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18.18% The hardest path / Chapter 2: Tread on a worm and it will turn

Chapter 2: Tread on a worm and it will turn

The world is filled by countless geniuses and numerous heroes, and no matter what isolated Corner of the world you move your gaze to, you will find those who defy the heavens.

They are proud, they are noble, they are immortal. In this world, and many others like it, a mere peasant can rise to divinity through nothing but his skill and talent, and of course a lot of luck.

The world may be harsh, but it is fair, in a primal way.

This, however, isn't the story of a lucky peasant, a great hero, or even a legendary reincarnator.

This is the story of a broken boy, a true genius, fate would do him no favors he would find no miracles plant no divine master who would pass on their skill to him. No, he would forge a new path he wouldn't just defy the heavens he would destroy them and build them anew.

Our story doesn't start there though it starts with a young beggar on the streets of a small port city.

Jin Chenxi never thought he was the luckiest person ever but did the world need to constantly have to remind him of that fact.

"Ah, big brother Hu I'm sure we can sort this out without violence, like adu.." Jin Chenxi tries to say but is stoped as the air is pushed out of him as he was pushed in the wall of the dark alley by Hu meng and his merry band of young beggars had dragged him to.

Jin Chenxi, you little crippled piece of shit, I told you to stay out of my turf" Hu meng growls out his fat face red.

"Ahh no need to spit on me." Jin Chenxi thinks as he puts on his best face.

"Big bro it was an honest mistake, see I just got lost," Jin Chenxi says seeming truly embarrassed, his hand held up in surrender. And he was truly embarrassed, at getting caught.

Hu Meng doesn't fall for the obvious trick and uses all of his large frame to strike Jin Chenxi in the stomach, forcing him to his knees in pain.

Hu Meng then grabs Jin Chenxi's long dirty black hair forcing Jin Chenxi to look at his bulbous face

"I told ya if I caught you agin I'd beat ya ta death didn't I boys?" The large boy drawls out spit fling onto Jin Chenxi face

"Yes, boss" the group of smaller boys replies with enthusiasm. Not wanting to drag their bosses anger onto themselves

"See Cripple I told ya" Hu Meng laughs out.

"Big bro you know I have a terrible memory" Jin Chenxi tries a weak smile on his face as he tries to ignore the pain in his stomach and the pain of his hair being pulled.

"No excuses cripple, you should be thanking me finally putting you out of misery and all" Hu Meng laughs out trowing Jin Chenxi into a puddle in the middle of the alley.

Hu Meng's words strike a chord in Jin Chenxi's soul bring up old memories, anger is an emotion that Jin Chenxi sees as a luxury he learned that quickly while on streets.

But he was about to die right? Hu Meng might be an idiot, but he is anything but merciful Jin Chenxi knows Hu Mengs and his gang has beaten other beggar boys to death before. Hu Meng would beat him to death.

"Get to it boys, it shouldn't take long to kill this foundation trash" Hue Meng's voice rings out dripping with mockery.

Jin Chenxi hears the footsteps of the other coming towards him. His brain buzzes alight attempting to find an exit a way out a way to survive. He doesn't find one that doesn't rely on pure luck, and he's not feeling particularly lucky today.

It doesn't take long for one of the boys to strike Jin Chenxi prone form wielding the full, mediocre, might of the Inner Realm, but even that low level of power is more than enough send the prone form of Jin Chenxi flying down the alley breaking some of his ribs along the way.

Jin Chenxi winces in pain as he meets the hard ground again rolling onto hid back.

Jin Chenxi is weak, Jin Chenxi is a cripple in more than one way.

Jin Chenxi is also stuck at the Foundation realm, the first most basic level of cultivation.

The difference between foundation and the inner realm isn't just one realm it's the difference between being able to use Qi actively and just being able to absorb it.

It is the call the first great step. The first real step towards immortality.

Jin Chenxi picks himself up, not an easy task for someone with his condition.

"Listen, Big bro, I've learned my lesson let's just forgot about this" Jin Chenxi pants out pausing to catch his breath "I'll never come to silk street again alright"

"you said that last time cripple, no you die today, need to teach a lesson to the boys" Comes Hu Meng harsh reply.

Jin Chenxi just nods in defeat at the expected reply.

Jin Chenxi slowly takes out a short metal pole the length of a short sword from beneath his ragged robes and takes a stance. He wasn't going to die a coward at least. Don't mind his shaking hand.

"come on then you dirty fucks, KILL ME" Jin Chenxi shouts and if only for a moment the group of boys included Hu Meng feel fear as their fist clench and their hearts speed up.

The closest boy, the one who kicked him on the ground moves first. He's fast but not too fast that Jin Chenxi is unable to follow his wide movements.

As the boy closes in he motions to strike from the right his fist glowing a dull white an obvious give away of his intentions for Jin Chenxi.

Jin Chenxi uses the metal button to meet and guide the fist away letting it flow past him like the wind using minimal effort.

There are only a few ways to beat someone of a higher realm than. One of them is through technique, one of the only things that weren't taken from Jin Chenxi.

Jin Chenxi was never one to miss an opportunity, as the boys' momentum carried him forward Jin Chenxi was quick to move the baton back as he drove forward using all of his thin frame to strike the boy square in the face.

Jin Chenxi would've liked to say that it was his power that caused the boy to flip onto his back, smashing his head onto the ground in the process.

But no it wasn't his strength that it was the boys' momentum that did most of the damage.

"Is that all your Pups can do Hu Meng, can't even beat a little cripple" Jin Chenxi laughed out with false bravado standing over the knocked body of the boy who kicked him.

Although his strike on its own didn't cause much damage Jin Chenxi put everything he had into it, with the injuries he already had and a starving body he could hardly hold the metal baton up, his arm feeling like lead.

Hu Meng's reply was an angry growl as he quickly charged at Jin Chenxi.

The only thing that Jin Chenxi could think of as he moved to defend his empty left side was 'FAST'.

Hu Meng struck hard and fast with his right leg striking Jin Chenxi baton directly his leg covered in a much brighter white light.

The force of the kick sent Jin Chenxi straight into the wall of the alley and snapped the metal baton in two.

From then on there was nothing that Jin Chenxi could do except turtle up and accept death and hope for life. 'At least he died fighting' was the last thought that Jin Chenxi had before he passed out due to the pain.

Hu Meng and gang left Jin Chenxi's beaten and bloody body in the alley after they were satisfied.

The next morning as the sun's light slowly crept through a dark alley in the small city of Red Hill its golden light met the broken body of Jin Chenxi.

Dried blood covering his brown robes.

when the golden light touched the boys' closed eyes gold met gold as Jin Chenxi was awoken to the new unexpected morning.

He took a deep breath and started his breathing method one drilled into him from his youth.

More to calm his nerves than to gather any Qi. He couldn't gather Qi after all not with his injured Meridians at least.

Jin Chenxi then broke out with laughter, a laugh that he had almost forgotten brought back by a feeling that he had almost forgotten.

Slowly dripping into his Dantian was something that he hadn't felt in two years something that had been taken from him returning like an old friend.


"Give and take eh, ya like to play with boys heart don't ya" Jin Chenxi laughed out a genuine smile on his face as he stared at the heavens.

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