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23.07% The Gamer In Anime World / Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Yae Village And The Black Box

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Yae Village And The Black Box

(Ryu POV)

Looking around the place, I saw that I'm inside of a forest and based on the cherry blossom that was scattered around the place, means that the date was on March or April.

"I hope there's a city near by," I muttered while following the water path and decide to remove my Shirt drying it under the sun.

While I was sitting near the lake. I saw a blood flowing through the water and got wary.

I didn't notice that a frown form in my face while following the blood in the river and the more nearer I got the more thicker it is.

"Great, I met a nun under the river." I muttered seeing a wounded woman wearing a nun outfit lying in the river and walked back to the place where i left my shirt and destroyed it to cover the wound in her body.(image here)

Of course to see the wound I removed all of her clothes. yup all of her clothes because she's not wearing any underwear. What a lewd nun.

"I suggest you to put her down," A womanly voice said behind my back while pointing a curved sword at my neck.l

"I don't have a time for your bullshit and help me tend her wounds," I said ignoring the Katana that was pointing in my neck. "But if you are the one who did this..."

I squinted my eyes and ready myself for a fight knowing fully well that I wouldn't stand a chance fighting her.

<???: Yae Sakura:???>

Great, I can't see her level.

The pink hair woman squinted her eyes at me but noticed that I was tending her wound's giving her a sigh and left.


"Wow, I didn't expect that a Shrine Maiden would left a dying woman." I murmured and decide to continue cleaning the wounds of this lewd nun.

A minute after Sakura came back with a medicine in her hand.

"Apologies for thinking that you left us alone," I said apologizing to my mistake that I think of her as a cruel hearted woman.

"Don't worry about it, I should be the one who should apologize, for pointing my blade at you," Sakura said bowing her head at me.

"Nah, I pay no heed to that." I said carrying the Nun behind my back. "Do you have any shelter here?"

"Let me guide you to the Yae Village." Sakura said.

While the two of us walking at the direction of Yae Village. Both of us heard a Roar from a far.

Sakura ready her Katana while looking at the place where the Roar came from and a giant White monster show's up it has white armor and glowing pink highlights.

<??? Honkai Beast Ganesha: ???>

It's more stronger than me but meh, Who care's about being stronger or not.

I gave Sakura a looked and saw her steady her for and ready her Katana.

I guess this is the first time I would fight something like that. "Shrine Maiden-san, can I try fighting that beast."

Sakura looked at me with a frown. She looked into my eyes and within a second her frown vanish. giving me gentle smile and nodded her head and said. "I see you want to gather some experience,"

"Yes, " I answered and ready my body.

I sprint at the direction of the beast predicting it's movement hoping that it's slow because of it's body was so big.

The Beast lowered it's head and slowly stepping back.

I immediately know what's it's planning. because it's action was similar to a Bull.

Ganesha lunches itself forward directly at my direction.

I just stand up from my place while holding the Dagger that Hyung given to me.

It didn't take long for Ganesha to arrive in front of me and use that chances to slide under Ganesha slicing it's chest. A pink blood sprinkle from its chest.

"ROAR!" Ganesha made a Huge howling cry before it's swift it's body downward.

Using all of my strength I punch the place where I created a cut.

<A skill has been created through special action>

<The skill directly use Mana "Power Punch" Has been created.>

<Power Punch Level 1: Strikes the target with a strong force. 15% increase in critical rate. 50% increase in attack damage.>

"Boom!" Ganesha got thrown upward and I used that chances to stand from my place and ignoring the notification I got.

While Ganesha was still up air I use Energy Bolt hitting it's wound.

"Roar!" Ganesha made a low cry and stand up from the crater he created when he fallen.

Ganesha take a deep breath and it's nose release a large smoke.

While I was looking at Ganesha it suddenly vanish from its spot and arrived in front of me.

Ganesha swayed it's head and used it's Horn to hit me.

I got thrown up air and immediately used that chances to use Energy Bolt hitting one of its eyes.

falling to the crater that Ganesha created. I can't help but curse because I can't move a single muscle and my Hp was already low including my Mp.

<You've obtained the skill book [Blade Of Taixuan ]>

<Would you like to learn the skill?>

Huh? When did I got a skill book? wait? did I fall down where the skill book was?

Clicking the Yes and reading the description with all of my strength.

<Blade of Taixuan Level 1: The Blade of Taixuan is an unavoidable attack, cannot be defined by form and is the essence of divinity unrestrained by any form of creation such as physical barriers, an imaginary landscapes, recognition, states of mind or even tangible objects from the microscopic scale to vast celestial bodies. Capable of surpassing anything, Nothing can stand against it. Taixuan is born from the mind, intention and will, hence make it untouchable and invisible to the physical world. Should be able to kill void beings or quantum state those who are manifestation of cognition and concepts.>

What the f#ck is this! The explanation was so Vague and I don't even know how to use it!

Now I just need to imagine that a giant sword was forming and add my will that it was true because it is said that Taixuan is born from the mind, intention and will.

"Die!" I shouted and a small sword at the size of needle was created.


I'm not gonna cry damn it.

Hoping that it can kill Ganesha, I thrown the needle size sword using my will into its eyes.

"Pew," Ganesha eyes got pierce through by the needle sizes sword and a small explosion happened inside it destroying it's brain.

"What the heck is wrong with that sound!" I shouted while getting up from the crater. "Eh, I'm healed?"

[Received 5,800,000 exp]

[You Reached Level 58]

"I should underestimate an overpowered skill based on it's sizes." I said to myself while looking at the crater that helped me win this fight oh right I almost forgot about Sakura.

Wait I have the power of Void right? or I failed to get that power? I'm so dumb! Status.



Name: Han-Ryu

Job: The Gamer

Race: Herrscher

Title: <The Gamer><Ruler of Void>

Level: 58

Exp: 500/5,800

Strength: 24(5,000) +

Vitality: 20 (5,000)+

Dex:19 (5,000)+

Wisdom: 45 +

Intelligence: 17(5,000) +

Luck: Immeasurable

SP: 290

Rebirth:0 (Note:Reach the level of 100 to rebirth)

Rebirth Status:

XP: 1x

Additional SP: 0

Money: 26,456,890


Blade of Taixuan Level 1:Taixuan is born from the mind, intention and will, hence make it untouchable and invisible to the physical world. Should be able to kill void beings or quantum state those who are manifestation of cognition and concepts.

<Herrscher of The Void Level 1: All skill locked>

<Power Punch Level 1: Strikes the target with a strong force. 15% increase in critical rate. 50% increase in attack damage.>

Myriad Travel Level 1: An Ability that would let you travel some random worlds

Messy Luck Max Level: An Ability that would make you unlucky and make you lucky, But fret not, no people would get involved with your bad luck instead you would shoulder everything and brought luck for the people around you.

Gamers Body Max Level: Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all mass effects.

Gamers Mind Max Level: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to mental disorder and completely making immune to the soul attack.


What the. it's only one martial arts and I got 5,000 overall status with the exception of Wisdom.

"You grown strong in such a short time," Sakura said waking me from my deep thoughts.

"I'm build different after all." I said with a cheeky smile knowing how to irritate a woman.

"Do you know what is this?" Sakura asked seeing the things that was left behind by Ganesha body.

Is that a health potion? and Mana potion oh there's a skill book and glove's.

<Ultimate Health Potion: Once it got consume it would cure the Body and Soul.>

<Ultimate Mana Potion: It would restore the Mana back to its peak. Adding permanent 5 status points into Intelligence>

<Blade Gloves: Once it got equipped it would create a full armor based on the body seized of the user

+400 Intelligence

+20,000 Health>

<10,000,000 Million Yen>

I immediately wear the gloves and noticed that my strength and body got powerful.

I didn't expect that I would get a money but can I convert it?

Using my Inventory I saw that, I can change the money into a Japanese Yen and Won.

I looked at the potion and without any further ado, I drink it and kiss the sleeping nun and forcedly opening her mouth to drink the potion.

Wait, I can asked Sakura to have her feed it to this Nun. Damn I'm such a fool.

But what surprised me the most is that Sakura didn't tried to stop me.


The moment Ryu used his mouth to feed the Nun, Her eye's starts twitching and shows a sign of waking up.

"KYAAA! What are you doing!" The Nun shouted pushing Ryu aside.

"At least you're awake now. you passed out due to your wounds and couldn't drink the herbal soup." Ryu said wiping his mouth and swear that he would find a healing ability. "So I had no choice but used mouth."

"So you did mouth to mouth with me?" The Nun said while covering her mouth. "Does that mean I'm married to you?"

Ryu squinted his eyes and hit her forehead with his two fingers and said. "Don't treat marriage like a simple thing. And kissing you doesn't mean we need to get married I just don't have a choice and it's also my fault for forgetting that Sakura exist too."

Sakura mouth twitch hearing Ryu words and gave him a glare. Sakura Inspect The Nun body and gave a sigh of relief when she didn't find any single wound on her body and looked at Ryu. "Are you doctor?"

"No, but with my ability I guess I can be a doctor?" Ryu said not knowing that he can remember every book in just a glance.

"Plss cure my sister! I would do everything you asked me," Sakura said while lowering her head.

Ryu tilted his head for the moment and finally saw Sakura level including the Nun.

<Shrine Maiden: Yae Sakura: Level 321>

< Strongest Valkyrie:Kallen Kaslana: Level 382>

'Damn they are strong,' Ryu though seeing their level and said. "Let's go to your sister,"

"By the way, what is your name miss?" Ryu asked the white haired Nun that was carrying a box.

"Kallen Kaslana," Kallen said introducing herself while patting her chest. "Do you know where is this place?"

"No I don't, I just woke up near by and when I noticed a blood in the river, I decide to follow the blood and saw you by chance." Ryu said and looked at Sakura and said, "We need to find a beast similar to the one I killed."

Sakura nodded her head and speed up.

Kallen followed after Sakura with a similar speed leaving Ryu alone.

Using the Taixuan Blade he created a fly sword and ride it. Ryu control the flying blade and surpassed Sakura and Kallen speed.

<Flying Sword Manipulation: Levitating the sword with only your mind.>

Seeing Ryu riding a sword Kallen got shock and thought. 'Is he related to Immortal Phoenix? Maybe he know the method destroying this box. But that flying sword looks exiting! I wanna to ride it too.'

"The more I watch him the more surprising it is," Sakura murmured watching Ryu riding a flying sword.

It didn't take that long for them to arrive at a certain cave where a Giant Snake is sleeping.

"You can give me the last blow to kill it and we might get those items but if not we can search for another one." I said to Sakura who nod her head and vanish from her spot.

<Mutated Snake:Level 250>

Sakura appears in front of the snake and cut it's head into half.

Using that chance Ryu immediately use Taixuan Blade and pierce through it's head and thought. 'I swear, I would asked Sakura to teach me that sword art.'

<Poison Blade:Your sword would be covered by poisonous aura>

Nice, I got some useful skill.

When they finish gathering the potion they immediately run to direction of Yae Village.

It's didn't take that long for them to arrive and saw A pink haired little girl lying in the tatami while coughing.

<Yae Rin: Level 1>

"Onee-Chan, welcome home," The pink haired girl said hearing the door opened. "Ah! We have guests, I'm sorry for not being presentable,"

"Hehehe, no need to wear a presentable clothes if you're not comfortable with it. I heard many things about you, from your sister." Ryu said patting Rin head.

"Nee-sama, did you finally found a husband!? Father wouldn't pester you anymore," Rin asked seeing Ryu being gentle at her.

Sakura shook her head with a smile and said. "No, he's a doctor a meet during my adventure,"

"Here, drink this." Ryu said giving Rin a potion.

Rin looked at her sister and saw her nodding her head and immediately drank the potion bringing her back to being healthy.

Rin smile widely not feeling hurt by a small movement and most of all her sister smile. not the fake one she usually use to hide her feelings.


A bunch of people entered the house and saw Ryu and the others watching Sakura and Rin hugging each other.

"Sakura!? What are you doing here?" An Elderly man asked with a frown written over his face. "You're supposed to be outside the village!"

"It's supposed to be my question father! What are you planning by coming here!" Sakura asked while readying her Katana.

"HAHAHA! Why are you asking the most obvious things My Dear daughter," The Elderly man said.

Sakura gritted her teeth in frustration and shouted. "ANSWER ME!"

"Answer you? well... I will forgive you, because you're still useful for me. As for your question. the answer is, to offer your sister as a sacrifice to the god and bestow us the rain!" The elderly man said with a crazy laughter.

"YOU!" Sakura shouted in anger.

"WHAHAHAHA! What the heck is that! you will kill you're own daughter because it would give you a rain?" Ryu asked while laughing loudly and starts planning to used the reverse card.

Kallen looked at the Elderly Man with a complete shock written on her face, She can't believe that they would easily sacrifice a weak child for nothing.

"You're just an outsider. You don't understand the ways of the our Village," The Elderly Man said while pointing at Ryu.

"Yes, I'm just a outsider... Buy let's not focus onto me. And let's say that, once he finish offering his daughter? who's next?" Ryu asked while pointing at the random civilian and continue. "My~My~ Let's say that he got your daughter too and offered them as a sacrifice. What would you do?"

"I'm sure that my daughter would be happy for the Village," The Civilian said with a smile thinking that it's an honor helping the village.

"You," Kallen glared at the man and clench her fist. "Are you gonna waste a life of a child just for a rain?"

"Of course, they should be happy that they got chosen to help the village!" The Civilian proudly said.

"Sakura, can I destroy this village," Ryu said clenching his fist abandoning his plan.

Sakura glared at her father and said. "No need, let's just leave this village."

The elderly man got shock because Sakura was an important asset for the Village to remain safety from the Honkai Beast that was attacking it.

"Are you sure that you will abandoned the village that taken care of you, when you're just a child?" The elderly man said hoping that Sakura would listen to him. "Are you gonna abandoned us? in exchange of a sickly useless child?"

Suddenly a cut appeared on his face and saw Sakura Katana was pointing at his neck.

Sakura looked at her father with emotionless gazed and said. "I don't care if you are my father or not. if you continue insulting my little sister," The point of her sword got nearer at his neck. "I wouldn't hesitate killing you,"

The Elderly Man looked frightened at the wound on his face and immediately run away from the place.

"I'm sorry for the two of you to see that," Sakura said bowing her head at Ryu and Kallen.

Kallen and Ryu looked at each other and smile at Sakura and said. "Let's leave this place."

Sakura smiled and nodded her head and thought. 'I don't know if my decision is correct or not. But Rin is the only holding me back from leaving this Village,'

"Nee-chan, I'm sorry," Rin said bowing her head. it's always her big sister getting into trouble because of her.

Patting her head Sakura lean his forehead at Rin and said. "Rin, why are you apologizing?"

"Nee-chan, I know that I'm holding you back from leaving this Village," Rin said with her eyes getting red.

Sakura didn't know what to say and just hug Rin.

Kallen watched Rin and Sakura with a smile.

Ryu tap Kallen shoulder giving her a sign to leave the room giving some space for the two.

Kallen nod her head using that chance to asked Ryu.

"Ryu, can you help me seal this box?" Kallen asked the moment both of them got outside.

Ryu looked at the Box and use observe.

<Divine Key 12(Incomplete): A Black Box that serves as a prison for the twelve Herrscher a girl that did nothing wrong but played it's part to the destruction of Humanity.>

"Ryu-nii? Is that you! Dr.Mei and Kevin they," A voice came from the box said with a complete hatred on it's voice.

"Who are you?" Ryu asked hearing a childish voice inside the Black Box.

"It's me RIN... No you are not Ryu-nii," RIN said in desperate voice.

"Yeah, I think you got the wrong person but I'm Han-Ryu." Ryu said.

"Can you open this box?" RIN said with a tempting voice. But Ryu having gamers mind didn't know that she's trying to temp him.

Ryu looked at the box for a moment and looked at Kallen and asked. "Why there's a child inside of this thing?"

"I don't know what's inside the box but I know that the Schicksal was offering a children on it." Kallen said with a frown and clenching her fist.

"I see," Ryu said thinking what's wrong with this people sacrificing child as if it's normal.

Sakura and Yae Rin arrive to Kallen and Ryu location.

"Thank you for helping me," Sakura said bowing her head.

"Nee-chan!" RIN said inside the box seeing Sakura. "No, I know that you died at that time,"

Ryu glance at the Box and take a gamble. "Why do you hate, Dr.Mei and Kevin?"


"Rampage?" RIN asked herself in a shock voice. "It's my fault that Nee-chan died. I...I,"

"RIN calmed down and tell me how to opened this thing," Ryu asked RIN.

RIN stop talking for a moment and explained how to opened the box accepting her hatred was baseless now that she remembered that she finish killing every human from the past era.

"What's happening?" Sakura asked seeing Ryu talking to the box because she can't heard anything.

Kallen looked at Sakura and explained to her everything.

Ryu followed everything that Rin said. But he got curious if he did it in reverse.

Suddenly a purple light engulf all of them and the Black Box suddenly float and a worm hole opened from the top of it.

Ryu and the other got engulf within the wormhole sealing them inside the box.

"Tehee, Looks like I sealed us together with you," Ryu said seeing the modern version of Yae Rin.


Everyone looked at Ryu and didn't know what to say.

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