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27.02% The God Of Universe / Chapter 5: Like Luna's Son!

Chapter 5: Like Luna's Son!

Luna gathered courage and took her first step inside. But then a security guard asked Luna, with suspicious eyes,


--"Where are you going? And who are you?"


Luna thought it was better to remain silent at first. Because saying anything wrong would not be right now. Again, that guard asked Luna angrily,


--"Don't stand idle; tell me, Who are you?"


Luna now introduced herself and said,


--"I am "Luna Ashfaq". And right now, I really need to go inside. So stay out of my way."


That bodyguard looked at Luna from top to bottom. Due to this, Luna felt uncomfortable. That bodyguard's eyes were moving on Luna's body. The bodyguard melted after seeing her beauty. But even he cannot defy his boss's orders. He said to Luna coldly,


--"Do you have a VIP card? Or do you have any connection with this hotel?"


Luna said, in direct words,


--"I want to go inside."


She said these few words in such a way that even the bodyguard got a little scared of her. He let Luna inside.

As soon as Luna came inside, she saw that these suites were very luxurious and big. Luna first took a deep breath after seeing that big lobby. And then she went to the hotel receptionist and said in a gentle voice,


--"Can you let me know if Isaac Smith is here?"


The receptionist said smilingly,


--"We do not share anyone's personal information with others, ma'am.Sorry."


 --"Hmmm, it's okay. "


It was then that Luna felt that she should ask the receptionist about Farida. So she took out her phone and then showed a picture of Farida and asked worriedly,


--"Have you seen this girl here?"


The receptionist could give some answers. Before that, a girl came and caught Luna from behind. When Luna turned back in surprise, the girl fell to the ground.

But looking back, Luna lost her mind. Because of the girl in front of her, her entire stomach was stained with blood, and there was not even a single piece of clothing on her body.


Looking at it, it was clear that some devil had raped that girl! Just then, Luna saw that two men coming out of a room stopped after seeing Luna. Luna was frightened after seeing all this. And Luna was very afraid of blood.


But when she saw the guns in the hands of those two men, she understood. This girl has been raped and murdered. Luna asked the receptionist angrily and shouted,


--"What is all this happening?"


But the receptionist is standing silently. She was absolutely terrified. As intelligent as Luna was, it did not take long for her to understand that Farida was definitely here. In this hotel, Luna now shouted and asked,


--"Where is my sister? Tell me, where is my sister? Where is Farida Ashfaq?"


Luna noticed that no one was saying anything. But then two men came from behind and held Luna's arms on either side. Seeing this, Luna became even more angry. She started to leave herself. But that man was very strong.


That's when the two men left Luna. Luna felt free and ran straight towards a room. The bodyguard started going after her.But one man said to them all,


--"No one among us has the right to touch her. She is our mistress. Master's wife!"


Luna was a little surprised. Because she was running so much, but no one was coming to catch her. Bodyguards wearing black clothes are standing everywhere.

Whose eyes are wearing black glasses and a black suit. Those people were so powerful in appearance that they could crash Luna in one time.


But those people are standing so quietly. Luna was very surprised to see this. Apart from the bodyguards and Luna, there was no one else in the entire hotel. Luna was walking alone through the quiet corridor.


Just then, Luna went inside a room. So she saw that there were many girls in that room, and there were also boys there. Who were stuck to each other. Luna has no desire to see all this at all.


The entire hotel is filled with complete peace. But in every room, only inconvenient work was being done. Luna finally got tired. She then checked her phone and Farida's locations. So she saw that she would have to go a little further forward. Luna didn't know where she was going.


But just then, her phone rang. Luna immediately saw that this was her grandmother's call. So Luna picked up that call. From there, Leah got impatient and said,


--"Lu, where are you, daughter? Farida has returned home. Now come wherever you are."


As soon as Luna heard of Farida's return home, she took a heavy sigh of relief. Whatever the case, her sister has reached home safely. What could be more peaceful than this for her?


Luna simply replied and disconnected the call.


--"I am coming."


As soon as the call was disconnected, Luna's vision came into view. She was very surprised. Because she doesn't know when she came to the top floor in search of Farida.

But whatever it may be, Luna has liked every interior of this hotel very much. Luna did not know that such a peaceful and beautiful hotel could exist even without Ashfaq.


There was no AC on the top floor. So, Luna,a little drenched in sweat. Luna's body looked very attractive in the darkness of the night and the dim light of the hotel. Only then did she turn back.


And just then, she noticed a man coming in front of her. Even Luna herself became quiet for a few moments. Because the man coming in front is coming very calmly and imposingly!

His walking style was full of arrogance and pride. It is worth saying that the appearance of that man was quite dark and mysterious.


Luna was standing on one side of the dim light, and the man was coming from the other side. Such an exciting scene is probably seen very rarely in the world. Luna started looking at that man carefully. The man wore a large, long-length black coat and a Black shirt underneath.


That man was very attractive and handsome. His sharp jawline, broad chest, and broad shoulders were quite magnificent! As powerful as that man looked physically, his gaze was equally powerful. The boy's fair face was coming out even brighter due to the black hair.


Behind him was a bodyguard, one of whom was holding a wear-less phone, through which the bodyguard was talking to someone. Along with that man, another man was opening a file and explaining it. But the strange thing was that the man's poisonous eyes were only on Luna.


It seems as if Luna was fascinated for some time by seeing the extremeness of that man. The man's light beard was enough to enhance his charm. Now Luna controlled herself and looked away. But by then, the man had come to Luna.


They stopped as soon as Luna came near. Before Luna could say anything, the man holding the file asked very politely.


 --"Miss. Who are you?"


Luna was hesitating a lot. But she replied,


--"I actually came here for some work."


The man looked at the time on the clock and said,


--"Miss. I'm Selene. Would you like to go with us? It's 9 o'clock at night. And looking at you, you were in a lot of trouble."


Luna was about to say no when the man whom Luna was staring at said in a very slow but stern voice,


--"I think you should go!"


Luna could not say anything now. She said yes unknowingly. The man named Selene asked Luna to go to the elevator.


 --"Miss. Let's go."


Luna went ahead, and then all those people going into the elevator.Luna's heartbeat had stopped suddenly.

She couldn't understand why she suddenly felt so uncomfortable after listening to that man's hard, heavy throat. She felt as if this man was someone she knew very well. who Luna has known for years.


After reaching the ground floor, Luna sat in the car parked outside. It was understood from her that the man was quite rich.

Because of the car, the man's style and aura were very rich. Luna was sitting comfortably on one side of the car. She felt as if she was sitting with her own son!


Luna didn't even like hiding. Therefore, taking the matter further, she asked,


--"By the way, who are you? I mean, what is your name?"


Luna stopped saying this. Because surprising things will happen to her now. The colour of that boy's eyes is blue! Blue! Luna was looking into the boy's eyes in shock. Then she heard that boy's voice.


--"I am "Sheikh Mohammad Arham Pahlavi"!"


Luna was shocked after hearing this. Because he is the master's elder son! Luna knew enough about the, "Sheikh Pahlavi" family to recognise the master's elder son. Arham felt a little better after seeing Luna look into his eyes. Then asked,


--"Where will you go?"


Luna regained consciousness and said,


--"Casa Del Ashfa!"


Arham sat quietly. Luna was quite confused as to what was happening to her and why Arham's eyes were blue. At first, she was in this confusion. But when her attention fell on "Sheikh Mohammed Arham Pahlavi", she was even more upset because Arham had come to Dubai to attend Sia's wedding.


Just then, they came to her house. Arham dropped Luna as soon as she reached "Casa Del Ashfa". Luna got out of the car and went straight inside the house. At the same time, Arham's dark face had started becoming even darker. Putting on his glasses, he said to Selene forcefully,





Dark night! The lost moon! Sky is full of darkness. The ticking sound of the clock was heard throughout the room. That dark room in the dark night was creating fear! Perhaps no one could sit in such darkness. But, but, in that room, he was sitting near a table lamp, Master!


With his arrogance and aura! His face was slightly visible in the pale yellow light. He had a powerful and tough existence. His veiny hands were placed on the side of the sofa. It makes the hands look vulnerable and old, which is not aesthetically pleasing.


Only then, he bend a little towards the light, and his face was clearly visible. Blue eyes! The same expression: absolutely stern and scary. Anyone would get scared as soon as they saw it. Better to say, he is even more handsome than Arham!


His face was so stern that perhaps a girl with a kind heart like Luna couldn't even look at him with her eyes! It was like, his facial appearance alone is enough to capture someone's heart.

Maybe that's why he is Master! "Sheikh Pahlavi"; the master of the rich family of the whole world! Without his orders, nothing can happen in the whole world!




Returning home, Luna saw that the entire living room was empty. Because everyone in the Ashfaq family finishes dinner at 9 o'clock. No matter what happens, everyone maintains time very well.

Luna was confused, so moved towards her room. But then Adam's voice came from behind.




Luna turned back to look at Adam's smiling face. Then she said,


--"Assalamu Alaikum, Grandpa."


Adam placed his hand on Luna's cheek and said lovingly,


--"Lu, are you alright, daughter? Why are you looking so worried and confused? Farida has been found out. And everyone is sleeping in their rooms."


Luna just gave a faint smile and said,


--"I'm fine, Grandpa. You go to sleep. It's very late."


--"You are right, Lu. By the way, you should also sleep. Have you eaten anything? By the way, tomorrow is Sia's wedding."




 --"Tomorrow. Because Mihir is very busy person."


 --"But Grandpa...."


--"You sleep without any worries."


Adam's tone was more orderly than lovely. Understanding this, Luna silently went up the stairs. Adam was just staring at Luna. Doesn't know why he was feeling very scared, as if something was going to happen. Which will destroy everyone's life.


Luna kept everything aside and freshened up. Hence she looked at the room. Luna knew that her room would be luxurious. Well, even rich people are like this. Everyone just looks beautiful with artificial dates.


After being so tired and worried all day, Luna wanted a peaceful sleep, so she looked at Alina just once. Then she tied the light and went to sleep holding her. Today Luna will sleep peacefully because Alina is with her.


Next morning,


As early as 5 in the morning, Luna went out of the room. Because she has to walk a little. After how many days has she come to this house? It is necessary to walk. Luna was blowing the wind beautifully and peacefully. But then her eyes went towards a room.

The man pushed Sia away. Due to the push, Sia went straight and fell on the bed. The man repeated his heavy eyes with intoxication over each and every part of Sia's body. 

If there will talk about beauty, then Sia was out of description.Thousands of men can slip in her beauty and her hotness like the man in front did.

Sia had a peaceful smile on her lips, while the man felt his body temperature rising. He felt that his body was burning like fire. As if because of that fire right now; his body will break in million pieces.

Only Sia could see that man's face. The man fall harshly on her sweet and hot body And started unbuttoning her shirt. Within just a few seconds the body of that man and Sia became visible.

Sia's black colored bra was making her breast even more attractive. She was just in a bra and pant. Because of Sia's warm breathing, her breast was moving up and down very fast.

The man who saw in front of his own eyes and could not control. He started from Sia's neck. Don't know how wild that man had become within a second. 

Sia's entire neck had turned red due to the bite of that man. That man had one hand behind Sia's shoulder.

And one hand was on her neck. Sia's hand was moving around the man's back. She closed her eyes due to excitement. Those two people were enjoying this beautiful infatuated position.

That's when the man put his right hand on Sia's 34 inch boob's while heating the environment more. And by giving as much power as he could to her breast with passionately, he started pressing her breast by using that much power.

Sia's soft but weird moaning sound had started coming. The man made Sia sit on his lap. And then started pressing her two breast with his two hands with forcefully, fastly.The speed of that man was very fast and wild. Seeing which anyone would get dizzy.

Only then that man saw Sia's face. Her eyes are tied. The man unzipped the bra behind Sia with the help of his hand. At the same time Sia's white and beautiful breast was in front of that man. Man could not control himself any more.

He took one breast of Sia in his mouth and started pressing the other with his hand. The man's pressing speed was so fast, that within a few moments the white color of Sia's breast turned red.

Sia's second breast was on the man's hand. In mouth, the breast he is chewing as much as he can. Sia's breast milk was also coming out now and coming inside the man's mouth. An intense atmosphere had been created in that room!

Standing outside that room, Luna was. While leaving from here, she heard Sia's moaning voice. That's why she stopped, but she didn't think that Sia was doing all this.Luna was shocked to see all this in front of her eyes and was confused as well.

Because Sia is going to get married after a few days, that too with "Sheikh Mohammad Mahir Pahlavi"! Then with whom is Sia doing all this now? 

Luna was looking inside with her eye brows up. The door was open by smaller, so she could see a little of what was inside.

But only then she is shocked, because Oriana has come to that man. And there is not even a single cloth on her body also. Luna's hands were shaking badly, her body was slowly becoming unbalanced. Maybe her pressure is falling.

Because Oriana was also doing the same thing with that man, which Sia had done a while ago. After all, how could Luna see such a bad and shameless work with her own eyes. Luna's breathing began to gasp in panic.

Luna's eyes got tied suddenly and she started falling straight on the floor.All she could see was darkness everywhere. 

She felt that her waist would be feel very painful right now or soon. But a powerful and huge bodied man took hold of her small, delicate waist with his two strong hands!

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