Life has been great so far as a reincarnator.
Except that I am not in Naruto, as an Uchiha thinking about saving myself from death at the hands of Itachi.
Nor did I start circulating my magical power before being born and then learn every f*cking martial arts in existence at the age of four, or get a System if that matters, although my luck is off the charts.
I got my memories back towards the end of my middle school years.
I just turned eighteen. Pre-college vacations are in two weeks, the same day we receive our first Pokemon, and by we, I mean the non-wealthy people.
You heard me, Pokemon. The world I currently live in is a big mess as if the Pokemon universe crashed into the average modern world. And it did happen. It transpired recently, twenty years ago.
And so the general knowledge about Pokemons is barely enough to have just created the standard red and white Pokeball seventeen years after their coming, and because of blueprints found in ancient ruins, mind you. The Pokeballs manufacturing process is indeed complicated.
Anyways, I was saying, senior students like me are getting their first Pokemon in two weeks. Compared to those second-gen rich kids, who received theirs so early they might as well be fake twins, it is a bit late.
Stardew City - 20:00
" Mom, your son is home! Come hug! "
" What were you doing out so late, Elijah? "
" Working out. "
" Ew! go take a shower and get back. The diner is nearly done. "
That was my mom, Emily Durant. Her looks are good considering she is thirty-eight, with black mid-length hair and eyes of the same color. I inherited everything from her, meaning my looks are well above average.
About my father, well, he somehow managed to tie with the father of Ash for the multiversal ranking of mysterious and absent fathers.
His name is unknown to me, and I think my mom is in the same situation.
Every time I try looking at his photos, they get blurry, or light reflects off his face.
Climbing the stairs, I entered through the door. It is an ordinary and spotless room of about fifteen square meters, not feet. The international metric system is the best.
Some Pokemon posters were hanging on the wall above my desk, on which were my notebooks. Keeping knowledge of Pokemons, whether it is about their moves, stats, or habits, I rewrote the whole Pokedex from gen one to gen eight.
And on the side is my current project, the Pokeblock. As an upcoming Pokemon trainer and reincarnator, not having Pokeblocks to feed my Pokemons would be a blasphemy.
Lest you are wondering, no, I am not like that self-proclaimed Pokemon-researcher mc, nor am I publishing papers about the undiscovered Fairy-type, the eight evolutions of Eevee, or announcing the existence of Mega-evolution.
I am so greedy that I will hide it from everyone and do my best to collect every Mega-evolution stone, Keystone, Z-crystals, Wishing-Stars, and whatever precious item I find. And then I would sell the useless ones at exorbitant prices once the alliance discovers their utility.
Not even the Pokeblocks are going to hit the market. Every single Pokeblock is for my Pokemons.
The Pokeblock algorithm is complete, I only need to practice their manufacturing, and the resources to make them are very cheap.
The people here are confused about what to do with all those berries, so I have been stockpiling them.
My Pokeblock-making abilities should be up to par by the time I get my Pokemon, and then I can feed him with the best Pokemon food there is and make him the greatest of his kind.
Please, GOD, I want a good-looking Pokemon, not some Muk or whatever its name is. Can you even hold it in your hands?
I went down the stairs to the dining room and was met with my mom plating the table.
We live in a good neighborhood, in a big house, and the family income is enough to let a few households live comfortably.
The inside is bright and well decorated, my mom has a mild OCD, and I like it. The house always feels perfect yet homely.
" Elijah. "
" Mom? "
" What kind of Pokemon do you want? "
" The most beautiful, naturally. "
" Again with that thing? At least say you want the mightiest one! "
" I intend to get a Pokemon egg, so it is quite random. I am easily satisfied, so long as it looks good. "
I still hope to get myself a Pokemon whose final form total base stats is over five hundred.
" Whatever, go wash the dishes. This lady is going to sleep. "
" Goodnight. "
Done with it by twenty-one, I moved up again, started to study my subjects and Pokeblocks, and finally went to bed.
Stardew City - 6:30
I woke up, stretched out of my bed, and started yawning. Stumbling into the bathroom, I wash my face with cold water, perfect to wake up in the morning, even better than coffee.
My selection of clothes is limited, so I put on a tight-fitting gray shirt outlining my perfectly shaped body and black sports pants with a pair of red sneakers.
Still tired, I open the window to aerate the room. The city looks beautiful.
In the last twenty years, to adapt and live with Pokemons, various governments put together a brand new project.
Thanks to it, Practically every city in the world has been reconditioning for the Pokemons. Vegetation and trees are now everywhere.
People and Pokemon walking together in the street are common occurrences, and our new residents even have jobs.
For example, to reduce air pollution, Koffings and Wheezings are stationed on top of important cities and polluted points to absorb the nefast gas wafting out of various plants.
Some more intelligent Pokemons took more surprising professions. One of my neighbors is a chef whose assistant is an Audino, and it does the job well.
Cleaned and prepared, I grab my backpack and run down the stairs.
I put my bag on the ground and open the fridge, take the necessary ingredients and start making breakfast for two.
It is the Basic breakfast, Pancakes dripping with melted chocolate, some coffee, and a cup of freshly pressed orange juice.
*Tap Tap Tap*
My mom comes just in time for breakfast, still in her pajamas.
She owns a Pokemon accessories shop. The business is going seamlessly.
The employees usually open the shop by themselves, so she tends to go there late and relax in the morning.
" Good morning, Elijah. "
" Hey, mom, how are you doing? "
" Good kid, you seem happy. Tell me, what happened? You even made pancakes. "
" Hehe, I am going to have my first Pokemon soon. "
" Why are you so excited? You still have to wait for two whole weeks. "
" Come on, mom, eat while the coffee is still hot. "
We finished eating in ten minutes, so I prepared to go to school.
" Elijah, your girlfriend is waiting for you! "
" She is not my girlfriend! "
" Sooner or later, it will happen. "
" Bye, mom. "
" Bye. "
Closing the door behind me, I took a deep breath. The air has never been so fresh as far as I remember.
I began to walk while thinking about which Pokemon I will have.
While the average living conditions are far higher than before, starter Pokemons are not so easy to have.
Public schools are unable to provide their students with Pokemons.
Except for some exceptions, excellent students are privy to a pass for private school-end selections.
If you lack the money, your only choice is to go to the wild equipped with a Pokeball and try your luck to gain their favorability and permission to capture them. Even then, Pokeballs are controlled goods. They are available in Pokemon stores only to registered trainers.
The Pokemons walking on the streets are tame and found on the grand public farms for a small sum as companions or pets. Those usually have exceedingly low potential.
The wealthy, though, can easily purchase Pokemons. My family is considered well-off and can afford to buy one by using a part of the savings. My mom wanted to do that as well, but I refused.
Either I capture it myself, or I hatch it from the egg. Students from private schools like me are offered the choice between not being given a Pokemon and then buying it outside, getting a Pokemon already inside a Pokeball, or having a Pokemon egg.
Pokemon eggs are seldom found on the market, being almost impossible even. My only chance to get one is at the school-end selection.
While it is somewhat random, I want my Pokemon to be with me directly from its birth to make it grow in the best direction and conditions possible.
The so-called Pokemon masters are not good enough compared to reincarnators in terms of knowledge about Pokemons.
Midway to school, near the bakery, I see my friend waiting for me. Her name is Sophia, but I like to call her Orange.
The girl Looks outstanding, with pleasing and unexaggerated curves paired with brown hair and orange eyes, hence the name.
Orange often hits the gym with me, so I know how fit she is.
She is wearing a dark red turtleneck pull with a black vest covering everything and slightly loose sporty pants going down to her Jordans.
" Hey, Orange. "
" Hey, son. "
" Stop with that, Orange. "
" Is that how you talk to your mother? When did I fail to educate you? "
" You better not provoke me. This young master is in a good mood. "
" Shut up! You and your cute Pokemons, are you sure you are not a girl? "
" Look at who is talking. You want a Metagross. If not a boy, then what are you? "
We continued walking to school while talking and soon found our way into a classroom that we share, the 3B. We are also deskmates at the protagonist spot.
The school itself is nothing particular. Similar to the average Japanese anime school, just with greenery everywhere.
Sitting down on our double-desk by habit, we waited for our homeroom teacher to come.
A muscular and beardy middle-aged man casually strolled into the room.
" Alright, guys, we are a class of twenty. Pokemons are expensive, and the school is unwilling to pay for the surplus. I am handing you each this sheet on which you will write whether you want a Pokemon egg, a readily captured Pokemon, or nothing, without forgetting to be precise about which type or the kind you wish to have. We will try to get what you want, but the availability is uncertain. "
You know me, I wrote down -Pokemon egg- while Orange beside me surprisingly did the same.
" You want a Pokemon egg? "
" I think you were right. I want my first Pokemon to be with me from the start. "
" Seriously. That move is risky. "
" If the potential of my Pokemon is not satisfying, I will take it as a pet and have you come to help me catch a good one. "
" No worries. I will take care of you. "
" Bro, cringe. Thanks though. "
Stardew City - 16:30
School ends at sixteen. The way back is longer than the morning after taking Orange home. It takes twice the time. I went for a quick workout before making it to my place.
It took so long yesterday because I was looking for any rare items or berries I could find to add to my stock. It was two hours wasted touring the whole city.
Entering the familiar house, I quickly hugged my mom before going up the stairs.
I emptied my desk fast and hooked the Pokeblock algorithm on the wall in front of me.
Then I walked to the storage room to find my tightly sealed berries. These can stay in there for years without losing any flavor or nutrients.
I grabbed some Oran berries, the cheapest ones for practice, and returned to my room.
Finally, I sat down in front of my desk and prepared the necessary equipment before taking a deep breath.
" Alright! Let's cook Pokeblocks! "
If there is any mistake to correct or upgrade I can make, tell me in the comments.
2033 Words