nie Li and the city lord came over.

I won't take shit from nobody. I'm done with acting civil, I'm done with being patient, I'm done with acting nice.

"If any of you mess with me or mine, I will come after you and I will kill you" for the first time ever I fully released my abyss attributes outside my body.

The temperature dropped as a dark shadow spread out with me at the centre, everyone subconsciously took a step back. Even the never afraid Nie Li had to retreat. This was nothingness, the abyss was non-existence it was the darkness that ruled, it predated creation. How do you think they would feel falling into a pit of disorder, where you can't tell up from down. Where nothing makes sense. Imagine how cold the eternal void would feel. It wasn't meant for beings to exist.


I had left the city lords villa with the corpses of my family members. I gave them all a proper burial.

*whoo! And that ladies and gentlemen is a wrap. I hope you all enjoyed it. Shen Yue feels that even though he did the right thing, he still messed up. They say you don't know what you have until you lose it. That's how he's feeling about his family members right now.

Chapters will be coming in slow for all my stories. I'll be quite busy, so I won't have too much time to spend writing. Hence the long length chapters.


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