Everyone knows how Pokemon battles work in general. They command their Pokemons, and they act according to their wishes.
It is a big no-no for me. Having to command a Pokemon through the whole battle is a huge problem.
First, The time it takes to spell what you want your Pokemon to do is long. And then there is the time it takes for your Pokemon to process what you said.
When the trainer finished talking, the most violent Pokemons in the wilderness, like Gyarados, would have killed them.
It also makes your enemy capable of anticipating your moves.
Because of those methods, A trainer's Pokemon usually has dulled instincts, to the point that they don't even dodge on their own and wait for the trainer to command them when facing an attack.
I want my Feebas to be able to fight on her own. I'd give her some pointers during training and instruct her in dangerous situations if my thinking can surpass her instincts on the point. But nothing more.
I know that as a Psychic, I can hide my commands by using -Telepathy-. And that I can use -Future Sight- to negate the reaction lag.
But, as a Pokemon trainer, I don't want my Pokemon to be useless in battle if there are no commands.
The two points I made go hand in hand. A good mortal battle to better My Feebas' instinct and autonomy is the way to go.
I'll be there anyway. I can't let my girl get severely injured.
When my Pokemon comes out fully capable, I am sure it could one-shot any Pokemon on the same level before the trainer could finish his command.
Wild Pokemon usually use this kind of thing to make up for the lack of proper grooming.
Having the two should make an excellent Feebas, no?
Returning to reality, Feebas and Zigzagoon were about to face off. No sneak attacks today. We're training.
" Feebas, do what you think is right. "
The Zigzagoon used a -Growl- and at the same time set off towards Feebas with a -Charge-.
The moment Zigzagoon was about to touch her, she leaned to the left, letting the Zigzagoon continue its course behind.
Feebas already started to charge a -Dragon Breath-.
Zigzagoon, who crashed to the ground, turned towards Feebas ferociously, wanting to continue attacking.
Unfortunately for it, a beam of blue fire came straight at the Zigzagoon, sending it slamming towards a tree, almost breaking it.
The Zigzagoon didn't have the time to stand up when another beam shot at it, disintegrating its head with part of the tree.
*Blop Blop*
Feebas floated towards and made the noises. As if waiting for some compliments.
" Great job, Feebas! Your evasion was spot on, and you swiftly ended the battle without giving the opponent a chance to recover. "
Feebas started rubbing herself on my pants.
" But there was one problem. I'm sure you detected the energy emanating from its growl at the start. It is useless against you because your only move is a Special. But you didn't know that and ignored it. "
Feebas was listening thoroughly. It seems like she wants to learn.
" Even if you could have used -Haze- to negate its effect, you would have lost time and a considerable amount of energy. Plenty of Pokemons start with this kind of move, so you should always prepare a -Haze- or anything else that counters these moves before a battle. "
Feebas nodded and jumped into my arms. We then walked toward the Zigzagoon corpse.
What should I do with it? I wanted Feebas to eat its meat, but I forgot she was five days old and isn't capable of ingurgitating solid food.
I took a last look at it and returned with Feebas to the stream.
" Forget it. Some other Pokemon should soon come to eat it. "
As soon as we returned to the camp, I thought about what kind of move I should teach Feebas.
Well, she needs a Water-Type move. That goes without saying. I think -Water Pulse- is a good start.
I will also teach her -Tackle-. It's weak, but it takes five minutes to learn, so it doesn't matter.
I'm giving up on having her learn -Iron Tail-. Her Attack stat is pathetic, and it will stay so even after evolving.
Maybe in the future, but not now. Feebas will focus on physical training and thoroughly mastering the four moves.
Back at the stream, I put the weights on Feebas. She is now bearing thirty kilograms.
" Girl, you're going to learn one of the most basic moves. You only have to cover yourself with Normal-Type energy and slam into the target. Your energy needs to be partly concentrated on your head and shape it to give aero dynamism to your move. "
Yes, -Tackle- needs Normal-type energy, and it's not that simple. It will probably be fast for Feebas because of her potential. Otherwise, normal Pokemons need at least half a day to learn it.
It is not a move if there is no energy used. Like -Splash-, it was removed from the list because there is no attributed energy conversion going on.
*Blop Blop*
Feebas, having understood the technique, converted her stamina into Normal-Type energy and rammed her head into the tree, causing it to split in two.
' System, show me her Status. '
[ Name: Feebas
Gender: Female
Type: Water
Condition: Tired
Potential: Excellent
Ability: Adaptability
Level: Nine
Total Base Stats: Two hundred
Moves: Dragon-Breath, Haze, Tackle ]
Great! On the first try, it's easier than I thought it would be.
" Alright, come drink your rainbow milk, and we'll try -Water Pulse-. "
Feebas did as I said, and we soon went to the stream.
Water-Type Pokemons are usually more comfortable in the water, and the same goes for Feebas. It should be easier to get started with -Water Pulse- in the stream than on land.
She dived into the water, then put her head out, preparing to use the move.
She proceeded to do the usual energy conversion. This time from stamina to Water-Type, it appears to be smoother than with the Normal-Type, Dragon-Type, and Ice-Type.
That's natural, she is a Water-Type Pokemon, and her Ability makes her better at it. In the game, -Adaptability- increases the powers of moves of the Pokemon's Type by two instead of one and a half.
These numbers don't mean anything in real life. Instead, it augments the Pokemon's natural affinity to said Type. So instead of having an average attunement to the Water-Type like every other Water-Type Pokemons, Feebas is much more attuned to it.
It Makes it much easier for her to use Water-Type moves in general. It's a pity it will disappear upon evolving.
Having converted enough energy, Feebas transformed it into a spinning ball of pressured water, like a Rasengan, in front of her mouth.
The ball hadn't finished forming, and it had already exploded on Feebas' face.
Feebas was a bit peeved at the moment. She succeeded in using all her other moves on the first try.
It was her first failure in life.
" Don't worry, girl. A few hours are enough for you to have decent mastery over it. There's no need to make that face. "
Her face didn't change, but I could feel it. It's weird.
She nodded and went back at it.
As for me, I went back to the tree and trained my Psychic moves.
Stardew Forest - 17:00 - Training - Day Seven
' Feebas, Status. '
[ Name: Feebas
Gender: Female
Type: Water
Condition: Healthy
Potential: Excellent
Ability: Adaptability
Level: Fifteen
Total Base Stats: Two hundred
Moves: Dragon-Breath, Haze, Tackle, Water-Pulse ]
Alright. That was pretty fast. From Level one to Level fifteen in seven days. Good enough for tomorrow's duel.
" Let's go, Feebas. We're going to find you the last opponent before going back. "
Feebas was already fifty centimeters in height, way bigger than her mates in the wild at the same growth stage.
A Feebas completely matures at Level twenty-five, also at the time when it learns its last attack by growing up. I intend to evolve her at that time.
Meanwhile, we've found her a pokemon to fight. It is a Sandrew that just got out of its hole.
It put up its guard just upon seeing my Feebas as if knowing what we were after.
I didn't say anything, and Feebas started fighting on her own.
The Sandshrew used -Rapid Spin- without losing time and rolled towards Feebas to decrease the distance.
The Sandshrew was quite intelligent. The move was just used to get closer and stopped once within range. Otherwise, Feebas would've dodged and ended it like the Zigzagoon last time.
Sandshrew used -Fury Cutter- on the Feebas. Unfortunately for the Pokemon, she already predicted the move and easily dodged it.
Sandshrew's arms are small, making it impossible to hit a Pokemon as fast as Feebas.
When Sandshrew finally stopped attacking, Feebas was already tens of meters away and had a -Water Pulse- ready in front of her.
She sent it to the Sandshrew, making it crash onto the Pokemon with overwhelming speed.
A Pokemon's Speed stat affects multiple things. They are the movement speed, attack speed, and casting speed, among others. Feebas has a tremendous advantage in this area.
A loud water explosion ensued, and an injured Sandsherw got out of it, but the Pokemon seems to have run out of luck.
Feebas had the time to pull out another -Water Pulse- finishing the fight without taking damage.
" Good job, girl. "
I patted Feebas and held her into my arms. She is light despite her size.
I looked at the dead Sandshrew, it seemed like it only suffered some skin injuries, but the -Water Pulse- destroyed its internal organs.
Leaving it there for some other Pokemon to feed on, I returned to the clearing to pack our stuff.
Our training has finally ended. Feebas has mastered her four moves during this time and can use them anytime in a fight.
On the other hand, I can already use my six Psychic techniques proficiently, -Sense- has reached a radius of ten meters, and I can form a proper square -Barrier-.
-Pressure- and -Gravity- have been trained on some Pokemons. Sometimes it would get dangerous for Feebas, so I used them on wild Pokemons.
And my control over Mental Power has increased by a lot.
Anyways, it was a great day.
Stardew City - 18:00 - Training - Day Seven
Once in front of the house, I opened the door and yelled.
" Mom, I'm home! "
Mom hurried out of the kitchen.
" Elijah, go clean yourself up. We're eating in half an hour. "
" Alright, I'm going up. "
I then made my way to the stairs when mom looked at me solemnly and said.
" Kid, don't destroy Sophia's Pokemon tomorrow. "
I'm confused here. What does that mean?
" What are you talking about, mom? "
She looked at me seriously. Did something happen?
" I know how hard you train with your Pokemons. I'm not sure how Sophia is doing, but I want grandkids. Don't ruin your chances. "
I'm speechless.
" Whatever, mom. I'm going. "
I'm fleeing there. I don't want to hear anything else.
Anyways. The evening went by in a flash, and I had returned to my room.
My Feebas is sleeping in the rainbow water aquarium like every night. She is getting addicted.
I ignored her and thought about what I was going to do.
Tonight, I'm going to make more Pokeblocks, both the rainbow and attribute ones.
Vukpix and Feebas have developed some teeth. It is enough to eat Pokeblocks without dissolving them.
I quickly passed by the storage room to take out the needed berries and soon returned to my blue Pokeball-themed chair.
I turned the machine on and selected what Pokeblock I would make. I'm going to do Water-Type and ice-Type Pokeblock, the low-level ones. They still can't take the medium-level.
In one of my monologues, I have roughly described the process. So I won't say anything this time.
In the end, I had a hundred rainbow Pokeblocks and fifty of each Type.
I am much better than I used to be. With -HyperState-, I can make ten at the same time.
Anyways. Feeling good about myself, I threw the Pokeblocks in a box and jumped on my bed to sleep.
If there is any mistake to correct or upgrade I can make, tell me in the comments.
2053 Words
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