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The Forsaken Race - The Hidden Truth


© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Prologue


Please do not pay for any chapters you see on here, you can get my stories for free on Wattpad (website and app) or Booksie (website). Readability is also better over there, because the format here is terrible. I WANT NOTHING MORE TO DO WITH WEBNOVEL!


The night sky was filled with stars. The full moon offered a soothing light, as it illuminated a place of endless rolling hills. That was how most of Sybilius looked. It was a huge and prosperous kingdom, that was home to the Aubade Sylph people. They were peaceful mortals with pale ashen skin, and ears long and pointed.

One of the greatest spots in all of Sybilius was here, in the far southeast corner of the territory. There was a large, old palace surrounded by thick walls and a rich city. Beyond the walls were the same rolling hills, with clean paths and roads leading to other towns. Except for directly south, where -after a few miles- the hills faded into a dark, unnerving forest.

Beyond the trees, a dark figure waited patiently.

During this night, like always, the sylphs within the city stayed inside their homes. The streets were barren, save for some drunken fools and a handful patrolling guards.

The palace itself, however, was lit like a candelabra. Warning signs flared to alert guards and soldiers of an emergency. All while the citizens slept or watched blankly, unknowing of what it really meant. It could've been a celebration, for all they knew.

The cause of the commotion, meanwhile, ran from the palace. They just made it beyond the walls, and were racing toward the forest. However, the loyal soldiers charged on, knowing they had many helpless civilians to protect.

Near the forest, a group of about eight sylph warriors paused. They were clad from head to toe in thin-but-sturdy silver armor, with black suits underneath. The violet plumes of their helmets flowed in the wind, and moonlight reflected off their silver swords, or the bolts of their crossbows.

"Take them down!" One sylph shouted. "Remember, we must defend our home-"


The sylph was launched back, and the impact rendered him paralyzed on the ground.

All that remained, in front of where he stood, was the monstrous opponent. A tall enemy, with animalian ears that protruded from atop his head, chilling eyes with slitted pupils, and a mouth full of fangs. He slid back the pump of his gold-tinted shotgun, chambering another fiery, magic bullet.

The gunman then fired straight into the air.

Beyond the trees, the dark figure sneered, clearly annoyed.

Just like that, two more shifting figures joined the gunman, on the hill. They had the same odd traits, as well. Even with only three of these opponents, the sylph warriors were clearly discomforted. Despite the fear, they raised their weapons and pressed on.

Swords clashed, archers fired away, and even sorts of magic began to flare. The battlefield was not terribly large, but it was gory enough to make one cringe. It would not last much longer, though.

Beyond the trees, the dark figure's lip curled, revealing his fangs.

Someone else had arrived, standing on the edge of the battlefield. The person was a tall sylph woman, clasped in silver and violet-tinted armor, with a gold crown studded with amethysts. Watching the horror of battle play out, she gained a dark expression, as if caught between sorrow and rage. Each agonized cry, spurt of blood, and fallen soldier made it worse. Unable to stand it, the royal sylph unsheathed her ornate sword, and began her approach.

None of the beastly opponents looked happy about that.

One, a husky female with a morning star, growled angrily. "It's Corelia."

The tall gunman cocked his shotgun. "Dammit, how is she not giving up?"

The third, a male with a golden sword, laughed smugly. "Really, Queen Crazy? You're still at it? You've been beaten up enough, take the rest of the night off!"

The female huffed, "It was stupid of you to pull a stunt like that. Did you really think we'd leave our beta in your hands, or that you'd gain anything from him?"

The royal sylph looked at a much shorter male with dark green hair. Since he was already disarmed and weakened, he'd been avoiding the fight, even if it clearly made him very irritated. His clothes had a few blood stains from his minor injuries; filthy blood, black as tar. Even in these conditions, he only glared at the queen without even a hint of fear.

The sylph's voice was strong and unwavering. "Your beta. The same creature that, on this night alone, killed twelve people. Five of them were not pursuing him, and one was not even a soldier. Just a frightened servant that didn't know what she saw."

The small beast spat on the ground before her. "I don't take chances. Especially not over the life of a maggot."

Unphased, the sylph continued, "Everything I do is to protect my Aubades. That is what I have done, and what I plan to continue doing, for however long I must. I will protect them from the monsters that hunt them. Those like you."

"Shut up!" The female snapped. "You think you can just-"


All four of the beasts stirred at the voice. Despite it being dark, quiet, and monotonous, they acted like a gun was fired right behind them. The sylph was only irked by it.

From beyond the trees, another monster stepped forward. He blended too well with the shadows of the forest, and the darkness of the night. Most of his distinguishing features were hidden, although he was certainly the same species as the other opponents.

The dark man spoke, "Can I not trust you idiots to complete one mission without letting the most dangerous creature follow you back to our territory? How did you even manage that?"

The swordsman muttered, "It's not like we asked for it."

The gunman smacked him, keeping his head down. "We're sorry. We'll do better, next time."

The dark man just grunted. "Retreat."

The female snapped, "What?! What about the other sylphs?!"

"Forget it," the dark man responded. "It's not as if any of them are going to last long; we'll kill them sooner or later. Just keep your patience."

Though hesitant, the swordsman retreated to the forest, with the one female and gunman following. However, the smaller opponent stood his ground, still glowering at the sylph.

The sylph pointed to him. "A faithful one, isn't he? A bit of advice, milord, strong loyalty is admirable, but strict obedience is merely foolish."

The dark man ignored her, shooting a glare at the remaining troop. In response, the small beast sighed, and begrudgingly retreated to the forest. All that remained on the battlefield was the strange dark figure, the royal sylph, and many sylph corpses. Too many.

The sylph sighed, "I don't understand. Your army is reduced to nothing, you and your sister are suffering, and your attacks only leave innocent sylphs in grief. They do not make us any weaker. Why do you keep fighting like this? Why can't you just admit that, if you continue down this path, there will be no chance for your survival or benefit?"

"You know exactly why," the dark man replied, his one-eyed glare reflecting a dark history.

The sylph gave a dismissive wave. "Yes, I know. You all swore you wouldn't stop until I am sent down with my homeland. Believe it or not, though, I hate this war." She sighed sadly. "I hate losing good people, and seeing lives ruined from grief. It's horrid; surely, as a leader yourself, you must understand the pain that comes with seeing your subjects suffer. Yet even after years of this, I can still bargain. We could end this war, and you know that, if only you'd be willing to cooperate."

The dark man held no remorse in his voice. "Even a child knows not to deal with an Aubade. An orc would be more trustworthy than you, or anyone else in this hellhole."

"You're one to talk," the sylph muttered. Her eyes narrowed to a glare. "Can't you see that there's no hope? At the rate you're going, you'll be sent to the grave, with what's left not far behind. Just like the rest of your army. Is that really what you want? I-"


The sylph took a sharp breath, barely raising her sword in time. The blade was holding back a jagged spear, threatened to cut open her throat.

The dark man spoke warily, "Watch your tongue, Corelia. Continue to use it like that, and I'll rip it from your skull."

"I'm only telling you to give you a chance," the sylph desperately responded. "War doesn't have to be the answer. Maybe before, it was necessary for whatever reason, but time passed and things have changed. My limits were crossed long ago!"

"Why are you in such a whiny mood, tonight?" The dark figure retorted. "Quit acting like some pitiful peacemonger. We both know this not only won't end, it can't end. Not until all the pawns of one side are downed, and there's no one left to fight. That was decided long before either of us came to rule, and unlike the bunch of cowards and morons before me, I plan to finish this for good."

The sylph drew back, attempting to strike again. The figure, faster than one could comprehend, blocked and countered with a strike to the neck. With only a scratch, the sylph recovered and pressed forward. It quickly became a savage parry between light and shadow; a warrior of regality against a warrior of malevolence. Eventually, the sylph failed to hit him, but then blocked the incoming attack.

"Just wait," the sylph spoke, her breaths strained. "A war like ours can't go on forever, and the stakes are shifting. I can already guarantee, with what I've said in mind, it won't end well for you."

"You wouldn't know," the dark figure growled. "All you do is hide behind your henchmen."

"I do not 'hide behind my henchmen,'" the sylph spat. "I stand with my heroes."

Suddenly, a shockwave drove the sylph's sword back; it flew out of her hands, landing with its blade stuck in the dirt. She, herself, almost doubled over, and the job was finished when the dark man slammed his knee into her gut. Even with the armor on, it caused her pain.

The sylph rushed back, narrowly avoiding a fatal blow. When she saw the burning red orbs on the man, she struggled to hide her anxiety.

"Contain your evil!" She snapped. "Arrogant creature, just wait. Something big is coming; this game we keep playing is about to change. I can feel it in my veins, and if it's enough for me, it's certainly enough for you."

"I wasn't going to deny that..."

As a cloud moved away from the moon, the extra light partially illuminated the man's pale gold spear, and finally revealed the defining features like his dark attire, countless scars on his dust-gray skin, and hair blacker than a raven's feather. He kept the right side of his face hidden.

"Chaos is definitely lurking." As he glared up, his eye turned from red to dark blue. "But as with the last several ages, I think the source of it is right in front of me."

The sylph's eyes narrowed. "We'll see about that, won't we?"

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