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Chapter 178: CHAPTER - CLVII

We continued on our way, at first we thought about flagging down a taxi, but we preferred to go and see the wonders that Kyoto has to offer on our way and apparently Mr. Rick is not that knowledgeable about Japanese speech so sometimes you end up getting slapped in the face.

Rick: "This is the fourth time I've been slapped."- He said this while stroking his cheek which has a red hand mark on it.

"Well, I think it's better if you speak in English and I'll speak in Japanese."- I said it seeing that there are more and more yokais.

Rick: "I think it's a good idea."

A woman arrives in front of Rick who is dressed in a kimono that shows all her attractiveness her clear and creamy skin with green eyes that smiles at him while showing her white teeth with large breasts and a stunning body.

"hello handsome wouldn't you like to come with me you and your son to a place where we can have some fun."- She said it smiling while showing off raccoon ears like a raccoon tail.

"We are sorry, but we don't want your services and we have other more important things to attend to."- I said it all in Japanese.

Rick: "What did you say boy?"

Richard: "she is a prostitute who is giving her services, let's go to the hotel to rest and see things early tomorrow morning, it's been a long walk for today."

Rick: "I don't want my wife to find out that a prostitute was flirting with me, you saw what she's like."

Richard: "Yes, I have to ask her about some things that I'm wondering about."

Without further ado the two of us hailed a taxi to go to a hotel.

During the trip I was immersed in my thoughts.

Richard: 'Why are there so many yokais interested in me?'

[Sir, yokais like many animals can feel the aura that most supernatural beings can feel, the only beings that can't feel it are humans without magical knowledge.]

Richard: 'I see that means I'm like a magnet to them.'

[correct sir in most cases supernatural beings are always in the range between E+ to D+ and rarely can they exceed that level].

Richard: 'yes I understand that, but that wasn't the already very high levels that are capable of destroying a city or towns.'- I thought seriously.

[in theory they are, but they would just wipe out the population while leaving things standing so they are dangerous but their level of destruction is more controlled]

Richard: 'thanks for the dice helpi.'

I just settle in while Winston is sitting on my shoulder watching the scenery.

Driver: "boy you have a rat on your shoulder."

Winston: "I'll rip your head off you fucking lower ape how dare you insult me I'm not a fucking rataaaaaaa."- He shouted it with fury that surprised the driver who almost made him crash.

Driver: "Damn the rat..."

Richard: "sir don't call Winston a rodent he's a marsupial so it's kind of insulting that he confuses your family tree what would happen if he was told he's a pig."

Driver: "I'd punch that son of a bitch in the face."- Said the man with the boar-like features.

Richard: "so you see how Winston feels when he's mistaken for a race he doesn't even belong to and I see you have boar traits so I'm a little interested in what yours quirk can give you."

Driver: "It's nice that someone knows what species my mutation type quirk is, well I have great shoulder strength, plus a better sense of smell, my tusks are sharp and my head is strong enough to slam into a car and dent it and come out with little damage."

Richard: "That's amazing, you have increased physical capabilities and you must have good speed, you're allowed to use quirk."

Driver: *Like any responsible person, kid, since we're talking about powers, what's yours?"

Richard: "Four more arms and an increase in strength, plus the enhancement of my senses and speed of movement of my arms which helps me create many things."

Driver: "You like to build how old are you boy."

Richard: "9 years old."

Driver: "You are very young but it is always good to start with what you like because you always come with experience to be able to do what you want to do."

Richard: "Yes that's right thank you for the ride sir."

Driver: "No problem and Winston sorry for calling you a rat I understand when you get insulted."

Winston: "Don't let it happen again human."- He said it in annoyance.

Richard: "leave it he's a good guy he's my partner in many things and he doesn't like to socialize much."- I said it to get out of the car to see a four star hotel we arrived at.

'Well I wasn't expecting this.'- I thought to myself looking at the people walking in wearing formal attire and me in a simple shirt and jeans.

Rick: "It's amazing isn't it, this was a freebie, one for my research and the other because the most important representative wants to talk to us, that's exciting."

Richard: "That's great, but what's your research about?"

Rick: "you see within the whole population there are people who are not human they have our traits and they interbreed with us, but their genetics are not the same so I'm seeing if I can check to prove that there are other races that are not human that coexist with us."

Richard: 'they are going to kill him.'

[I agree with you sir that man is going to the slaughter without any shield or help].

Richard: "Sir are you not afraid that they will end up killing you or attacking your family if this information comes out to be true the beings will try to silence you and not just you they may kill your whole family."

At that moment Rick paused to think about the consequences his act would have on his family.

Rick: "They could kill honey and Martha God how did I not think of that what the hell is wrong with me."- He said it in fear.

Richard: "Tell me do you really want to know if there are different beings among us."

Rick: "I don't know anymore at first my research was based on what pattern the quirks of what kind of powers they give you and this got me into people from clans that maintain a similar quirk and then honey told me that the onigami have always had that appearance so I felt that they would reaffirm my study by taking it to another scale."- He said it stroking his head.

Richard: "Mr. Rick since we are thinking about this these possibilities this can be a personal research that you keep secret and continue with the pattern of the quirk at what point did you get to."

Rick: "That's a good idea and the part that stayed with me in my study is that the quirk appears because of a deficiency in mostly mutational or elemental types."

Richard: "could you specify more."

Rick: "if for example a boy is born that sweats like nothing else in his body when he turns four years old he becomes a living stink bomb, or a girl that eats a lot of acidic things her body mutates and causes her body to generate acid, or a boy that has a resistance to one of the two temperatures he gains the ability to control the element that is resistant itself."

Richard: "Well the pattern can also be included in emotions can't it."

Rick: "that is also true."

With that in mind we started talking about the possible patterns are not only physical but also psychological that could lead to a clue if he will have an outstanding quirk or linked to something strong.

After talking until late at night I got sleepy so I went to bed to rest while I send some messages that I arrived in Japan and that I'm going to rest in Ariza.

I just closed my eyes to start resting.

The next morning.

We got up to go to some places where Mr. Rick has to visit to start his research on his main theory.

Until we went to a place where there is a reinforced building where I see a lot of scientists coming in.

Guard: "Rick lemon."- He said seriously.

Mr. Rick just nodded.

Guard: "Who is your companion?"

Rick: "he will be one of the samples of the events of my theory."

The guard just nodded to hand me a badge so we could go inside.

We approached the podium so he could see me with sweaty hands.

He walked up to the podium, a podium full of scientists which made him nervous, he took a deep breath to begin his presentation, most of the scientists looked at him as if he was an idiot.

Scientist: "Mr. Lemon, your idea is nonsense. How quirks are based on the needs that a child can present when they are still small is the most stupid thing."

Rick: "But the many studies I've done have led me down that path."- He said this by showing a picture of a girl with pink hair who eats a lemon with all the peel and passes a picture of her with dark pink skin and dark sclera eyes with glowing golden eyes and horns that secrete acid from her body.

Scientist: "If that were true if I had a deficiency as a child and I wanted to eat concrete or have a mentality like that I would have those powers."

Richard: "Well it happened to me."

All the scientists stared at me.

Scientist: "kid we're talking I don't think that's right...."

Richard: "Be quiet I know people like you."

Richard: "As a child I have a photographic memory because I had a desire to be very strong, I didn't know it when I was in the hands of the woman who bred me, but I always remember that man and my desire to be strong, that desire remained and that became my desire for knowledge, because with my mind I could overcome anyone."- I said this to pull out a simple cube to squeeze and decompress a robot about half my size.

The scientist fell silent.

Without further ado I showed my other four arms.

Richard: "I wanted to be fast, I wanted to be something much more and I am because my deepest desire became my power, but I also understand that there is a possibility that it would never have happened."

Richard: "And right now a mere nine year old brat who has more knowledge than a bunch of nincompoops is talking in front of you because I wanted to learn faster and I got it."

Scientist: "You are an exception to reality."

Richard: "Not all kids wish for something, it's just that life is Russian roulette and it will decide if you're worth it or not, so either your wish is stronger or it's not worth it."

Scientist: "You think some magical, mysterious force caused this stupid kid, someone get this brat off the podium."

Scientist1: "Sounds interesting kid, why do you support his theory."

Richard: "because he is a pure human, but I am a human of the two crosses of a pure one with the one that has quirk so the quirk genetics predominated in its entirety which made me think why and his idea has a validation because I have a memory since I came out of the womb it was my luck at roulette since I was born like all children that show unique behavior."

Scientist1: "You have memory since you were born."

Richard: "Yes, even when I was taken to the orphanage I remember every moment."

Richard: "The quirks are not special events since we are born we have the ability we will only know if it is true if you get the roulette because when you lose the roulette your eccentric side disappears."

Richard: "That's it, I'm out of here."

Rick: "And that's Richard Augustus Parker, the son of one of my comrades, as you can see, he's a very bright mind and has unique criteria for his young age."

Scientist: "I don't accept that."- He said it seriously.

Rick: "Well, if you don't accept it, give me a logical reason or something that negates what I've been studying for 10 years."

Scientist: "There must be another reason why they do that, their families taught them that."

Rick: "I thought so too, but in one family where both parents are quirkless the son showed a strange pattern like quirk children like his desire to rap his knuckles and eat the bone of animals they tried to stop him from eating so the child would continue."

Rick: "so they thought it was a calcium deficiency so they bought pills the child consumed them all in one day."- He said this by showing a picture of a bottle.

Scientist2: "That's right the body enters a transitional stage so it needs more of something so it asks the body for something to start with and not giving it that reduces its chances of awakening a quirk as the body matures and leaves its infantile state at four years old."

Rick: "Right."

Scientist: "You really believe this madness."

Scientist 1: "We have always looked for answers to crazy questions with logic and we have not found it, this one has a better concordance and has a good base, he has been with multiple children and the minority of them that did not get any power is because they suffered from abstinence of what their body asks for, his theory is accepted Mr. Rick Lemon, but it will need more bases to become an accepted research to be published, so I will give him my support in this research."

Mr. Lemon could only smile with happiness for what was happening, his theory was being accepted.

Rick: "Thank you, I will endeavour to gather more information that will support my study and any errors I may have made."

Without further ado I stepped down from the podium to begin to leave.

Rick: "Boy."

Richard: "Yes sir lemon."

Rick: "Call me father because you're marrying my little girl."

Richard: "Sorry."

Rick: "I'm giving you permission to marry my little honey drop and I don't think you're going to refuse."

Richard: "Yes, but I'm engaged to three girls already, how can I be engaged to honey."

Rick: "boy that's your problem I'm just giving you permission I hope you're prepared because we lemon's have a point of madness and I think I inherited it from my wife so enjoy."

'Great.'- I thought to myself, carving my eyebrows between my brows.

[come on sir at least you're getting more women like the ones you lost in your previous harem]

'helpi that doesn't help me.'- I thought to myself a little frustrated.

Rick looked at his watch to call a taxi so we could get in quickly.

Richard: "hell leave my robot."

Rick: "What do we do?"

I pull out a communicator to call someone and leave Winston in his "cage" he has already turned it into his Viking and is flying over Kyoto.

Richard: "Winston can you destroy a drone at the coordinates I send you."

Winston: "Sure master I will see how my precious ones have firepower."- He said it with an excited tone.

Richard: "Fine but don't destroy too much stuff you know just the robot."

Winston: "Understood Master I won't let you down."

Richard: "You never have."

Rick: "What's the deal, it's small talk."

Richard: "It's not important stuff, we're almost there, we just saw a small mushroom in the distance which made a car wave that scared Rick."

We arrive at the mansion which is very traditional, we just go inside to walk in a respectful way to where the person who is waiting for us is.

We sit down on a chair and I see that Mr. Lemon is having a hard time sitting down so I help him.

After a while we hear the doors open for a woman to enter.

She is an extraordinary beauty with almost platinum blonde hair, brown eyes that have a certain reddish hue, a yukata that does not cover her large bust that must be of an H cup with a priestess dress, what is most striking are her eyebrows that show that she is of the nobility as they are rounded, but she is two meters tall.

Our gazes met for a moment, but I saw her eyes widen and then relax again.

She sat down opposite us, but our gaze did not separate.

Yasaka : "Good afternoon I am yasaka the leader of my clan who has been at the head of multiple clans for generations and I see that you really didn't lie when you mentioned that possibly the child you brought is an onigami."

Richard: "good afternoon also yasaka should I use the sama or can I use my colloquial language as I was raised by a united state family I am not very comfortable using the honorifics."

Yasaka: "it's understandable onigami-dono."

Richard: "Call me Richard as it is the name my grandmother gave me and it reminds me of the people I love."

Yasaka: "I see Richard-dono you know the name your clan gave you."

Richard: "Onigami Asura."

Yasaka just squeezed her hand when she heard the name as she looks at me with wide eyes and her mouth slackened a little.

Heavy footsteps were heard approaching.

I just looked at the door prepared for this.

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