The Black Bull covered in the entrails, brain matter, blood, shit and innards of a multitude of different Nightmares seemed to almost fly through the landscape towards the immense blizzard in the center.
It was said that just trying to enter it would blow the very flesh off the skin with the speeds within, but then again, no one who had gone inside, had ever come out and if they had they certainly didn't tell any stories about it.
Argo stood at the head of the Black Bull, looking back, the Nightmares chasing had stopped now that they had gotten closer to the blizzard, and he understood why it was that they hadn't been attacked while camped near it before.
Something about the blizzard warded off the Nightmares, breaking even their greed and lust, sending them packing with just it's own air.
Good evening.
It's been quite some time, though I do not know if anyone will make it this far, I appreciate each and every one of you.
I apologize for the long sudden absence, but we are back now.
Thank you for your support, and as always,
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