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1.44% The Godly Demon System / Chapter 9: An Offer That Can't Be Refused

Chapter 9: An Offer That Can't Be Refused

There were 4 trolls coming while carrying a body.

After seeing them, Dreamer sighed in relief.

"Well, it's good that they are just trolls. If it were someone else, I might have gotten in trouble.

But still. I should hide somewhere and the body they are carrying must be someone who got assassinated.

And also, I would like to see where they will bury that body and although it is very unlikely but I still hope that they didn't find anything suspicious in the Duskwallow Tombs." Dreamer said and started looking for a place to hide.

Trolls have huge bodies and furs covering their skin, and the reason why Dreamer said that it was good that Trolls were here, because they are not very smart and they lack intellect so they will not be able to sense any change at the Duskwallow Tombs.

And if there were someone other than Trolls then they would've spotted that something happened in the Duskwallow Tombs and Dreamer would have gotten in trouble.

But now there was no need to worry as there were Trolls and by the time any intellectual person will come here there will be no clues left that could tell something happened in the Duskwallow Tombs.

And also, there was a high possibility that no intellectual and smart person would come here as things like burying the bodies were usually given to trolls as they are good for carrying things because of their large build and also this was the only thing that they could do as they also can't fight and even if they fight, they will die in seconds as they lack fast thinking capacity which was essential for fighting.

[[Author : Reference art for Trolls is given in the chapter's comments, check it out!]]

Soon, Dreamer found a place to hide. He hid himself behind a tree that was inside the Duskwalllow Tombs as he wanted to see where the Trolls will bury the body because he wanted to know where the recent dead bodies were being buried.

The reason he wanted to know where the recent dead bodies were buried was because he was thinking that if he might have to come here again then he will be able to find a suitable body easily and faster than this time.

"Let's see although I know they are not that much of a threat but it will not hurt to use the skill anyway." Dreamer said and activated his skill God's Eye on the Trolls one by one.

[ Race : Troll ]

[ Level : 1 ]

[ Weakness(s) : Low Intellect, Slow Learner ]

[ Strength(s) : Strong Build, Thick Fur ]

"I knew, it will be like this and their soul level is not even being mentioned by the system just how weak they are, anyway let's check the others." Dreamer said and used the skill on other trolls, the results were the same, all were Level 1 with no mention of their soul level.

After seeing their information Dreamer waited for them to come.

The 4 trolls were coming at a steady pace and they were talking to each other, they were speaking loudly so Dreamer was also able to hear their voices.

"Hey Brothers, do you know what a fish says when it swam into a wall?" One of the Trolls asked the other Trolls.

Dreamer also heard this and started to think about the answer.

"No brother I don't know." One of the Trolls said.

"I also don't know."

"Me too."

All three said they didn't know the answer and asked the Troll, who asked them the question, to answer it.

"The fish will say 'Dam !!'.... Bahahaha" The Troll replied and started laughing and soon all the other three trolls also started laughing.

Seeing all this, Dreamer's eyebrows were flinching.

"What a stupid question, Now I am ashamed of myself that I tried to think for an answer I should have known from the start that this got to be a stupid question, well, anyway just come here and bury the body already! I also have to go home."

Dreamer said in a low voice and in an angry tone. He was already very tired from the tasks of today and also have to do many things tomorrow but the Trolls were coming at a very slow pace and with their dumb talks along the way.

"Hey Brother I also want to ask a Question Just like you."

This time it was a different Troll who said it.

"Oh Shit!! Here they go again." Dreamer cursed.

"Go ahead, Brother." The Troll replied.

"Two men meet on the opposite sides of the river, one shouts to the other, 'I need you to help me to get to the other side !!' Now what does the other man say?" The Troll asked.

"What Brother! I don't know." The other 3 Trolls said in Unison.

"The other man shouted in reply 'You already are on the other side'....hahahaha" They started laughing again.

"Dammit, I will kill them all and not even take their souls, and I want to know who even gave them these jokes," Dreamer said angrily in a low voice.

'Ohh Man! Hilarious You already are on the other side !!, Bahahaha…' Helix laughed wholeheartedly hearing the Trolls talk.

"Seriously! Helix, you found that funny? I mean with these kind of questions Trolls can turn a cheerful person into a suicidal person, and here you are laughing!" Dreamer said after hearing Helix laughing.

Helix ignored Dreamer's remarks and kept on laughing.

Soon the Trolls came inside the Duskwallow Tombs and then one of the Trolls took out a paper from his thick furs.

"1309" The Troll said while looking at the paper.

Hearing this, other Trolls nodded and the paper started burning on its own.

"What is happening?" Dreamer said looking at the scene happening in front of him.

Soon the paper burnt and turned into ash and the Troll who was holding the paper was now holding the ash and then he blew the ash from his hand and then instead of moving forward the ash traveled in all directions and all the other Trolls followed the area where the ash was moving.

And soon the ash landed automatically on a grave, seeing that all 4 Trolls nodded and started moving towards that grave where the ash landed.

Dreamer saw all this and was amazed with the grave selection process.

"I see! That paper's ashes selected the grave. Well, that was smart ass or should I say smart ash!" Dreamer said while smiling as if he had said something really funny.

"Looks like hearing those Trolls' questions had a negative effect on your humor, who makes jokes like that!?" Helix said annoyingly.

"Yeah, yeah I know, it's just it came to mind so I spoke and I thought you might find it funny just like you found those Trolls funny, but it didn't go as planned.

Well, anyway was that paper special or something or the Trolls were just playing around and did the guessing work by randomly blowing the ash?" Dreamer asked.

'Yes, my Lord, that paper was indeed special as there are powerful people who can learn skills that can cast spell on things for various purposes for example Gods and Demons cast spells on their weapons so that no one other than them can lift their weapons and also spells like whenever and wherever they are they can just think of their weapons and the weapons will come to them and the same thing goes to their armors.

I also wanted to learn such a skill so I can also cast such spells on my sword but it requires a high amount of mana, concentration, power and resources and I was lacking all these things but now that I am back, I will make sure to do that.

And my Lord, by looking at the scene in front, I am sure that there was a spell incantation on that paper and that spell must be some kind of 'direction telling' spell for choosing grave.

And about the number that was written on the paper, I think there was also a 'direction telling' spell on the ink which was used to write the number.

Whoever the Higher ups of this city Rester, appointed to take care of the Duskwallow Tombs did these types of things for secrecy as they don't want anyone to see who is assassinated and where they have been buried.

And as my lord already knows that this is a place where people who are secretly assassinated are buried and it will not be a secret if someone found out in which grave who is buried and if someone tries to dig the graves, just like you, My Lord! That person will have a great difficulty in finding a recent body.

But about the exact method of choosing the graves, that procedure must be known by the Higher ups and the person who is appointed by the Higher ups to look after the Duskwallow Tombs.' Liberi answered Dreamer's queries.

"Ohh, so we can still talk with each other, it's pretty handy. Well, about that skill you are talking about we will definitely get that skill so, don't worry.

Anyway, now that I know how people are being buried here, there is no reason to stay here anymore so I will just wait for the Trolls to leave and then I will also get out of here." Dreamer said and waited for the Trolls to finish their work.

After the ash landed on a grave the Trolls started digging that grave and they dug the grave in just 2 minutes thanks to their physique and practice of doing this type of work frequently.

Soon when all the mud came out of the grave, Dreamer saw that the grave was empty then a realization struck him.

"Ohh, I see now, some graves are dug in advance and it means among these thousands of graves there are some empty graves too, what a clever trick." Dreamer said while amusing about this idea.

Dreamer then again looked at the Trolls, they were carrying the body and coming closer to the grave to bury the body and soon they threw the body inside the grave and then they started to put the mud on the body again in order to close the grave.

It again took 2 minutes to close the grave and after finishing their work they gave each other a hug as if they were celebrating their success about something. Then they started to move towards the exit of the Duskwallow Tombs.

"Haa, finally they are going I should also start moving." Dreamer said while looking at the Trolls who were going away.

"Hey Brother!" Suddenly one of the Trolls spoke.

Hearing the Troll, Dreamer hid back where he was hiding before and he started worrying if the Trolls somehow saw him.

"When I was looking at the graves.." The Troll said.

After hearing what the Troll said Dreamer was convinced that the Troll had found something was wrong in the Duskwallow Tombs so Dreamer started to come up with a plan to either silence them or kill them swiftly.

So, he looked here and there to find something to attack the Trolls and then he found a shovel and started moving slowly towards the Trolls from behind. He was going to attack them from behind to finish them in a single strong blow.

Dreamer kept on moving towards the Trolls with steady and silent steps and when he was about to reach them.

"When I was looking at the graves.."

"Yes, brother keep going, when you were looking at graves what happened?" The other Troll asked.

Dreamer was also listening to their talks very keenly.

"When I was looking at the graves...I remembered a question." The Troll finally spoke.

Although after hearing this Dreamer felt a little bit relieved but he cursed the entire race of Trolls as he was sweating by thinking about a way to kill them and working his brains very hard to find the best way to silence them, but when the Troll stated its true concern, Dreamer again felt ashamed of himself as he took these guys seriously.

"I bet this question will also be the same as previous ones." Dreamer said and went to hide again and looked forward to Trolls leaving the place so he can leave too.

"Ohh, ask it brother, what is it?" Other Trolls said.

"The question I remembered and wanted to ask is, how much does the heaviest skeletal weigh?" The Troll revealed his question.

Hearing this all the other trolls put their hands on their chin and started thinking.

"Just say that you don't know, why are you guys stretching this damn sequence." Dreamer cursed.

"No brother I don't know. tell me, tell me." All the other Trolls answered in unison.

"A skele(ton)...hahaha" The Troll said and started laughing and the others joined him too and left the Duskwallow Tombs.

'Hahaha...damn a skele(ton)!! ... what a guy.. ha.' Helix laughed like a maniac after hearing the answer.

"You know what! I am not gonna say anything, just laugh at whatever you find funny as I am too tired to argue with you." Dreamer retorted and started to leave as well.

He walked to the exit and decided to look behind one last time.

"I hope I don't have to come here again and thanks for the gift." Dreamer said remembering the gift he received from the Duskwallow Tombs as Liberi.

And soon, he left the place and started walking towards his home he walked fast as he was too tired and just wanted to sleep and luckily, he didn't find anyone on his way and after 15 minutes of fast walking he reached his home, opened the door and then get inside, closed the door and jumped on to the bed instantly and fallen asleep in a wink.


After sleeping peacefully, Dreamer woke up and the first thing he did was to check Liberi as he was too excited about getting a subordinate and was still not able to believe it.

He felt the connection with Liberi and heaved a sigh of relief and got up to do usual stuff in the morning.

He washed his mouth, took a bath and wore the same set of clothes that he was wearing yesterday. A blue t-shirt and a black trouser and he started preparing for breakfast.

The wild boar who he had killed 2 days ago was still there but today was the last time it could hold on as it's nearly finished so Dreamer decided he had to think about getting his next meal.

He again cooked Wild Boar Salami and ate it. After eating Dreamer washed the dishes and sat on his bed with an excited look on his face as he was going to know Liberi's story and the power he holds.

"Liberi! Come out" Dreamer said and soon a white light flashed from Dreamer's chest and in a second Liberi appeared in front of Dreamer.

"Yes, My Lord" Liberi said while sitting on one knee and his right hand on his heart.

"Stand up! Now I will see your abilities and then you will tell me your story" Dreamer said.

"As you wish, my lord" Liberi said and got up and stood like a soldier.

"System! Show me his details and everything you can show about him." Dreamer said and a black panel with white words written on it appeared in front of Dreamer.

[ Subordinate : Liberi ]

[ Race : Human? ]

[ Level : 1.5 (Note : As Liberi is Host's 1st Subordinate so as a reward whenever Host will level up, Liberi's level will also rise by 0.5) ]

[ Soul Level : 1 ]

[ Stats ]

[ Strength : 4 ]

[ Stamina : 4 ]

[ Agility : 9 ]

[ Speed : 5 ]

[ Dexterity : 5 ]

[ Available Stat Points : 0 ]

[ Skills ]

[ Soul Meld : Allows the subordinate to stay inside the host's soul and can come and go freely to and from the host's soul. ]

[ Spirit Sword : Subordinate can use his soul to power up its weapon. Duration and strength depends on Subordinate's Soul Level ]

"First of all, what's up with his race, a human with a question mark, what does it mean? Is he a human or not? Well, I leave this to you Helix as I am sure that you must know something regarding his race that I don't. So, you can tell me that.

And, as my 1st subordinate, he received some benefits, his level is 1.5 which I guess is because after getting Liberi, I received extra XP and leveled up and as a result he also leveled up by 0.5 and about his stats they are just 1 digit less than mine is it also because of the perks being my 1st subordinate,

And there are some differences in his stats and my stats, he doesn't have any section like available stat points and I will not mention stats like Demon's Luck and God's charm as I know they are unique just for me and he doesn't have stats like intelligence, mana and soul power.

And by thinking about soul power, I noticed something else as well that is whenever I used God's eye on someone to know their information, I can also see their Soul level just like I am seeing the Soul level of Liberi the only time I didn't see someone's soul level was the time when I checked the Trolls and what I want to say is where's my Soul level?

The only thing related to my soul is shown on the stats as Soul Power, I mean My Soul level should also be shown by the system, right? Or don't tell me I am the same as those Trolls that my Soul level isn't even worth mentioning,

And about his skills I know the first skill Soul meld as I have already seen it, but the second skill Spirit Sword, although I somewhat understood it by its description. But it will be better if someone can help me. Helix?" Dreamer asked with a childish smile and curious eyes as he finished seeing Liberi stats.

He was also afraid that Helix might get angry as he was asking Helix again for answers but Dreamer was also concerned about his Soul level too as he didn't want to be considered as the same as Trolls.

And most importantly he also wanted to know what's wrong with Liberi's race.

"Hey, hey don't you dare try to start another rapid-fire round, I will answer only once and the answers will be short whether you get it or not." Helix said and stated clearly that he will only answer once as he was afraid that another question-answer session would start.

"Fine, I'll listen carefully then" Dreamer said, agreeing to Helix's terms.

"So, about Liberi's race. See there are many races in this whole universe and also there are some unique races as well. For example, if a dwarf and an elf had babies then their babies will automatically be of a unique race, a race with a mix of dwarf and elf.

And in Liberi's case, I think that he also belonged to a unique race and by looking at him, anyone will think he is a human and the system also classified him as a human but with a question mark.

So, by looking at all these details I can surely say that one of his parents either his mother or father, belonged to the human race and the other parent belonged to a different race than human. So, if you ask him about his parents, I am sure you will get your answer about his race.

And yes, Liberi is your 1st subordinate so he received some benefits and one of them is to raise by 0.5 level whenever you will level up by 1.

Right now he is level 1.5 which means he was originally a level 1 but when you got additional 50 XP for completing the quest at the last minute, you leveled up and as a result Liberi also leveled up by 0.5 so right now his level is 1.5.

Your subordinates can also level up by killing others but the XP they will receive as reward will be distributed with you and your subordinate will receive less XP compared to you.

And lastly, they can level up when you insert another soul in them making their soul stronger and their soul level will also rise depending on the power of the souls you will insert in them.

And as for Liberi's stats, Yes it is also one of the perks of being the 1st subordinate but just for this time as Liberi have to do all the things that I have mentioned to become stronger in the future.

What I mean by this is, just this time Liberi's stats is 1 digit lower than you, but this will not continue in future as Liberi has to grind himself to increase his stats as this advantage is just a one-time thing.

For example, right now your strength is 5 and Liberi's strength is 4 and if you leveled up and your strength increases to 7 then Liberi's strength will not become 6 automatically, Liberi had to level up or you have to insert a soul in him to raise his strength to that level, this 1st subordinate advantage thing is a one timer so don't depend on it too much, you still have to work hard.

And also, his stats and your stats are different. He doesn't have intelligence and mana stat because he will use your mana for performing skills that require mana so he didn't need these two stats.

And for stat like soul power Liberi also don't need it because your subordinates can't snatch souls only you can snatch souls.

And about your Soul Level well first of all don't worry, you are not considered as the same as Trolls by the system.

It's just that there is a condition you have to fulfill to be able to see your Soul level and when the condition will be fulfilled then you can see your soul level and do many more things related to souls.

And before you ask me what the condition is, I must say that I will not tell you now but I will surely tell you later with the help of this system.

And lastly about his skills, the first one 'Soul Meld' which you have already seen, so I will not tell you about this.

And now the second skill 'Spirit Sword' well by looking at Liberi and his wish that he wants his sword back, we can guess that he must be a swordsman and this skill must be known to him before his death that's why he still has it. So, it means Liberi knew this skill when he was alive and used it frequently.

So after his death he still have it and I am sure he already knows how to use it and as I have stated earlier that your subordinates will use your mana to use mana consumable skills so as long you have enough Mana your subordinates can use their skills as many times as they want.

But fortunately, this skill doesn't require any mana as this skill requires Liberi's soul but his soul level is still 1 so you need to give him opportunities or souls to make him stronger so that his soul level rises and it will make this skill stronger.

And don't forget you can also give him skills that you have obtained from others which will make him stronger.

So right now, just focus on leveling up, creating subordinates, completing quests and many more things which can make you stronger and also don't forget to check your reward which you got from completing the last quest, the reward Skill Creation is very useful I will tell you when and how to use it.

And now I am done explaining everything you asked and I don't care whether you get them or not and if you have more questions than keep them to yourself because even if you ask me, I will not answer them anyway. So, as I have nothing to do, I will listen to Liberi's story. Well Kid, carry on.!" Helix explained Dreamer's queries and told Dreamer to carry on in a relaxed tone.

"Oh, so Liberi belongs to a unique race. That's interesting. Well, I will learn about it eventually when he shares his story. So, no worries.

And it's also interesting that my subordinates can also gain XP and level up and I can put even more souls in them to make them stronger.

And too bad that Liberi's 1st subordinate benefit about stats is a one-time thing.

And you said my subordinates will use my mana then it means I have to increase my mana capacity if I want to survive.

Now for my Soul level, well I am glad about the system not considering me the same as Trolls and about the condition.

Although I want to ask more about it, I know it's no use as you already said you won't tell me so I will just wait.

And for your suggestion to give him some skills I was going to do this even without you telling me to do it. I will also check the reward Skill Creation but before that..."

Dreamer said and then looked at Liberi who was still standing straight like a soldier.

Dreamer couldn't help but be amazed by the level of loyalty and respect Liberi was giving him.

Dreamer was staring at Liberi while thinking about this. Liberi felt Dreamer's gaze on him which made him feel shy so he bent down his head looking at the floor and spoke.

"Is something wrong, my lord?" Liberi asked while looking down.

Hearing Liberi's voice, Dreamer came out of his stupor.

"Oh, nothing it's just I think it is time to listen to your story about how you ended up in the Duskwallow Tombs and why your sword was not with you at your grave and everything you want to share."

Dreamer said all this but Dreamer somewhat knew the reason why Liberi's sword was not kept at his grave.

As Liberi stated before, that his sword was a higher-grade sword so after Liberi's death someone must have kept his sword and only left the sheath behind at Liberi's grave.

And Dreamer doesn't know the grade system of anything be it weapons or people so he decided he will learn about them after getting Liberi's sword back as it is a very essential thing to know if he wants to stay alive.

While thinking all this Dreamer was waiting for Liberi to start answering as he was also curious about Liberi's story.

"As you wish, My Lord."

Liberi said somewhat excitedly as if he was waiting for Dreamer to ask about his story so without wasting anymore time Liberi started narrating his story to Dreamer.

"When I was alive my name was Bane. I was born in this city and have lived here since then. My house was located very close to the forest at the end of this city. Both of my parents were humans. My fat..."

"Wait, wait. What! Your parents were human? Are you really sure about that!"

Dreamer interrupted Liberi as he was totally confused after hearing Liberi's parents were human. Because Helix said that Liberi must be someone who belongs to a unique race.

The fact that Liberi said both his parents are humans is utterly confusing, and after hearing it Dreamer can't contain his curiosity so he interrupted Liberi's story.

"Yes, my lord, they are both humans, I am sure of it. Is something wrong with them being human?" Liberi confirmed and asked Dreamer at the same time.

"No, no nothing's wrong. So, they are human!" Dreamer said slowly.

"So, should I continue my lord?" Liberi asked.

"No, no wait a second" Dreamer answered as he was planning to ask Helix about this.

"As you wish, my lord" Liberi said and stood silent.

'So, Helix, what is this turn of events?' Dreamer spoke in his mind which only Helix can hear.

'It's not a big deal as I am sure that he belongs to a unique race and about his parents, who knows maybe they aren't his biological parents. You should meet his parents too for further details, that's all I can say.' Helix replied with a logical answer.

'You're right I guess; I will meet his parents after finishing this academy business.' Dreamer said and agreed to Helix's idea.

He decided that he will meet Liberi's parents after getting his sword back from the academy.

"Ah, Liberi you can speak now, I was just thinking about something else."

Dreamer decided not to tell Liberi about his race as he will clear this out face to face with his parents.

So, with nothing left, Dreamer asked Liberi to continue.

"Yes, my lord. So, as I have already said, my parents were both humans. I will start with my father.

My father was a farmer, although his gifted ability was something related to earth but it was not very powerful. So, he was unable to make a decent living out of it so he chose to do farming in the backyard of our house.

He was a hardworking man, he grew crops on the field and when the crops were ready, he would harvest it and then he would sell some crops for money and keep some of the crops for himself.

My mother was also a hardworking woman. She was responsible for preparing food, washing clothes and dishes and sometimes she would also help my father in farming.

My mother's gifted ability was related to water, she can create small amounts of water from her hands but just like my father her ability was also not good enough to have a life full of riches unlike other gifted ones.

When I was 5 years old, I came to know that my gifted ability was wind replication. It allows me to turn any object that I hold into wind without changing its fundamentals.

For example, if I hold a sword in my hand and activate my ability then I can use that sword as a sharp wind blade and I can also move that sword very fast just like how wind blows.

Seeing my ability my parents were very happy. They thought with my ability I will be able to join a good faction and earn a decent amount of money and live a more comfortable life. Although we were already living a comfortable life but my parents were greedy, they wanted more.

So, I thought I should help my parents hence I decided that I will learn how to use a sword then after becoming strong enough I will join a faction and give my parents a luxurious and carefree life.

Soon, I came to learn about the Duel Fencer Academy. There I heard they teach how to use swords so I went there. I easily passed the academy's assessment exam with the help of my gifted ability and I was admitted to the 1st class where usually the children of nobles studied.

I was the only peasant at that class so I was hated by my classmates and I was left alone there. It was the first time when a peasant has shown capabilities of being admitted to the first class of the Academy.

I was also envied by peasants as well, because they thought they were the same as me, so why did I get the chance to get admitted into the 1st class.

They were idiots because they didn't understand that I was admitted to the first class because of my skills and strength. But I didn't care about them.

But they kept on hating me. However, they kept on hating me from a distance, as no one actually tried to fight with me as they were somewhat scared of me and also the academy didn't support infighting among the students.

But there were some instances of little bullying. Like, whenever I got ready to sleep in my dorm which was provided by the academy, some students would always come and knock on my door as hard as they could to disturb my sleep and whenever I went to see who was at the door, I found no one as they would have already left after disturbing me.

After some time, I stopped paying attention to the knocking at night and the other students also got bored as I stopped paying them any attention.

But that doesn't mean they left me alone. There were many incidents like this that happened to me.

Nevertheless, that didn't stop me, I kept on learning swordsmanship, I kept on honing my skills, I kept on making my gifted ability stronger.

Soon, after 3 years, it was the time of the final test in which students were taken to Beast's planet through a portal for three days, where they had to kill the beasts and collect their cores, and then the Academy would give them a certificate.

However, the rank of certificate will depend on how many cores a student has acquired. Then when..."

As Liberi was about to speak further, he stopped as if he remembered something.

"I am sorry My Lord, but I remembered that you once said that you don't know anything about the ranking system. I should have told you about the rankings before starting my story so forgive me, my lord.

So, shall I tell you about it or you want to know about rankings from somewhere else?" Liberi asked and proposed a suggestion.

"Well, I was planning to learn about the rankings from the city library but I guess hearing from you right here is much more efficient. So, I will let you explain the rankings." Dreamer said while shrugging his shoulders.

"Thank you, my lord. I will explain the rankings in ascending order and also each ranking contains 3 stages - Early, Mid and Pro.

So, the lowest rank is Beginner and then above it, comes Intermediate. After that comes Master then Grandmaster then Great Grandmaster then Soul Knight then Soul King then Soul Emperor then.."

"Wait, wait, wait, I think that's enough, I will get to know every one of them over time and how many ranks are there anyway?"

Dreamer interrupted Liberi as it was getting too long and right now all the high ranks didn't matter to Dreamer as he was not very much stronger himself, so he stopped Liberi.

"My lord, there are a total of 20 ranks known to everyone and who knows maybe there are even more. And there are also ranks for weapons like F, D, E, C, B, A, S, SS and so on.

The ranking of certificates which was to be given by the Academy is based on the rankings of persons, like a Beginner rank certificate or a Grandmaster rank certificate.

Various academies give certificates to their students on their graduation as a proof of their abilities.

The certificates will help them to join a fraction based on the rank of certificate they got.

If a person got a Beginner rank certificate, then that person will not be able to join a great faction or even if they got admitted in a great faction, they will mostly do the chores of some high rank members in that faction.

And if a person got a master rank certificate or even a pro-intermediate certificate, they still have a chance to make it big in life.

So, the rankings are an important part of people's lives and one must need to have the basic knowledge about them, as rankings can destroy or change someone's future." Liberi replied and explained everything about the rankings that Dreamer needs to know for now.

"That's some lengthy explanation, I bet if Helix was the one hearing all this, he would've gotten seriously annoyed."


Helix, who was being quiet all this time, spoke all of a sudden in a pissed tone after hearing Dreamer's remark.

'Oh, I forgot you can hear everything that I can hear, well too bad for you, hehe.' Dreamer jested as if he was enjoying Helix's situation.

"Who is Helix, my lord and you were also talking with someone before when you said that you will check my stats and skills, is there someone else in this room other than us?" Liberi spoke after witnessing Dreamer talking and laughing to himself.

Liberi also heard Dreamer talking to himself before at the time when Dreamer said that he will check Liberi's skills. But Liberi didn't interrupt that time.

But this was the second time and also while Dreamer was talking to himself Liberi heard a name, Helix, so he asked Dreamer about it.

"Ahh, It's nothing. You will eventually get to know about it in the future. So, don't fret over it.

Any way you can continue your story. So, what happened after you were all taken to a beast planet and how did you get a high rank sword in such a small city and how the hell did you die!?"

Dreamer was getting curious and impatient as there were still many questions unanswered. Right now, all he can do is to urge Liberi to continue his story.

"Yes, my lord. So, after all the students were brought to a beast planet, everyone started planning as it was a three-day test so planning was necessary.

Some students went on their own to collect the cores. Some formed teams to hunt the beasts and there were also some students who formed a team to loot from other students.

As the beasts' planet was not a part of the academy grounds so some students can threaten other students or even kill them to get their cores.

As for me, I decided that I will hunt on my own and if someone came to take my collected cores, I was ready to face them too.

So, after planning things out I left for hunting beasts. I came across many beasts and easily killed them as during my three years in the Academy I reached Pro Master rank and the strongest beast on that planet was also a Pro Master rank beast so it wasn't that much of a problem to deal with all the beasts there.

Two days passed with nothing major happening to me but on the third day. I felt some eyes on me, some students were following me and when I was walking, I found a cave so I thought I will deal with them there.

So, I walked inside the cave to lure them in and they took the bait. When every student who was following me came inside the cave. I greeted them.

A fight broke out between me and other students. They wanted to collect my cores and kill me. I fought with them but there were just too many of them so I was getting tired but then something happened.


A huge explosion occurred and everything around the 50-meter area blew up. I was also at my limit so I lost my consciousness.

After who knows how long I woke up and found that every student who was after me was dead.

I was shocked, confused and I didn't know what to do. I was thinking if all these students died then how the hell was I alive?

I looked around but there was nothing but red blood stains. But when I looked closer there was something shining under the stains.

I got closer and I found out that there was a bright red sword drenched in blood that was making it more red.

By looking at the sword anyone could tell it was not an ordinary sword. I looked around again to see if there was anyone around but there was no one.

I hesitantly picked up the sword and after picking it, I felt a connection with it as if the sword accepted me as its master.

I swung it a few times and it felt powerful. So, in the end I kept it and once again looked around in order to be sure that no one saw me.

After taking the sword, I discarded my old sword as it was a high time for me to find a new sword.

I was only using the basic iron sword of D rank till then. I threw my old sword far away so that no one could connect it from this incident.

After throwing the old sword I proceeded to steal the collected cores from the students who came after me and died as it will help me to get a higher rank certificate.

So after stealing the cores from the dead students.

The space bracelet of mine, that was provided by the academy to every student to store their collected cores, was full and I prepared to get to the meeting point which was allocated by the academy before sending the students to the beast planet.

So I arrived at the meeting point and there were 40% less students compared to three days before and when I arrived there everyone looked at me in shock.

I wondered why they were looking at me like that then I noticed my clothes. They were fully red with blood on them and also my sword was also drenched in blood so much that the blood was dripping from it.

The teacher appointed there also looked at me with a surprised expression and he smiled at me.

The teacher didn't pay that much attention to the missing students as he already figured out that they were most probably dead but still the academy will send people to search for them soon.

The academy believed that they don't need to give certificates to weak people, so they didn't fret over missing students too much.

But it was not my headache as even if I was the one who killed them the academy will not do anything without proof.

So, after some time we went through the portal and came back to this planet.

After coming back every student sighed with relief and every student had to submit their space bracelet and after one day the certificates were meant to be distributed, till then no one was allowed to leave the academy.

So, after submitting the bracelet I went to my dorm for some rest.

After one day, all the students were gathered at the training grounds of the academy, there was a big stage in front of us, and the principal and teachers were standing on it.

So after everyone settled down, a teacher came forward and said that the academy was going to distribute our certificates and then the ceremony started.

Some got mid master rank certificates, some got early grand master certificates and then my turn came.

And when my turn came the teacher who was saying the names stepped down from the mic and the principal got up from his seat to give me my certificate personally!

Seeing this everyone, including me, was shocked. The principal came closer to the mic and said that I broke the previous records of collecting cores.

I collected more than 500 crores and as a result the principal personally gave me a Pro-Grandmaster rank certificate.

Then he said some words of praise for me and asked me to show him my sword.

I didn't think too much about it at that time, I thought that he just wanted to take a look so what's wrong with that. So, I showed him my sword.

After seeing my sword his eyes were wide open, he took it from my hands and swung it a few times, touched it a few times.

He kept holding my sword straight for 15 minutes. I thought he was just so impressed by the sword that he didn't want to let it go. So, I asked him to give my sword back.

He snapped back to reality and gave my sword back and said sorry.

As I was about to leave the stage with my certificate, he stopped me and gave me an offer.

After hearing the offer everyone was shocked, the teachers, the students, everyone.

I was also taken aback by the sudden offer but the conditions were too favorable for me to refuse.

It was an offer that couldn't be refused for someone like me back then.

So…I accepted it!"

"What was the offer? Although I have many questions, right now tell me what kind of offer was that?" Dreamer asked while leaning forward restlessly as he wanted to know what was the offer that made Liberi accept it right away.

"Yes, my Lord. The principal offered me…a position!"

"What position? Tell me dammit!" Dreamer urged Liberi to answer.

"He offered me the second highest position in the academy!" Liberi took a deep breath as he revealed the offer the principal gave him.

"He offered me to become the...Vice-Principal of the academy!"

"Oh, just a Vice-Principal, I see, wait a minute, whattt!" Dreamer exclaimed not being able to digest the thought.


Author : I got COVID! *Cough!* *Cough!*

KhyaaL KhyaaL

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