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41.66% The Final Infinity Trial / Chapter 4: Paragorn's Infinity Trial - Part 2

Chapter 4: Paragorn's Infinity Trial - Part 2

Upon arrival in the Berserk universe, Paragorn was immediately assailed by an Apostle which he killed with a Ki blast to its head and exploding it. And since he was going to be stuck in this world for a while, he searched out a place that he would use as his base of operation. Traveling far and wide, and killing Apostles and possessed along the way, Paragorn found the perfect place for himself. Deep in the dense, dark woods there is a cave that went on for many miles into the mountain. Traversing that cave to its end, and along the way setting up light fixtures until he had reached the very end. Once there, he carved out an arch within the stone wall and the inside of the archway was completely smoothed over. Lastly, he placed his palm on the inside of the arch and imbued it with his power. Once that was over, his handprint was left in the smoothed out rock wall of the arch's inside.

It was what he did afterwards that puts this whole thing into context. Using the power of the Infinity Stones he currently has, he crafted an alternate dimension of infinite size that was separate from the Physical and Astral World of the Berserk universe, with the stone arch in the cave wall acting as the only bridge between the Physical World and this alternate dimension. In order to ensure that none enter it that shouldn't, Paragorn had secured the portal with a spell that ensured that anyone that was not him or didn't have his permission and tried to use the gateway would end up getting teleported to the surface of the sun.

After that, Paragorn entered his alternate dimension and went to work studying the Forerunners technology and reverse engineering it. If there were any materials that he needed, he would buy them from his system's store function. He configured the alternate dimension's rate of time to be thousands of times than the outer world, making it so that he could spend thousands of years inside this alternate dimension working on the Forerunner technology and setting up everything from weapons and ammo manufacturing to vehicle, armor, ships, AI constructs manufacturing to setting up hospitals and the production, processing and storage of food. And this was all in preparation for his final Infinity Trial. As he was right now, he was more than strong enough to handle the challenges of this world, but he didn't know what world he would go to next. And not knowing that worried him, though he was certain that it would be an even more horrible world than this one and one that he would be woefully underprepared for it. So with that in mind, he would use everything he had to his advantage.

When the day came that he finally left the cave and underwent his Infinity Trial, Paragorn had spent thousands of years of studying the Forerunner technology and building massive amounts of weapons and ammo and everything else an army would need, whilst a mere month had gone by in the outside world. As he exited the cave and walked into the forest he took on this world. He asked his system where on the timeline of the Berserk universe he currently was and its answer was that today was the day of the Eclipse event that would result in the birth of the fifth God Hand member, Femto. With that information at hand, he decided to be there the moment that Griffith and the Band of the Falcon were transported to hell and he would slaughter all the apostles there. With thousands of Apostles gathered there in one place, made this an opportunity he couldn't let slip.

Activating the Mind Stone, he cast his mind wide like a net and started reading the minds of thousands of people at a time in search of the Band of the Falcon and in particular, Griffith. It had taken minutes, but he found their minds and focusing on them, he managed to locate them. So taking to the skies, he blasted towards their location with a mighty BOOM!

Flying towards their location, he looked up and saw the moon starting to creep in front of the sun, which meant that the time of Eclipse was at hand so he pushed himself to fly faster and faster until he finally arrived. Floating up there high in the sky, he saw thousands of Apostles gathered at the lake that was to be the site of the Eclipse event and this made him giddy with excitement. Looking at the shore, he saw the horribly mutilated Griffith sitting in the water with that Crimson Behelit in his left hand. And right on cue, Guts waded through the water right at Griffith. At the moment Guts touched Griffith's shoulder, that Crimson Behelit activated and ushered in the Eclipse. And it was at that exact moment that a huge cyclone appeared in the water that extended all the way towards the solar eclipse in the sky that swallowed the entire Band of the Falcon. It was inside this cyclone where the Eclipse event would occur. It didn't take long before an Apostle appeared before the entrance of this temporal junction, Nosferatu Zodd. And he was soon joined by a specter on a dark horse, the Skull Knight. And lastly, a single man watching all this happen from the shore, the only non-branded survivor of the Band of the Falcon, Rickert. As he watches Zodd and the Skull Knight engage each other in combat, Paragorn decided that now was the time to crash this party.

Landing with a bang in between Zodd and the Skull Knight, he stopped them from fighting each other and leaving utterly perplexed as to the identity and reason for the sudden presence of this stranger. Ignoring both of them, Paragorn walked forward towards the gate, only for Zodd to roar at him and attempt to fight him. But to nobody's surprise, Paragorn backhands him so hard that he flies at supersonic speed and gauges out a deep furrow in the ground before coming to a stop, leaving the Skull Knight and Rickert, who were watching this happen, utterly dumbfounded. On the doorstep of the gate Paragorn stops and holds out his arms to the side palms open and pointed upwards. From his inventory he took out his personally crafted Forerunner Armor. The armor floated behind him, opened up like the shell of crustacean and then enveloped him and closed around his whole body save for his head. And as a personal gaudy touch, he made the armor to have a golden color. With his armor on, Paragorn turned Super Saiyan and stepped through.

Inside the temporal junction event, the solar eclipse that hung above shattered like glass. As the glass disappeared, it revealed Super Saiyan Paragorn in his golden Forerunner armor floating down and landing down gently. Paragorn's sudden appearance inside the Eclipse had dumbfounded everyone and everything there. Even the five members of the God Hand were looking at him with utter amazement, unable to process who he was and why he came here. Looking at the scene currently playing out in front of him, he could see a one-armed Guts being pinned down by several Apostles and a naked Casca that was about to be raped by Griffith turned Femto. It would seem that the rest of the Band of the Falcon were sacrificed by Griffith and subsequently killed and devoured by the Apostles until only Guts and Casca remained.

For long seconds everyone there gazed at Paragorn in total silence, until Paragorn's gaze hardened and a golden aura explodes around him and he releases a shout that unleashes a telekinetic shockwave that blows back everyone, save for Guts and Casca, who he deliberately left on the ground. The God Hand, seeing the attack coming, tried in vain to protect/deflect his attack but were utterly powerless to do anything. It was like a tsunami had hit them whilst they tried to hide behind a flimsy wooden fence. Guts and Casca who were witnessing this happen in front of them were utterly stunned at what just happened. But they didn't have long to process this before they were suddenly grabbed by an unseen force and hurled out of the temporal junction through the same entrance way that Paragorn used to enter it. On the way to the exit, Guts and Casca heard an exchange of words that would haunt them to their dying days.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Guts heard a demonic shout out across the hellish realm.

"A God who has come to exterminate your abominable kind." A calm voice answered that demonic shout, whom Guts was certain was the mystery person who had suddenly entered.

Outside, the Skull Knight was just about to enter the temporal junction when all of a sudden, Guts and Casca came flying out of the entrance/exit and he came to screeching halt. Looking down at Guts and Casca for a moment, he instructs Rickert, who had been watching this whole time, to treat their injuries and then enters the temporal junction for himself. What he found upon entry was nothing short of a one-sided slaughter. He saw the golden armored stranger covered in blood and gore, screaming at the top of his lungs slaughtering apostles with ease, ripping them apart as if they made of paper. He saw that golden armored stranger punch and kick them so hard that those Apostles exploded into bloody chunks of flesh and bone. Other times, he would launch these big balls of light from his hands that exploded upon impact. And at other times, weird crossbow like constructs would suddenly appear in his hands and he'd fire them at those Apostles. But instead of firing arrows, these constructs fired light that upon contact with those Apostles would burn them away till there was nothing left of them.

This one-sided slaughter was so utterly one-sided that the Apostles, who had come here in celebration of the Eclipse event and the birth of the fifth God Hand and to feast on the sacrifices, were now fleeing and/or fighting back in a desperate attempt to stave off death, but to no avail. Even the God Hand were not safe from Paragorn and they tried all the tricks in the book. Spatial manipulation to redirect his attacks only for Paragorn to use his own spatial manipulation to redirect his redirected attacks back at them or to hold him in place or blast him away that he'd easily evade. Physical manipulation in which they transform their bodies into these giant hideous monsters and squash him or gore him or slice him apart, only for none of that to work as he blasts those hideous monstrosities apart with powerful ki-blasts. And in a desperate attempt to stave off their demise, they'd resort mental manipulation by illusions. This last one was the God Hand's saving grace, because it bought them just enough time to end the temporal junction and kick him out the interstice.

Once out, Paragorn found himself standing in the lake in the same place were Griffith used to be when he activated his Crimson Beherit, surrounded by the broken corpses of the slain Band of the Falcon and the Apostles. He was joined by the Skull Knight that came up to him to get some answers. For he, like the God Hand, was capable of perceiving the flow of causality and foresaw the Eclipse, the birth of Femto, and the survival of Guts and Casca. But now, that flow of causality was completely and irrevocably upended by Paragorn's sudden appearance.

"Who or what are you?" Asked the Skull Knight apprehensively.

Instead of answering him, Paragorn was absorbed in his own thoughts and taking stock of his kill tally.

"Three thousand hundred thirty-two. That brings the total to three thousand hundred thirty-six with the ones I killed previously. That leaves six thousand eighthunderd sixty-four. Today was a good day." Paragorn said with a satisfied smile on his face.

"As for the answer to your question, Skull Knight." Said Paragorn finally deigning to acknowledge the Skull Knight's presence. "I am a god from another world and I am here to exterminate these abominations."

After that, Paragorn teleported back to his home base, i.e. the cave that has the portal to his personal alternate dimension and entered it. Upon entry, he had his armor taken off by the monitors that inhabit this dimension to clean it up. As for himself, he went to the pantry, which was an absolutely gargantuan skyscraper sized building, to get something to eat. But first a bath to clean up all the gunk from today.

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