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100% The Fruit of Creation / Chapter 1: Prologue
The Fruit of Creation The Fruit of Creation original

The Fruit of Creation

Author: Shuree143

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue

A long time ago, All-Being - who existed from the beginning of ages - created Phalan, an endless space filled with pocket dimensions. Amidst the vast universe, a dazzling palace -his residence - shone like the brightest star, filling the darkness with its light. He aptly called his home 'Immortal Palace'.

All-Being became lonely when he realized that he was alone, so by chanting Laric - a set of divine words needed for creation - modeled the first two beings according to his image - a male and a female - and they called them godlings. They possessed some of his qualities - both having immortal bodies and lives - and their sole tasks were to populate the Immortal Palace and reigned with him.

All-Being's plan went too well, and soon, hundreds of thousands of them filled the palace. But later, he became unhappy because his sons and daughters were just indulging in debauchery and sexual orgies, desecrating the Holy Place. Anguish, he cast them out of Immortal Palace, stripped them of their godhood and rightful names, and gave a decree that unless they passed his test, they would never enter his presence.

The godlings - confused and scared - did not know what to do, and the only thing they could do was beg for his forgiveness. All-Being took pity on them, so he created winged beings called angels, whose purpose was to instruct the godlings in doing their tasks - to create a life-filled planet made from their divine essences, which would later be purified after being subjected to All-Being's trials.

Later, they were called creationists.

The creationists would undergo strict training from All-Being's angels before they were allowed to utilize their essences in creating a world through the process called coding. A long time was needed - this could even take eons - to mobilize their divine essences to form a planet's core. This core would serve as the root of laws and truths, making up the foundation of the world's vitality and power.

But All-Being required them that the planet's core be unique and distinct, therefore preventing them from copying other creationists' codes.

Once successful, their physical bodies would totally dissipate, of which only their souls remained, expanding and spreading throughout the planet's atmosphere. Then they would mold the inhabitants of the world, of which their strength would depend on the purity of the creationist's divine essences. The purer the divine essences were, the stronger the truths and laws of that world.

All-Being would designate a time for the newly created world for purification, which he called tribulations. If the inhabitants of that world overcame these trials, the creationist would then reclaim his godhood and new body, allowing them to join All-Being's reign in his Immortal Palace once again. Otherwise, they would recode until they became successful.

But an anomaly had appeared. Azeur had Dynopsia - a rare case that caused his soul to become unstable, causing his body to slowly dissipate as time passed by. Only All-Being knew why such a troublesome disability existed, and Azeur had no choice but to accept this reality. He tried asking for All-Being's help but for unknown reasons, All-Being strongly refused.

This meant his life was already numbered from the time he was born. Luckily, All-Being gave him solutions to overcome this catastrophic problem that could cost him his godhood and existence.

The only safe way to achieve godhood was to absorb another planet's core. But a planet's core was equivalent to a creationist's divine essence, and to sacrifice one would render his godhood into oblivion. Unfair as it may seem but even favored beings were not exempted from such bad luck.

And the time had come for Azeur to create his planet's core, or he would risk being erased into nothingness. Since there were no sane creationists willing to sacrifice their planet cores to him, he was compelled to do forced coding - a radical process of creating worlds via soul splitting. But there was a catch. He only had one chance to code, leaving the result to luck. Success meant life and failure led to death. Fortunately, his disability allowed him to take advantage of a loophole. He could copy other planet core codes, but a balance was needed - positive and negative - or his world would crumble before it could mature.

Azeur was now floating in one of the corners of Phalan. On his left hand was a golden scroll filled with coding details that he got from the bits of advice from other creationists, and experiments he undertook from the simulation of the formation of planet cores. This was the result of his research that took thousands of years, continuously studying other planet cores until he found the most balanced state that could give the most benefits to him. Only when he was confident that he memorized all of them did he hid the scroll in his pocket. He closed his eyes and chanted mysterious Laric words from the Divine Book, before clapping his hands as he shouted, "A fifth of my soul shall bless the land to bear green plants to eat. But some of these fruits will possess forbidden strength, giving powers to their eater. But they will be called cursed for they will become weak when exposed to a certain amount of my essence. Oh, God of All-Being, hear this prayer of mine!"

An excruciating pain filled his body, like thousands of knives cutting through his skin, yet he knew he had to chant more Laric until the core was stabilized. When he saw that the core was not blinking anymore, he blurted out, "A fifth of my soul shall become the foundation of powerful creatures populating the world. They will become helpers of my inhabitants, and through continuous struggles, they will evolve to enhance their strength until they reached maturity. Oh, God of All-Being, hear this prayer of mine!"

Azeur gritted, his eyes almost bulging out because of the pain, but he continued shouting, "A fifth of my soul shall fill the vast sky, where a mass of land floats. My inhabitants can't see them as long as they are alive, for this land is the world of the dead where the departed stays. The spirits shall become the rulers and they will judge the dead with the unique powers I will bestow on them. But some of them become malicious, and they will consume the living and the dead. Oh, God of All-Being, hear this prayer of mine!"

This time, the pain intensified, and he was bleeding all over. He could barely stand but he gathered all the strength that was left in his body and screamed, "A fifth of my soul shall form my inhabitants. Let my soul nourish their bodies - physical and spiritual - but their blood will become their blessing or their curse. They will become the lords of my creations. Oh, God of All-Being, hear this prayer of mine!"

He added, "A fifth of my soul shall bless the continents, and waters shall separate them from each other. A quarter of it shall cover the land, and they shall be associated with the mysteries and the occult. Another quarter shall become entities and become divine rulers of the truths of the world. Then a quarter shall possess relics, and they shall help build heroes. Lastly, a quarter shall form things that guide seasons and determines time. All in all, good and evil, light and darkness, they shall balance the world."

As soon as he uttered those last words, his body slowly disintegrated. But he was smiling. Before his very eyes, the world he imagined was slowly forming. At the very least, he knew that his gamble succeeded.

The swiveling blue mass of circular light transformed into a ball of solid ground. It was still bare, yet Azeur was happy because he knew the coding was proceeding quite well.

Then a strong force shook the bare planet, and the massive land was split into four. Blue waters filled the cracks, which further widened as the quake became stronger. Then, after a span of time, the planet became still.

Azeur took one last look at his created planet and smiled. He mustered his strength and threw the golden scroll into the evolving world before dissipating completely.

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