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40% The Gamer of SAO / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Meeting the Primordial Goddesses

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Meeting the Primordial Goddesses

{Kayato's Pov}


where am I?, Hold the phone where the hell am I?!

Okay Kayato remember what happened, first I finished watching SAO Alicization War of underworld episode 5 or 6 I think?, and I alresdy read the Light novels and I was sleeping till...

I shook my head as I got onto a sitting position, I look around and saw that I'm in a place filled with darkness and with stars floating around, I look on my body and was surprised to see that I could see through my skin and bones, Is this what will happen if I became a soul or something?

Then a bright flash of light came and I jad to close my eyes to ease the brightness, when the light is gone, I open my eyes to see two woman, both wearing very expensive outfits, I already know that my mouth is already open and the design of their outfit is like in the mediaval theme or maybe it's their only clothes?

"Hello young one" said by one of the girls

The woman that talk has a blue hair and purple eyes, her outfit was that stylish of a princess thingy I think?, and she has shoes with very expensive jewelry and the one thing I had to avoid looking is her b**bs, there definetly size f and what's more is that her face looks like she's the same age as me

I then look towards the other girl, she has black hair like me and orange eyes, she has the normal outfit of a business woman, and her b**bs is also the same as the other girl, and what's more is that she has a booklet and a pen on her hands

"*cough* Well hello there ladies..umm where are we?" I asked gently towards them

I need to know where I am 'cause I need to get out of here and find my way....back..... home...., AAAGGHHH!, I forgot I must've died when I came here!

"Hello young man, My name is Louise" Said the girl with blue hair

"My name is Yukiri" said by the girl in business outfit

"You don't need to say you're name, we know who you are, but first you have to listen to us, okay?" asked by Louise while smiling gently at me so I said

"Sure, what is it?"

"You are lucky to meet us, because we have chosen you to do a job for us, it's too easy to us but to you, It may be very hard for a normal person" said Yukiri as she looks at her booklet then look at me with.....lustful eyes?

"Oookay?, so what kind of job and why do I feel unease in here?" I have to asked, Yukiri is definitely looking at me with those eyes

"Well it's just you've been chosen to become a primordial god, much more powerful than the two of us and more powerful than the first Primordial God" Said Louise

"It means that you were chosen to be our husband, and we need to train you to rule over all other Primordial Gods and Goddesses of the universe" Said Yukiri with that eyes again!

"I think I get it, Actually NO I DON'T GET IT!" I said till I shouted the last part, well of course because I've died and here I have to marry two beautiful woman!?

"Well yeah of course, anyway you need to be strong so we made our very own way to make your stronger"(Louise)

"And we decided to look through your memories and we have found a lot of Ideas that could let you become more stronger than the first Primordial being, and become the first Primordial king of the Universe"(Yukiri)

"And the answer is...(Louise)

"Giving you a system that could give you the power to destroy everything"(Louise&Yukiri)

They literally said it in unison, they're like twins who knows what their sibling thinks, wow, anyway A system?, And could make me more stonger?, I'M IN!

But first I have to think this through, being strong will make anyperson become bored, why well there's no challange in any kind of places and actions, they could only watch entertainment, but with their power they immediately know what will happen so It's also not very entertaining.

"Umm, if I do have a system then I'll likely become bored of everything"(Kayato)

"That's why we have an answer!(Louise)

"And It's to make you have a mission, once you have the mission you can use the system to give you anything, literally everythings free but you need to train your skill you gained from the System shop and you need to endure headache from suddenly gaining the knowledge of your skill or technique(Yukiri)

"I see, of course everything has a drawback when you can buy anything for free, anyway I have a question, Why did I die by that figure at my house?"(Kayato)

Both girls suddenly have guilty expression, how did I know?, well my little sister always get caught taking cookies at the kitchen and she always have these guilty expression, so I know how it looks like, and the answer must not be good then

"Well, It's because of the First Primordial God that made rules, and the 25th rule is the most hated rule by literally every other Primordial Gods and Goddesses, well not every one, a low sum of them like it, they don't care the lifes of the mortal they bring, all they want is to complete the job or mission given to them, if it's a girl, the primordial gods with no care for life jist raped them over and over until their soul can't handle it anymore and was thrown away and erased their soul existence, meaning they can't reincarnate anymore"(Louise)

I see, then I think I know what the 25th rule is, It must be the only drawback to meet a mortal person, the mortal must be dead maybe because they can't handle the energy that surrounds the space they are at and they will die immediately.

"I see, then I accept this, so what do I do now?"(Kayato)

Both girls smile at me, umm what is it?

"You'll be reincarnating to your favorite anime, «Sword Art Online», But there's a catch. They are not the same as in the Anime so you best be prepared for it"(Yukiri)

"Alright, then I'm ready, I know the moment if that universe exist then It's not exactly as it entailed in the show and light novels, so let's do this then!"(Kayato)

Both of them smiled and then raised their hands as a huge light came out of it, the light is a rainbow and the light dashed towards me and engulfed me and then I black out as black spots entering my vision then now I'm gone back to sleep or something or knock unconcious.

NeonGamer973 NeonGamer973

This chapter was a pain in the *ss to write, well if you include my dog barking in the background and try to stop the dog from trying to scare a delivery then yes it is hard, anyway, I just wrote this and I may not upload very fast like other fanfic authors, so I'll see ya'll next chapter!

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